To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 THE 2.8 MB FLOPPY DRIVE HAS ARRIVED. Around $150.00 But it may be too late. A better investment in our opinion is the NEW 21 MB Floptical drive. It allows you to backup as much as 20 MB's to one single floppy diskette. It uses a combination of magnetic and optical media and hence the name, FLOPTICAL. We use these every day and find them extremely nifty. Around $300 and it reads and writes to all 3.5" media, the 720kb and the 1.44MB. Soon, you will be able to run 40 and then 80MB diskettes in the drive. It's really a miracle device. We use it all the time to back up whole directories on our Hard Drive in seconds. Not only can this be used for a fine backup drive, but it also can be used as a Multi-media drive instead of the more expensive and less practical, CD ROM drives that are still out there. With a floptical, we can send you a magazine or series of magazines like this one with ten times as much information on it. We will soon be delivering a CD review magazine and we will only be able to send this to people with floptical drives or else we will have the problem of having to distribute our magazine on almost 20 diskettes of the old variety. We are very much happier if we can distribute on one floptical diskette and so are many other multi-media companies like ours. And there will be many more now that we have set the stage. Another great way to back up a hard drive is to back it up to tape. However, we feel that a floptical is the best way today to accomplish this, simply because you can back up a complete directory to a separate floptical diskette thereby reducing the risk of data lost if one of your tapes are lost or stolen. With flopticals, it is far easier and faster to have several floptical backups of your data all over town. This is the safest way to backup that we know of. Many times with tape drives, the drive spins and makes noise and you think you are safely backed up but in reality you are not! This false sense of security is worse than if you had no backup at all. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 BACKUP DRIVESSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 BEST-BUY is the Microsoft Sound System for Windows. It has all the features of all the others, plus it includes a microphone so that you can talk to your computer and give it a few dozen commands by voice. It also has a 16 bit sound system, so that sound quality is the same as CD Audio. If you were thinking of buying a new CD Audio box and connecting it to your stereo. Stop and consider a computer upgrade that will also upgrade your stereo system. Why have two CD-Audio systems in your home or business. The main advantage, however, is the sound it gives your computer with the new multi-media programs coming out. This one included. We will add sound soon! And now we have found a second source for all these features. It's from Mouse Systems, the people that have been making one of the best Mouse devices for years has just introduced a board with the same specs as the Microsoft Board. It has a microphone and comes with speakers and you can even translate text on screen into speech so that you can have documents read back to you by the computer for proof-reading or for just getting a sense of the sound of things. It's a terrific bargain. Will work with all sound standards and will work with any CD ROM drive. Call... Second on your list should be the Video Blaster Board from Creative Labs. It adds a whole new dimension to your computer system. With it and a television or VCR or Camcorder, you can watch any Video or TV program or your own movies in a little Window within Windows so that you can work on your spreadsheet or letters at the same time. It's incredible resolution. Looks as good as any TV and it has a button for freezing the frame and then cutting and pasting to any Windows Application. It works great. Very easy installation. Great manual. But so easy to use you don't need one. Only about $350.00 We also have a second source with the same features as Video Blaster as above, but it also adds a little remote control device to your screen that can pop up and allow you to change channels or even adjust the volume on your TV from your computer. How do they do that? Only about $350.00 Well, the tiny little 50 CENT SPEAKER inside your PC is not any good any more because you want to be able to hear CD quality sound from applications such as this one. And you may want to watch the news or an internal video on your computer while you work. Well, now you can do all those things with ADD-IN BOARDS and the best we've seen and tested is the Ultra Sound Spectrum 16 from Media Vision. It comes with an automatic install program that will tell you of any conflicts with any other boards in your machine. This is something that should be emulated by every board manufacturer to alleviate the headaches of installing a new product. It has the best sound around for the money and there is a beautiful Windows push-button control program for editing and altering the sounds. THE BEST VIDEO BOARD ... We can recommend the best hardware/software solution for your needs. We will sell you the equipment, help you install it and train you on how to use it. It's the greatest thing ever in computing! 1-408-423-8580 THE BEST VIDEO BOARD ... Recently, Creative Labs has come out with a video add-in board for about $350 which allows the computer user to watch a TV window of any size on his VGA monitor. More importantly, it allows the user to capture or grab any of the pictures from his video source, could be a vcr, a laser disc, a video camera, or even a security camera and copy it quickly and easily to any other Windows application. Imagine being able to quickly view a picture of your customers with your video camera and copy it neatly and quickly to your database program so that you have a record of the customers, vital data and a picture too! That's what Multi-Media is all about. Also included is a compression program so that you can get a Megabyte file compressed down to about 50 Kilobytes, thus saving disk space. They tell us in the near future compression ratios of up to 100 to 1 will be common. Cardinal Technologies has another great product called Snap Plus that allows for making edits to your VCR via your computer. This would be very useful to anyone interested in making Videos on their home computer system. This will be more thouroughly reviewed in future issues of this magazine. (Please subscribe by clicking on the subscribe button on the front cover.) Microsoft has recently introduced a great product called Windows Sound System. The Microsoft board even comes with a speech recognition program so that you can command your PC with voice commands. Now, we all know that this is where the PC is headed. No other inexpensive sound board has this feature to my knowledge. The Microsoft board even comes with a speech recognition program so that you can command your PC with voice commands. Now, we all know that this is where the PC is headed. No other inexpensive sound board has this feature to my knowledge. In the future, Mircrosoft will come out with improvements to this board, but right now there is no other way to have CD quality sound in your PC and voice recognition for under $300. IBM also has a new video board which sells for about $500.00 But for my money, I would rather go with the Creative Labs Board because it has the features to connect to almost any other sound board or set of speakers you might want to add later. Another new product of theirs is a Multi-media upgrade kit that consists of their sound board, software, and a CD ROM drive. This would also be the best upgrade kit because of Creative Labs gigantic head start in this arena. Their customer support is very good and their upgrades into the future will be astounding! This is the best product on the market for a full upgrade to Multi-media and presents the best price to features ratio. Intel and Microsoft have just announced a new Video Driver for Windows. It allows the user to run full-motion video in your computer even without an add-on board of any kind. Our magazine currently uses the MCI extensions in Windows to accomplish this, but this new driver will work with any board you might buy in the future and allows for video capture as well. We will review this product in future issues. At the time of this writing we have a copy on the way. We'll let you know. Great News for Multi-Media enthusiasts like us. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 MULTI-MEDIA BOARDSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous IN A RECENT POLL - 65% OF THOSE POLLED SAID THAT THEY DIDN'T MIND CLINTON'S BROKEN PROMISE ON A MIDDLE-CLASS TAX CUT THIS YEAR AS LONG AS THE GOVERNMENT WOULD WORK ON CUTTING THE DEFICIT. I have news for those in the poll. They will never give us a Tax Cut. It's only up to us to take the laws into our own hands, to take actions that will FORCE THE GOVERNMENT TO CUT OUR TAXES. History has shown that they never do anything until somebody makes a BIG PROTEST, get's lots of media attention, AND THEN FINALLY SOMETHING GETS DONE! This is what this magazine is all about. We are going to be the CATALYST FOR CHANGE IN AMERICA. Bill Clinton won't change anything. Dan Quayle certainly doesn't want to change anything. Ross Perot won't change anything, either. You and I have to do it! We must take action to force a Tax Cut. Most of us are working until May 5th of each year just to pay the Taxman. This is not what America was founded for. This government was founded to be a servant to the needs of the majority of people. This is what Democracy is all about. But when we find ourselves working almost half the year to pay for government we are little more than sheep. THE DAILY PLANET'S 1ST RULE OF POLITICS ... YOU HAVE TO STOP ACTING LIKE SHEEP - BEFORE THEY WILL STOP TREATING YOU LIKE SHEEP. John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural speech the famous words, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." And now, today, your country needs you as never before in history. We have almost insurmountable problems to overcome. The politicians are going the problems that prevent them from keeping their jobs. They are not interested in all problems, only the ones that stand in their way of personal success. For you and I, there are no perks, there is no way to raise our own salaries. We have to live in the real justice system and we have to live on our own real wages. If you want to make it all better for your children, YOU must DO something. This does not include waiting. This is not active. The waiting game is what they want you to plaiy. We want yo to take a far more active role in the shaping of the future of America. We are the founding fathers of that new nation, strong and clean and bright in my mind. But only if you will join in this goal. Make a committment to join in the Petition movement in America.... S.T.O.P.I.T. "Stop Personal Income Tax." Force them to do what we, the majority of Americans want them to do for us. The Petition process is the only way to organize all of the frustration and the energy that's out there in the world and channel it into the direction of more freedom and democracy. If we win this "Mother of all political battles", we can win all the rest. There will be many more battles. There will be a battle over Welfare Reform. There is a battle looming over health care in this country. There will be a very bloody battle over Gun Control. We need to do battle with the Drug Problem. We are battling inferior schools. We will do battle with foreign trade. We have already started the battle with Saddam Hussein. There will be others like him. And the list goes on and on. If we as a people don't start to exercise and flex our muscles, the major battles for the right kind of America will be lost. They have lots of power and they are practised in the art of persuasion. But, in the end, it's the will of the people that counts. The Petition process you will be reading about -- EXCLISIVELY IN THIS MAGAZINE -- is the dyna-gym for our collective wills. We have to start off with something we can all readily agree on. Giving less money for them to waste in Washington D.C. From here, we will go on to solve many more issues this country faces now or will face in the future. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN WITHOUT YOU! Please read the rest of this magazine. Help us make a difference for the average American. Bill Clinton has had a wonderful campaign and a beautiful inauguration. But he is still a politician and as a politician he needs our help and our guidance to TELL HIM WHAT WE REALLY WANT. If we don't tell him, he'll tell us, just like all the other guys before him. Give Democracy a new lease on life. Work the Petition we present to you here. Give it your best effort. Get the signatures. Get the back to us to count and to tally. Tell everyone you know about us and enlist their help too. The great Revitalized Spirit of America that Ross Perot helped unleash is alive and well and it does its best for change with this idea. Ross Perot started talking great guns about National Town Hall Meetings. There was a debate about how to enact an Electronic Network for the sending of our opinion to our elected Representatives. What they didn't tell you -- and we are telling you here -- is that you need to do more than just call or write your Congressman to get things done in this country. YOU NEED TO PETITION HIS BUTT EVERY CHANCE YOU GET -- MAKING YOUR WILL POWER OFFICIALLY KNOWN AND REGISTERED BY THE MEDIA. Once we get a certain level of response to our plea, we will make the Media aware of the fact that there is such as thing as a REAL DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA and that it is flourishing with our Petitions. This will further pique the interest of the average American and pretty soon, the Petition will be a household word. Then, we will have truly achieved a democracy in America. But, remember, we don't have one, we only have pretty speeches about it, until and unless we activate it ourselves. We ACTIVATE it by becoming ACTIVE. It's better to become ACTIVE before you become RADIO-ACTIVE. Please join us. S.T.O.P.I.T. "Stand To Overturn the Personal Income Tax". Just do it! To Join S.T.O.P.I.T, all you have to do is subscribe to this magazine. We also invite you to call our 900# to learn about the most serious issues of the day. Then you can print out and circulate the Petition form you will find in this magazine. Every once in a while, you can call our BBS and get the latest versions of this Petition reflecting the CURRENT ISSUES OF THE DAY, so that you can continue to be a soldier in the war on stagnation, deterioration, corruption in American government. THE 900 # IS ... ... .... WHEN YOU BECOME A SUBSCRIBER WE GIVE YOU AN 800# WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO UPDATE YOUR PETITIONS OVER THE PHONE LINES. Every time you feel the urge to help your country, we'll be there to show you the way. Thanks S.T.O.P.I.T. aka THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 n to be secretary of commerce, who recently was a lobbyist for the Japanese corporations. His job, to create more jobs for Americans. Would you have picked such a man? THEY SCOFF AT US! The election year of 1992 proved that we are all pretty angry about all this crap and we're not going to take it any more! The next question we should ask ourselves is how to mold all this anger into a positive venture that will have the greatest amount of positive change. The way is THE POWER OF THE PETITION. It is a right granted to us in the FIRST AMENDMENT. This is the same one that grants us the Freedom to speak out, the freedom to assemble and the Feedom of the Press. With this power guaranteed to us, we can use it to force a TRUE DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA! We need you to subscribe to this magazine. We need you to call our 900# to learn about the most serious issues of the day. We need you to print out and circulate the Petition form you will find in this magazine. We need you to call our BBS and get the latest versions of this Petition so that you can continue to be a soldier in the war on stagnation, deterioration, corruption in American government. THE 900 # IS ... ... .... WHEN YOU BECOME A SUBSCRIBER WE GIVE YOU AN 800# SO THAT YOU CAN UPDATE YOUR PETITIONS OVER THE PHONE LINES AT OUR EXPENSE. SUBSCRIBE TODAY, BEFORE YOU FIND YOURSELF ON THE ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST. THE 800 NUMBER BBS TO UPDATE THE PETITION FORM ONLY IS 1--800-388-8338. YOU WILL NEED TO SET UP YOUR MODEM FOR 2400 BAUD, (OR FASTER) N, 8, 1. We also have a file for the Windows Terminal communications program that makes it all automatic. You get this free with your subscription. This call is free to subscribers. Subscriptions are only $29.00 per year. The second year is free if you subscribe by June 30, 1993. We also have a great discount club that will pay you back many times over in travel and purchase discounts. See the page 'More Information' from the Front Page, to read more about your subscription. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION popup buttonDOWN "POPUP" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN POPUP 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset THE ONLY WAY TO CONTROL THEM!: Notes THEY ALSO PROMISED US NATIONAL TOWN HALL MEETINGS! So, the first one Clinton holds is in Detroit about a week ago, Feb 10, 1993. He then has four, count 'em, four more cities involved. Folks, the President of the United States could have had all the Networks and all the cities involved and he didn't even have to leave the White House. What on Earth is he doing in Detroit? Is Detroit suddenly the center of the new democracy in America? Somehow, I haven't heard this news! We have been pushing for National Town Hall Meetings for twenty five years. They like to make great speeches about involving the people in the nation's decisions, but when it comes to action, they pull something like this. This was strictly a way for Clinton to say that he delivered on his promise of National Town Hall Meetings without actually having a National Town Hall Meeting. How stupid does he think we are? We want real National Town Hall Meetings. We want them to be accompanied by a vote of the viewers on some of the issues and then we want these popular votes on the issues to become law. What's so difficult about this concept? Why are they so frightened about this concept? It's only the complete variety of democracy that we've been promised for over two hundred years by the founding fathers. They tell us in the Constitution that we have the right to demand this kind of governement whenever we feel we are ready. The American people were not ready for this kind of responsibility in the horse & buggy days that America was founded and this is why it was postponed. But we're sure as hell ready now! This Petition process is the way to force Real Democracy in America on the politicians. Please print out the Petition and the signature pages. Make as many copies as you can. Circulate them where you work or where you shop. Get as many signatures as you can. We have chosen this topic as our first National Petition, but it certainly won't be the last. In the near future we are going to tackle the Welfare Reform they are afraid to tackle in Congress. We'll take on the illegal bribes that Congress people like to collect from lobbyists. We'll take on the Foreign Aid to countries that hate us and use the money to make Atomic bombs. We'll take on the energy policy or lack of in this country. We'll take on the automobile manufacturers and their desire to keep us driving gasoline powered cars when electric powered cars are now feasible. We'll take on the Religious fanatics and cancel their influence on the laws governing abortion and other personal, moral decisions. We'll take on the Insurance industry by creating a National No-Fault Insurance Policy. We'll take on the foreign corporations who dump their products in America without giving us equal rights to sell in their own countries. We'll fix the Defense Department policy on gays. We'll take away all their privileges. We'll take on the bureaucracy, the Establishment in any way you want. The issues of the day, no matter what they may be, need to be influenced by the people themselves more than by special interests and the neglect in Congress. You can begin this process by participating in this first Petition. Let's take control of our tax system. This is only the first change that we want to make. There are many more. For instance, where does the Constitution of this country make mention of the right of the government to confiscate private property of citizens armed only with mere suspicion of tax evasion or drug peddling. I will give a million dollars to anyone who can find this in the Constitutution and yet this illegal and horribly dangerous activity goes on every day! There are so many things our political leaders do that are totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and only the people can be the final arbiters as to what they consider to constitute our Constitution, the holiest of all documents in the world, and what should not! Wake up America! These are all issues that need your attention and they need your participation. None of them will ever go away or get better through action of our government. They like things just the way they are, they like to keep us in turmoil and having problems, BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE WE NEED THEM MORE. But in a Real Democracy, the only thing we need is intelligence, hope, energy, will. It's our will to make this country a real Democracy. Make it your will and there's no stopping us. Print the Petition and circulate it. "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." s over the next ten years. Let's forget about the past and look to the future. Let's take control of the purse strings of the Congress. Let's show them that we who pay the bills are tired of being soaked for programs that are doomed to failure before they begin. Let's approve all of Congress's proposed bills after the cost is brought out in full, and in the light of reason. Let's discuss the direction we want to take in the future. Let's force them to come up with more creative ways to solve problems. The government has never solved problems. Let's force them to let us solve our own problems by using our economic know-how. This is the only way to eliminate problems for all time. It's been known for a long time that you cannot legislate morality and nothing can be more true. However, Congress keeps trying to teach us the right way to live, but they exempt themselves from all their laws. The Congress is exempt from labor laws, from ethical laws, from minimum wage laws, from social security laws, all the laws, in fact, that they pass for us to obey, they have exempted themselves. Meanwhile, the problems in America worsen and they take a very few minutes to pass their salary hikes. Bills that might solve problems are compromised away into ineffective oblivion, or they are just killed by the lobbyists who pay for these services. By cutting the taxes on the Middle Class, a promise made to the voters by the Campaigning President Clinton, we are giving them notice that we are not going to put up with all this nonsense any more! Send them a message. Force them to cut the waste, the fraud, the abuse. Force them to destroy the bureaucracy in favor of private solutions via the greatest, most resilient, the strongest economy in the world. Get this petition out amongst your friends, tell them all about our movement for Real Democracy. Get their signatures on the Petition. Set a goal of 100 of your friends and associates and enlist some of these to do the same for our country. Make as many copies of the Petition and signature form as you can afford. Then, when they're signed, send them to our Non-Profit Organization. Charge 50 cents per signature, and send us a check so that we can raise the funds to get this message to the media and to the rest of the American people. Hold fund-raising dinner parties. Be creative. Get active for Real Democracy in America. If you're unsure about how to raise funds. Drop us a line and we'll send you our fund-raising kit. The cost is only $10.00 and you will be able to use it to raise hundreds more for this cause. Don't be shy. Don't be lazy. The American Dream could become a nightmare if we don't do something to keep it alive. Make copies of this program and give to others you know with a computer. In short, do everything you can to help this cause become the Number One Issue in America today. Real Democracy is the only real issue. We need to make some of the laws ourselves and not rely on their neglect and deceit in Washington D.C. They know that this is supposed to be a Democracy, but you'll never hear them talk about letting you work it to our advantage. No matter how fancy the speeches, they never mention the fact that there is no Real Democracy in America. They love to use the word, but they use it falsely to deceive you. Don't accept these lies any longer! Make a Real Democracy in America come alive, starting today. THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 (408) 423-8580 All donations are tax deductible. RELATED ARTICLE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW GROUP "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT `!X!THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT REMINDS ME OF HAVING 100 WIVES EACH ARMED WITH A SEPARATE VISA AND MASTERCARD GOLD CARD ... Recently I watched an Oprah or a Montel, or was it a Jeraldo, or a Sally Jesse Raphael show where women were on stage bragging about the fact that they found their life's purpose in shopping every day in the Malls for things they didn't really need. IMAGINE, ADMITTING THAT ON NATIONAL TV? And their unoch husbands were sitting there laughing about. The most they had managed to do was take away the credit cards, which the wives had somehow managed to get around by writing checks for more than the purchase price of junk so that they had more money to go buy more junk. Eventually all their credit ratings would suffer, but they would recover, and get more credit and go on CHARGING IT! It occured to me after the show that the taxpayer of this nation is like the Eunich husbands on this show except we have more like a hundred wives to support in this addictive behavior. The national debt is not above 4 trillion and growing almost a Billion dollars per second just on the interest alone on that debt. AND EACH YEAR, WE GO OUT AND LET OUR 100 WIVES CONTINUE TO CHARGE EVERYTHING FROM PRIVATE GOLF COURSES FOR GENERALS AND THEIR STAFFS TO GRANTS TO STUDY THE SEX LIVES OF NEWTS! Each and every American owes more than $15,000 in debt. This means that every family owes more than $50,000 since the average family is 4.2 people. And this is during a time of low interest rates! WHEN INTEREST RATES GO BACK UP TO A NORMAL RATE, THIS FAMILY DEBT COULD QUICKLY RISE TO OVER $200,000 EACH. This is more than what we owe on our mortgages! We can obviously never pay it. The politicians tell us that we've mortgaged our children's future, that's all, and that makes it almost palatible. But in reality, we've added a second mortgage to every home, business, car, vacation, medical plan, even every gallon of gasoline and every shirt we buy is mortgaged because eventually the cost of everything will have to go up to compensate somebody for this lack of captial in the economy. This is one of the reasons why there are fewer jobs today. Replacing the Cold War, is the "COLD CAPITAL WAR". It will be a cold day in hell when we ever see any real capital expansion because the government is sucking up all the traditional avenues of investment. Now, President Clinton is a good, well-intentioned man. But he is still a bureaucrat and a politician and so he cannot escape this frame of reference when he thinks about the problem. Proof? After all the promises and all the beautiful speeches, he will not come up with anything more creative than raising your taxes. This is the only way that bureaucrats think. BUT THERE IS A BETTER WAY. TO UNDERSTAND THE BEST POSSIBLE SOLUTION - WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE NATURE OF THE PROBLEM. The truth is the National Debt is money that we, the people who make up our own government, owe to ourselves, the people who make up the investors who loan money to our government by means of buying T-BILLS, BONDS, ETC. This is how the government goes into debt. It borrows money by giving investors a Note or an I.O.U. to people with extra, surplus money and who like to get the greatest amount of interest on their money. These are primarily retirement funds, government employee retirement plans included, widowers, banks and other private investors. Now, there are only two ways to get out of this huge over-hanging debt that is a terrible drag on the economy. You watched Ross Perot explain it all in great detail during last year's campaign. He was a jerk, a quitter, in my opinion, but he was very good at 'show and tell' wasn't he? The two ways out are either raising taxes to pay the debt off, OR declaring a moratorium on the INTEREST PORTION OF THE DEBT. I would not accept declaring a moratorium on the entire debt because this could cause too much short-term hardship to the economy as investors re-taliated by never loaning any money to anybody. Both, by the way, are forms of taxation. In the first instance, the one your government likes best, you tax the middle class working stiff to such an extent that nobody can afford a first home, or a vacation, or a new car or luxuries like good food and good times, anymore. The other form of taxation, the MORATORIUM ON THE INTEREST PORTION OF THE NATIONAL DEBT, is a tax on the wealthiest segment of our society, the segment who found it necessary to loan money to the government in order to earn the highest rates of return on their investments. These types of people are the most able to withstand such a tax. They already own their homes outright. They are mostly retired. Their families have long since grown up and are working for their own families. They have plenty of surplus resources laying around and a Moratorium on the interest we owe these people would not hurt them beyond having to forego that mink coat, probably their second one, or that yearly trip to Monaco, probably their fiftieth such trip. Now, you say, why would this be so easy for them to take? Because we don't stop repaying their loans to the government we just stretch out the payments and we declare that none of the interest promised is due and payable any longer. This means that eventually all investors would get all their money back, leaving the effect on the economy at a minimum, because they would still have much of their money to invest in more profitable means, like your small business, or mine, or the factory on Main Street. Why does this seem so simple and why haven't the polticians mentioned this kind of a solution? Because they are bought and paid for by the same people who loaned the money to the government. The wealthiest segments of our society have told them in no uncertain terms that they would not accept this as a solution to the problem. But you see, it's not for them to say. It's for the majority of Americans to decide this and many other issues just as important to our future. We have already discussed how this magazine will help us to accomplish the real takeover of the American government for the majority of American citizens. But to sum up, this alternative and far more creative