═══ 1. Extended Help for CDINST ═══ This program serves for the installation of OS/2 2.0 device drivers supporting the MITSUMI LU005S drive. Do the following: o Select Install/Driver o Choose the driver to install o Insert the correct OS/2 installation diskette if asked for. o Select Modify/Config o Adjust I/O port address and IRQ o Confirm the changes to your CONFIG.SYS o Reboot your system ═══ 2. Install ═══ Use this pulldown to: o Install files during Install Driver o Modify CONFIG.SYS by Modify Config o Leave the program by Exit ═══ 2.1. Install Driver ═══ Select this pulldown item to install the necessary files. This installs the driver file(s) and OS/2's CDROM support if not already installed. ═══ 2.2. Modify Config ═══ Select this pulldown item to configure your CONFIG.SYS automatically. It also serves for the necessary changes after a reinstall when you changed I/O port, IRQ or the type of driver. Note: This item is selectable after installation of the files only. ═══ 2.3. Exit ═══ Select this pulldown item to leave the CDROM installer. ═══ 3. Help ═══ Use this pulldown to: o Get Help for Help o Get Extended Help o Get the Help Index o Get Keys Help o Show About CDINST ═══ 3.1. About CDINST ═══ Select this pulldown item to get the Copyright information for CDINST. ═══ 3.2. Keys Help ═══ CDINST uses the standard keys settings like all PM programs. ═══ 4. About CDINST ═══ The included programs o CDINST.EXE o LU005S.ADD o LU005SI.ADD o PLAY.EXE were written 1993 by Noller Software. ═══ 4.1. Noller Software ═══ Noller Software is specialized in development of device drivers and other hardware related software for OS/2. Noller Software Tannenstraсe 18 D-W7153 Weissach im Tal FAX: +49-7191-56267 ═══ 5. Options Dialog ═══ Use this window to select: o Install Drive o Target Drive o Driver to be installed There are different drivers to be installed. They are excluding each other. Select the Button of the desired driver and get further information by pressing or Help. ═══ 5.1. Install Drive ═══ Choose the drive where the install disk is inserted. This drive should have the same format as your OS/2 install disk set. If you want to install it from another disk, note: o File OS2DRVR must be in the ROOT directory o If you are prompted to insert an OS/2 install disk you are able to abort and install using another install drive without being prompted for the driver disk again. ═══ 5.2. Target Drive ═══ Choose the drive where to install the driver. This must be the same drive where your OS/2 is installed. Change Config changes the CONFIG.SYS on this drive later. ═══ 5.3. Drivers ═══ Select what driver you want to install: o Standard Driver (no IRQ) o Standard Driver (with IRQ) o Multimedia Driver If you want to get further information to one of the above drivers, simply "double-klick" it. ═══ 5.4. Standard Driver (no IRQ) ═══ This driver needs no IRQ. It is intended for those having their machine filled with all kinds of cards leaving no free IRQ left. This driver is only for DATA-CDROM access. It is the slowest of all drivers (about 50kByte/s). It blocks the whole system during CD reads, but it works and may be useful for those guys mentioned above. It is possible to play Audio-CDs using the small utility program PLAY.EXE. It will be placed in the directory \OS2\APPS on your target disk and in the drives folder by this installation tool. If you think e.g. sound card support or a lot of serial adapters is more important to you as fast and smooth CDROM support, select this driver. See also: Standard Driver (with IRQ), Multimedia Driver ═══ 5.5. Standard Driver (with IRQ) ═══ This driver needs one IRQ. It is a bit faster than the driver without IRQ and is more cooperative in multitasking. This driver is only for DATA-CDROM access. But the small utility PLAY.EXE is also installed with this driver to support playing of audio CDs. It will be placed in the "DRIVES" folder and installed to the \OS2\APPS directory on your target disk. If you want primarily DATA-CDROM support and think that listening to a music CD is multimedia enough for you, select this driver. See also: Standard Driver (no IRQ), Multimedia Driver ═══ 5.6. Multimedia Driver ═══ This driver will need an IRQ. More important - it isn't completed yet. It will be available in near future for an additional charge. This driver will support OS/2s MMPM (Multimedia PM) functions as far as CDROM support is needed. If you think multimedia is a must to you, select the standard driver (with IRQ) for now and wait. See also: Standard Driver (no IRQ), Standard Driver (with IRQ) ═══ 6. Configuration Changes ═══ This window shows the changes CDINST will make to your CONFIG.SYS. The lines from the beginning up to the line "--- CDROM Configurations ---" are the existing lines in your CONFIG.SYS which have to be modified by CDINST. The lines below are new lines added by CDINST. The leading line "--- CDROM Configurations ---" will be placed also to CONFIG.SYS if at least one new line is added. ═══ 7. Port and IRQ Settings ═══ Use this window to select: o I/O-Port o IRQ-Setting The setting of I/O-Port and IRQ (if Driver with IRQ is selected) must be exact the same as selected on your card. If it doesn't fit your hardware configurations the driver may not work. ═══ 7.1. I/O-Port Settings ═══ Use this window to set the address selected on the Adapter. The following pictures show the relation between DIP switches and addresses: DIP switch settings for I/O-Address 300h. This is the factory setting when you receive the card. DIP switch settings for I/O-Address 310h. DIP switch settings for I/O-Address 330h. DIP switch settings for I/O-Address 340h. ═══ 7.2. IRQ Settings ═══ Use this window to set the IRQ selected on the Adapter. The following pictures show the relation between jumpers and IRQs: Jumper set for IRQ9 (IRQ2). This setting might conflict with a bus mouse. Jumper set for IRQ3. This setting might conflict with COM2: Jumper set for IRQ5. This setting might conflict with LPT2: Jumper set for IRQ10. This is the factory setting when you receive the card. Jumper set for IRQ11.