============================================================================== INSTALLING THE DIAMOND STEALTH OS/2 2.0 DISPLAY DRIVERS Release 1.0 ============================================================================== READ THIS FILE BEFORE INSTALLING THE STEALTH DRIVERS IF . . . (1) you have installed OS/2 2.1 on your computer. (2) you have installed your OS/2 system files on a partition OTHER THAN C: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS: I . Quick start: Running DSPINSTL II. If you are running OS/2 2.1 . . . III. If your system files are NOT on drive C: . . . IV. Manual installation V. General information about these drivers VI. Known problems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Quick start: Running DSPINSTL If you are an experienced user of OS/2 2.0 you will probably be able to install the Stealth VRAM drivers simply by starting the installation program and following the prompts. After you have the drivers installed, BE SURE TO READ "General information about these drivers" and "Known problems." Here are 6 tips to save you grief: 1. These drivers support OS/2 2.0 GA with the Service Pak. Their Seamless Windows support may not work correctly under OS/2 2.0 GA. Both PM and Seamless support may work incorrectly under the current 2.1 betas. 2. If you have installed the OS/2 system files on a drive other than C:, you must install these drivers manually. DO NOT attempt to use the installation utility. 3. If you have downloaded these drivers from a bulletin board, make sure you place all of the files on a single diskette or into their own directory on your hard disk. We recommend installation from a diskette. 4. The installation program expects to find OS/2 initially configured for a VGA. (VGA is the configuration OS/2 2.0 installs by default for the Stealth VRAM.) If your CONFIG.SYS file has been modified to use IBM's BVHSVGA.DLL or VSVGA.SYS, you should return your configuration to VGA before running DSPINSTL. You may do this by reinstalling OS/2 2.0, or by editing your CONFIG.SYS file. 5. Before you attempt to install these drivers, run OS/2 CHKDSK on your boot partition. If CHKDSK reports errors, FIX THEM before your run DSPINSTL. (To fix errors on the boot partition, you must reboot from your OS/2 Installation diskette, escape to the [A:] prompt at the first opportunity, and run CHKDSK C: /F from OS/2 2.0 Diskette 2.) 6. The Stealth VRAM SMODE utility does not work under OS/2. To select the correct refresh rate for your monitor, set the Stealth's PowerUp Monitor Configuration according to the instructions on page 1:7 of your Stealth VRAM User's Manual. DSPINSTL will offer you the same options as are listed in the manual on page 1:7. TO INSTALL: 1. Start a windowed OS/2 command prompt. 2. Change the default drive (and/or directory) to the one where you've placed the Stealth VRAM OS/2 Driver diskette (or driver files). 3. Type DSPINSTL and press . 4. Select PRIMARY DISPLAY and press OK. 5. Follow the prompts to perform a FULL UPGRADE from VGA. 6. If DSPINSTL asks whether to overwrite an already installed driver, answer YES. 7. When installation is complete, DSPINSTL returns to its main panel. Select CANCEL to quit. 8. Exit from the windowed OS/2 prompt, shutdown OS/2, and reboot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. If you are running OS/2 2.1 . . . The display drivers in this release have not been tested under OS/2 2.1 GA and therefore cannot be recommended for use with OS/2 2.1. OS/2 2.1 is currently in BETA release, which means that we are not yet able to verify the correct operation of these drivers with the GA release of OS/2 2.1. After OS/2 2.1 GA is released, Diamond Technical Support will have information on the availability of OS/2 2.1 drivers for the Stealth VRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. If your OS/2 system files are not on drive C: . . . By default OS/2 installs its system files, including display drivers, on drive C: This is the only configuration currently supported by IBM's DSPINSTL utility. DO NOT RUN DSPINSTL IF YOUR SYSTEM FILES ARE NOT ON DRIVE C: You may, however, install the Stealth VRAM drivers manually. This procedure requires that you (1) select the correct files, (2) unpack them to a temporary directory on your hard disk, (3) edit your CONFIG.SYS and WINOS2 SYSTEM.INI files, (4) reboot from the installation disk and copy the files to the appropriate directories. For step-by-step instructions, see the next section, "Manual installation." