New in File Commander/2 version 0.14: o Fixed "Overwrite all" option when moving files to a directory on the same drive. o Added Find File function. o Added internal file viewer. o Added mouse support for most functions. o Added 'mouspeed' configuration directive to adjust mouse sensitivity. o Improved behaviour when a panel's directory becomes non-existant (will move up directories until it finds one that exists). o Now allows international characters >127 (and graphic characters) in all input fields (including command line). o Stopped re-prompting of Delete Tree dialog if something goes wrong during tree deletion. o In brief view, file details given on status line. o Improved behaviour when selecting Full/Brief/Info from menu. o Added simple interpreter for "cd" and "d:" type commands o Removed finite length limit on string values in fc.ini (viewer, editor etc). o Added half height panels. o Stopped screen saver activating in a windowed session. o Alt-Left/Right can be used to move the command line cursor when in brief view. o Ctrl-Left/Right moves cursor a word left/right. o Added file mask. o Removed case sensitivity from square bracket operator in file masks. o Added ability to insert a file name with its full path into the command line (Ctrl-F). o File sizes >= 1e8 (~100Meg) will be displayed sensibly ( divided by 1024, 'K' appended ). o 4DOS/4OS2 descriptions preserved by copy/move operations (and deleted by file delete operations). o Added support for VCD. o Added exit (F10) confirmation. o Ctrl-O will now only restore panels it switched off. o Path in prompt can no longer fill whole line. o Fixed bug in history that sometimes gave junk on Ctrl-E. o Added 'scrolldelay' configuration directive to allow slowing of mouse scrolling. o Ctrl-Backspace now deletes word to the left of the cursor. o lines=nn can now be any number for a windowed session. o Improved handling of read only files including 'All' option when deleting several read only files. o Can now use a mode co80,nn command on the command line to adjust FC/2's number of lines. o Plus many other minor changes and fixes.