solution is the kind of solution to problems that we can make in this country if we learn how to organize our thoughts in a real democratic manner which, to a large extent, the personal computer has given us. We only need to make the . highest and best use of this resource. This solution, although it may seem foreign to you is the best way out for the majority of Americans. It is like taking the credit cards away from those hundred spendthrift wives I mentioned earlier. Only by doing something this drastic can we stop the tremendous waste of effort and resources that this government imposes on the world. If we declare this moratorium on the interest portion of the debt, it would have the same effect as tearing up the credit cards. The United States would not soon repair its credit rating and THIS IS GOOD for us as a nation. We don't need any more wars, cold or hot, financed by the 'Full Faith and Credit of the United States Government'. We don't need to be the world's Welfare destination of choice for the world's impoverished. We don't need to support foreign governments with our tax money and credit. We don't need to go around policing the world, either. This solution might require that the United Nations step up to that responsibility. Indeed there would be a great incentive for us to sell them our weapons. Why is it always America which has to come running to the aid of the Kuwaiti's and the Somalies? This should be the responsibility of the entire community of nations. No single country should ever be required to take so much on themselves. Every one that has tried has perished in their own bureaucracy and competitiive anemia. This is the only solution unless you want to continue to pay for that 'hidden second mortgage' worth more than the value of your home and which you can never even move into. Think about it. You can be part of the wrong solution or the correct one, the difference is just a moment's worth of thought. If you have an opinion on this above article or any other area of interest please forward them to: THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 If you belong to Compu-serve you can send the file to: Mike Mathiesen 71064,2470 GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION THE NUMBER FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE OUR LATEST PETITION IS 1-900-420-3710 EXT.101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONES STRAUSS 408-625-191000000 GREAT ESCAPES... IF YOU BOOK A STAY AT ANY OF THESE RESERVATIONS - MENTION THAT YOU FOUND THEM IN THE DAILY PLANET, AND YOU'LL RECEIVE A SPECIAL GIFT. These destinations are guaranteed to knock your socks off. Our travel expert has personally visited all these fantastic spots and enjoyed them more than any other vacation spot in the world. You have to like warm weather, great swimming and fishing and tennis and golf and clean air, great food and friendly natives. If you don't like any of this don't go to Hawaii! In this premier issue, we are going to begin with the Hawaiian Islands because, frankly, this is God's most perfect spot on Earth! Think about it. Hawaii sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, thousands of miles from any continental strife. When you're on one of the islands, you're actually sitting on the top of the largest mountain range on Earth. It's a mountain range that begins way down on the ocean floor and is pushed upward by the volcanic activity of our planet, until finally the very topmost peaks of the mountains break through the waves and, for a few hundred square miles, plant and animal life unlike any other life in the universe is allowed to evolve. Where else can you go where you can walk or drive right up to the cauldron where the Earth is being created right before your eyes? Then, later, you can go for a swim in the crystal pure Pacific. The tradewinds that blow across the islands effervesce with sparkling clean oxygenated air as it wafts across the surface of the water and caresses the land. The islands make you reali:e that the name for this planet should have been 'Ocean', not Earth because 80% of this planet is covered by oceans, not earth. But, the most wonderful lesson you take back with you from Hawaii is the fact that we can all learn to live in total harmony with nature, and in peace with one another if we really put our minds to it. The Hawaiian music, the culture, the spectacular beauty, the peacefulness, the weather, the people all conspire to make you feel truly grateful to the Creator. Whenever I'm there, I find more and more evidence of the hand of God, so much evidence in fact, that I'm always surprised to come home and find that not much has changed in my own state. When you go to Hawaii, you must not get caught up in all the hustle and bustle that often tempts the traveller to get more and more out of his or her vacaction. You have to relax and go with the flow, 'hang loose' as the natives say. You have to walk around barefoot and feel the sand between your toes. You have to smell the air, listen to the sounds of the birds and the insects. You have to lay on the ground and feel the warmth of the planet being literally piped up to you from the center of the universe. You have to listen to the wind in the leaves of the palm trees. And most of all, you have to get in the water, put on a pair of fins and a snorkel mask and you have to stick your head in the realm of the fishes. You have to see what this planet is all about. You must look at the most graceful and colorful creatures in the world as they look back up at the aliens floating like bloated whales on the surface of their world. You have to do all these things and more. You have to open your heart and your consciousness and you will return to your home town a different person! You have to go with someone you love, for if you do, you will find yourself more in love in Hawaii than anywhere else. You have to introduce your friends and family to the Islands because they will thank you and remember the moment you did so for the rest of their lives. You have to pick up a Ukelele and feel your fingers vibrating to the melodies of the ancient Hawaiians. You have to find your soul in Hawaii, and if you do, you will never lose it nor will you ever be lost again. The Creator obviously loved our planet so much that he carved out a small bit of heaven and he propped it up in the middle of the most beautiful and peaceful places on the Earth and he left it there for millions of years, untouched, unspoiled so that we might find the most important part of ourselves there. When I'm in Hawaii, I'm free, I'm totally me. I feel alive as I've never felt before. And it's not just because I'm on vacation. It's not like any other vacation I've ever had. It's not just because the scenery is spectacular. It's not because the weather is so perfect all year 'round. It's because the islands have a constant relationship with God. The Hawaiian Islands are continually being built up by the volcanic activity that you see in the 6 'o clock news at home. Every day, thousands of tons of volcanic rock and ash are thrown up through the center of the Earth and deposited on the top of the islands only to flow down the side of the mountains and cascade into the sea, expanding the size and changing the shape of the islands all the time. This is direct evidence of the act of Creation from the same force in the universe that created you and me. It's the proximity to this force that makes me so rejuvenated, so 're-created'. If you get there and you don't feel this way too, let me know, and I'll say a prayer for you every night, because there is little help for you otherwise! Travelling to Hawaii is not as expensive as it might seem. You can get to the islands for a mere few hundred dollars, round trip. When you're there, the only major expense is food and lodging, but there are ways to save money here that I'll tell you about later. Basically, even at twice or even ten times the cost, I believe every Human Being should be required to go there at least once in their lives. Just as the journey to Mecca is a requirement of the Moslem religion, a trip to Hawaii should be a requirement for the rest of us on the planet, because, to me, it is the holiest of places. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT HAWAII... TRUE PARADISE "900#" "900#" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter mouseleave One of the main reasons this magazine is published is to encourage more participation by the average American citizen in their democracy. You can only do this by working with the Petition as outlined in the 'Congess Watch' Section of the magazine and by calling our 900# to learn the latest news about these petitions and to show your support. THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS - UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITION 1-900-420-3710 ext. 101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONES RETURN TO FRONT PAGE BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP first "SUBSCRIBE" buttonUp buttonUp SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE ADVICE BEFORE YOU SUBSCRIBE... IT IS BEST TO BROWSE THE MAGAZINE FIRST TO SEE EVERYTHING WE HAVE TO OFFER. ALSO, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE COPIES OF THIS MAGAZINE AND PASS IT AROUND TO FRIENDS. 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MOVE CURSOR INTO EACH FIELD BELOW AND ANSWER EACH - CAREFUL, 'CANCEL' ERASES 'EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM PRINT 720, 720, 720, 720 720, 720 printerPageBitmap HIDE SELF BUTTON "FRONT" OF THIS PAGE %FIELD "SMALL" OF SHOW buttonUp buttonUp FRONT SMALL FRONT SMALL PRINT FRONT buttonUp buttonUp FRONT STREET CITY, STATE & ZIP PHONE NUMBER CREDIT CARD NAME CREDIT CARD #EEEEEEE EXP. DATE OTHER BOOKS KUAII LAGOONS Another truly magnificent place is the Westin at kalapaki or Kuaii Lagoons. Here, again, you can find paradise and it's very easy to get to. You fly into the Lihue Airport on Kuaii and a limo will pick you up. Then you drive along the only private driveway from an airport to a Hotel anywhere in the world. So, it's just a few minutes away, but there's no jet noise when you get to the Hotel because they situated it in a beautiful little bay. The surf is almost non-existent, so here you can take any member of your family and let them play in the ocean. The bay stretches around the hotel property and there's a beautiful little harbor on the other side. But everything you need is right on the Hotel property. You have about fifteen restaurants. There's a beautiful shopping center overlooking the ocean. There is a Jack Nicklaus golf course. Then, there's probably the most beautiful pool you ever seen. All of this is situated on 880 acres of the most gorgeous and picturesque setting in the world. They also used thousands of paintings, sculptures and other artifacts to make you feel as though you were suddenly carried off to another world. And in effect, you were. Kuaii Lagoons is so named because the developers of this resort actually manufactured several hundred acres of lagoons just above the hotel and the beach. It's very interesting because you take a shuttle or an elevator, or you just walk up hill to get to the lagoons. It seems very strange until you find out that the lagoons are all man-made. But there are swans and geese and beautiful birds enjoying it just as if it were natural. They taxi you around these beautiful lagoons and islands on mahogany boats. It's so relaxing to take a boat to one of the restaurants or just around at sunset for a ride. It's truly the most enchanting place. You can stay here for at least a week and never see it all. Of course most of the time you will be hiking around the island or swimming or snorkeling or sailing or pedal boating. They have all of this on the beach waiting for guests to use them for a nominal fee. Whatever your taste in food, they have a restaurant for you and if you don't want to go out, just open the bar in your room and you'll find just about any kind of snack waiting for you. They even have pizza. They've thought of everything to make their guests feel very comfortable. Take advantage of the open invitation to paradise that the Westin Kuaii provides. From the minute you enter their property, I guarantee you will feel like an ancient Hawaiian prince or princess. Everything is authentic, everything is in the best of taste. Considering everything they provide, the rates are almost unbelievably low. Call them and make reservations today. Their number is 800-228-3000. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT Kokee Lodge While we're on the island of Kuaii, you can have a completely different kind of Hawaiian adventure if you like to rough it. Try staying on the windward side of the island in Kokee Lodge. It's only thirty dollars per night for your own cabin. Now, when I mention the word 'cabin', you think of mountain living, don't you? Well, that's what this is, except the mountain is probably the most beautiful mountain in the world. If you stay here, bring warm clothing and you'll have to stop at a market and fill up on provisions for the length of your stay because there are no restaurants up here. It's at about 6,000 feet and well worth the ride. You can hike, you can hike, or you can stay in your cabin and curl up with a good book or whatever else strikes your fancy since you're probably going with someone you love, your love will have to carry you through because there's absolutely nothing else to do up here except relax and get back to Nature. Everywhere you hike, you'll find waterfalls and spectacular views of the trees and the animals of Hawaii. But that's all. For a truly rich but rugged vacation call the Kokee Lodge and make your reservations. Take my advice, however, and don't go here in February through April, since this is their rainiest season and you'll be on the wettest island of the group and in fact it's the wettest spot in the United States. If you like getting away from it all and having a very peaceful, relaxing vacation with absolutely no distractions, go spend some time in the mountains of Kuwaii. It's as close to Heaven as you'll ever come. Their number is 808-335-6061. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT MAUII Now, let's talk about the Island of Maui. There are people who say that Maui is the best of the Hawaiian island chains. Personally, I prefer, Kuwai, because it's greener, a little less crowded and much quieter. But Maui attracts more visitors than any other island because it was the first island to be developed for tourism, therefore, there are many more first class resorts on the island of Maui. If you're going to go there. You want to visit two of the best areas. The Kaanapali Coast on the West side of the island and the Kihei, Wailea area. Both of these areas are the best of the island that many people still feel is the best island. Once you get to Honolulu, fly into the Kaanapali airport and you are only a few miles from some of the greatest beaches in the world. I love Kaanapali because from any resort on this beach, you can see the islands of Lanai and Molokai just across the bay. It's a really beautiful sight and these islands are almost totally uninhabited and undeveloped, so if you have a little extra time, you can go over to these islands for a very nominal fee on a ferry and spend the day snorkeling, bike riding, picnicing, sight seeing, etc. It's the most laid back adventure, I've ever known. You can stay at a nice comfortable hotel, or Condo on Maui and then get away from all the hustle and bustle in Paradise and see the Hawaiian islands the way the natives saw them hundreds of years ago; unspoiled and perfect. Lanai, has no major resort on it at the moment. It will most likely be the next island to be developed some day. But for now, it's just miles and miles of uncrowded, almost deserted beaches and the most wonderful swimming and hiking and bike riding in the world. As you may be able to tell by now. I enjoy the simple vacation. When I get away for a vacation, I don't even rent a car. I just pick a spot where I can lay on the beach watching the bikini-clad beauty walk by and where I can swim and frolic in the surf and then come back to my spot on the beach where I'll have an ice-cold Margarita or a Mai-Tai waiting for me. This is my kind of vacation. I might put on a snorkel and fins and go watch the fish grazing in the crystal blue warm waters of Paradise. Then, later on when I get hungry, I like to walk along the beach to a fine dining experience and eat some of the animals I was just watching and admiring and swimming with. I know, that sounds bizarre. But it's a fact of life that most people who visit Hawaii are eating Paradises most beautiful residents. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT WESTIN KAANAPALI FOR PURE PLEASURE AND RELAXATION If you want this kind of vacation with abslutely no worry and not a care in the world try the Westin Hotel in Kaanapali. Like its sister in Kuai, the Westin is spectacular with waterfalls all over the place. There's a water slide for the kids. There are ducks and swans and even flamingoes right outside your door. There's a huge pool with caves you can swim through. There's an incredible room with very luxurious amenities. You have the best service in the world. If you need a shirt mended or even a new pair of swim trunks, they'll get it for you. They have an incredible suite if you are bucks up that is probably larger than your home. We stayed in a three room mansion for about what you'd pay for one room in some hotels. We had a living room/dining area combination, a beautiful bedroom and a huge bathroom that reminded me of a Roman Villa. This bathroom was big enough to park a Mobile Home in. It had two huge closets, and the best part of all, an incredible sunken tub with jacuzzi. Two bathrooms in this suite. I felt like the King of Kuwait before the war. It was incredible. Now, all rooms are not like this, but they are wonderfully appointed and very comfortable. The hotel is situated right on the most beautiful beach in the world. The way they built this hotel, you don't even realize that you're in a hotel. It seems like you have a private cottage on the beach. The way they have trees and gardens all over hides the hotel itself and the effect is breath-taking. I have to congratulate the architect for the two Westin Hotels that I have mentioned. They are an experience similar to what a kid feels like when he goes to DisneyWorld for the first time. It's an astounding and very relaxing experience. The staff at both Westins are wonderful. No one bothers you. They provide you with everything you need. They obviously have more experience at keeping you comfortable than even dear old Mom. They're fantastic and very careful not to interfere with your experience either. That's what I liked. No one bothered me. They just let you relax, totally! I'm sure there's lots I forgot to mention because when I'm at a Westin, I just relax, let my brain go to mush and have the most wonderful vacation experience I can imagine. Call them if you want to get away and be treated like royalty for the price a pauper might pay. Their number is 1-800-228-3000 Now, that you've seen the really posh side of the island, get in a car and drive down to the Wailea area and stay in either Wailea or in Kihei. If you stay in Wailea, try the new Hyatt Regency. It's really plush and situated in the middle of all the 'action', that this part of the world has to offer. Their number is 1-800-233-1234 buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT CONDO'S There are dozens of Condos on the islands. If you're on a budget, this is an excellent way to go. You get a kitchen in most condos so you can save money by cooking many of your meals. Eating in Hawaii is the second largest expense after lodging. It's worth it, at any price to eat the food of paradise, but in a condo, you have the best of both worlds, economy and the foods of paradise, if you stay in a condo that is near to some food stores. Very important. You don't want to have to drive ten miles to find a food store. It takes all the relaxation out of everything. You want to be able to walk along the beach at sunset and find a store where you can pick up a few supplies and head home along the same uncrowded beach. At least, that's my idea of a vacation. There are lots of good Condos in Maui, but the one I like the best is the Kihei Kai Condos. From here you can get to Wailea, where the rents are much higher in just a few minutes. It's just a few miles down the road. Yet, in Kihei, you have a much more relaxed and uncrowded way to vacation. There's a great beach with very small waves for the kids. There's a Barbeque on the beach, a small store for buying supplies. There is so much to do there it's incredible. We love the Kihei Kai Condos because you get a real nice place with a kitchen and they've equipped it with all the things you need to cook. There's even a barbeque right on the beach. The sunset meals we cooked here will always remain on my mind. It seems that Hawaii can't have a lousy sunset. They must have made them illegal, and this is why you'll never see one. We would cook and then walk along the beach for miles in each direction and there was never a crowd. This is why I like staying at places like this. We had the most beautiful beach and the warmest water all to ourselves. Because of the shape of the Kihei bay, there is no big waves, so it's perfect for small chilren. Definitely try to get to the farmers market just across the road. They have freshly picked, Pineapples, beautiful, juicy red Papaya, my favorite, sweet corn, fresh vegetables and even fish. Bring all your booty back to the condo cook it in your kitchen, save a fortune, and have a picnic on the beach. It's great. The number here is 1-800-735-2357 Ask for Carol or Jim Olson. They are wonderful, warm friendly people and they will take good care of you, but they'll leave you to enjoy your own great vacation. Tell them we sent you FROM 'THE DAILY PLANET' buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT POPUP buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT AN ENVIRONMENTAL MILESTONE WAS REACHED IN 1992 ... THE AWARD FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CARING ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY GOES TO NISSAN MOTORS OF JAPAN. We want to encourage all our readers to copy the letter at the bottom of this article and mail it to Nissan Motor Corp. for they are the first major automobile manufacturer to really do something about ridding the planet of the horrible plague of gasoline engines we are all forced to operate every day! This company has decided not to be part of the Oil-Automotive conspiracy. How do we know? Because Nissan has spent billions in the last few years on research into ELECTRIC POWERED VEHICLES. And it has started to pay off. Nissan announced in December of 1992 that they had discovered a new improved method of charging batteries that would power cars in ONLY FIFTEEN MINUTES! The major hurdle in the acceptance of Electric Vehicles is due to the fact that batteries to power the electric cars have to be charged overnight. This means that if you were a commuter, it might work to drive an electric vehicle to the office, let it charge all day long and then you would have the power you needed to drive home, where the batteries would be plugged into your home electrical outlets and be charged up and ready to go for the following morning's commute. Indeed in some European countries this is the exact regimen that many people follow every day. The problem is, Americans are spoiled and we not only want to be able to get to the office in the morning, but we also may need to take the car out to visit customers during the day or the branch office. Now, we don't have the batteries charging long enough to get any of this done and still have enough juice left to get home at night. But, Nissan Motor Corp to the rescue. If you have a way to re-charge your batteries in fifteen minutes as they claim to have discovered, then you can get all these errands done during the day, recharge the batteries at each stop and then get back to the office qfor one last quick re-charge before going home. Then, once at home with another quick charge you would even have plenty of 'Juice' to go out to a restaurant or shopping or to the theatre and back, where another quick charge in the morning while you shave and shower has you ready to go back to work in fine shape again. If Nissan has truly discovered such a system, then this is a major breakthrough and our sources tell us that they have such a system. Now, here's where our Super readers come in. With letters from thousands of Americans who show an interest in obtaining this device, Nissan Motors will be even quicker to develop the system for the American market and then to bring it to market. This in turn will stimulate the other major car manufacterer to introduce Electric motor driven vehicles sooner because the device to quick charge them and make them more practical is already available and consumers are buying them. Now, this is probably the most significant thing you can do for the Planet. If we can break the back of the Oil Cartel and the Oil Monopoly and the greasy oil industry by making gasoline obsolete as a motor fuel by the end of the Century, we would really have something to scream about. Why? Because we will have saved thousands of sea animals who will not be poisoned by leaking oil tankers. We will have saved countless acres of trees because acid rain will be a thing of the past. We will have saved rivers and lakes, cities will be livable once again. The word smog would actually have to be removed from the dictionary. We would be able to hear ourselves on city streets because most of us would be driving absolutely silent vehicles. There are so many benefits we can't list them here. No more gasoline means no more gasoline taxes. It means no more foul odor while we commute around town. It means a far reduced incidence of cancer and other diseases. It means no more spoiled beaches. It means blue skies again, everywhere. It means we don't have to kiss up to the Arabs ever again. It means no more Saddam Husseins, because he and others like him build their war machines with oil money. It means no more smelly hands from filling up at the pump. It means no more tune-ups. It means no more transmission repairs. It means no more clutches, no more pistons, no more noisy, smelly diesels. It means fewer fatalities, fewer gasoline trucks overturning and spoiling our streets. It means no more leaking gasoline tanks underneath the local gas station. It means a real prosperity as we convert the entire economy from gasoline powered to electric powered. Perhaps, best of all, it means no more greasy mechanics over-charging us for their work. Imagine the opportunities for people to go back to school to learn new jobs that are based on clean technology. It will start a revolution so great that perhaps in our lifetimes we will be able to ride in electric powered magnetic levitation vehicles that hover a few inches above the ground, totally silent, totally frictionless, totally efficient and a pleasure to be in. This is the future if we give our aid to corporations who not only see a profit but who want to participate in this kind of a better world. Hats off and lift your glasses to Nissan Motor Corp. Please print the following thoughts on your printer and send it to them with perhaps a few thoughts of your own. Dear Nissan Motor Corp., I want to thank you for putting the time and effort into discovering this quick battery charging system that I read about in the Daily Planet. I want to tell you that I would be a real candidate for an electrical vehicle if such a device were readily available. Therefore, I encourage you to bring this device to market as soon as is feasible. I will be one of the first to buy one. I have been waiting for this electrical revolution in automotive engineering for a long time. As you have already realized, there is no reason why we can't all be driving clean-powered vehicles. Automobile manufacturers like your company will undoubtedly be just as profitable selling electric vehicles as you would be with gas-powered ones. And in the long run, you will be even more profitable because you will be able to sell twice as many of them because there is no envirnonmental hazards and therefore the entire world can be driving vehicles that do not poison the air and the economy can continue to grow with little or no harm to the environment. We want to thank you once again for showing such environmental concern. We also ask that you send any literature abou this device of yours so that we can show it to friends and make it clear to them that this is the technology of the future. Sincerely, send the letter to: Nissan Motor Corp. Japan. Once again, there is always the chance that technology like this is buried because of lack of concern by the consumer. Don't let this happen here. Send them a message that will encourage them to bring it out sooner rather than later. The Earth will thank you and we thank you. The publishers. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITIONS IS 1-900-420-3710 EXT.101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSS GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION Whether you know it or not, you are the SILENT MAJORITY. TRICKY DICK NIXON coined this term to define a group of people who were basically content enough with the way things were going to not rock his boat. As a result, we got Watergate and 7 more years of death in Viet Nam, and a declining economy while he and his friends enriched themselves by slowly eroding your rights and raising your taxes. The Silent Majority can become a very LOUD AND NOISY MAJORITY, IF YOU READ FURTHER AND FOLLOW THE IDEAS PRESENTED HERE WITH CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS. GOD KNOWS WHAT 'SLICK WILLY' HAS IN STORE FOR US. RELATED ARTICLE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE 6LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER POPUP MOUSELEAVE POPUP rmel, Ca buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT :PHYSSIZE DESCRIBENNN TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "DESCRIBE" OF THIS PAGE 9LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER DESCRIBE MOUSELEAVE DESCRIBE RATESEEEEEEEE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "RATE" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE SUBSCRIBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD " " OF THIS PAGE 3LEAVE HIDE /" OF MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE DESCRIBE THE STOCK MARKET {Electro-Magazine} IS THE FIRST MULTI-MEDI MAGAZINE TO COMPLETELY INSTRUCT THE BEGINNING INVESTOR ON HOW TO INVEST IN STOCKS, STOCK OPTIONS AND OTHER MARKET INSTRUMENTS IN A WAY THAT REDUCES RISK AND GREATLY INCREASES PROFITS. OPTIONS ARE NOT VERY WELL UNDERSTOOD BY THE AVERAGE INVESTOR AND THIS MAGAZINE CLARIFIES ALL THAT SO THAT ANYONE CAN BECOME RICH AND SUCCEED IN AMERICA. THIS IS OUR GOAL. WITH THIS PROGRAM YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO START INVESTING WITH AS LITTLE AS A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS. START NOW, BECAUSE THE STOCK MARKET IS JUST RIGHT FOR THE KIND OF STRATEGIES DISCUSSED HEREIN. THIS IS INFORMATION YOU'RE NOT LIKELY TO FIND ANYWHERE ELSE!!! SO SUBSCRIBE TODAY -- DON'T DELAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE STOCK MARKET MAGAZINE IS ONLY $29.00 FOR ONE YEAR OF ALL THIS DATA PLUS WEEKLY UPDATES OF IMPORTANT STOCK MARKET AND OPTION INFORMATION VIA OUR 900#. YOU ALSO GET NEW AND INTERESTING ARTICLES ABOUT INVESTING WITH INFORMATION YOU CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE ELSE JUST AS YOU ARE DOING HERE IN 'THE DAILY PLANET'. PLUS ... FOR A LIMITED TIME, IF YOU SUBSCRIBE TO ANY OF OUR MAGAZINES BEFORE JUNE 30, 1993, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE SECOND YEAR FREE AND EITHER A FREE HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER WORTH OVER $3,500 OR A GIFT CERTIFICATE WORTH AT LEAST $500 IN COMPUTER UPGRADES FROM THE NATIONAL COMPUTER CATALOG. GET INVOLVED WITH SOLUTIONS THAT HELP SAVE THE PLANET -- SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLACE THE PAPER VERSION OF TV-GUIDE, IT ALLOWS THE SUBSCRIBER TO GET MORE INFORMATION FROM A DATABASE OF ALL TV SHOWS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. WITH THIS PROGRAM YOU CAN SELECT PROGRAMS MORE SUITABLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN. YOU CAN HAVE THE PROGRAM ALERT YOU TO SPECIAL SHOWS LIKE SPORTING EVENTS, ETC. THAT YOU WANT TO GET ON TAPE. IT WILL ALSO GET YOU MORE INFORMATION ON THE HUNDREDS OF CHANNELS WE ALL HAVE DELIVERED NOWADAYS, SO THAT YOU NEVER MISS YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM AGAIN! TO SUBSCRIBE TO GET RICH IN THE STOCK MARKET {Electro-Magazine} GO TO THE SUBSCRIPTION FORM - VIA THE FRONT PAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS RELATING TO WHICH MAGAZINE OR MAGAZINES YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A SAMPLE ISSUE, CHECK THAT BOX AND WE WILL BE HAPPY TO SEND A SAMPLE ISSUE ABSOLUTELY FREE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THESE ELECTRONIC FORMS OF PUBLISHING. WE BELIEVE VERY STRONGLY THAT THIS IS THE MAIN REASON THE COMPUTER WAS INVENTED AND THAT WITH A LITTLE STIMULATION AND INTEREST FROM YOU, THE NATURE OF PUBLISHING WILL CHANGE DRAMATICALLY AND THE ECOLOGY SAVED. SO DO IT TODAY AND DON'T DELAY, PLEASE. AND ALSO PLEASE MAKE COPIES OF THIS PROGRAM AND PASS IT ALONG TO FRIENDS ... OUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOUR GETTING THE WORD OUT ABOUT A GREAT NEW WAY TO ENJOY YOUR READING MORE......................KS. WITH THIS PROGRAM YOU CAN SELECT PROGRAMS MORE SUITABLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN. YOU CAN HAVE THE PROGRAM ALERT YOU TO SPECIAL SHOWS LIKE SPORTING EVENTS, ETC. THAT YOU WANT TO GET ON TAPE. IT WILL ALSO GET YOU MORE INFORMATION ON THE HUNDREDS OF CHANNELS WE ALL HAVE DELIVERED NOWADAYS, SO THAT YOU NEVER MISS YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM AGAIN! IF YOU DON'T WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEW ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE, YOU CAN STILL USE OUR ADVISORY SERVICE TO MAKE LOTS OF MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET. HOW? JUST CALL OUR 'STOCK OF THE WEEK' HOTLINE ... IF YOUR AN EXPERIENCED INVESTOR, YOU COULD STILL 'STRIKE IT RICH' CALL 1-900-XXX-XXXX {coming soon} UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ... MORE INFO ...,,,,EEEEEEEEEEE "900#" "900#" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter mouseleave buttonUp buttonUp RETURN 1-408-423-8580 COMMUNICATIONS The best communications programs are now all available in Windows and Dos versions. We prefer the Windows version because of the ease of use and background operation capability of Windows. There are several new programs for communications that we like alot. The first is the new version of Lap Link, called Lap Link Pro. With it you can actually see the hard drive directory of your own computer AND THE ONE YOU'RE CONNECTED TO IN TWO SEPARATE WINDOWS ON YOUR MONITOR! This is fabulous because until LL Pro, file transfer was difficult because you couldn't 'See' the other fellas files easily. Now, you can. The darn thing even installs itself on the computer you're calling, so you don't have to send a friend a copy of your program. This is a wonderful new program. Try it out. The next best is PcAnywhere. It doesn't have the same features as Lap Link Pro, but it's more useful if you need to 'take over' the keyboard of the friend's computer and give instructions over the phone. It's not as easy to transfer files, as LL Pro, but it does it with a nice series of pull-down menus. If you're a computer consultant you need both LL Pro and PcAnywhere. And of course, the old stand-by is PROCOMM and is still very functional but not as good as the other two above. This one started out as a Shareware program and because it was the best in the Shareware community rapidly became a standard. The new version is even more user-friendly. It has distribution lists so that you can dial up a series of people and transfer files in one setting which can be set to a time late at night when rates are cheaper. THE BEST FAX PROGRAM IS FAXIT. We use it all the time to fax any Windows document to any fax machine or a computer with a fax board of any kind. Many of these programs are not easy to use or they don't address all the different kinds of fax machines out there. FAXIT does all this very well. It does it all in background so that you can work on other programs while it transmits a fax or receives a fax. When it's done a little fax machine icon blinks at the bottom of your screen and quietly audiblizes that you have received a fax. It's a great program. You can easily turn it off and on at will. We have saved hundreds of dollars with this little gem by not having to buy a fax machine or go down the street to use one as we had to do until we found FAXIT. It's only about $50.00 Great bargain! Another great communications program and the best in its class is PcAnywhere, Remote and Host packages. With these two programs any use can call up another computer and take over as if he were sitting at the other keyboard. The screen display is transferred over the phone lines to the Remote user. With this program, you can train others, you can copy files back and forth, you can actually use the printer and hard drive of the Host computer no matter where in the world you are calling from and it works great. 1-408-423-8580 COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous buttonUp buttonUp RETURN 1-408-423-8580 ENTERTAINMENT Most computer games have been hobbled by the lack of power in most personal computers, but now with the power of the 386 and 486 computer there are new games coming to market that are spectacular. Case in point is the new Star Trek game. It has the best screen displays we've seen. You'll actually feel as though you are on the bridge of the Enterprise doing battle with the Kling-ons and the Ferengi. There are also all the major sports now on computer like Golf, Tennis, baseball, Football, etc. One of the best of this category is Flight Simulator. With this 'Game', but it's more like an actual flight trainer, you can learn how to fly a plane anywhere in the world and you can even fly in formation with friends anywhere in the world. It's amazing what can be done. There is another more important type of game program, such as Carmen San Diego. It actually teaches your kids, while entertaining them. Built like a very graphic and interactive TV show, the game takes the player all over the world trying to catch an international scoundrel, named Carmen San Diego. In the process kids are learning Geography and history and even some foreign language. It's the greatest thing for kids and is far better for their development than anything on a Nintendo machines. There are many more of this style of game coming out every day. Call us for the latest and greatest. 1-408-423-8580 games like Space Rescue or Shooting Gallery as well as Board games like Monopoly, Chess, Bingo as well as games that emulate the adult games found in Las Vegas or Reno. I personally love to play with Blackjack games because this has actually helped me learn how to win, most of the time, at the real thing. It's true. I never lose now, and most of the time, I go away from the Blackjack tables with a couple hundred dollars of the casino's money. So, don't tell me computers can't be fun and profitable! ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous buttonUp buttonUp RETURN 1-408-423-8580 ACCOUNTING_PROGRAMS You already know about my prejudice for simple database approaches to accounting. But there is one simple bookkeeping program we like very much. QUICKEN, the latest version prints checks, keeps track of all your checking accounts in a simple, single entry approach that you do not need to be an accountant to work with. On the screen, it looks exactly like a check and check register, so entering the data is simple. Yet, you can get a P & L and Balance sheet for your banker. You can do your payroll yourself and save the money you now pay out to an accountant. You can even have your checks printed and mailed for you via an electronic service that charges you per checks you mail. My clients swear by this because if you print and mail more than 20 or 30 checks per month, this feature alone will save you lots of time and frustration. Quicken runs on any PC and there's also a Windows version. Great program. It wins the award for best program under $100.00 in my book. About $40.00 Just before 'Press' time, I got a chance to view the most recent version of Quicken, Quicken for Windows. It's even better than ever. It has a nice and easy Payroll system and it will produce all the tax reports you need quarterly. Now, they have another product called Quick Books which is still very familiar, looks like your checkbook and does everything from billing to receivables tracking etc. Great new program, and the best for the small businessman. Intuit has recently introduced a credit card that is electronically connected to your computer so that when it's time to get your statements, Quicken calls the credit card bank and downloads all of your transactions to your Quicken program, thus allowing for the easiest financial tracking system we have ever hearf of. This is the future! And quicken can even do the books for a small business now. The greatest part about it all is that this new financial tool is easier to use than your present method of writing things down in a check register or whatever else you're doing. Couple Quicken with Turbo Tax and you can actually do your taxes, complete through to printing up the 1040, all supporting forms, as well as whatever state you're in IN LESS THAN AN HOUR! I know this sounds incredible, but I do my taxes in under an hour every year with Turbo Tax and Quicken because Quicken produces a summary by category of all my checks and Turbo Tax puts it all into a format the IRS can accept. In the near future, you'll be sending this data to the IRS over the phone lines which will get your refund back to you in half the time, AND ELIMINATE ALL THE FORMS PREPARATION COMPLETELY. This program, if handled correctly, literally save you thousands of dollars in taxes each year. Turbo Tax - About $75.00 Turbo Tax is also the only one I recommend in this category. It is the simplest to use and the best at printing all the government forms on either a dot matrix or laser printer. If you are a very serious business person and you want a program that will do all the traditional Double-Entry Accounting work for you, and still be easy to use, then you want to look into MYOB, or Mind Your Own Business. It's use of Windows is very nice and it has all the trial balance features of a full Accounting Program. Another great Financial Title is Stock Market Timing Programs. If you have any investment in the STock Market to speak of, you'd better start speaking to us about a program to manage it, because this kind of program can pay you back many times over. Then, there are many programs that will help you manage your Real Estate, whether you have only one small mortgage or many to worry about. This type of program can show you how much money you will save by using a pre-pay feature in your mortgage or by re-financing with different options. Indespensable for anyone who owns any real estate at all. We used one of these programs to learn that we could save over $250,000 by pre-paying only about $100.00 per month over and above our regular mortgage payments. It wasn't easy, but because of other programs I use daily, I was able to generate the extra money easily. There are many more of this category coming out every day. Call us for the latest and greatest. 1-408-423-8580 BUSINESS SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous buttonUp buttonUp RETURN 1-408-423-8580 The best example of the new Multi-Media software that I know of is the one you're looking at. This Magazine was produced using a program called Toolbook, from Asymetrix. It's easy enough to use that almost anyone could produce what we have done here and many people will accomplish even more interesting things. We hope to be the first and the biggest Multi-Media progam house in the world. Eventually we will be seen on CD ROM drives and CD ROM drives will be included in almost all new computers. Sony recently announced a new sub-notebook appliance that has the ability to store thousands of movies or songs on one disc. It will also be interactive much like this program. Asymetrix recently came out with a lower end program for the rest of us who don't want to do anything as complex as this kind of multi-media application, but who might want to produce a great presentation for their job such as a marketing director doing something that demonstrates a new product or service. The program is called Media-Blitz and it's fantastic. With it you can take animation created from another program such as Autodesk Animator and actually edit the film clip right on your computer's screen. No more having to spend dozens of hours in the studio editing video tape. This is a wonderful new product and is something very much needed. It also allows you to produce sound clips in the same manner. Very easy to use and learn. When it comes up on the screen, it looks like a tape recorder with buttons for forward and back. In fact press the button below to see exactly what the screen looks like. Soon, everyone will have access to a computer like appliance that anyone can program for. We are so convinced of this we have started to introduce low cost software programs like this one for this market. But Multi-Media can also mean a salesman or an executive needs to take a presentation of his product or service with him. A slide projector is very bulky to carry and slides cannot be made that quickly. A computer program like Power Point from Microsoft produces a very nice and easy slide show presentation for the PC. We like it because it's easy to learn and very practical. Once you get your slides arranged in a program, you can easily cut and paste them to re-arrange your show and even create and insert new slides as you think of them on the plane or in the car. Even now, Multi-Media means that you can watch television programs or the in-house video camera system on your computer screen while working on a document at the same time. This promises to bring many exciting new features to the new Information Appliance. You can compose music, or watch videos, or listen to the latest music on your computer and the future products that this will lead us to are not yet even imagined by most of us. Call us for the latest in this category. Or if you'd be interested in us creating a Multi-Media application like this one for your business, give us a call. 1-408-423-8580 TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW PAINTOBJECT "MEDIA" /LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MEDIA MOUSELEAVE MEDIA MULTI--MEDIA SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MEDIA TO HANDLE BUTTONDOUBLECLICK HIDE SELF BUTTONDOUBLECLICK BUTTONDOUBLECLICK :PHYSSIZE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous buttonUp buttonUp RETURN 1-408-423-8580 BEST IN CLASS IS MICROGRAFX DESIGNER THEY ALSO HAVE AN EXCELLENT PHOTOSTYLER FOR ALTERING PHOTOS THAT YOU'VE SCANNED IN AND IT WORKS WITH THE BEST CAMERA, THE LOGITECH PHOTOMAN. Some of the best graphics programs are discussed in more detail under Multi-Media and word processing because so many of these nowadays include some kind of low-end drawing program. However, for a higher end drawing program, you will want to look into Micrografx Designer, or Draw. With these two programs you can accomplish photograph -quality graphics. One device we've found very helpful in this program is a something called Computer Eyes. This is a board that fits in a slot in your computer and their video capture software. With this all you do is run a cable to your VCR or TV set and copy images right off the screen. Watch out for Copyright Laws. We have permission from the Producers on everything we use here and are in the process of getting permision for many other things in future issues. Once you've capured an image off of TV or from a Scanner, [look into our Hardware section for more on scanners and even cameras.], then you can pop them into any application such as a document or a newsletter or a presentation. The best program to do this kind of capture is a program that you can find on many shareware catalogs. It's called PhotoShop. It's fantastic because it allows you to copy anything you can get onto your computer screen and then it pastes it down into any Windows program and it DOES IT ALL WITH GREAT EASE AND IT CAN HANDLE ANY KIND OF FORMAT THAT YOU'RE LIKELY TO DEAL WITH.. With these tools, you can do almost anything. Want to know more? Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 GRAPHICS SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous NORTON THE BEST IN ITS CLASS IS BY FAR AND AWAY NORTON DESKTOP FOR WINDOWS AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE WINDOWS, NORTON DESKTOP FOR DOS. 1-408-423-8580 to order it today. We are expert in using this and can help you all along the way. This is a program shell that snaps over Windows Program Manager and makes life much easier. You have an icon of all your drives, even Network drives on the left of your screen and all your applications are in one easy to see Desktop. I have tested all WIndows, PIMs, Shells, Utilities, and Norton does it all better. It comes with a great backup utility that gets better and better with each version. It also has the best Anti-VIrus program and this has saved me on several occasions. I don't trust anyone except Norton for this kind of safeguard. You can upgrade every few months by calling the Symantec BBS and getting vaccines for all the latest strains of viruses found. The odds of you getting a serious virus after using Norton Desktop is so small it's not worth even talking about! The best part of Norton Desktop, however, is the DIsk Doctor that reports any problems you might be getting with your hard drive. Then you merely follow their on-screen instructions and all the problems are FIXED. You don't have to be a computer GURU to keep your computer running like new any longer as long as you have this magnificent set of programs which are absolutely essential to anyone with a computer. The version for DOS is fantastic because it allows you to use a mouse in getting around your computer and it trains you to use Windows, so that when you upgrade to Windows, which you will do someday, the transition is very easy and intuitive because you've been using a Windows-like interface. None of your data will be lost either. When you see this product you think, why didn't someone think of that earlier? In the distant past, a computer user had to worry about his hard disk so much so that a couple dozen millionaires were created when they invented software that would do things like format your hard disk and find the lost clusters and all that kind of nonsense. But today, if you have a computer and Microsoft Windows and Norton Desktop or Norton Utilities, you have everything you need to keep your hard drive running smooth, to diagnose problems and to even find conflicts with interrupts. Windows has a fantastic new diagnostic program that almost no one knows about. You can find it by pulling down the file menu and selection Run, then type in MSD, 'which stands for Microsoft Diagnostics'. This wonderful program will tell you how many ports you have who's using them and for what purpose. It will tell you if you have any interrupt conflicts, normally, the main reason most computers don't run that modem, or the mouse, or the scanner properly. MSD will help you track down the problem and then all you have to do is move a jumper somewhere and you're in business. Norton Utilities does everything else, AND WELL. If you have a hard drive you need Norton to fix things like lost clusters which happens to every drive because this is the way that DOS works. Norton will put all your files back in contiguous order in the way that a defragmenter will do. Norton's is the best one I have found to keep my hard drive running like new. There are also more disk doctor type things and I have found that these programs run about once a month are all I need to keep my system running smoothly. NOTICE, WHEN YOU MOVE CURSOR INTO THE NORTON FIELD, WE SHOW YOU A PIECE OF NORTON. THIS IS THE MAIN SCREEN. IT HELPS YOU ORGANIZE ALL YOUR PROGRAMS ONTO ONE DESKTOP SO THAT YOU CAN GET AROUND MUCH SMOOTHER THAN WITHOUT IT. The right side of the utility is useful in that all the tools you'll ever need to keep your hard drive running smoothly are very easily accessed and available with a mouse click, which means you will use them more often and therefore have much better experience with your drive. The other nice part of Norton is that you can see all your drives and copy or move files from one to the other with just a few CLICKS. (This is the left hand side of the same screen as above.) I've tested every other kind of utility program out there and I find them all to be a waste of money since I have found the new Windows and Norton programs. The most painful chore for me was to find the conflict in my systems whenever I installed a modem. Something would suddenly stop working, either my mouse, or the scanner, or the modem itself. There was always a conflict and I had to rearrange the boards jumpers so that there would not be a conflict in interrupts. The only thing that saved my life was Windows as soon as I discovered that it had the ability to tell me everything I needed to know about my system, even memory mapping. Trust me, whenever you add a device to your computer, you're probably going to have the same problem and Windows and Norton will save you many hours of frustration. THERE IS ALSO A VERSION FOR DOS USERS THAT MAKE YOUR COMPUTER RUN AS IF IT HAD WINDOWS. IT'S A GREAT PRODUCT FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT THE EASE OF USE OF WINDOWS, BUT WHO DON'T WANT TO INVEST SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS IN NEW HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE. Norton for Dos, runs all your Dos programs in a way that makes a mouse very handy. You can customize the screen so that it looks very much like a Windows system. It is also a great buy because it comes with anti-virus software and backup programs built in. It also trains you to operate a computer as if you had Windows so that when the time comes to convert to Windows, your learning curve is much less in making the transition. Great program and very affordable. With these tools, you can do almost anything. Want to know more? Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW PAINTOBJECT "NORTON" 0LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER NORTON MOUSELEAVE NORTON TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW PAINTOBJECT " ,LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER right MOUSELEAVE right TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW PAINTOBJECT "NORTON2" 1LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER NORTON2 MOUSELEAVE NORTON2 UTIILITIES SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN NORTON :PHYSSIZE NORTON2 :PHYSSIZE right :PHYSSIZE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous 1-408-423-8580 IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN AND YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT VERY INEXPENSIVE PROGRAMS THAT WILL IMPROVE THEIR GRADES AND EVEN MOTIVATE THEM TO DO BETTER IN SCHOOL BECAUSE COMPUTERS ARE FUN, THEN CALL US. WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF BUILDING A GREAT EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY. THERE IS A NICE SERIES OF READING ADVENTURES FROM DAVIDSON THAT ARE CREATED BY TEACHERS. 'READING ADVENTURES IN OZ' IS AN EXAMPLE. CHILDREN CLICK ON FLOWERS, SAWHORSES, STARS AND DISCOVER NEW WORDS AND SOLVE PROBLEMS ALONG THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD. CHILDREN LOVE TO LEARN THIS WAY. GREAT ANIMATION, SOUNDS, DIGITIZED SPEECH. EACH GAME IS DIFFERENT SO THEY NEVER GET BORED. ONLY ABOUT 39.00. ZOOKEEPER IS ANOTHER EXCELLENT EXAMPLE. YOUR CHILD BECOMES A ZOOKEEPER AND THEY LEARN ALL ABOUT ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE WORLD. THEY LEARN HOW TO KEEP THEM HEALTHY AND HAPPY. THEY HAVE TO FEED THEM THE RIGHT FOOD AND EVEN RETURN SOME OF THEM BACK TO THE JUNGLE. A GREAT EDUCATIONAL GAME FOR CHILDREN AGES 6-11. THEN THERE ARE GAMES THAT TEACH GEOGRAPHY, MATH, SCIENCE, SOCIETY, FROM AGES 6 - ADULT. COMPUTER EDUCATION IS A RAPIDLY GROWING FIELD. CALL US AND WE'LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 allows you to copy anything you can get onto your computer screen and then it pastes it down into any Windows program and it DOES IT ALL WITH GREAT EASE AND IT CAN HANDLE ANY KIND OF FORMAT THAT YOU'RE LIKELY TO DEAL WITH.. With these tools, you can do almost anything. Want to know more? Call us..... 1-800-388-8338 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous 1-408-423-8580 There are programs out now that will help you manage your network, manage your company, allow groups of people to work on the same project at the same time. There are programs that will read scanned in images and convert them to your favorite word processor. There are excellent programs that translate English into French or German into English. We have knowledge of them all because we review them all for this and other magazines. If you are wanting to do anything with your computer and you don't know how to begin call us. We can probably help. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 nt to know more? Call us..... 1-800-388-8338 have permission from the Producers on everything we use here and are in the process of getting permision for many other things in future issues. Once you've capured an image off of TV or from a Scanner, [look into our Hardware section for more on scanners and even cameras.], then you can pop them into any application such as a document or a newsletter or a presentation. The best program to do this kind of capture is a program that you can find on many shareware catalogs. It's called PhotoShop. It's fantastic because it allows you to copy anything you can get onto your computer screen and then it pastes it down into any Windows program and it DOES IT ALL WITH GREAT EASE AND IT CAN HANDLE ANY KIND OF FORMAT THAT YOU'RE LIKELY TO DEAL WITH.. With these tools, you can do almost anything. Want to know more? Call us..... 1-800-388-8338 MISCELLANEOUS SOFTWARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 ... NATIONAL ON-SITE SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $75.00/YR! We can sell you the fastest system on the market today with starter software so that you can get up and running in any application right away for as little as $1,000.00 with large and fastest harddrive, vga monitor, trackball or mouse, and customized for any business you may be in. We also have the best prices on Notebooks & LapTops. You will see them advertised for $1,500 and up while we have similar systems starting at $1,000 and up.... generally you'll save around 50% of your money on a good Laptop of Notebook computer. We have the highest quality '386 and '486 IBM compatible computers on the market today. We also have the best prices. And all of our systems come with INTEL processors and Microsoft Windows, the latest version, already installed and optimized for your system. Call around, get your best price on any system and then call us. We guarantee to beat the price by at least 10% or we'll pay for the call. Our systems have been tested and burned in to give you the highest degree of confidence and reliability. We also mix and match components that we know are of the highest quality, such as Quantum hardrives, the only drive we sell. We use the best motherboards we can find. We use the best floppy drives and we know the best in any component category you can name because we review them all for this magazine. We can customize for any type of business, because we sell to them all and we know the key issues for your business needs. Many other mail order company uses people who are hired right off the street and who usually know very little about the computers they are selling. We are experts trained in business and computer engineering. Furthermore, we can put together any combination of things so that your system will work properly right out of the box and do what you want it to do, or your money back. We have the technical knowledge to insure that all components work in harmoney with each other. There is no one in the country today who knows more about the Personal Computer than we do. You may want to combine the PC and large-screen Home Entertainment System. We can put it together for you. Or maybe you want to edit your home videos on your PC. We can put that together too. Or perhaps you want a PC to run your store or business. We can do that too. Prices fluctuate but right now, they are at an historic low. It's a great time to buy a '486 because Intel has lowered their prices to the OEM market because of stiff competition from AMD and others. We also carry Zenith portables and notebook computers because they are currently much better than anything else on the market. Their new battery technology, the Achilles' heel of the portables, last twice as long as any other make. They also have new systems with docking stations so that you can carry around just enough hardware to get the job done on the road and then when you get back to the office, you dock into the equivalent of a desktop monitor and hard drive. A very new and fantastic idea. Prices vary to give us a call with your needs... IF YOU HAVE A SON, DAUGHTER, NEPHEW OR NIECE GOING OFF TO COLLEGE, A NOTEBOOK COMPUTER AND A TYPING PROGRAM, IS PROBABLY THE BEST AND MOST PRODUCTIVE GIFT YOU COULD GIVE. We include a typing tutor program with every computer sale. Why? Because someone in your family will not know how to type and unless you know how to type, you do not get the best use out of a computer. We also include operating system and $1,000.00 of free software to each and every new computer buyer, all great programs for entertainment, word processing, accounting, database etc. No one else gives you this much. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 COMPUTER SYSTEMSF EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 If you are going to up-grade your hard-drive we strongly recommend the new Quantum 1 Gigabyte and 1.25 Gigabyte drives. These are the fastest drives out there and have a 512kb disk cache that makes your 486 run like a 586. They come with built-in error control software that means you will never lose any data. It's the only drive we know of that has this feature. And it works! With this kind of space you can keep all the video, sound, multi-media applications on your drive and have plenty of room left over for your data. If you have a business, you need this space anyway, but you just don't know it until you get it and you see what your people can do with it. The miracle is that it's only around $1,000. Sell your old drive to help pay for it and it's the best investment you can make. Before you purchase a new hard drive. If the one you've got is working fine but just isn't large enough or fast enough for the new 386 or 486 you've just upgraded to, consider a compression program we carry and use ourselves. It's better than all other compression programs around because all the others slow your hard drive down as it compresses and un-compresses your files as you need them. This new program called, Winstore is mainly for Windows machines. It combines Stacker's compression software and high speed disk control from Perceptive Solutions to make a compression solution that will actually speed up your machine's disk access and double the capacity. So, a 40 MB drive becomes an 80 MB drive or an 80 MB becomes a 160 MB and so on, and they actually perform faster than your normal drive. We like this product very much because even newer drives with larger capacities have twice the moving parts. Your old drive is likely to have fewer platters, fewer read-write heads and therefore less things to go wrong. So, this solution can be the most cost-effective if you only need to double the size of your disk. If you only want a faster hard drive, try a faster Controller Card. There are some new controller cards with diskcaches built on as big as 8MB and they transfer data faster than most main fraimes, up to 5 or even 10 MB/sec. This is an incredible transfer rate, but it's possible because of read and write memory that is dedicated to the data that passes between the hard drive and the CPU, the most intensive part of the computer and the reason why some of them seem slow. This is a small investment to get this kind of speed increase. The boards start at about $150. but you'll want to put a couple MB's of memory on them to make them do their thing. Another way to go is with a hardcard from Quantum. Very easy to install, just slip the card in an empty slot on your PC and turn it on because the hard drive is built right onto the card. You use less space and it can add as a second hard drive without alot of re-wiring. These are very reliable drives and will last for years. Prices are from 269 for a 40 MB and up. Prices vary for as much as 240 MB on a card. Another nice new innovation from Quantum is their new series of Passport Drives which use removable 'Disks'. This means that a 240 Removable drive can store up to 240 MB on the disk and when you need more, you simply swap in a new disk drive just like you now do with floppy diskettes. It's incredible, but we believe this is the way of the future. With removable media like this, you can store several of your favorite programs on one disk and store another set on another disk for accomplishing different kinds of tasks. There is virtually no limit now to the storage of the PC using these new drives. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 The best Hard drives are made by Quantum Corporation. We only sell Quantum drives because they have the fastest transfer times of any other hard drive and they are the most reliable. They have a very long life and almost never fail. They come standard with a thing called the Defect Free Interface technology which automatically discovers bad spots on the hard drive and blocks these spots out so that your data can never be lost. It sounds incredible, but since switching to Quantum drives we have never and none of our customers have ever lost any data, so we were made to become believers. And we were skeptical at first, but it truly is a great unspoken wonder of the computer world. Another nice feature of QUANTUM DRIVES REVOLVES AROUND THEIR DISK CACHING CHIP BUILT INTO THEIR DRIVES. This is a special memory allocation that allows the drive to read often read sections faster than having to get the data off the drive. Your most often used data is held in this memory buffer and it's much faster than the read-write heads of any drive. In tests we have found that Quantum drives are TWO TO THREE TIMES FASTER THAN THEIR NEAREST COMPETITORS IN THE SAME PRICE RANGE! So, for Price performance they are the best. We also have never found anyone who has lost a single bit of data using one of these drives because of built-in error-detection software. The drives will actually locate any trouble spots on the drive and move the data off of it without the operator knowing anything about it. So, if you want to upgrade to a larger disk drive YOU'RE CRAZY not to choose Quantum! They come in 50, 100 MB, 120MB and 240MB sizes with larger sizes also available. There is talk that they will be the first Gigabyte drive under $1,000 so by the time you see this, it may even be available. If you have a Quantum Hard drive and Norton Utilities your computer will run like new for many many years. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 HARD DRIVES EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 BEST-BUY, THE LOGITECH TRACKMAN It fits in your hand like a glove and you don't have to move it all over your desk. Lifetime warranty. The highest resolution. The best in class - around $90.00 People are doing more and more desktop publishing and the one piece of the puzzle that's been missing is a good inexpensive color scanner. We have never recommended one until NOW! Why? Because, the best scanner maker in the world wasn't ready to market one. Logitech, this summer, brought out a new color hand scanner. It works great. It has the best software and produces the best results of any inexpensive scanner. It is a hand scanner, but let's face it, most of the time, you only need to grab a little picture in a magazine or an art book and pop it into your newsletter. The hand scanner is perfect for that. It can also scan a full page is need be by requiring two passes of the page. The software then knits the two sides together perfectly. Logitech has the best trackballs and mice. Now, they have the best camera for use with a PC, THE PHOTOMAN, and now the best color scanner, COLOR SCANMAN. Only about $550.00 - $600.00 respectively. Everyone is using a mouse nowadays, but for many people a better idea is a trackball. You don't have to move a trackball all over your desk. It sits in one place and you move only your thumb and click with the right index finger. What I like about Logitech devices is that they last forever, and that's why they can offer a lifetime guarantee! Another great new device is the light pen. With this device you just point to any place on the screen with the pen and then click. It's more expensive, but it works very well and may be easier for many applicatioins. Another great new device from Logitech is the digital camera, PHOTOMAN. You can take a picture of anything just as you would with a normal camera. The difference is you then hook the camera to your PC and download the shots to your PC directly. You don't have to take them to be developed anywhere. You get up to 36 shots per battery charge. The camera also comes with a very neat program that allows you to see the shots before you download. This is very useful because it takes about a minute to download each shot. You only want to spend the time with the better shots. The quality of the shots is equivalent to anything or better than anything you might scan into your computer. It's not as good a quality as a regular 35 MM camera developed on paper, but it's close to use in any software application. The best video capture program is one called computer eyes. It's very easy to use and very well priced. We used it to compose the video in this magazine. Scanners can be very useful for inputting pictures into your PC. The best we know of is made by Logitech once again. They only have hand held units and they are only black and white, but they work great. Whatever your input needs, call us. Wether it's a need for scanners or light pens, we have the expertise to make it work for you. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 INPUT DEVICESSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 BEST-BUY ... Panasonic has just introduced a quiet dot matrix printer, the 2123. It's quieter than a laser printer, much less expensive to buy and operate and it produces text and graphics that are the same resolution as a laser drive all for only about $300.00 The best dot-matrix printers around right now are from Panasonic. They make very reliable and inexpensive printers from about $200.00 that look almost as good as a laser printer. If you need laser printing, however, you have to go to a Laser and Panasonic also makes the best. They have a new personal laser that is under $700.00 as of the time of this column and they are far less expensive to operate because they use an older style of toner cartridge versus the HP style replacing a cartridge that costs about $100.00. The Panasonic lasers give you more features for less money than HP and yet they are very compatible with HP or even Epson, something that HP doesn't do. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 The best program to do this kind of capture is a program that you can find on many shareware catalogs. It's called PhotoShop. It's fantastic because it allows you to copy anything you can get onto your computer screen and then it pastes it down into any Windows program and it DOES IT ALL WITH GREAT EASE AND IT CAN HANDLE ANY KIND OF FORMAT THAT YOU'RE LIKELY TO DEAL WITH.. With these tools, you can do almost anything. Want to know more? Call us..... 1-800-388-8338 PRINTERSSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 BEST-BUY, FAX & MODEM COMMUNICATIONS WITH YOUR COMPUTER FOR ONLY $90.00 There is nothing better than using your computer to do other duty and have it save you lots of money. One of the best devices for doing this is a FAX/MODEM. They now cost under $100 so they are very affordable and when you consider that there are many plain old fax machines out there still selling in the 500-1000 dollar price range you see just how useful a computer fax/modem can be. Better yet, you save even more money because you don't have to keep buying the very expensive heat sensitive paper that fax machines require. The give-up is that you can't fax a document to another fax machine that wasn't created by your computer or at least scanned in, but for many people this is rarely a requirement. We run a fairly large company and we send and receive faxes all day long without having to resort to a plain fax. It's only when a signature document is required that we get stuck, but in that rare instance we can borrow someone else's fax down the hall. But the advantages greatly outweigh this one small disadvantage. The other nice thing you can do with a fax modem is call up other computers or Databases services such as Compuserve and Prodigy. With every Fax Modem we sell we give a free copy of FAXIT, the best Faxing software on the market. It runs under Windows and works so easy it actually is better than a stand alone fax machine for ease of use and flexibility. Even faxes in the background while you work on other things. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 you have a laser printer in a large office and you're printer sharing, you're probably also very frustrated with the speed of your printer. An easy and inexpensive up-grade to your system is to install a printer accelerator card. These have been pricey before, but now there are cheaper alternatives. Microsoft has heard the complaints and has launched their own card. Out soon, it's only about $199.00. Another good one is Printsprint. It's a little more - about $299.00 but is available now. What they do is use the computers CPU to compose the pages and gets around the bottleneck in the Print Spooler. Call us..... 1-800-388-8338 FAX-MODEMSSSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 You may have an older computer and you want to upgrade your monitor so that you can view newer programs like Windows or the new video packages. The best and most cost-effective way to do this is to go with VGA even though there is a new standard on the way called XGA. But for the next couple of years, VGA will be much less expensive and good enough for most people. We still use VGA here in our offices, but we will be moving up to XGA soon, but only because of our very HI-RESOLUTION needs. The best VGA monitors out at the moment are made by Panasonic. They have .28 mm dot pitch and they have a very large aperture so that they look bigger than other monitors in their same size. They also make the colors come alive better than any other monitor I've seen even at twice the price. PRICES START AT ABOUT $350.00. THEY ARE THE BEST PRICE PERFORMANCE RATIO ON THE MARKET TODAY. We also like the new line from ViewSonic as an even better price/performance ratio of features to cost. The new high end Viewsonics are extremely high resolution with a flat screen, ultra high refrehs rate and for a safer environment meets the strict low-radiation Swedish MPR-II standards, a standard much higher than anything here in this country. These monitors start at around $250.00 Sony, for some unknown reason to me has a very good reputation, but I find the Panasonic monitors better and with fewer problems. You will need a new video board to upgrade your monitor. You can spend as little as $50.00 and as much as $2,000. What's the difference? Speed and resolution. Depending on your needs, you may want something that can handle all resolutions up to XGA and you may want a board with one MB of memory on board to give you the colors you want and the speed. There are some very nice accelerator video boards that put a second computer on the board just to handle the video signal. These are fine for a '286 or '386 upgrade, but I have found that they make almost no speed difference with a '486. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 HI-RES MONITORSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 Best-Add-On boards are ... Video boards with on-board processor to speed up Windows. Ethernet Network cards with Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, takes all the complexity out of Networking and brings you E-mail, groupware, printer & directory sharing. Video Blaster to capture TV or VCR signals and cut and paste pix into your Newsletter, documents whatever, even playback the Video in documents you send to others on THEIR MACHINE. All they need is Video For Windows from Microsoft. WHEN YOU THINK OF UP-GRADING YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM, PROBABLY THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND IS THE MONITOR RESOLUTION. The best card available today is a brand new accelorator card fromPARADISE. It gives you 1024 X 768 & 16000 colors for as low as $150.00. EVEN BETTER, IT WILL ALSO ACCELORATE WINDOWS UP TO 31 TIMES FASTER THAN VGA CARDS IN ITS PRICE RANGE OR HIGHER. It's new. IT'S THE BEST BUY OF ALL THE NEW ACCELORATOR CARDS. To give you an idea, we found it faster than the ATI ULTRA GRAPHICS PLUS card that sells for nearly $500.00! Enough said? CALL (408) 423-8580 You can do almost anything with a personal computer nowadays if you can find the right add-on board. You can upgrade your monitor. You can add voice recognition. You can add speech to your computer so that it will talk out loud to you and respond to your every commands. You can network with other computers and share resources. You can take in video signals. You can add memory or drives. The most useful kind of add-on boards we can think of are: IDE CACHE controllers. This will speed up your '286, '386 or even '486 computer more than any other single device you can buy. Your computer needs to transfer data between the system memory and the hard drive all the time you are using it. This speed of transfer is what determines how fast your computer feels. Most Quantum Hard Drives that we use transfer data over the conventional controller cable at nearly one MB per second. This is twice as fast as most other drives on the market, mainly because Quantum is the leader in building a cache memory right on board the hard drive. But even this may still seem sluggish when compared with a disk caching controller. Why? Because a disk-caching controller can have up to 32 MB of RAM on it so that you have several time more caching and therefore several times the data transer speed. If you already have a hard drive that you are happy with but the waiting is driving you nuts, then you should try a faster Controller Card. There are some new controller cards with diskcaches built on as big as 8MB and they transfer data faster than most main fraimes, up to 5 or even 10 MB/sec. This is an incredible transfer rate, but it's possible because of read and write memory that is dedicated to the data that passes between the hard drive and the CPU, the most intensive part of the computer and the reason why some of them seem slow. This is a small investment to get this kind of speed increase. The boards start at about $150. but you'll want to put a couple MB's of memory on them to make them do their thing. Another great add-on is the FAX MODEM discussed in the communications section. Probably the fastest growing area of upgrading is the video board. You might be stuck with a monochrome board or a low-resolution color card. If that's the case you want to look into HI-RES VGA or even XGA cards. The best in the field come from ATI. Ranging in price from $89.00 to over $500.00, the video card for you comes from ATI. They are reliable, fast. WE LIKE THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE THE MOST COMPATIBLE WITH ALL THE MULTI-MEDIA PRODUCTS THAT YOU MIGHT WANT IN THE FUTURE SUCH AS CD-ROMS, MONITORS, VIDEO CARDS, ETC. THE ATI INTEGRA IS A GREAT INEXPENSIVE CARD WITH INTERLACED OR NON-INTERLACED, 1024 X 768 RESOLUTION AND EVEN 256 COLORS AT 640 X 480. THE DRIVER SUPPORTS OVER 100 SOFTWARE PACKAGES. ONLY $89.00 THE VGA WONDER XL IS THE NEXT ONE WE REALLY LIKE AT ABOUT $150.00 1 MB OR MEMORY. VERY FAST FOR WINDOWS AND 32,000 COLORS EVEN AT 800 X 600 RESOLUTION. Many people are adding a Network card to their computer so that they can share the laser printer at work. Of course if that's the only reason you want to network, you should consider a simple serial or parallel cabling system that will allow for several people to share the printer at one time. If you still want to network, you want to look into Lantastic. It's the best for ease of use and you don't need to hire someone to keep the network running. With any other brand of network, you're going to have to hire someone either full time, or devote an employee to doing it part time, or to contract an outside service company. None of this is necessary with Lantastic. It's a much easier system to administer and can even be installed over the phone. We do it all the time. Novell, the other major player in this field cannot be installed by anyone less than an expert and can never be done over the phone. If you're thinking about a Network, you had better consult us first. We are the experts. We manage hundreds of networks around the country over the phone lines. Perhaps you'd like us to do the same for you. If you hire us, you have a consulting service who can take your company anywhere you want it to go. This is not offered by any other company in the country today. Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 d better consult us first. We are the experts. We manage hundreds of networks around the country over the phone lines. Perhaps you'd like us to do the same for you. If you hire us, you have a consulting service who can take your company anywhere you want it to go. This is not offered by any other company in the country today. Call us..... 1-800-388-8338 ADD-ON BOARDSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous To order any of these products Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 Best-Buy is Microsoft's New Workgroups for Windows. With it you don't need the more complicated Novell system of Networking. This one is so simple you can install it yourself. It then allows anyone on the Network to send E-Mail, to get involved in group projects, share the company's best printers, share information via shared or Networked Directories, or files. It can be added to any Novell Network so that you can now inexpensively add the AD department or the sales department to the Network and they have available to them all the productivity of Windows applications and they can share ideas. This is the most fantastic new introduction to the computer world since the beginning of the PC because now everyone can Network. All you need is an Ethernet card in each computer and a copy of Workgroups for Windows, only about $99.00 Compare that to Novell which can cost thousands for a small group. Many people are adding a Network card to their computer so that they can share the laser printer at work. Of course if that's the only reason you want to network, you should consider a simple serial or parallel cabling system that will allow for several people to share the printer at one time. Much less expensive and far less trouble. But if you want true Networking .... We recently learned that Microsoft has come up with a new version of Windows for Networks that will allow everyone in the Network to enjoy the ease of use of Windows. It is shipping around now, the fall of 1992. So, if you are considering installing a Network, you will want to look into the Windows solution. It's a bit more expensive than plain old "Dumb Terminals", but that's about the kind of work you'll get out of your employees under most Networks, simply because they are not easy to use, install, learn, or modify. Windows Networking, more accuragely called, "Workgroups for Windows" allows your folks to work more co-operatively, sending messages, calendars, graphics and so forth over the Net. This kind of sharing of information can make an organization much more productive and competitive and in this economy, you need to be both. Or you want to look into Lantastic. It's the best for ease of use and you don't need to hire someone to keep the network running. With any other brand of network, you're going to have to hire someone either full time, or devote an employee to doing it part time, or to contract an outside service company. None of this is necessary with Lantastic. It's a much easier system to administer and can even be installed over the phone. We do it all the time. Novell, the other major player in this field cannot be installed by anyone less than an expert and can never be done over the phone. If you are thinking of a Novell Network, don't forget to factor in the cost of hiring someone to keep it running smoothly and to train your people. This can cost anywhere from $200 & up per month depending on the size of your Network. There's no getting around this unless you have an in-house computer expert who can dedicatte 5 to 10 hours per week for you. If you're thinking about a Network, you had better consult us first. We are the experts. We manage hundreds of networks around the country over the phone lines. Perhaps you'd like us to do the same for you. If you hire us, you have a consulting service who can take your company anywhere you want it to go. This is not offered by any other company in the country today. With these tools, you can do almost anything. Want to know more? Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 NETWORKSSSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous PETITION Je4e4eM The First American National Petition - Part A Section 1 - The Middle Class Tax Cut. We the people, by the right granted unto us in Section One of the United States Constitution, 'the right to Petition the Government for a redress of grievances', do hereby proclaim by our signatures on this Petition that Congress in their current session will change all Personal Income Tax laws, regulations, statues to have the effect of requiring a simple 10% tax on all Americans earning less than $100,000.00 per year on individual or household income. And any household earning less than $15,000.00 per year shall become exempt on all income less than this amount. Individuals earning more than $100,000.00 per year shall pay whatever rate that Congress may deem necessary to require. Section 2. No longer will any income tax forms be required of individuals earning less than $100,000.00 per year other than the simple 1040 which will reflect the new flat rate of 10% on all income, with no deductions, no exemptions other than the low-income exemption mentioned above. Section 3. Congress shall also pass a law requiring that all courts used by the IRS to enforce the tax laws and to confiscate property of American taxpayers will be disbanded also in this current year. Income tax enforcement shall take place in courts established and regulated under the United States Constitution with all protections guaranteed each citizen. THE FIRST AMERICAN NATIONAL PETITION - PART B We the people, by the right granted unto us in Section One of the United States Constitution, do hereby require that Congress shall pass all laws necessary to place a BAN ON FEDERAL BORROWING OF ALL KINDS beginning in Fiscal Year, 1994 and not ending until the National Debt is reduced to one percent of the Gross National Product. This law must be passed in the current session of Congress. And if it is not passed and placed into law, in this current session of Congress, we do hereby declare that we are not responsible to pay any more taxes on our incomes because the inequity of allowing the Federal Deficit to increase in an unlimited manner makes it clear that our incomes are threatened to the same degree. Congress in passing such a Ban on Federal Borrowing until the Budget is in control, does not preclude Congress from raising revenues from other sources, but borrowing cannot and will not be tolerated. Federal Spending must be cut and other sources of revenues must be found. We believe that it is completely Unconstitutional to allow for unlimited spending and unlimited tax increase authority on the incomes of American citizens, because this goes against the basic American principle of Fairness and the Pursuit of Happiness on which this country is based.merican people. Congress shall make no law enacting any tax on personal income from this point forward without placing such a proposed bill on the Federal Election Ballot, giving the American people the right to approve of such a law in the future. Section 3. Due to the anticipated antipathy and lack of desire in Congress to represent the will of the people, and because the validity and legality of this law is bound to be tested in the courts, We the undersigned Petitioners, do hereby declare and decree that the above Federal statute is enacted by the following events. Section 4. Because no Petition like this has ever been attempted before in this nation's history, we are also proclaiming and decreeing by majority consent that the above sections shall become a law when, either Congress passes all necessary legislation to make it a law, or 10% of all registered voters in all fifty states have signed it and submitted their signatures and have been verified to be valid signatures by the United States Attorney General, whichever comes first. But in either case, the effective date of this law shall remain the same, Jan. 1, 1995 and cannot be changed, except by a Petition of all the people. We the undersigned do also proclaim that from this point forward any other issue, no matter what the subject, shall be allowed to be decided by the proclamation of the people in the same such manner as this one has been done, and that no government employee or elected official may alter, deny or abridge this, the greatest right in a Democracy, the right to self-govern and that any elected official or government employee who shall attempt to frustrate the enactment of this Petition into law, shall be considered an 'Enemy of the People' and shall be punished for this crime of high treason, upon arrest, trial and conviction of said crime. Section 5. rt now underway or any tax audits currently unsettled shall be abandoned by the IRS, the Federal Courts and any and all related agencies. All pensions for IRS workers shall be supported, no new benefits shall be enacted by Congress. Section 2. The United States Congress is hereby directed to formulate a bill or bills making Section 1 of this Referendum official, and to pass a bill enacting all of the points made in section 1. All parts of such legislation shall have as an effective date, Jan. 1, 1995. In passing such a bill they are further directed to render null and void all Federal Statutes relating to the claiming, collection, or deduction of money from individuals for the purpose of a Federal Income Tax. Congress shall also repeal, Amendment 13, giving rise to the legality of Personal Income Tax since the America people were never given a chance to vote on this or any other issue directly. And being petitioned not to pass such a bill, by a vast majority of their constituents did propose and ratify this Amendment despite the objections of the American people. Congress shall make no law enacting any tax on personal income from this point forward without placing such a proposed bill on the Federal Election Ballot, giving the American people the right to approve of such a law in the future. Section 3. Due to the anticipated antipathy and lack of desire in Congress to represent the will of the people, and because the validity and legality of this law is bound to be tested in the courts, We the undersigned Petitioners, do hereby declare and decree that the above Federal statute is enacted by the following events. Section 4. Because no Petition like this has ever been attempted before in this nation's history, we are also proclaiming and decreeing by majority consent that the above sections shall become a law when, either Congress passes all necessary legislation to make it a law, or 10% of all registered voters in all fifty states have signed it and submitted their signatures and have been verified to be valid signatures by the United States Attorney General, whichever comes first. But in either case, the effective date of this law shall remain the same, Jan. 1, 1995 and cannot be changed, except by a Petition of all the people. We the undersigned do also proclaim that from this point forward any other issue, no matter what the subject, shall be allowed to be decided by the proclamation of the people in the same such manner as this one has been done, and that no government employee or elected official may alter, deny or abridge this, the greatest right in a Democracy, the right to self-govern and that any elected official or government employee who shall attempt to frustrate the enactment of this Petition into law, shall be considered an 'Enemy of the People' and shall be punished for this crime of high treason, upon arrest, trial and conviction of said crime. Section 5. As of the effective date of this Referendum, all American Payroll checks will have deducted in the place of Income Tax, a National Heatlh Insurace deduction of 2% of Gross Income for the purpose of protecting the health of all American families. An agency shall be formed by Congress that will adminster the health needs of all American citizens with a job. Anybody protected by Health Insurance deductions of this type shall be entitled to full medical treatment for any diseases for as long as he or she shall live as long as a period of employment has existed for a minimum of 5 years. All medical establishments shall be requrired to accept and to treat anyone showing their As of the effective date of this Referendum, all American Payroll checks will have deducted in the place of Income Tax, a National Heatlh Insurace deduction of 2% of Gross Income for the purpose of protecting the health of all American families. An agency shall be formed by Congress that will adminster the health needs of all American citizens with a job. Anybody protected by Health Insurance deductions of this type shall be entitled to full medical treatment for any diseases for as long as he or she shall live as long as a period of employment has existed for a minimum of 5 years. All medical establishments shall be requrired to accept and to treat anyone showing their WE CAN DO IT... IF WE SUPER IMPOSE OUR WILL ...LLL............DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "900#" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE CONGRESS WATCH DDDDDDD TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "ATTENTION" OF THIS PAGE :LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER ATTENTION MOUSELEAVE ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ALL AMERICAN REVOLUTIONISTS! USE THIS PAGE TO READ ALL ABOUT THE BILLS WHICH CONGRESS IS DEBATING AND POSSIBLY EVEN VOTING ON IN OUR NAME WITHOUT CONSULTING US, 'WE THE PEOPLE'. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAGAZINE TO KEEP THE AMERICAN PUBLIC INFORMED ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO THIS COUNTRY AND THEN TO ENLIST YOUR RESPONSE IN THE WAY OF PETITIONS SUCH AS THIS FIRST NATIONAL TAX CUT. GET AS MANY FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE TO SIGN THEM AND THEN SUBMIT TO OUR FOUNDATION FOR COMBINATION AND THEN TO BE SENT TO CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS AS WELL AS THE PRESIDENT. AFTER THEY GET ENOUGH OF THESE THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO IGNORE THE AMERICAN MAJORITY WILL EVER AGAIN. IT'S A DREAM OF A THOUSAND OTHER CIVILIZATIONS. TOGETHER, IN THIS TIME, IN THIS AGE OF MIRACLES, WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!! 720, 720, 720, 720 720, 720 "PETITION" 10990 "Text RecordField "" NOT NULL buttonUp buttonUp PETITION Text of RecordField "PETITION" is NOT NULL As Text PRINT PETITION buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous EXPLANATION FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT RECORDfield "petition" BACKGROUND "PETITION.TXT" buttonup buttonup petition PETITION.TXT PETITION.TXT PETITION PETITION.TXT UPDATE PETITION ^161[1 UPDATE PETITION TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "UPDATE" OF THIS PAGE 7LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER UPDATE MOUSELEAVE UPDATE UPDATE CHECK THE BOX IN THE UPPER LEFT CORNER NEXT TO 'UPDATE PETITION' AND YOU WILL IMPORT THE LATEST PETITION FILE THAT YOU RECEIVE WEEKLY FROM THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION. IF THE PAGE DOES NOT CHANGE, MAKE SURE THAT THE FILE... 'PETITION.TXT' IS IN THE SAME DIRECTORY AS THE BOOK, 'PLANET.TBK' -- THIS MAGAZINE, & THE CURRENT DIRECTORY. AFTER YOU SUBSCRIBE WE SEND YOU THE MOST CURRENT PETITION AND YOU CAN BEGIN THE SIGNATURE PROCESS ANEW. WE WILL KEEP CONGRESS IN LINE BY SENDING THE PETITIONS TO THEM ON A REGULAR BASIS. AFTER A WHILE WE WILL HAVE REAL DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA. CALL OUR PETITION 'HOTLINE' 1-900-420-3710 EXT 101 Must be over 18, touch tone phone, costs $2/min, avg call lasts 3 min. TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS. THIS LINE WILL HELP US RAISE FUNDS AND TO LET YOU KNOW EVEN MORE ABOUT ISSUES THAT ARE MORE CURRENT THAN WE CAN GET TO YOU IN THIS MAGAZINE FORMAT. . BY KEEPING IN TOUCH WE CAN CHANGE THINGS! Give us the financial muscle to make this NEW DEMOCRACY WORK FOR YOU. WE WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO MAKE THE BEST DECISIONS REGARDING YOUR PEITITION EFFORTS AND YOU WILL HELP US SUCCEED.. CALL CONGRESS WATCH ... SEND 'EM A MESSAGE... UP-DATED WEEKLY. THE UNLEARNING FOUNDATION, P.O. BOX 7885, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 - A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION - ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Strauss Communications - Carmel, CA (408) 625-1910 popup buttonDOWN "POPUP" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN POPUP 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset THE ONLY WAY TO CONTROL THEM!: Notes THEY ALSO PROMISED US NATIONAL TOWN HALL MEETINGS! So, the first one Clinton holds is in Detroit about a week ago, Feb 10, 1993. He then has four, count 'em, four more cities involved. Folks, the President of the United States could have had all the Networks and all the cities involved and he didn't even have to leave the White House. What on Earth is he doing in Detroit? Is Detroit suddenly the center of the new democracy in America? Somehow, I haven't heard this news! We have been pushing for National Town Hall Meetings for twenty five years. They like to make great speeches about involving the people in the nation's decisions, but when it comes to action, they pull something like this. This was strictly a way for Clinton to say that he delivered on his promise of National Town Hall Meetings without actually having a National Town Hall Meeting. How stupid does he think we are? We want real National Town Hall Meetings. We want them to be accompanied by a vote of the viewers on some of the issues and then we want these popular votes on the issues to become law. What's so difficult about this concept? Why are they so frightened about this concept? It's only the complete variety of democracy that we've been promised for over two hundred years by the founding fathers. They tell us in the Constitution that we have the right to demand this kind of governement whenever we feel we are ready. The American people were not ready for this kind of responsibility in the horse & buggy days that America was founded and this is why it was postponed. But we're sure as hell ready now! This Petition process is the way to force Real Democracy in America on the politicians. Please print out the Petition and the signature pages. Make as many copies as you can. Circulate them where you work or where you shop. Get as many signatures as you can. We have chosen this topic as our first National Petition, but it certainly won't be the last. In the near future we are going to tackle the Welfare Reform they are afraid to tackle in Congress. We'll take on the illegal bribes that Congress people like to collect from lobbyists. We'll take on the Foreign Aid to countries that hate us and use the money to make Atomic bombs. We'll take on the energy policy or lack of in this country. We'll take on the automobile manufacturers and their desire to keep us driving gasoline powered cars when electric powered cars are now feasible. We'll take on the Religious fanatics and cancel their influence on the laws governing abortion and other personal, moral decisions. We'll take on the Insurance industry by creating a National No-Fault Insurance Policy. We'll take on the foreign corporations who dump their products in America without giving us equal rights to sell in their own countries. We'll fix the Defense Department policy on gays. We'll take away all their privileges. We'll take on the bureaucracy, the Establishment in any way you want. The issues of the day, no matter what they may be, need to be influenced by the people themselves more than by special interests and the neglect in Congress. You can begin this process by participating in this first Petition. Let's take control of our tax system. This is only the first change that we want to make. There are many more. For instance, where does the Constitution of this country make mention of the right of the government to confiscate private property of citizens armed only with mere suspicion of tax evasion or drug peddling. I will give a million dollars to anyone who can find this in the Constitutution and yet this illegal and horribly dangerous activity goes on every day! There are so many things our political leaders do that are totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and only the people can be the final arbiters as to what they consider to constitute our Constitution, the holiest of all documents in the world, and what should not! Wake up America! These are all issues that need your attention and they need your participation. None of them will ever go away or get better through action of our government. They like things just the way they are, they like to keep us in turmoil and having problems, BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE WE NEED THEM MORE. But in a Real Democracy, the only thing we need is intelligence, hope, energy, will. It's our will to make this country a real Democracy. Make it your will and there's no stopping us. Print the Petition and circulate it. "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." s over the next ten years. Let's forget about the past and look to the future. Let's take control of the purse strings of the Congress. Let's show them that we who pay the bills are tired of being soaked for programs that are doomed to failure before they begin. Let's approve all of Congress's proposed bills after the cost is brought out in full, and in the light of reason. Let's discuss the direction we want to take in the future. Let's force them to come up with more creative ways to solve problems. The government has never solved problems. Let's force them to let us solve our own problems by using our economic know-how. This is the only way to eliminate problems for all time. It's been known for a long time that you cannot legislate morality and nothing can be more true. However, Congress keeps trying to teach us the right way to live, but they exempt themselves from all their laws. The Congress is exempt from labor laws, from ethical laws, from minimum wage laws, from social security laws, all the laws, in fact, that they pass for us to obey, they have exempted themselves. Meanwhile, the problems in America worsen and they take a very few minutes to pass their salary hikes. Bills that might solve problems are compromised away into ineffective oblivion, or they are just killed by the lobbyists who pay for these services. By cutting the taxes on the Middle Class, a promise made to the voters by the Campaigning President Clinton, we are giving them notice that we are not going to put up with all this nonsense any more! Send them a message. Force them to cut the waste, the fraud, the abuse. Force them to destroy the bureaucracy in favor of private solutions via the greatest, most resilient, the strongest economy in the world. Get this petition out amongst your friends, tell them all about our movement for Real Democracy. Get their signatures on the Petition. Set a goal of 100 of your friends and associates and enlist some of these to do the same for our country. Make as many copies of the Petition and signature form as you can afford. Then, when they're signed, send them to our Non-Profit Organization. Charge 50 cents per signature, and send us a check so that we can raise the funds to get this message to the media and to the rest of the American people. Hold fund-raising dinner parties. Be creative. Get active for Real Democracy in America. If you're unsure about how to raise funds. Drop us a line and we'll send you our fund-raising kit. The cost is only $10.00 and you will be able to use it to raise hundreds more for this cause. Don't be shy. Don't be lazy. The American Dream could become a nightmare if we don't do something to keep it alive. Make copies of this program and give to others you know with a computer. In short, do everything you can to help this cause become the Number One Issue in America today. Real Democracy is the only real issue. We need to make some of the laws ourselves and not rely on their neglect and deceit in Washington D.C. They know that this is supposed to be a Democracy, but you'll never hear them talk about letting you work it to our advantage. No matter how fancy the speeches, they never mention the fact that there is no Real Democracy in America. They love to use the word, but they use it falsely to deceive you. Don't accept these lies any longer! Make a Real Democracy in America come alive, starting today. THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 (408) 423-8580 All donations are tax deductible. RELATED ARTICLE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW GROUP "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP petition petition TO HANDLE ENTERPAGE SHOW FIELD "MORE" ENTERPAGE ENTERPAGE FRONT BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP first buttonUp buttonUp WPROC buttonUp buttonUp SPREAD buttonUp buttonUp WINDOWS buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp DBASE buttonUp buttonUp GAMES DATABASES WORD PROCGGGGGG COMMUNICATIONS WINDOWS SPREADSHEETS buttonUp buttonUp GRAPH buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp MULTI BUSINESS GRAPHICS MISCELLANY GAMES EDUCATIONAL UTILITIES SOFTWARE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "MORE" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MULTI-MEDIA buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp GOTO HARDWARE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PRODUCT THAT YOU CAN'T FIND HERE, GIVE US A CALL AND WE'LL GET IT FOR YOU. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU NEED, GIVE US A CALL AND MAYBE WE CAN HELP. WE CAN USUALLY BEAT ANY PRICES. CLICK ON ANY OF THESE BUTTONS TO READ MORE ABOUT EACH PRODUCT. WE'RE THE ONLY MAIL-ORDER COMPUTER COMPANY WHO TESTS EVERYTHING FOR EASE OF USE, RELIABILITY, AND PRICE/PERFORMANCE... 1-408-423-8580 GO TO PAGE ID 53 buttondown buttondown Previous TO HANDLE ENTERPAGE SHOW FIELD "MORE" ENTERPAGE ENTERPAGE FRONT BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP first buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp COMPUTERSSSSSSS HARD DRIVES MONITORS FAX/MODEMS PRINTERS INPUT DEVICES buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp ADD-ON BOARDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS NETWORKSS MISCELLANY MULTI-MEDIASSSSSSS BACKUP DRIVES HARDWARE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "MORE" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE buttonUp buttonUp GOTO SOFTWARE IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PRODUCT THAT YOU CAN'T FIND HERE, GIVE US A CALL AND WE'LL GET IT FOR YOU. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU NEED, GIVE US A CALL AND MAYBE WE CAN HELP. WE CAN USUALLY BEAT ANY PRICES. MISCELLANYAAAAAAAAAA buttonUp buttonUp CLICK ON ANY OF THESE BUTTONS TO READ MORE ABOUT EACH PRODUCT. WE'RE THE ONLY MAIL-ORDER COMPUTER COMPANY WHO HAS RIGOUROUS TESTS ON ALL PRODUCTS FOR EASE OF USE, RELIABILITY, AND PRICE/PERFORMANCE... FOR ANY OF THESE ITEMS CALL 1-408-423-8580 GO TO PAGE ID 53 buttondown buttondown Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT COMPUTER :PHYSSIZE 1-408-423-8580 TO UP-GRADE YOUR COMPUTER HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE... i TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW GRAPHIC "COMPUTER" OF THIS PAGE ;LEAVE HIDE 1 OF buttonUp buttonUp HARDWARE buttonUp buttonUp SOFTWARE FRONT BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP first FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT WHAT IS CONGRESS WATCH? ..... We at the Unlearning Foundation, want to improve the government that was given to us by the founding fathers of this great nation. When it was first conceived, slavery was a common institution. Even Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and the vast majority of founding fathers kept black people as slaves on their farms. But they knew instinctively that this was not the proper way to give birth to a new nation conceived for the purpose of expanding our freedoms. So, they built into the United States Constitution several ways for future generations to improve the lot of the average citizen. Over the years we have used the Constitution to abolish slavery, in 1867. Early in this century we finally gave the right to vote to females of the species. Then in the 60's, we lowered the voting age to 18 yr. old citizens. Now, we need one more freedom in America to make the American Revolution complete. We need to allow the average voter to be able to participate in the making of Federal laws and policies. How do we do this? After decades of study and thousands of Man-hours of research, we have decided that the best way is to begin a Petition Process that will eventually lead to a more formal Democracy in which issues of National importance are placed on the ballot as we now enjoy on state issues in about half the states of the United States. Many people, when queried about this issue, believe that we already have a Democracy in America, and some even believe that there is an established way for the average people to have their say in the law-making process. But, alas, we are not enjoying a Democracy in America. It is still a Republic, but it is a Republic that has the ability to evolve into a Democracy anytime We The People decide that it is prudent and necessary to do so. We believe that it is past time to do so and we want to begin a process that will guarantee more democratic freedoms to all Americans of voting age. The Petititions that we present to you here in this magazine are based on Bills now pending in Congress. Congress men and women find it very difficult to vote their conscience or vote the way they know their constituents would like them to vote because they are constantly bombarded by lobbyists who have a stake in an issue, often to the tune of many billions of dollars. Therefore, it is easy for the Congressmen to hear this side of every issue. But they very rarely hear the side that would support the best position for the average American taxpayer. This is what we can repair today by joining in this first National Petition Process. By subscribing to this magazine, you are making a very BIG VOTE for Democracy itself and not just for the guy who looks the best on TV or who spends the most money in a campaign telling the biggest lies or making the best-sounding promises. Democracy is defined by citizen involvement in each and every major issue. By reading our Petitions, printing them out, getting signatures from your friends and associates, you are participating in the Democratic process and you are helping to guarantee that Real Democracy will exist in America almost immediately... With this magazine, you have the power in your compute to change the very substance, the political fiber of this nation. This magazine will provide you with weekly updates on the important bills in Congress that require YOUR ATTENTION. Then, you will simply click on the Print button on the Petition page and it will print out a petition that you can circulate to friends and associates. With enough signatures, Congress will be forced to vote the will of the Petitioners, US. After a while, they will get in the habit of voting the will of the people, and soon after that they will be convinced that placing many of their proposals on the Federal Ballot is an even easier way to run a country. Don't let this opportunity pass. Don't prove them right. In Washington D.C., the bureaucrats are convinced that the average American is not smart enough or strong willed enough to want to participate in their government and this is why they justify all the crazy things that they do. Once we prove them wrong, they will have to come out in the open and show themselves for what they really are, because in the coming struggle for democracy in America, there will be only two kinds of people, those who want to keep the power where it is, in the hands of the almighty dollar, and those who want to change things so that the power is placed where it should have been placed in 1776, completely in the hands of the people. When you think about, the people are you and me and everyone in between. There are some of us who are not worthy of such great responsibility, but the vast majority of everyone of my friends and contacts over the years are very capable of helping to make decisions of National Import. Certainly, very few of us could make worse decisions. We are now in terrible debt because very little is being done in Congress that makes sense to the average American. Together, we're going to change all that. After you have printed out the Petitions, and get as many signatures as you can, please forward them to us so that we can make figures public about the will of the people. Then we will forward them on to Congress. This campaign will cost a great deal of money, and this is why we also ask that you send along a check for $5.00 or more if you can afford it. We're a Non-Profit Organization and will use the money to publicize this great cause. The more publicity we can get on this issue, the sooner things will improve in our government. It's as simple as that. Remember too, government and the economy are very inter-related. By making much of the political decisions, we also make much of the economic decisions as well. We, in fact, will be creating our own society as we go along. Now, what could be more exciting than that? TO CONTINUE GO TO NEXT PAGE, PRINT AND THEN ... SEND PETITIONS TO: THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 (408) 423-8580 ' and truly 'Dedicated to the principle that all men are created equal' and that in order to secure these ends to ourselves and our posterity do ordain that the American Congress shall buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown GOTO PETITION FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT CONGRESS WATCH COMMAND TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "ATTENTION" OF THIS PAGE :LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER ATTENTION MOUSELEAVE ATTENTION WE CAN DO IT... IF WE SUPER IMPOSE OUR WILL ...LLLLL............DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "900#" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE CALL OUR PETITION 'HOTLINE' 1-900-420-3710 EXT 101 TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS. THIS LINE WILL HELP US RAISE FUNDS AND TO LET YOU KNOW EVEN MORE ABOUT ISSUES THAT ARE MORE CURRENT THAN WE CAN GET TO YOU IN THIS MAGAZINE FORMAT. . Give us the financial muscle to make this NEW DEMOCRACY WORK FOR YOU. WE WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO MAKE THE BEST DECISIONS REGARDING YOUR PEITITION EFFORTS AND YOU WILL HELP US SUCCEED.. ALSO CONGRESS WATCH ... SEND 'EM A MESSAGE... UP-DATED WEEKLY. Must be over 18, touch tone phone, costs $2/min, avg call lasts 3 min. THE UNLEARNING FOUNDATION, P.O. BOX 7885, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 - A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ALL CALLS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE.... ATTENTION ATTENTION ALL SUPERMEN AND SUPERWOMEN! USE THIS PAGE TO READ ALL ABOUT THE BILLS WHICH CONGRESS IS DEBATING AND POSSIBLY EVEN VOTING ON IN OUR NAME WITHOUT CONSULTING US, 'WE THE PEOPLE'. IT IS OUR PURPOSE IN LIFE TO ENCOURAGE AS MANY PEOPLE OF VOTING AGE TO LEARN ABOUT THESE ISSUES AND THEN TO PRINT OUT A PETITION FORM FOUND ELSWHERE IN THIS MAGAZINE, TO GET AS MANY FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE TO SIGN THEM AND THEN TO USE THIS PROGRAM TO SEND THESE PETITIONS TO CONGRESS TO FORCE THEM TO DO WHAT THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WANT THEM TO DO! IT'S A FIRST. IT'S A DREAM. IT'S A SUPER HUMAN EFFORT. TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT!!! the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION "amend" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter amend mouseleave amend amend AMENDMENT 1 TO THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or freedom of the press; or of the right of the people to peacably assemble, AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.' { Proposed Sept. 25, 1789; Ratified Dec. 15, 1791 } GO TO NEXT PAGE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PETITION ... RELATED ARTICLE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW GROUP "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP popup buttonDOWN "POPUP" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN POPUP 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset THE ONLY WAY TO CONTROL THEM!: Notes " He promised to cut our taxes and now we find out that he is going to give us the BIGGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY! WHEN WILL WE LEARN? The pollsters ran a survey right after the famous speech shen President's Bills lowered the boom by raising our taxes and according the Gallop Polls, 79% of the American people they contacted wholeheartedly approved. Well, this goes to show you how misleading polls can be. I guarantee that if the same people were given our solution next to the President's solution, they would wholeheartedly support ours over his. The only problem with this country is our total control of the media and control over groups like ours who have much better ideas than they have. They know about the recommendations in this magazine and they have ignored all our attempts to contact them. What does that tell you? It tells us that it's all about power for the powerful. We are not them and so we don't have the power. Not until now! Now, with this magazine, the people of this country have the power in their hands to make ALL THE CHANGES NECESSARY. After all the fancy speeches, what are they doing to us? President Bill says that he was voted in office because the people wanted change. Then he immediately gives us THE LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY! Is this the kind of change we ordered? Somehow, I doubt it. President Bill is a fine speech-maker, but where is the democracy in screwing the people who elected you by promising them a tax cut. Yes, we're in trouble, but we're in trouble because of lying political leaders who do not know how to lead. A real leader would have found a way out of the mess his predecessors brought us without a tax increase. That's an easy solution. Any four-year old could have told you that this would be an easy way to solve our deficit problem. But a much wiser man or woman might have suggested something else in an age where every American worker has to work until May 5th of every year just to pay his/her taxes. A better solution, it seems to us, would have been to cut government waste, fraud and abuse ALOT MORE. President Bill wants to cut a meager 100,000 government jobs over the next four years. He could have chopped a half-million of them in one decree, and the deficit would be half-gone in a day. The CIA is full of very high-paid spies. Who are they spying on. The CIA budget is top secret, but it's well over 10 Billion a year. The Soviet Union is gone, why not cut this agency to a tenth of its size if we need them at all? There's a government agency for every man, woman and child in this country. Cut out the ones that aren't doing anything anymore. We don't need a Rural Electrification Agency. This was begun to get lights to the small farms all over America. All the small farms have been electrified for decades. This agency could have been cut completely. Why doesn't President Bill tell you about this? THE ONLY WAY to get Congress to do the right thing is to make it ABSOLUTELY CRYSTAL CLEAR HOW WE WANT THEM TO SOLVE THIS AND OTHER PROBLEMS THAT COME UP IN THE FUTURE. This is what we offer. A chance for the American people to start solving problems on their own INITIATIVE! With the Twin Petition Process of Tax cuts and a Ban or Federal Borrowing, we will finally be on our way to Solvency and Sanity in Government. That's all we want. Print the Petitions. Circulate them. Get them signed. Get a nomial donation to the cause. Send it all in to us. We'll do the rest. A little tax increase might be tolerated if the government would show its good faith by cutting the perks they get in office and the crazy programs that they force us to pay for. Why are there over 100 workers, maids, cooks, chauffers, etc in the White House with a gigantic payroll? Why do the Congress people have their own private subway system? Why do they get to travel at taxpayer's expense all over the world? When will they be happy, when we're all working until November and December to pay our taxes? But the most important question of all is, how do they get the nerve to screw us all the time, make all the laws, regulations, etc. impacting our lives when We the People involved never get a chance to vote on some of these "solutions"? This is the main question I put forth to the American people today. Why don't we have the proposals by President Bill and others placed on the ballot for the approval or disapproval of the American voters? They could do this for us if they wanted to. But they won't even tell you that this is feasible. We will tell you this and we're going to keep on telling you until it becomes a reality in America. VOTING DIRECTLY ON THE ISSUES MUST BECOME A REALITY IN AMERICA SOON, OR WE'RE ALL DOOMED. NOT EVEN A MAN AS POPULAR AND GOOD-LOOKING AS PRESIDENT BILL TRULY UNDERSTANDS THE REAL POWER OF THIS DEMOCRACY. IT'S YOU AND ME, US, WE THE PEOPLE. WE ARE THE REAL POWER IN THIS COUNTRY. IT'S TIME WE DISCOVERED THIS AND ACTED UPON THIS GREAT TRUTH. President Bill said on Feb. 17, 1993, in his address to Congress, making his grand 'To-Do List for Congress' to do ... "We must scale the walls of the people's skepticism but not with our words, but with our deeds." This is why we present to you now this greatest of all challenges you've ever known. If you don't want to help this great cause now, then just sit there and watch Congress to see what they do. Watch them on C-Span. Read about them in the newspapers. If you honestly feel that Congress is doing a better job than what we propose to do for ourselves through this Petition Process, then don't worry. You'll be better off through the good offices of your Congress people's actions. But, if on the other hand, you don't feel that Congress is doing something positive to make this a better nation for all of us, then you must pick up this program again and start working on the National Petition Process. This Petition process is the only way to force Real Democracy in America on the politicians. Please print out the Petition and the signature pages. Make as many copies as you can. Circulate them where you work or where you shop. Get as many signatures as you can. We have chosen this topic as our first National Petition, but it certainly won't be the last. In the near future we are going to tackle the Welfare Reform they are afraid to tackle in Congress. We'll take on the illegal bribes that Congress people like to collect from lobbyists. We'll take on the Foreign Aid to countries that hate us and use the money to make Atomic bombs. We'll take on the energy policy or lack of in this country. We'll take on the automobile manufacturers and their desire to keep us driving gasoline powered cars when electric powered cars are now feasible. We'll take on the Religious fanatics and cancel their influence on the laws governing abortion and other personal, moral decisions. We'll take on the Insurance industry by creating a National No-Fault Insurance Policy. We'll take on the foreign corporations who dump their products in America without giving us equal rights to sell in their own countries. We'll fix the Defense Department policy on gays. We'll take away all their privileges. We'll take on the bureaucracy, the Establishment in any way you want. The issues of the day, no matter what they may be, need to be influenced by the people themselves more than by special interests and the neglect in Congress. You can begin this process by participating in this first Petition. Let's take control of our tax system. This is only the first change that we want to make. There are many more. For instance, where does the Constitution of this country make mention of the right of the government to confiscate private property of citizens armed only with mere suspicion of tax evasion or drug peddling. I will give a million dollars to anyone who can find this in the Constitutution and yet this illegal and horribly dangerous activity goes on every day! There are so many things our political leaders do that are totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and only the people can be the final arbiters as to what they consider to constitute our Constitution, the holiest of all documents in the world, and what should not! Wake up America! These are all issues that need your attention and they need your participation. None of them will ever go away or get better through action of our government. They like things just the way they are, they like to keep us in turmoil and having problems, BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE WE NEED THEM MORE. But in a Real Democracy, the only thing we need is intelligence, hope, energy, will. It's our will to make this country a real Democracy. Make it your will and there's no stopping us. Print the Petition and circulate it. "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST PETITION NEWS ..UPDATED WEEKLY CONGRESS WATCH... 