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Manual installation If you must install the Stealth VRAM OS/2 drivers manually, here is the procedure. (This procedure is best performed by a person experienced in maintaining OS/2 systems. It is not for the inexperienced.) 1. Select the correct files. We suggest you make a list of the files you will need for for your system configuration.. (a) ALL CONFIGURATIONS REQUIRE EACH OF THESE FILES: BVHVGA.DL@ VVGA.SY@ VENH.SY@ FONTS.FO@ (b) SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PAIRS OF FILES: -> to run the PM desktop at 1024x768 (256 colors) S31KX8.DL@ SCAR1K.DR@ -> to run the PM desktop at 800x600 (256 colors) S3800X8.DL@ SCAR800.DR@ (c) SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FILES: Note: To make this selection you'll need to know the BIOS version of your Stealth VRAM card and the PowerUp Monitor Configuration for which your Stealth VRAM is set (see switch settings section in the Stealth VRAM User's Manual). -> IF your card is set for an IBM 8514 or NEC 2A monitor . . . AND your Stealth BIOS version is level 2 (2.XX) SELECT BVHENH20.DL@ OTHERWISE your BIOS is level 3 (3.XX) so SELECT BVHENH0.DL@ -> IF your card is set for a NEC 3D monitor . . . AND your Stealth BIOS version is level 2 (2.XX) SELECT BVHENH24.DL@ OTHERWISE your BIOS is level 3 (3.XX) so SELECT BVHENH4.DL@ -> IF your card is set for a MAG 1448 monitor . . . AND your Stealth BIOS version is level 2 (2.XX) SELECT BVHENH25.DL@ OTHERWISE your BIOS is level 3 (3.XX) so SELECT BVHENH5.DL@ -> IF your card is set for a NEC 4D or 5D monitor . . . AND your Stealth BIOS version is level 2 (2.XX) SELECT BVHENH28.DL@ OTHERWISE your BIOS is level 3 (3.XX) so SELECT BVHENH8.DL@ 2. Unpack the selected files to a temporary directory. (a) While running OS/2 2.0, open a windowed or full-screen OS/2 prompt and create a temporary directory (let's call it SVRAMOS2). (b) Make SVRAMOS2 the default directory. (c) Copy the files on your list of selected driver files from the distribution diskette into SVRAMOS2. (d) Execute the following commands from the OS/2 command prompt: UNPACK *.DL@ UNPACK *.DR@ UNPACK *.SY@ UNPACK *.FO@ (e) To clean up, execute the following commands: DEL *.DL@ DEL *.DR@ DEL *.SY@ DEL *.FO@ 3. Edit your CONFIG.SYS file. (a) Load your CONFIG.SYS file into the OS/2 System Editor. You may wish to save a backup copy before you proceed. (b) Look for the following line: DEVINFO=SCR,VGA,[sysdrive]:\OS2\VIOTBL.DCP (where "[sysdrive]" is the drive on which your OS/2 system files reside) and CHANGE THE LINE TO: DEVINFO=SCR,BGA,[sysdrive]:\OS2\VIOTBL.DCP (c) Look for the following line: SET VIO_VGA=DEVICE(BVHVGA) and CHANGE THE LINE TO: SET VIO_VGA=DEVICE(BVHVGA,BVHENH) (d) Add the line: DEVICE=[sysdrive]:\OS2\MDOS\VENH.SYS (where "[sysdrive]" is the drive on which your OS/2 system files reside. BE SURE TO OMIT THE SQUARE BRACKETS!) (e) Save your modified CONFIG.SYS file. 4. Edit your WINOS2 SYSTEM.INI file (a) Load your WINOS2 SYSTEM.INI file into the System Editor. (You'll find SYSTEM.INI in the \OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 directory.) (b) Look for the following line: sdisplay.drv=swinvga.drv (c) Change this line as follows: IF you are installing the 1024x768 driver set: sdisplay.drv=scar1k.drv OTHERWISE sdisplay.drv=scar800.drv (d) Save your modified SYSTEM.INI file and close the editor. 5. Reboot from the installation disk and copy the driver files. (a) Close all running applications and shut down OS/2. (b) Place the OS/2 2.0 Installation Disk in drive A: and reboot your computer. (c) As the OS/2 boot proceeds, look for your first opportunity to escape to the [A:\] prompt (this will be a screen of blue text on a white background). Press when the screen appears and wait for the command prompt. (d) Play it safe: Place the OS/2 2.0 DIskette 2 in drive A: and run CHKDSK [sysdrive]: /F from the floppy. (e) Save the files necessary to restore your VGA configuration (just in case). Switch to your [sysdrive]:\OS2\DLL directory, create a subdirectory called VGA, and switch to that subdirectory. Now execute the following commands from [sysdrive]:\OS2\DLL\VGA COPY ..