OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: gspm25.zip Program Description: An OS/2 2.x port of Ghostscript 2.5.2 with a Presentation Manager driver. Operating System: OS/2 2.x Program Source: author of this port: jyang@daedalus.caltech.edu This is an OS/2 2.x port of the GNU Ghostscript 2.5.2 with a Presentation Manager driver (Version 2.5a by Jim Yang). Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter/viewer. This version is compiled with Borland C++ 1.0 for OS/2, and does not require any additional dynamic link library (DLL). This program should replace two older versions: /pub/os2/2.x/unix/gnu/gs252pm.zip /pub/os2/2.x/unix/gnu/gspm24.zip Improvements over the last port are a) add scroll bar controls to the PM driver, b) bug fixes, and c) does not require the EMX DLLs. Your name: Jim Yang Your email address: jyang@daedalus.caltech.edu Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/2.x/unix/gnu