1-900-420-3710 EXT 101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2/MIN, AVG CALL 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONE Strauss Communications Carmel, Ca. (408) 625-1910 FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT PAGE PUT THIS NUMBER UP ON YOUR REFRIGERATOR OR DESK SO THAT YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER TO CALL IT MONTHLY ... THIS WAY YOU CAN GET THE LATEST NEWS ON OUR PETITION PROGRAM, AND WE HAVE A CONSTANT SOURCE OF FUNDING FOR THIS PROGRAM. We update the Petition News every week. You will find out how many we've signed and how they are influencing your government and other things, like the First Constitutional Convention and the Real Democracy Amendment that we are sponsoring. You will also find out about new issues that we are placing on Petition and need you to circulate. If enough Americans get behind and support the concept of Petitioning their government to create the laws of the land, it will eventually lead us to a True Democracy in which 'WE THE PEOPLE' are in control. Please understand that Real Democracy is the ONLY ANSWER to our political problems. We can no longer afford to leave it up to politicians. History proves they will always do the wrong thing because of lobbyists, PACS, political parties and other selfish interests. If you help us by printing this first Petition and subscribing to this Petition Program, we promise to give you your country back. The MAJORITY RULE CONCEPT is the only way to preserve the traditions that America stands for ... hard work, love of freedom, self determination, independence. They will tell you that it's Mob Rule, but don't believe it, the Mob is you and your neighbors. Every average American individually has greater wisdom and love of country than any average politician. Taken as a whole, all Americans have fare more wisdom and love of country than any collection of politicians. REMEMBER, government is not meant to dictate to us. We are the government and government was conceived SOLELY for the purpose of serving the people. Let anyone who calls us a MOB, be pilloried publicly as they did in the old Colonial Times. These were days when people would take to arms because of a penny tax on tea. Today, there are millions of different taxes and we still do not have the right to control this. President Clinton means well, but he has proven himself to be more obedient to the rules of politics than the concept of Democracy. No one wants more taxes and he won the election by promising to lower taxes, or at least not to increase them and as soon as he was elected, he started to raise your taxes. When will we show them that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! Support the move for Real Democracy in America by subscribing to this 1ST AMERICAN PETITION PROGRAM call the 900 number to your left to learn about the latest petitions. With your help, we can take control of our country once again. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT YOUR NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY ______________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE CITY ZIP :PHYSSIZE KONA VILLAGE I'm going to start telling you about my favorite spot IN THIS WORLD and we'll work our way around to some of the less miraculous spots in Hawaii, the most magical place in the world. And I'm going to preface my remarks about locations on the Islands by saying that it really doesn't matter where you stay on the islands as long as you're staying somewhere on them for a while. You can absorb all the wonderful spirit of life no matter where you are in hawaii because it's everywhere and in great abundance. But, there is something to be said for making the most of your visit so that you can truly enjoy every minute of your stay and not have to worry about a thing. This is what I like most about Kona Village Resort. Situated on the 'big Island', the Island of Hawaii is spectacular because it is the island with the greatest volcanic activity of all of them. In fact, recently an entire village was destroyed by the volcano on the Eastern slope of the Island. But don't worry, the Kona Coast is on the Western slope and is unthreatened by the volcano. Luckily for us because this is where I prefer to spend my time. Just a few minutes north of the town of Kona, Kona Village Resort, when you approach it, appears to be in the middle of a vast moonscape. The volcano scorched this part of the island hundreds or even thousands of years ago and it has yet to recover. Everywhere you go, it looks like a scene from Star Trek. There is nothing but dark jagged rock formations and every once in a while you might see a lonely blade of grass. When I first came here, I thought that I was having a nightmare. It was the first time I'd been to Hawaii and I was not expecting such a scene. Let me assure you however, that within a few minutes drive of this barren place, you come to a little oasis that is a perfect paradise all on its own. Kona Village Resort is perhaps the last place in the islands where you can stay in a grass roofed hut, called a 'Hale'. They are very comfortable, with beautiful furnishings. You even have a coffee maker in the room and they make sure that there's always a fresh pot brewing for you in the morning, and of course it's Kona coffee. You take your cup out onto the little veranda on the front of your little grass shack and from any one of the 'hales' your eyes are filled with the most incredible beauty. There are 'hales' on the lagoon side of the village and there are 'hales' on the beach side and I don't care which one you stay in as long as you stay in one. They all give you a sense of total Satori, or Nirvana, heaven! There are no televisions, radios or telephones in Kona Village Resort and before they let you go there, they find out your taste in books and they have one waiting for you. You cannot, I emphasize, cannot leave here feeling stressed or pained or sorry for anything in your life. All day long and all night, you wander from place to place in a constant high. There is really nothing to do in Kona Village that isn't relaxing. You can swim in the beautiful warm pacific water. You can go sailing in the little sail boats they provide. You can eat in one of the three or four restaurants. You can talk to any of the staff or any of the guests. You can read. You can write. You can take a nap on one of the many hammocks strung between the coconut trees on the beach. You can go fishing. You can hobnob with some of the most beautiful native Hawaian people. You can walk along the lagoons and watch the swans. But, most of all, you can put on a pair of fins and a snorkel mask and watch the fish. I know it sounds crazy, but the fish in the water here are protected and they know that they're not going to be caught and eaten, and so they put on quite a show. While you're swimming off the calm little lagoon here at Kona Village, you can look down and you will see some underwater caves and arches formed by the volcanic activity. It's so wonderfully refreshing to dive down and swim through them. I have never felt so alive as I do when I'm swimming in these waters. You'll see octopus and crabs and angel fish, sting rays, and blue fish and zebra fish and giraffe fish and trumpet fish and every kind of size and shape imagineable. They just wander into these waters to entertain you. It's so wonderful, so richly rewarding, so unique. There is no place in the world like this. I met several Hollywood actors and writers while I was there and they told me they go there to get away from it all and to simply relax. They were right. No one bothered them there. No one goes there to bother or be bothered. Oh, and the food. Let me tell you about the food. There is no finer eating anywhere on Earth. Well, that stands to reason since the best fishing is right off the Kona Coast. You will want to try the Mahi Mahi and the swordfish in butter and saffron, for dinner. In the morning, they have papaya smoothies that make you crazy, they're so good. Lunch is my favorite, however, because at lunch, they put out the most wonderful buffet I've ever seen. You can eat all the sashimi, all the fresh crab, all the shrimp you want. With their fresh vegetables and barbeque'd meats, it's really hell if you're on a diet. But throw away the diet for the time being. You're going to get so much exercise, you will burn twice as many calories as you normally do at home, so enjoy! Well, that's enough on Kona Village Resort. Their phone number is 800-533-5351. Give them a call and make a reservation. It's not cheap, but it's worth every cent, and their wonderful food is included. You won't need to spend anything else as long as you're there because they take very good care of you. It's really very inexpensive when you consider that you get all the fun and entertainment included in one bill. So, don't let their prices keep you away. I've spent many a vacation on twice what I spent at Kona Village and had a terrible time. So, you need to know that you will never regret the time you spend here. I know people who go there every time they have a vacation. They know they don't need to look any further for perfection. I have to agree with them. Oh, I have to mention the 'shipwreck bar' on the beach. Your alcohol is the only thing not included in their prices. But you have to spend a few carefree hours at the 'shipwreck bar'. It's actually a sailboat that must have run across hard times and it grounded itself right on the beach in the middle of the village. You sit at the gunnels of this beautiful little sailboat watching life pass you by while you sip the best mai-tai's or margaritas you've ever had. Pretty soon, a couple hours leads to the whole day shot right there having shots. It's the most interesting bar I've ever been in. I think I left a good part of me there. But the most important thing I can say about Kona Village is that if you don't get there, you will never be able to judge any place else. That's how wonderful it is. It's not a place to take teenagers because there's no hot and fast night life, not glitzy bars or clubs. There is only the most wonderful moonlit walks on a perfect sandy beach with someone you really care about. There's only the most crystal clear water and sky. There is only the most incredible sunrises you've ever seen. There is only the most wonderful relaxation you've ever had. There's only the greatest peace and serenity you'll ever know on Earth. If this doesn't sound great to you, don't ruin it for those who are packing right now! buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT ">#h" DATABASE SOFTWARE buttonUp buttonUp RETURN 1-408-423-8580 DATA BASE MANAGERS If you're going to be keeping a list of video tapes or something like that for the home, use a simple Shareware program like Wampum or PC-File. Only about $10.00. These produce simple rolodex cards on the screen for easy data entry and lookup. And they do a few other things as well. Q&A - BEST IN CLASS! But, if you have a business purpose in mind and you need to keep track of inventory and sales and payroll and other business information, use Q&A. It's the easiest of all database managers on the market to learn and use. Only about $300.00. The new version is even relational and replaces many of the high end database managers like Ashton Tate's Dbase series. Q&A is, in my mind the easiest to learn of all Database managers because it has simple pull down menus for everything. It's also got great manuals and if you have a question and you need to call the company, they have the best support staff. Their people, unlike many support technicians, know the program inside and out and can actually give you ideas on how to do things. They are great. Symantec is one of my favorite companies because they truly practice the art of excellence and the very highest degree of quality control and customer service. With the new version of Q&A, version 4.0, you can even create applications for your customers, or yourself and give them customized menu choices so that they learn it and are up and running faster and call you less for support. There is a new feature that I love. It's a batch posting feature that lets you design, finally, an inventory system or simple accounting program for your business. I have to give Symantec my highest ratings! If a program has their name on it, you can bet that it's going to be well worth the investment. If you've been reading my articles for any length of time, you know that I don't give out this kind of praise lightly. This is the only product that allows the user to ask it questions in plain english. This works so well we're using it to predict the outcome of sporting events. It's like having an oracle right in your computer. If they ever get around to a version for Windows it will revolutionize the way you use Windows. I hear it's coming in 1993 sometime. I am waiting patiently. Until then, if you're in a hurry for Windows Database Management, get Approach. It's simple and gets the job done, although it doesn not allow for any programming, the applications will be limited that you can devise. Not so, with new Microsoft Access. This is a monster 14MB of database program. It works pretty well, but in my experience is pretty slow because apparantly 14 MB of programming has to flow around your system before a screen to change. I find that un-acceptable. Maybe in later versions, they work this out. I have a feeling that Symantec will not have this huge overhead to get the same job done. But I don't really know since they, Symantec, haven't produced anything yet. Speaking of Oracles... My choice for higher end Databases if you should ever require one is Oracle and Oracle for Windows. With this system, you do not have to know very much at all about programming and you can still come up with a very sophisticated and robust application for your corporation. The small business person should stay away from this because Q&A can do the job for thousands less. But if you're a huge corporation and have the Client/Server database needs, Oracle is the one. They win hands down in every competition of these high-end systems. This is very high-end and expensive and more appropriate for large corporations with all kinds of networks and so forth. For the average PC small business user, you want a package like Q&A or Ace File, another good one or a new one called 'Approach'. Both of these new-comers run under Windows and are very easy to use and learn. BUT LET THE BUYER BEWARE! Foxpro is another one that is getting lots of press and attention. I don't care for their product, but in all fairness, we believe that if you're a very advanced programmer, you might be able to get some use out of it. We did not because we do not believe in putting in thousands of hours of work on a project when a just a few hours will get the job done. This is what Foxpro doesn't do well. It takes a great deal of time to get an application up and running and even then, there are major flaws and problems. In order to get anything useful out of Foxpro, you must be a programmer and this means it will take the average programmer months to develop an application that even a computer novice can develop in Q&A in just a few hours. I say this because I consider myself a novice and I have done this. If Foxpro is getting good reviews elsewhere and I'm sure they are, it's because the average reviewer is not also a developer as I am and therefore cannot put the program through the rigorous, down to Earth testing, that we do here. LATE BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft has recently purchased Foxpro and so we can presume that this program will soon be introduced with new, user friendly features because it will run under Windows. Watch out for a review of this in future issues. I think we're going to like it. With Database Management systems such as those discussed above, you can alter the program at any time with the greatest amount of ease so that as you grow and realize more and more what you want to get out of your system, your system can respond to you. Our customers use database management systems to track their receivables, payables, inventory, sales, payroll, purchase orders, invoices, etc. and all WITHOUT THE NEED TO KNOW ACCOUNTING! Thus, you can have a computer system today that saves you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good databaseost of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! We have them all and can consult with you as to which one would be the best suited for your needs. 1-408-423-8580 Growth is a natural process. With Database Management systems such as those discussed above, you can alter the program at any time with the greatest amount of ease so that as you grow and realize more and more what you want to get out of your system, your system can respond to you. Our customers use database management systems to track their receivables, payables, inventory, sales, payroll, purchase orders, invoices, etc. and all WITHOUT THE NEED TO KNOW ACCOUNTING! Thus, you can have a computer system today that saves you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good database design can eliminate most of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! time with the greatest amount of ease so that as you grow and realize more and more what you want to get out of your system, your system can respond to you. Our customers use database management systems to track their receivables, payables, inventory, sales, payroll, purchase orders, invoices, etc. and all WITHOUT THE NEED TO KNOW ACCOUNTING! Thus, you can have a computer system today that saves you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good database design can eliminate most of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! computer system today that saves you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good database design can eliminate most of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous WORD PROCESSING SOFTWARE 1-408-423-8580 WORD PROCESSING The best-in-this category currently is Microsoft Word for Windows. It runs under Windows, which makes it the easiest to learn and operate and it also does most functions traditionally found in Desktop Publishing programs. Word allows you to mix text and graphics in a cut and paste environment. I use it all the time to draw up flyers and newsletters. Because it's a Windows program, you can use your favorite drawing or painting program. Draw a picture of your logo or whatever, with your mouse or trackball or light pen and then simply cut and paste it into your document. It also allows for columns such as in a newsletter. Another spiffy new feature with all Windows programs is Dynamic Linking. This means that you can place a field in the middle of your document that refers to a cell in a spreadsheet, let's say it's the latest prices of an item you're trying to sell. Each time you open this document, Windows looks up the latest price you have in your spreadsheet and places in in this field automatically and quickly. You don't even realize you have the latest pricing information right there on the screen every time you send the letter. It's a great idea. I use it all the time for sending out quotes and bids and things like that because I also use a spreadsheet for things like that. Word also lets you do easy merge mail and mailing labels and envelopes. It does have a rather clumsy spell checker, but once you get used to it, it's as good as any of the others. I'm sure that in new versions they'll speed this up a tad. The other nice feature about Windows is the buttons that you push in the upper ruler area of the document. If you want something bold, just highlight it and then push the button with a 'B' on it for bold or 'I' for Italics. Very simple to make a document look great. Another terrific feature is the font support. You'll want to buy a Font package like Facelift for fancy fonts, but with this package you have documents that look as though they were professionally typeset. If you can't afford to move up to a Windows system, then you will want Word Perfect. This is a fine Dos Based system and it's generally regarded as the best for offices like legal , professional and so forth because it's very well known by the secretarial pools. But it's limited,,, It has graphics ability and newsletter creation ability, but nowhere near as easy as with any Windows word processor. But there is an easy to use spell checker and thesauraus. All major printers are supported. I used WordPerfect for years until I got into a Windows based system... my wonderful '486! If you just want to write a novel, simple business letters and your spelling is pretty good, and nothing more, the next best word processing program is the Norton Editor There's no spell checker, but you can add one at about $30.00 It's nothing fancy, but it's a word processor that lets you cut and paste between multiple documents and easily. This is the feature I look for most in a word processor because I am a professional writer. Often times there is a paragraph or a page that I can copy from an earlier work. The paragraph above, for example, was one that I had written a month or two earlier for another review and I realized that most of it was still accurate, so I merely cut it from the old review and copied it here. I feel that as long as a word processor has a pull down menu for locating files, printing, searching etc. and if it has the ability to cut and paste between several documents open at the same time, then I have everything I need. Because if I want fancy fonts and stuff like that, I merely import my work into a fancier word processor and upgrade it to whatever look I feel I need. I prefer to put my basic thoughts down in a simple editor, however, because they save in an ASCII format. This means that it's a universal format that any of my other programs can import, so it's more flexible. I used to work exclusively in Wordperfect, but sometimes that is more trouble than it's worth as far as converting documents to other formats. Most of you don't have this problem, however. So another great word processor is Wordperfect. But if you don't have it already, wait and buy the version for Windows. It's due out just about the time this article is due out, so I can't review it here, in this issue, but look for it in future issues. Knowing this company as I do, I'm confident, they are going to produce a word processor second to none. It will probably hit the streets at about $400.00 - $500.00 but don't quote me on that since it is not out yet. 1-408-423-8580 ew dollars to spend, get Pc-Write, only about $10.00. A Shareware program that works great. It has many features I've already mentioned. It's just not as pretty to look at on the screen as the other more commercial programs. other more commercial programs. s you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good database design can eliminate most of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! We have them all and can consult with you as to which one would be the best suited for your needs. 1-800-388-8338 OF SOPHISTICATED YET EASY TO USE DATABASE MANAGER ... DEMO $10.00 So, there's the range of database managers from simplest to the most complex! Call if you have any questions regarding database management. In my opinion a good DATABASE MANAGER is the best way to handle business information, including accounting data! With traditional accounting programs, you really should hire a full time accountant to run it because you need a knowledge of double entry accounting with these. This old-fashioned kind of program generally CAUSES more problems than they solve. I don't like that. So, there is a hidden cost to all of these. Plus, they are not flexible enough to meet your needs as you expand your computer knowledge and reassess your needs, something that happens to everybody. Growth is a natural process. With Database Management systems such as those discussed above, you can alter the program at any time with the greatest amount of ease so that as you grow and realize more and more what you want to get out of your system, your system can respond to you. Our customers use database management systems to track their receivables, payables, inventory, sales, payroll, purchase orders, invoices, etc. and all WITHOUT THE NEED TO KNOW ACCOUNTING! Thus, you can have a computer system today that saves you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good database design can eliminate most of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! time with the greatest amount of ease so that as you grow and realize more and more what you want to get out of your system, your system can respond to you. Our customers use database management systems to track their receivables, payables, inventory, sales, payroll, purchase orders, invoices, etc. and all WITHOUT THE NEED TO KNOW ACCOUNTING! Thus, you can have a computer system today that saves you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good database design can eliminate most of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! computer system today that saves you time and money and is not creating more problems than it solves. This is a serious subject because we've seen both kinds of systems out there. Good database design can eliminate most of the every-day problems of running a business, trust me! buttonUp buttonUp RETURN FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous buttonUp buttonUp RETURN c 1-408-423-8580 SPREADSHEETS The best spreadsheet of all time is Microsoft Excel. It has some automatic formula techniques that are dynamite. Plus, since it's a Windows based program, it is the easiest to learn and use and MORE IMPORTANTLY, you can cut and paste parts of your spreadsheet into your word processor with a few clicks of the mouse or trackball. It's also the best graphing program. Highlight a portion of your spreadsheet, click on the graph button on the menu bar and it produces the graph for you. It's that simple! I love this program and use it all the time. It has no bugs, a great tutorial, and it even outlines for you so that you can expand or collapse any portion of your spreadsheet for presentations to customers or associates. Microsoft has recently lowered prices on all their software so call if you want the best price in the current market. 1-408-423-8580 Of course, there's still the old venerable Lotus 123 and they even have a pretty good version out for Windows. But my feeling is, unless you're part of a corporation that already has lots of Lotus 123 installed in their computer system, then why not start out with the best as far as ease of use, ease of installation and ease of learning. This distinction can only be given to Excel. It's simply the best and getting better all the time. It even has buttons on there that seem to intuit what it is you want to do, saving oodles of time and thinking. With Excel, you even get a very good Database system so that you can perform simple searches and retrieval of your data. In this field Excel again is the best and the next version promises to be the answer to the database vs. spreadsheet question for many users. Tie excel in with a new type of program called a 'Front End' and you have a great use of Windows ability to keep things simple and yet have a very sophisticated application up and running within minutes! And I'm not kidding! The Front End, I'm thinking of is either Ace File, or Object Vision from Borland. With either of these programs you can design a screen in minutes that resembles a paper invoice, let's say, or any document that you now use in your business. Then, the Front End links to Excel and let's you see your data in a wide variety of reports and views. This is the way all businesses will be run in the future. SPREADSHEET SOFTWAREEEEE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous buttonUp buttonUp RETURN To order any of these products Call us..... Double your disk size with Xtra-Drive, the best compression program we have tested. It actually creates a new D: drive or E: or whatever letter is logically next ... and doubles your capacity. Also has an easy un-install in case you find an incompatible program. 