\DISPLAY.DLL COPY ..\*.FON (f) Make your SVRAMOS2 directory the default. (g) Execute the following commands to copy the Stealth VRAM drivers: COPY *.DLL [sysdrive]:\OS2\DLL COPY *.FON [sysdrive]:\OS2\DLL COPY *.SYS [sysdrive]:\OS2\MDOS COPY *.DRV [sysdrive]:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM (h) Remove any diskette from the A: drive and reboot. If the drivers have been copied to the correct directories and CONFIG.SYS has been correctly updated, your PM desktop should come up in the resolution you have chosen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. General information about the Stealth VRAM OS/2 2.0 drivers The Stealth VRAM drivers in this release are 16-bit accelerated OS/2 2.0 display drivers and incorporate Seamless Windows support. They are modelled after IBM's 16-bit drivers for the 8514A. Remember, therefore, that IBM's advice to users of the 8514A (in the OS/2 2.0 README file) also applies to you as a user of the Stealth VRAM. In particular, DOS VIDEO SETTINGS affect Stealth VRAM performance in Seamless and full-screen WINOS2 sessions. You should therefore access the system menu for the WINOS2 command prompt (Click the right mouse button over the WINOS2 icon in the Command Prompts window, select OPEN and then SETTINGS from the menu, select the SESSION tab in the SETTINGS NOTEBOOK, and press the DOS (or WINOS2) SETTINGS button. When the list box appears, scroll down to the VIDEO settings.) and turn VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION ON (if it is off). Also be sure to turn VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IO_TRAPPING OFF (default is ON) or screen performance in WINOS2 sessions may be sluggish. If you have icons on the PM desktop for individual Windows applications, you should perform the same settings on each of them as are recommended for the WINOS2 command prompt. Keep in mind, too, that you should not attempt to switch from the full-screen WINOS2 to the PM desktop while a Windows application is actively drawing to the screen. If you do so, you are likely to disrupt the video synchronization of the WINOS2 desktop when you switch back. Finally, keep in mind that the Stealth VRAM drivers in this release do not virtualize resolutions greater than 640x480 for DOS applications. If you wish to run a high-resolution DOS application (other than Windows), exit the application before you attempt to switch back to the PM desktop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Known problems Here are the known problems in release 1.0 of the Stealth VRAM OS/2 2.0 drivers. 1. Problem: In a full-screen WINOS2 session, if you attempt to switch back to the Workplace Shell by double-clicking the PM desktop icon, the switch will take a long time (under OS/2 2.0 GA) or it will not happen at all (under the Service Pak). Work-around: To switch back to the Workplace Shell, use the keystroke sequence +. 2. Problem: When WordPerfect 5.1 is installed on the Stealth VRAM it incorrectly identifies the Stealth's S3 video chip as an ATI video chip. If you then switch from the WordPerfect Print View (graphics-mode) screen to the PM desktop, the Print View screen will be incorrectly restored when you attempt to return to it. Work-around: Go into WordPerfect's Setup function +, select DISPLAY, then GRAPHICS SCREEN TYPE, and select the IBM VGA (& compatibles) option. 3. Problem: When running a seamless Windows session under OS/2 2.0 GA (i.e., WITHOUT the Service Pak), closing a Windows application in the normal way--from the File menu, the System menu, or the Close box--may leave it running in the background even though it has disappeared from the screen. Work-around: Close the application from the OS/2 PM Window List instead of from the application's menus or Close box. (Running the seamless Windows function under OS/2 2.0 GA is NOT recommended!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ END OF README.TXT