1-408-423-8580 ... If you upgrade to Windows, you will want to use the best input device. The Logitech Trackman is the best in our opinion because it fits your hand better and is more intuitive and it has a lifetime warranty. Anything goes wrong, just call logitech and they replace it, and over a lifetime of use, something always goes wrong. I like Logitech very much and I think every computer peripheral company should exercise the same degree of consumer awareness. Then, it would be a perfect world. We have knowledgeable experts on nearly every computer subject. If you are looking to add a terminal to a network, or if you are looking to upgrade your home computer to MULTI-MEDIA or if you are looking to make your life easier with a business you own, call us for advice. We will give it gladly and freely, as long as you will do business with us. We never sell anything we don't think you need or that we know is not the best solution because we must back up everything we do. All our products are guaranteed to do exactly what you want them to do or your money back. We recently learned that Microsoft has come up with a new version of Windows for Networks that will allow everyone in the Network to enjoy the ease of use of Windows. It is shipping around now, the fall of 1992. So, if you are considering installing a Network, you will want to look into the Windows solution. It's a bit more expensive than plain old "Dumb Terminals", but that's about the kind of work you'll get out of your employees under most Networks, simply because they are not easy to use, install, learn, or modify. Windows Networking, more accuragely called, "Workgroups for Windows" allows your folks to work more co-operatively, sending messages, calendars, graphics and so forth over the Net. This kind of sharing of information can make an organization much more productive and competitive and in this economy, you need to be both. We can also recommend the new cooling fans for the 486 systems that Intel has introduced. We found a simple, inexpensive solution to the heat problems in a '486. Intel, has admitted that their 486 CPUS are running a bit on the hot side. This can result in lost data or locked up machines. To avoid this problem, you can order and install a tiny little heat sink and fan to the CPU. Anyone with a scredriver can do it. It takes about two minutes and you have a much cooler running computer. We find this solution to be very elegant and anyone with an IBM compatible machine should have one of these, in our opinion, whether or not they have a '486 or not. The reason is that all computer fans were engineered to take the heat from the power supply out of the case. This means that your computer is still left with a residual heat from the action of the chips inside. It's a by-product of electrical events in the computer. With this little heat sink and fan, installed in your system, you should get much more life from your investment. And it can avoid the very expensive problem of data loss! The heat sink and fan assembly is only $45.00 and it simply snaps onto the CPU chip in your system. Nothing else is required. We can also recommend that almost everyone should look into the new Floptical drives. These are great for two reasons. First, they hold 20 MB of data, more later, and the diskettes are removable. THIS MEANS THAT THEY CURRENTLY THE BEST KIND OF BACKUP DEVICE. Better than tape drives and much more flexible because they can act as a second hard drive if something goes wrong with your main hard drive saving a great deal of time in emergencies. Perhaps, more importantly, they are a great Multi-Media Device. We, and other publishers can fit much more data, especially graphics, full-motion video, sound on one of these diskettes. And you will see more and more of this as time goes on. In fact, we are encouraging all our customers to buy one of these drives so that they can get the full benefit of our Video Reviews. They are currently only about $350.00 and in 1993, the price should go down considerably as they produce more and more of them. Great alternative to CD-ROM Drives which we also carry for people who want to take advantage of all the gigabytes of data already available on this format. Another great new innovation is the program to double your present hard disk capacity... called XTRA-DRIVE. It's the best of all the products in this category. We found it easiest to install and most importantly ... UNINSTALL. If you are having compatibility problems with a program and a DISK EXPANDER, you need to un-install quickly, easily and without fear of losing any data. XTRA-DRIVE is the only disk expansion product that we tested that does this easily and quickly. It does degrade the speed of your system a little bit, like all the others. Don't let them fool you. There is a give-up in this. And it's speed. But, if you have a '486, the speed difference is negligible. The other thing we like about XTRA-DRIVE is that it makes two separate drives for you. If you have a C: drive, it will add a D: drive or E: or F:, whatever is appropriate for you. I like this because I feel more confident in knowing that all my most precious files are still on drive C: and my less important files are on D:. It's a psychological thing. Others may feel better with everything on one drive notation. But I feel this method is superior. It's subjective, I admit, but that's my opinion. I always felt with the other compression programs that they would get all my data mixed up somehow if something went wrong. By putting an entirely new drive at my disposal by giving it a new D: notation, it just feels more stable to me and in my experience it has been. XTRA-DRIVE, better than DISK-DOUBLER, or any of the others. And it's less expensive. Installs in minutes. Reliable. {Of course if you can wait, wait to upgrade to the new version of DOS, version 6.0 due out in early 1993. This version of DOS will have its own disk compression built in. And it will have additional features that present disk compression programs do not have.... alternate boot-up configurations for running different sets of programs that are incompatible under certain config.sys configurations.) ANOTHER NEW PRODUCT IDEA ... If you have a laser printer in a large office and you're printer sharing, you're probably also very frustrated with the speed of your printer. An easy and inexpensive up-grade to your system is to install a printer accelerator card. These have been pricey before, but now there are cheaper alternatives. Microsoft has heard the complaints and has launched their own card. Out soon, it's only about $199.00. Another good one is Printsprint. It's a little more - about $299.00 but is available now. What they do is use the computers CPU to compose the pages and gets around the bottleneck in the Print Spooler. And, Oh, yes... We take Visa & MasterCard. With these tools, you can do almost anything. Want to know more? Call us..... 1-408-423-8580 MISCELLANY HARDWAREEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO pAGE ID 52 buttondown buttondown Previous l!4" 1-408-423-8580 WINDOWS CORNER If you don't have Windows, you should get it! You need to have a '286 or above with at least 2 MB of RAM. But Windows really works best in '386 or '486 systems, simply because the speed of the processor is needed to run all the bells and whistles of Windows in a timely fashion. We prefer putting it into a system with 4 MB RAM. This is because it actually allows you to EASILY AND WITHOUT CONFLICTS run several program AT THE SAME TIME. If you move your cursor into the 'WINDOWS CORNER" hot word at the top of the page, you'll see what I mean. The screen that pops up is a picture of my computer, or at least part of it. (I can't fit the entire screen on one page. ) The small Icons at the bottom of the Windows screen, mean that all these programs are running at the same time on my system. When I click on any one of them, they are instantly available to me. It also lets you do things you never thought possible with just a few clicks of your mouse or trackball. Windows is a must for people or companies that want to get the most out of their computers. There are now hundreds of programs written for Windows and together they make a wonderful and very useful tool out of a PC. This magazine and others by us were created using s AT THE SAME TIME. and a wonderful program called Toolbook from Asymetrix. Asymetrix is a company which was founded by a founding member of Microsoft, therefore the linking of software ideas between the two companies is the best in the Industry. This magazine is an example of what can be done currently within the Windows environment. Later, we will introduce version of the magazine that actually have sound clips of some of our movies as well as visual animated clips. There is no other program in the world that lets the author do this kind of Multi-media application in a very short period of time. We have worked with all the products in this category and we find Asymetrix to be the best to deal with in terms of reliability of the software, ease of learning and technical support, the three necessary ingredients for developing a program of this kind. A few months ago there was a great deal of debate about whether Windows is worth the money to upgrade. I believe programs such as Toolbook, Ace File, Word, Excel, and many others have put that one to rest. There is no better way to organize a business than through Windows. If you have any creative skills at all, you'll thrill to the things you can be doing within the Windows environment. It's even better than the Apple Macintosh environment, because the playing field is so rich with software variety. Within Windows my computer can dial the phone for me, send and recieve faxes in background, talk to other computers all over the world, pick up my electronic mail, act as a personal assistant, and it never calls in sick, it never needs a vacation, nor does it need health insurance, or retirement benfits. I can also watch TV on the same screen that I am working on in word processing or bookkeeping. I can even listen to CD qualtiy music. This is the future of computing for the rest of us and we can show you the way to it. In future versions of this magazine, we will give you the ability to watch clips of movies on your computer, or listen to clips of new music offerings, watch interviews of the artists and then simply press a button to order anything that you watch us review. The implications for the end user is that all of us will be able to put this kind of technology to use in our stores and businesses to make life lots more fun and profitable. Imagine being able to demonstrate your new design for a home or any product on your computer for your prospective clients. This can all be done now because of Windows. Windows can make an average user feel like an expert because all the programs you run under Windows work the same way. That's why Windows is going to take over the mainstream of computing in this country, and it should. If you have never seen Windows demonstrated, Call us and we'll send you a demonstration diskette for $10.00 which tells the full story of Windows Computing. If none of that sells you on Windows, try the new Quicken for Windows. It has been the top-selling program for IBM machines for years and now it should become known as the best new program for what it does. It's less than $50.00 and it does so much for a small business or household. It keeps track of all checks, does a P&L, tax report, sorts on any category of expense, budgets, even payroll, and so fast and simple because of the Windows interface. Check it out. Intuit has recently introduced a credit card that is electronically connected to your computer so that when it's time to get your statements, Quicken calls the credit card bank and downloads all of your transactions to your Quicken program, thus allowing for the easiest financial tracking system we have ever hearf of. This is the future! And quicken can even do the books for a small business now. The greatest part about it all is that this new financial tool is easier to use than your present method of writing things down in a check register or whatever else you're doing. Another great use of Windows is the vast array of new educational and entertaining programs that kids take to like a duck takes to water. You can sit your kid down in front of these programs and within a few hours he will have completed the equivalent of a high school math program or science class. It's amazing how fast kids learn on a computer. It's eerie, with most kids. There is a growing body of evidence that the computer will speed up evolution of our species because of the new kind of symbiotic relationship between the mind and the machine that we have just recently discoverred on this planet. Windows is definitely the way of the future. 1-408-423-8580 .00 and it does so much for a small business or household. It keeps track of all checks, does a P&L, tax report, sorts on any category of expense, budgets, even payroll, and so fast and simple because of the Windows interface. Check it out. ategory of expense, budgets, even payroll, and so fast and simple because of the Windows interface. Check it out. ing on, click on the employee record or the client card, give the information out, and click on the folder you were in before you were so rudely interrupted. In the old days of computing, this kind of work was very frustrating because you would have to save your work, exit the program, find another one, start it up, wait several minutes for it to get to where your information is, look up the requested info and give it out and then reverse the process to get back to where you were and very often you'd forget how to get back. If none of that sells you on Windows, try the new Quicken for Windows. It has been the top-selling program for IBM machines for years and now it should become known as the best new program for what it does. It's less than $50.00 and it does so much for a small business or household. It keeps track of all checks, does a P&L, tax report, sorts on any category of expense, budgets, even payroll, and so fast and simple because of the Windows interface. Check it out. TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW PAINTOBJECT "WINDOW" 0LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER WINDOW MOUSELEAVE WINDOW buttonUp buttonUp RETURN WINDOWS SOFTWARE SOFTWAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WINDOW *":PHYSSIZE FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 54 buttondown buttondown Previous RICHARD NIXON IS REALLY AN ALIEN... Richard Nixon's most famous speech, "I am not crook", was actually meant to say "I am not a crook, I'm from the planet, Altomba." But his advisors and the Secret Service cut the other half of the sentence out of this incredible confession to a stunned American audience some fifteen years ago. But, the truth has surfaced recently when Mr. Nixon's Pool Service Man, found Mr. Nixon sitting at the bottom of the pool in a Smoking Jacket. "He was sitting there smoking this big 'ol pipe under water, and it was burning and everything. The smoke came right up and out of the pool and hit me in the face. It smelled like Camels, but not the cigarette, the animal," said, PoolMan, Rock Pinkney. Then, according to Poolman Pinkney, Mr. Nixon, noticed that he was being watched and suddenly turned into a huge frog. The pool man was horrified and ran to call authorities. But when he returned with New York City cops in tow, they found Mr. Nixon had left his residence. He was nowhere to be found and repeated calls by this magazine to Mr. Nixon's agent is rewarded with a very curt "No comment." TO HANDLE BUTTONUP GO TO PAGE 1 BUTTONUP BUTTONUP FRONT PAGE buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST NEWS & REVIEWS OF THE LATEST MOVIE REVIEWS -- UPDATED WEEKLY IS ... 1-900-420-3713 EXT. 121 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONES- strauss communications (408) 625-191000000000000000 GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION HOW CAN WE IMPROVE THIS MULTI-MEDIA MAGAZINE. (Contest: win a free DTP program.) Please give us your comments in the box (more) below...more details here. JUST TYPE IN THE BOX BELOW. PRINT IT OUT AND SEND IT TO US PREFEREABLY WITH A SUBSCRIPTION FORM, (but this is not required.) All responses will be eligible to win a FREE COPY OF AMI-PRO OR WORDPERFECT 5.2 DESKTOP PUBLISHING SOFTWARE. We will decide the ten winners based on what we feel are the best answers to the question, "How can we improve this magazine?" Think of things that you would like to see in a Multi-Media Magazine of this type or that friends of yours would like to see in this magazine. Be creative. Don't rule out anything that seems bizarre. The computer technology allows for all kinds of things that we have not yet imagined. Be creative. Be concise. Be brief, but make it clear to us exactly what you have in mind and what the benefits would be to our readers and YOU COULD WIN A FREE AMI PRO DESKTOP PUBLISHING PROGRAM - Now receiving rave reviews from many computer magazines as the best in its class. FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT PRINT 720, 720, 720, 720 720, 720 "ID 1" /= 32" buttonUp buttonUp idNumber of this background = 32 PRINT Print subscription form to see our address. TYPE ANSWER HERE: petition THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST NEWS ON YOUR FAVORITE TV AND MOVIE STAR -- UPDATED WEEKLY IS ... 1-900-420-3713 EXT. 121 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSSSS buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT THIS IS A SERIES OF ARTICLES THAT YOU WON'T READ ANYWHERE ELSE THIS YEAR OR POSSIBLY EVEN NEXT YEAR, BUT THEY NEED TO BE READ NOW.... IT MAY SEEM INSIGNIFICANT ... However, everything that we do in our lives on a daily basis will go into the creation of a potential future for this planet. We are constantly re-creating the future political, social, technological future of our planet each and every day without even thinking about it. And most important are our decisions that impact on the future ecology of this planet. If we continue to demand our news and entertainment be delivered to us on paper, a cellulose extracted from trees and then processed into a stagnant, one-dimensional medium, plastered with inks derived from the bowels of the Earth, then the future of our planet is indeed very dim and dark. If we want to give future generations of Mankind at least the same quality of air and water and every other quality of life we desire for ourselves, we have to consciously change our daily reading habits as well as our transportation habits. By reading more and more multi-media books like this one and closing subscriptions to paper-based media, you can do the most you can do without a great effort to help save the planet. One yearly subscription, for example, to your local newspaper requires that, on average, FIVE THOUSAND ACRES OF TREES BE CUT DOWN! Hard to believe, but it's true. If you're recycling, that's good, but it's still not the answer because they will still need to chop down have as many acres to service your sole subscription. Think of how many trees are being cut down with all the hundreds of millions of subscriptions to other newspapers, magazines, etc. Now, this wouldn't be so important if it weren't for the fact that trees are the single largest source of oxygen on this planet. The ocean plankton and vegetation is next most important, but the way we are destroying the ocean ecology is another issue that we will tackle in future issues. The cutting down of trees is something that each and every one of us can do something about each and every day. The ocean ecology is a tougher problem. We can impact this devastation and turn it around also by subscribing to this magazine, because the issues that they consider in Congress and turn into laws, especially the shipping regulations, will impact greatly what happens to our oceans. Already, we are gill-netting nearly every living thing in the ocean to feed ourselves. The cruise ships that we like to take for vacations are throwing thousands of tons of garbage overhoard every day. The oil tankers are still spilling thousands and even millions of gallons of poisons into the oceans every day, JUST TO CLEAN OUT THEIR BILGES. This is still allowed under the law. It must stop! Our farms and factories are still dumping poisons into the sewers which end up in the oceans. The fish we eat every year is more and more tainted with these poisons and soon we will be given advisories from the government about which fish are the most dangerous. We already cannot eat fish from many of our largest rivers and streams. And if you think you're immune because you only eat vegetables or you only eat meat, well, you're deluding yourself. They make us buy bottled water. The air we breathe is poison in most cities. The food we eat is more and more poisonous each year. When will we stand up and fight for a clean environment and a safer planet to ensure the survival of OUR OWN SPECIES. The buffoons in Congress tell us not to worry, jobs are more important than the environment, but if we just spent more time concentrating on creating jobs that clean up the environment instead of destroying it, we would all be better off and we would have an economy that could grow forever without destroying the planet. With the 3rd world countries demanding more and more of our same standard of living, this will be THE GREATEST IMPERATIVE. We have to put our heads together, think creatively, work co-operatively, volunteer our time and energies and make this planet safe for the future generations. You may not think this is very important until you have children of your own. You look into their eyes when they are still very young and you can see their dependence on us to do the right thing. If you have had a child, you understand the love and the hope in the future that you can place in them. Without our concern and our working toward a better world this love is meaningless, hypocritical, useless. We need to give the planet Earth the same kind of love and attention that we give our own children, because the two are inter-dependent. Think about it! Encourage others to subscribe to this magazine. Contribute to it on a regular basis. We have a section that tells you how you can participate. Make copies of diskettes and pass it around. Talk it up with your friends and associates. Make it a priority in your life to get your family completely away from printed material. This is the greatest promise of the computer revolution and you need to take full advantage of it. The publishers. ... MORE INFO ...,,,,EEEEEEEEEEE "900#" "900#" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter mouseleave One of the main reasons this magazine is published is to encourage more participation by the average American citizen in their democracy. You can only do this by working with the Petition as outlined in the 'Congess Watch' Section of the magazine and by calling our 900# to learn the latest news about these petitions and to show your support. THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS - UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITION 1-900-420-3710 EXT. 101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONES buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION TO HANDLE BUTTONUP GO TO PAGE 1 BUTTONUP BUTTONUP FRONT PAGE buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown NORMAN SCHWARTZKOPF WAS ACTUALLY ADOLF HITLER'S SHOE-SHINE BOY. In fact, Schwartzkopf, in German literally means, "Black Boot". The Schwartzkopf family got their name because from the middle ages on they have been boot-blacks for German Royalty including Mad King Rudolph of the fifteenth century, the one with the big huge castle on the Rhine that adorns all the famous posters of Europe. General Schwartzkopf, it is reported, has flashbacks every once in a while of this very dissatisfying childhood an in fact, his new American identity has been primarily a way for him to work off all the angst suffered at the hands of Hitler who would beat him if he couldn't see his face in his boots after the young Norman would shine them. General Schwartzkopf doesn't like to talk about this episode in his life, but when prompted over a bottle of Schnapps on very lonely nights in Iraq, he made a clean breast of things to insider colonels and aids-de-camp. A very select group of five heard the General give a tear-filled recounting of an episode in his life, just before the war was about to end. Hitler called him into the Bunker in which he was to spend his final days. Hitler called the young Schwartzkopf, at the time only about 7 years of age, into his bunker, where he found him totally nude and ordered him to put the boot black all over Hitler's face and body. It is General Schwartzkopf's belief that Hitler later escaped the bunker dressed as a Negro chauffeur and that it is his chauffer's body that was discovered burned to a crisp in 1945. He went on to describe his fears that Hitler is still alive and well and living in Bolivia as a Coca Leaf farmer. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE BEST DAILY PICK OF ALL PRO SPORTS GAMES.... 1-900-678-0612 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION TO CALL, COSTS $20, TOUCH TONE PHONES - Strauss Comm, Carmel, CA (408) 625-1910 GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION :PHYSSIZE "2#|$ THE H.U.B. OF THE MATTER ... By Michael Mathiesen - Publisher The universe is a mysterious place, but modern physics has taken much of the mystery away. We know, for instance, that everything we can see is moving away from each other. All the planets, the stars, the galaxies are moving away from vast unknown center of everything at a rate of many thousands of miles per second. We also know that stars that explode and die are the source of all the elements we find here on Earth and probably everywhere else. So, in effect, the universe is expanding infinitely in all directions and it's contracting inwarding, infinitely in all directions, an expansion and contraction seemingly taking place at the same time in both directions. Physicists have often wondered at the seemingly perfect symetry everywhere they look in Nature. Amongst the stars, there is always a disk of matter revolving around the stars held in their massive gravitational pull. The moon is held to the Earth by the same force. Indeed, even the planet Earth is held in its orbit with the sun by this same force. There are eight such planets in our solar system, separated by just enough distance so that the planets don't interfere with their orbits and collide amongst themselves. This same symetrical shape of the solar system and even the galaxies is repeated countless trillions of times in the heavens as far as the Human eye can see and as far as all human invention can peer into the infinite darkness. The world of the astronomer is just as shockingly similar to the world of the nuclear physicist peering down through microscopes of the same kind of power as the telescopes of today. As far as these scientists can see, there is also the same gravitational orbit of electrons orbiting the center or nucleus of the atom just the same as the planets circling the stars and the stars circling the galactic centers. None of this is a mere coincidence, or if it is, it's the largest coincidence in all Human endeavor. And it leads to some very wonderful thoughts about the meaning of it all. If there is so much symetry and order in the universe, there must be a higher force keeping the order uniform throughout the universe, otherwise there would be chaos everywhere. Though parts of the universe are indeed chaotic, and so are parts of our lives, the overwhelming majority of it is very well ordered, otherwise, life on this planet never would have had a chance to evolve over billions of well-controlled environmental conditions. When we look at this great order in the universe we find that it is characterized by three basic observable qualities. One, the universe is harmonic, all energies are flowing in very carefully tuned channels and this is how it can expand and contract all at the same time and be infinitely large and infinitely small at the same time. Two, it is uniform. Everywhere we can see, feel, touch, or smell, the universal laws of physics are the same. Nowhere in the heavens can we find a place where the laws of phyics like gravity, heat, light, inertia, acceleration, etc. are ignored. Three, the universe is balanced in all forms. All energies are balanced perfectly. All creation is balanced by destructive powers of equal power. All good is balanced by all the evil in the world, all the light is balanced with the darkness. All the forces of the universe that hold things together, are perfectly balanced by forces that propel them apart. Now, so far we've taken the most basic parts of the universe and laid them out for all to see. Now, the speculative part of this thesis. If the universe is so composed of Harmony, Uniformity, Balance, then this implies a Cosmic Consciousness which physically plans for these qualities to compose the universe. None of this infinite harmony, uniformity, balance could be the result of random forces acting in a great void. A cosmic architect is involved in the blueprints of the unverse and only the dullest of us are unable to see the great artistry with which it is all composed. None of this is great news to many of us, however, who are religiously inclined. However, if we get away from the idea of a God as an individual creature such as is described in the Bible, and think of this Creative force as a great Cosmic Consciousness, then we can begin to understand the role our own consciousness plays in the overall scheme of things. We are not here to avoid sin, to pray to this all knowing, impersonal God figure and to attempt to get into heaven when we die. We exist in a perfectly fine working heaven in the present lifetime. Our consciousness is connected to that of the great Cosmic Consciousness just as all the minute parts of the elements, the protons, the neutrons, the electrons, are all connected to the stars, the planetary systems, the galaxies. To prove this point, I challenge you, the reader to clear your mind, make it harmonious, uniform, balanced in all thoughts for even a brief period of time, and you will begin to reap the benefit of seeing and feeling for yourself, the connection to the great Cosmic Consciousness ruling the universe and everything in it. It is our great delight to announce to the world that the Cosmic Consciousness is here and it's very powerful on the Earth now at this moment in our history and it's asking each of us to search our deepest parts to find the way to connect to this power and to multiply its effect on the planet and on the Human Race. The time has come to wonder if there is a better way to run our affairs than to let half the world starve while the other half lives in absolute luxury. It's time we all unlearned what we have been taught about history and to learn that we have a responsibility to make the future far, far better than the past. The planet Earth is a very small place in the universe. The Earth is an oasis, an outpost, a mythical mysterious island floating alone in the depths of space. We Earth creatures are the lone carriers of the light force that raises everything to the highest and best degree. To be seen, glittering brightly against the darkness, the great power of Conscious Creation must blow its miraculous breath of life into the darkness and the energies of life flow through the brain cells and our blood is warmed by the same power of consciousness. Harmony, Uniformity, Balance is the key to the kind of existence that is completely at peace with itself. If you want to tap the power of the universe that created all things, you have only to concentrate your energies on these three things. Build the harmony in your heart to match that which colorizes the universe. Feel the uniformity in the world, the symmetry. See the basic underlying good in all things. Increase the balance in your thoughts. Deny the things that take you out of balance. Too much of a good thing is bad in the end. Keep a steady hand on the way you accomplish your goals. Don't get too excited or too depressed. Learn that you own nothing of any lasting value. Stop and smell the roses. Practice these three things and you will know the highest form of consciousness there is. When you do, you will understand so many things about your place in the universe and the reason for so many things that your life is bound to flow in the proper direction once again. We all have this great power when we're children, but somehow, in the crushing pressures to conform to society's perception of things, we lose this greatest of all talents. Regain it now. There is only a short time left in all our lives. As they say in the tennis shoe commercial, 'Just Do It.' graphic "cone1" buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION X$p#U$ THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITIONS IS 1-900-420-3710 EXT.101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSS :PHYSSIZE ... MORE INFO ...,,,,EEEEEEEEEEE "900#" "900#" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter mouseleave notes buttonDOWN "Notes" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN Notes 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset Rates: Notes As an introductory offer we are offering advertisers WHO QUALIFY, a very special rate.... FREE. Tha's right. If your company is a National Advertiser, that is, if you have an ad budget that places ads in all fifty states, we will give you one ad free in the Daily Planet. You must take advantage of this to find out how effective your ad can be in this marvelous new medium, COMPUTER MULTI-MEDIA. If you find that your first ad is effective then you will obviously want to continue and these are the following rates. 1 pg. AD $1,000 half pg $500 qtr pg $250 10% discount for 3 consecutive issues. 15% discount for 6 consecutive issues. We will come out quarterly with a completely new magazine. Some of our articles can be updated over the phone to our subscribers, giving us the feel of a weekly. This being our Maiden issue, we currently have a zero subscriber base, but in the near future, because of the nature of computer Networks, we expect to have circulation in the millions. Why not take advantage of these very cheap rates while we grow? We are new and have a small subscriber base now, but we can grow at an amazing rate since there is no printing involved. Many more people will read this magazine than the ones who subscribe. We will consider Per Inquiry Ads! If you would like to find out more or if you would like to plan an 'Inter-active' Ad campaign, give us a call at 408-423-8580 and ask for the Advertising Dept. TO HANDLE BUTTONUP SHOW GROUP "NOTES" OF THIS PAGE BUTTONUP BUTTONUP NOTES AD RATES IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE IN THIS MAGAZINE, MOVE YOUR CURSOR IN HERE. TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "AD1" OF THIS PAGE 4LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE IS A GREAT IDEA AND WILL PAY OFF IN MANY WAYS. OURS IS THE ONLY ADVERTISING MEDIUM WHERE YOU CAN HAVE INTER-ACTIVE ADS. THIS MEANS THAT YOU CAN TAKE POLLS OF YOUR CUSTOMERS. YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO NARROW YOUR MARKET. OR YOU CAN ALLOW THE READER TO PLAY A GAME AND HAVE FUN WITH YOUR CONCEPT AND THEN SELL HIM LATER ON. THERE ARE MANY WAYS THAT ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE CAN BE THE BEST BARGAIN YOU CAN FIND. FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT One of the main reasons this magazine is published is to encourage more participation by the average American citizen in their democracy. You can only do this by working with the Petition as outlined in the 'Congess Watch' Section of the magazine and by calling our 900# to learn the latest news about these petitions and to show your support. THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS - UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITION 1-900-XXX-XXXX UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSSSS TO HANDLE LEAVEPAGE HIDE FIELD "HARDSELL" LEAVEPAGE LEAVEPAGE HARDSELL If you had a sound card you'd hear us too. call 408-423-8580 to order one!!!!! "hardsell" mouseenter mouseenter hardsell Popup, Auto Close ofileName tbkMCI("close aniFile","") tbkMCIchk(" c:\toolbook\windsurf.avi alias 9 style popup", "", 500,1000) _ state ","",1) eplay | wait","",1) OpenDlg(".", "*.fl?", "Choose animation B.", " Animation buttonDown rightButtonUp buttonDown fileName prightButtonUp close aniFile tbkMCI open c:\toolbook\windsurf.avi alias aniFile style popup tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk play aniFile wait tbkMCIchk close aniFile tbkMCI rightButtonUp *.fl? Choose an animation file for this button. Choose Animation File OpenDlg fileName fileName fileName C:\TOOLBOOK\wndsurf1.avi Check it out! hardsell ANNOUNCING: THE 1ST & LAST ANNUAL MULTI-MEDIA PUBLISHER'S CONFERENCE & HUKE-LAU. in Hawaii.... June 20 - 30 1993 at the Fabulous Hyatt Waikaloa on the Kona Coast of the island of Hawaii. The 1st 100 registrations receive FREE MULTI-MEDIA PUBLISHING SOFTWARE FROM ASYMETRIX. & a chance to win a Home Theatre system worth over $5,000.00 You might be a writer, a publisher or a Marketing Manager for a large Corporation, or you're just interested in Multi-Media and how it may impact your business for the rest of the decade. If you fit into any of these categories and you'd like to learn all about how to plan, organize, create and market a Multi-Media publication for education, entertainment, or for a special interest group, AND you want to do all this in a super-relaxing, tropical setting in a resort where all the fun you'd ever want is within easy reach, then, come to this Multi-Media Publisher's conference and Huke-Lau. & YOU CAN STAY FOR THE FULL TEN DAYS AND MIX SOME FANTASTIC FISHING, SWIMMING, SNORKELING, DIVING, GOLF, HORSEBACK RIDING, SAILING, ETC. WITH OUR WORKSHOPS, OR IF YOU DON'T HAVE TEN DAYS, COME FOR THE FINAL 3 DAYS WHEN EVERYTHING WILL BE REPRISED FOR THOSE WHO NEED THE FAST TRACK VERSION. The Hyatt Waikaloa is an entire resort with 800 acres of private beaches, lagoons, swimming pools, golf courses, surfing, sailing, fishing, horseback riding, hiking, snorkeling, scuba, or just plain relaxing. The atmosphere is truly luxurious, the food is spectacular, the view breathtaking, the air, warm and refreshing. At this conference we are not going to be 'stressing' anything. We're just going to network and meet each other and learn from the Industry leaders like Microsoft, Gold Disk, Asymetrix, Sony, Media Vision, Creative Labs, Intel, Chips & Technologies, and many more all about the future and how we can participate. There will be workshops teaching you everything you need to know about creating your own Multi-Media publications for fun or profit. The PC world will soon have CD-ROM drives in every computer which means that we will all demand more and more information be provided to us in a fun, entertaining, inter-active way. No more learning from dusty old books from a dark dreary library with little or nothing that's up-to-date. From this point on the computer and the Television will be indistinguishable. We are all going to be part of this Evolution whether we know it or not. Those who know will participate to a larger degree than those who don't. Get in the swim and get in the know at this First and possibly Last Multi-Media Publishers Conference. We have even arranged for you to stay at the Hyatt Waikaloa, the most fantastic resort in Hawaii or perhaps the world and save $50.00 per nite because of our group seminar rates. So, what's your excuse now? You've been wanting to find out more about this exciting new medium and you've been wanting to get to Hawaii either for the first time or for another beautifully romantic adventure. Oh, yes, we encourage you to bring the wife and family. At the Hyatt Waikaloa, the kids can play all day on the waterslide, while Mom tours the exhibits or just lounges on the beach. Our schedule will allow seminar attendees to get the information they need and still enjoy the fabulous resort of the Hyatt at Waikaloa. There's even a free tram that takes you all the events all over the resort. REGISTER NOW TO RESERVE A PLACE ... Registration is only $119.00 for the entire 10 day event. You will need to make reservations for the seminar first and then you may call our travel agent with your credit card to ensure a room for yourself and guests. The final three day event is the same registration fee and the same room rate. Call 800-388-8338 to make your reservations today rooms are going fast. As another service to our attendees, we have special airfares that will save you money to get there as well. Ask us and we'll give you our prices. BUT YOU MUST CALL NOW. Rooms at the Hyatt are booking up fast. The longer you delay, the more expensive is the air fare and the Registration fee goes up too in the final month. Then, we'll be cutting off registration and you will miss out on this very unique event. Nowhere else will all the people you need to speak to about Multi-Media be in the same place at the same time. So, arrange your vacation around this special event and come away with the information you need and the relaxation you need to accomplish almost anything! 1-800-388-8338 Today. "explain" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter explain mouseleave explain Popup, Auto Close ofileName tbkMCI("close aniFile","") tbkMCIchk(" c:\toolbook\email.avi alias 6 style popup", "", 500,1000) \ state ","",1) bplay y wait","",1) OpenDlg(".", "*.fl?", "Choose animation B.", " Animation buttonDown rightButtonUp buttonDown fileName prightButtonUp close aniFile tbkMCI open c:\toolbook\email.avi alias aniFile style popup tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk play aniFile wait tbkMCIchk close aniFile tbkMCI rightButtonUp *.fl? Choose an animation file for this button. Choose Animation File OpenDlg fileName fileName fileName C:\TOOLBOOK\wndsurf1.avi Now, this is really important. explain The video clips have great sound too, compliments of Video for Windows from Microsoft, a fabulous new standard for video inside of documents or books like this. If you have a sound board, you would be able to hear them too. We carry soundboards from as little as $125.00. {See our UPGRADE section.} But the important point we want to make is that Multi-Media is the future of computing. If you would like to learn how to make publications like this one, come to our conference in Hawaii this June, learn how to do it and have a great vacation at the same time. 800-388-8338 to register ... only $119.00 for ten days plus hotel. FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT :PHYSSIZE DESCRIBE THE TV-GUIDE {Electro-Magazine} IS THE FIRST MULTI-MEDI MAGAZINE AND DATABASE OF ALL THE TELEVISION LISTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. MEANT TO REPLACE THE PAPER VERSION OF TV-GUIDE, IT ALLOWS THE SUBSCRIBER TO GET MORE INFORMATION FROM A DATABASE OF ALL TV SHOWS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. WITH THIS PROGRAM YOU CAN SELECT PROGRAMS MORE SUITABLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN. YOU CAN HAVE THE PROGRAM ALERT YOU TO SPECIAL SHOWS LIKE SPORTING EVENTS, ETC. THAT YOU WANT TO GET ON TAPE. IT WILL ALSO GET YOU MORE INFORMATION ON THE HUNDREDS OF CHANNELS WE ALL HAVE DELIVERED NOWADAYS, SO THAT YOU NEVER MISS YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM AGAIN! THE TV-GUIDE SUBSCRIPTION IS ONLY $29.00 FOR ONE YEAR OF ALL THIS DATA PLUS REVIEWS OF CURRENT MOVIES BY THE NATION'S TOP REVIEWERS. YOU ALSO GET NEW AND INTERESTING ARTICLES WITH A COMPLETELY NEW SLANT JUST AS YOU'RE GETTING HERE. PLUS ... FOR A LIMITED TIME, IF YOU SUBSCRIBE TO ANY OF OUR MAGAZINES BEFORE JUNE 30, 1993, YOU WILL RECEIVE EITHER A FREE HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER WORTH OVER $3,500 OR A GIFT CERTIFICATE WORTH AT LEAST $500 IN COMPUTER UPGRADES FROM THE NATIONAL COMPUTER CATALOG. GET INVOLVED WITH SOLUTIONS THAT HELP SAVE THE PLANET SUBSCRIBE TODAY!{Electro-Magazine} IS THE FIRST MULTI-MEDI MAGAZINE AND DATABASE OF ALL THE TELEVISION LISTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. MEANT TO REPLACE THE PAPER VERSION OF TV-GUIDE, IT ALLOWS THE SUBSCRIBER TO GET MORE INFORMATION FROM A DATABASE OF ALL TV SHOWS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. WITH THIS PROGRAM YOU CAN SELECT PROGRAMS MORE SUITABLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN. YOU CAN HAVE THE PROGRAM ALERT YOU TO SPECIAL SHOWS LIKE SPORTING EVENTS, ETC. THAT YOU WANT TO GET ON TAPE. IT WILL ALSO GET YOU MORE INFORMATION ON THE HUNDREDS OF CHANNELS WE ALL HAVE DELIVERED NOWADAYS, SO THAT YOU NEVER MISS YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM AGAIN! TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TV-GUIDE {Electro-Magazine}, GO TO THE SUBSCRIPTION FORM - GOTTEN TO VIA THE FRONT PAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS RELATING TO WHICH MAGAZINE OR MAGAZINES YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A SAMPLE ISSUE, CHECK THAT BOX AND WE WILL BE HAPPY TO SEND A SAMPLE ISSUE ABSOLUTELY FREE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THESE ELECTRONIC FORMS OF PUBLISHING. WE BELIEVE VERY STRONGLY THAT THIS IS THE MAIN REASON THE COMPUTER WAS INVENTED AND THAT WITH A LITTLE STIMULATION AND INTEREST FROM YOU, THE NATURE OF PUBLISHING WILL CHANGE DRAMATICALLY AND THE ECOLOGY SAVED!!! SO, DON'T DELAY, DO IT TODAY, PLEASE. ALSO MAKE COPIES OF THIS PROGRAM AND PASS IT ALONG TO FRIENDS.O REPLACE THE PAPER VERSION OF TV-GUIDE, IT ALLOWS THE SUBSCRIBER TO GET MORE INFORMATION FROM A DATABASE OF ALL TV SHOWS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. WITH THIS PROGRAM YOU CAN SELECT PROGRAMS MORE SUITABLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN. YOU CAN HAVE THE PROGRAM ALERT YOU TO SPECIAL SHOWS LIKE SPORTING EVENTS, ETC. THAT YOU WANT TO GET ON TAPE. IT WILL ALSO GET YOU MORE INFORMATION ON THE HUNDREDS OF CHANNELS WE ALL HAVE DELIVERED NOWADAYS, SO THAT YOU NEVER MISS YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM AGAIN! DESCRIBENNN TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "DESCRIBE" OF THIS PAGE 9LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER DESCRIBE MOUSELEAVE DESCRIBE RATESEEEEEEEE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "RATE" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE SUBSCRIBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD " " OF THIS PAGE 3LEAVE HIDE /" OF MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE IF YOU DON'T WISH TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEW ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE, YOU CAN STILL USE OUR TV NEWS HOTLINE... TO GET THE LATEST INFO ON ALL YOUR FAVORITE SHOWS AND ACTORS. CALL OUR TV-GUIDE 'HOTLINE' 1-900-420-3713 EXT. 121 OR WHAT'S ON TONIGHT 1-900-XXX-XXXX EXT. the best of your Cable system. UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ... MORE INFO ...,,,,EEEEEEEEEEE "900#" "900#" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter mouseleave HILLARY CLINTON RAN AWAY AT TEN YEARS OLD TO JOIN THE CIRCUS BUT LATER DECIDED THAT SHE WOULD BECOME AN ATTORNEY SO THAT SHE COULD BE THE FIRST, FIRST LADY IN THE WHITE HOUSE WHO COULD WALK & TALK LIKE A MAN. Yes, it's true. Bill Clinton knew ever since he was in college that he would become a President of the United States. This has been reported widely. However, it was not known until recently that Hillary went to Law School so that she could either become the country's first lady President, or at least the first, First Lady with a Law Degree, and she has met her goal. Now, with the Law Degree in her hands, she intends to wield the power that only a lawer in the White House can wield. She wants to be involved in all the key decisions in running this country along with her Husband Bill Clinton. In fact, President-elect Clinton primed the country for this role of his wife's by telling reporters that Hillary "attends meetings on a regular basis and even knows more than him." These were his exact words in December of 1992. Now, it was learned from White House insiders that Hillary plans a very active First Lady-ship. She is going to try to take over the Drug War and even go on some drug busting missions and fly in the Helicopters and even direct some of the ships at sea involved in the country's drug operations. She has even let it be known to friends that she hopes that she can get a shot off with her 357 Magnum. She has also recently purchased a flack jacket so that she can go on some of the raids. When asked if she didn't think that this might not be appropriate behavior for a First Lady, she snipped, "Let them eat cake, that other women bake. I'm going after bigger game." The reaction from women everywhere was one of disdain and incredultiy. Some women even wondered if she might not be taking steroids. Other women went back to research Hillary's grades and it appears that one of her professors was going to flunk her out of Law School, but then made some sexual inuendoes and she miraculously started getting good grades from this professor. The professor's name was Judge Clarence Thomas, of more recent fame when his Supreme Court confirmation hearings were marred by accusations made by another woman with a law degree and one of his employees, Anita Hill. Hillary doesn't want to become a political liability for her husband but already comparisons are being made between her and President Jimmy Carter's brother Billy who was constantly getting caught urinating in public places. TO HANDLE BUTTONUP GO TO PAGE 1 BUTTONUP BUTTONUP FRONT PAGE buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITIONS IS 1-900-420-3710 EXT.101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSS GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION :PHYSSIZE A special consideration has to be made for Joe Montana's return to professional football. No matter what happens in the SuperBowl, you have to say that the return of a gutsy guy like this to playing football again, might overshadow it. We want to thank Joe for all the great memories and good luck in the future. I don't know what the 49'ers are going to do next year with Joe and Steve, but if I were running the club, I'd have Joe as my 1st half QB and Steve Young as my 2nd hald QB. It's really amazing that a guy almost 40 years old can come back with all the back surgery and elbow surgery that this guy has had and still want to mess around out there with giant, heavy-breathing guys who want to take your head off. It's either a testimony to Joe's courage or to modern surgical techniques. But I think it's more a kudo to Joe's courage and will to win. May the rest of us learn something important from this guy. As for the rest of the Sports World, we have a 900# that will give you the best bet of every day as researched by the best sports handicappers in Las Vegas, the capital of sports betting. If you think you know which is the best game of the day to tell your friends about, call this 900# and you'll be surprised to learn what the Pros think. The 900# is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT PAGE ... MORE INFO ...,,,,EEEEEEEEEEE "900#" "900#" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter mouseleave THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE BEST DAILY PICK OF ALL PRO SPORTS GAMES.... 1-900-678-0612 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION TO CALL, COSTS $20, TOUCH TONE PHONES We know of a group of people who pooled a pot worth about $10,000 and by the end of the season, it had risen to over $65,000.00 by using the same information we offer here in this 900#. We are not promoting illegal betting. We feel that betting on Sporting events is wrong especially out of the state of Nevada where it is legal and considered a sport in and of itself. We make no promises of success. Entertainment only. THE 900 NUMBER TO FIND THE 10 BEST FILMS OF THE YEAR.. (MUST SEE) 1-900-990-5343 EXT. 127 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONES ......................................... THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST PETITION NEWS ..UPDATED WEEKLY CONGRESS WATCH... 1-900-420-3710 EXT 101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2/MIN, AVG CALL 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ALL THE LATEST NEWS & REVIEWS ON YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOWS AND MOVIES -- UPDATED WEEKLY ... 1-900-420-3713 EXT. 121 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE BEST VEGAS DAILY PICK OF ALL PRO SPORTS GAMES.... 1-900-678-0612 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION TO CALL, COSTS $20, TOUCH TONE PHONES FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT PAGE PRESIDENT CLINTON BETTER BE LISTENING TO THIS ... When you read about President Clinton in Time Magazine, recently made 'Man of the Year' before he has even moved into the White House, you get the impression that Mr. Clinton is the best thing since sliced bread. He is supposed to be so smart that he slept his way through law school. He is supposed to be so concerned about the rest of us that he doesn't eat or sleep. Well, as good as he may be, he will have to be awfully good to get this country moving in the right direction. In fact, there is news that he has already decided AGAINST a middle class tax cut that he had been trumpeting throughout his campaign. Even if we allow for some campaign euphemisms, this tax cut thing could look as bad as 'Read My Lips' that the former President gave us. Now, don't get me wrong, I think that Clinton is going to be as good a President as anyone could be under the circumstances. But the bad news is that this is not going to please most of us. We're all going to have to make some tough choices about how we want this country to be, and in our opinion no one is going to be able to tell the American people should make the necessary sacrifices that our own government is forcing on us. We are going to have to pay for several decades of abuse and neglect from the Bureaucrats in Congress. If we had only been given the power to decide issues ourselves, things might be different, but they never did and that's why we may have to take this power ourselves. Well, that's what this magazine is all about. We want to take the power of Freedom and Democracy and give it to the American people so that before the turn of this century Americans will be able to control their own destiny. There will be many more challenges in the next few years as we try to get more services for less money. Push is going to come to shove and then many of us are going to have to realize that we can't have it all. That's something we've been prepared to do. But I've never liked being told by my parents or my government or anyone that I couldn't do something because they had made mistakes and I was going to have to help pay for those mistakes. Well, that's what they're going to be telling us. Mistakes that our government made ten, twenty, thirty, even forty years ago, we're going to be paying for now and even the next few generations are going to have to pay for too. Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't have to take this line of B_______! and I have little respect for anyone else who does. No, Mr. Clinton, I don't think that you're going to be able to figure it all out by yourself, as smart and worldly and sophisticated as you are. There are many of us out here in middle America who would like to be part of the decision-making process. This is why we have this magazine and we hope this is why you're reading and why you might want to participate with us in the New American Petition. Let's tell them what we want and how much we want it. Let's make Real Democracy work in America. Print out the Petition form in this magazine, get your friends to sign it and then keep in contact with us through our 90# or through your subscription and keep the Petition process going. The bureaucrats in Washington hate being told what to do, how to vote, what to do, how to serve us, their bosses. But we have to start acting like the Boss and tell them exactly how we want them to vote. As Ross Perot was fond of saying, 'I'm Ross and you're the Boss!" Well, he's Mr. Clinton and we're still the Boss. We're the employers of every governement worker from the President to the Senators to the custodians and the private barbers and the private elevator operators in Washington. We're the boss and you, Mr. Clinton had better start listening to your Boss or you could find yourself back in Arkansas telling them how to pluck their chickens again!!!!!! buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION WHAT DO THE TOP REVIEWERS THINK ABOUT THE MOST CURRENT MOVIE RELEASES? FIND OUT BY CALLING ... 1-900-420-3713 EXT.121 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONES STRAUSS 408-625-1910SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS TIPPER GORE THE SELF-APPOINTED ROCK MUSIC CENSOR, IS NOW EVEN MORE POWERFUL.... WHAT NEXT --- MOSLEM HEROIC POEMS FOR OUR YOUTH? Tipper Gore, as you may remember, was a self-appointed vigilante for the prudish teen-agers of America who didn't want to hear lyrics in their music that might be sexual or deviant in any way. Tipper, being married to a Senator, got the Senate to hold hearings about this very serious subject, and these hearings even resulted in some censorship of the music companies that produce the nation's Rock Music. Now, I remember being a teen-ager, and the greatest thrill for me were bands and songs that were unafraid to tell the truth about the strange kind of hypocrisy in our society. If people like Tipper Gore have their way, we will never see or hear immortal songwriters like Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, etc. In fact, Tipper Gore and others like her got the Rolling Stones to change their famous lyrics 'Let's Spend the Night Together' to 'Let's Spend Some Time Together' when they appeared on the Ed Sullivan show in the late 60's. Congratulations, Tipper! I hope you don't hold any more hearings will in Washington. The First Amendment won't last much longer under the pressure you're placing on it. The teen-agers of America stand for it either, I hope. It's true enough that there are some artists who write some very weird stuff in order to get our attention, but unfortunately, this is the way it's always been and this is the price of Free Speech. If we vote with our dollars and make sure of what our children are bringing into our homes, we can influence the market without making ourselves extinct. TO HANDLE BUTTONUP GO TO PAGE 1 BUTTONUP BUTTONUP FRONT PAGE buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION WHAT ARE THE TOP TEN MOVIES OF THE YEAR COMING OUT ON VIDEO TAPE? FIND OUT BY CALLING 1-900-990-5343 EXT.127 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONES STRAUSS 408-625-1910SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS RUSH LIMBAUGH - STAR OF THE RUSH LIMBAUGH RADIO AND TELEVISION PROGRAMS IN WHICH RUSH LIMBAUGH GIVES HIS OPINION ON ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING - WAS ACTUALLY THE 'NEANDERTHAL MAN' THAT THE SWEDISH TEAM DISCOVERED BURIED IN THE ARCTIC ICE IN 1972. Yes, it's amazing but true. This reporter has discovered by tracking down Rush Limbaugh Birth records, {they simply don't exist.}, that Rush Limbaugh was actually a Neanderthal Man buried in the ice in the Arctic circle for approximately 25,000 years. This could explain the Rush Limbaugh conservative viewpoint on almost everything. It may also explain Limbaugh's own carnivorous attitude about any animals lower down the food chain. BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, HE EATS EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. In fact, we discovered, by searching through the garbage cans outside Limbaugh's home, that he eats two chickens, three entire steers, fourteen pounds of cheese, seventy-five game hens, thirteen turkeys, and forty-five suckling pigs, each and every week. The animal remains and carcasses littering the limbaugh garbage cans appeared like some huge ecological disaster. In fact, to many, Mr. Limbaugh is a walking ecological disaster. He actually applauds when there is an oil tanker mishap like the Exxon Valdez and the Braer now foundering this month off of the coast of Scotland. He thinks anyone who calls himself and environmentalist is a nut, and he has said so many times. Why is he so cavalier about the planet? We'll tell you at the end of this article. The reason that Rush Limbaugh is such a staunch conservative will astound you. Limbaugh has been known to say that the Exxon Valdeez would have made a great ski-boat! He said that Richard Nixon is his greatest hero. He has even said that Ronald Reagan should be sainted by the Pope. Limbaugh also believes that the current budget deficit is due to too much concentration on the "homeless and the indolent." Scientists related to me that they were unable to control Mr. Limbaugh and that as soon as they had taught him a little bit of English, he was in a Rush to get out into the world and make his mark, so they gave him the name, "Rush Limbaugh". Limbaugh is Swedish for "Around Blindly". AND NOW FOR EXCLUSIVE NEWS WE LEARNED FROM RUSH LIMBAUGH'S FINANCIAL ADVISOR. Rush Limbaugh is so busy making money, {it's reported that he will actually be the highest paid talk show host in the country by the end of the year. Oprah Winfrey now holds this honor by earning a staggering 250 MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR!} so that he can be re-frozen when he's sick and old and then re-thawed out in another 25,000 years or so, after they find a cure for whatever it is he contracts. Well, why not? He's already done it once? TO HANDLE BUTTONUP GO TO PAGE 1 BUTTONUP BUTTONUP FRONT PAGE buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE BEST DAILY PICK OF ALL PRO SPORTS GAMES.... 1-900-678-0612 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION TO CALL, COSTS $20, TOUCH TONE PHONES/Strauss Comm. Carmel CA (408) 625-1910 GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION YOUR GOVERNMENT SPENDING ...............EEEEEEEE POPUP AS YOU CAN READILY SEE BY THIS CHART GIVEN TO ALL OF YOU ON THE VERY BACK PAGE OF THE IRS'S OWN TAX FORM THAT CAME WITH YOUR 1040 IN JANUARY. DEFENSE IS STILL A MAJOR AREA OF GOV'T SPENDING EVEN THOUGH THE SOVIET UNION, THE MAJOR EXCUSE FOR SPENDING TRILLIONS ON DEFENSE, IS NO MORE. IN FACT, WE JUST SIGNED A TREATY WITH THEM TO DISMANTLE ALL THEIR LONG-RANGE NUCLEAR MISSILES. WHY NOT IN THIS TIME OF TERRIBLE BUDGET CRUNCH, TO CUT THIS BLUE PART OF THE PIE IN HALF? TAKE THE MONEY SAVED AND PAY OFF THE DEBTS AND GET THIS ECONOMY GOING AGAIN. OR AT LEAST CUT THIS BLUE PART OF THE PIE AND GIVE THE TAXPAYERS THE PEACE DIVIDEND THEY'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT. THE TRUTH IS THE GOVERNMENT WILL NEVER GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT UNTIL AND UNLESS YOU DEMAND IT. THIS IS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THIS MAGAZINE, TO GET MILLIONS OF YOU TO TELL YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT, DEMAND FROM THEM TO GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT. IN A DEMOCRACY, THERE'S NO REASON WHY WE SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS. REMEMBER, THIS IS A GOVERNMENT, 'OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE'. THIS RIGHT IS GUARANTEED IN OUR CONSTITUTION. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME LOOK IT UP. IT'S IN THIS MAGAZINE AND IT CAN BE FOUND IN ANY COPY OF YOUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. DON'T LISTEN TO ANYTHING ROSS PEROT IS SAYING. DON'T LISTEN TO ANYTHING BILL CLINTON IS SAYING. JUST READ ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW IN YOUR OWN CONSTITUTION ... PLEASE! FURTHER DISCUSSION FOR REPUBLICANS. IT'S TRUE THAT THE GREEN SLICE OF THE PIE IS ACTUALLY BIGGER THAN THE DEFENSE SLICE OF THE PIE AND THAT THE GREEN AND THE BLUE SLICES ARE ALMOST HALF OF THE PIE AND THAT THESE REPRESENT AID TO THE SCHOOLS, WELFARE, UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE, SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE AND THE LIKE SOCIAL PROGRAMS. NO ONE, ESPECIALLY NOT US, IS GOING TO ARGUE THAT THERE ISN'T A BIG BUNCH OF WASTE IN THIS AREA TOO. HOWEVER, WE MUST PUT OUR DEMAND FOR CHANGE IN SOME SEMBLANCE OF ORDER OR PRIORITIES. SINCE THE COLD WAR HAS ENDED, IT'S TIME TO CUT DEFENSE IN A MANNER THAT WE THE PEOPLE WANT, AND NOT THE GUN DEALERS AND THE AIRCRAFT MAKERS. AFTER WE ACCOMPLISH THIS LITTLE CHANGE IN OUR FORM OF DEMOCRACY, WE WILL BE SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL AND EDUCATED IN THE WAYS OF MAKING ADULT DECISIONS FOR OURSELVES. LATER ON, WE CAN GO AFTER THE WASTE, FRAUD AND ABUSE IN THE SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRAMS. BUT LET'S FACE IT. WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE OUT OF WORK AT SOME TIME IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS IF THE POLITICIANS CONTINUE HAVING THEIR WAY WITH US. WE ARE ALL GOING TO GET OLD. HOW MANY OF US REALLY WANTS TO CUT OFF THE ONLY REAL REASON TO HAVE A COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE, AFTER 'COMMON DEFENSE' AND THAT'S A COMMON SENSE OF FAIRNESS AND PROTECTION OF STANDARD OF LIVING FOR TIMES WHEN THINGS ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL? THINK ABOUT IT ... OPEN DISCUSSIONNNNNNNN TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP CLOSE DISCUSSIONNNNNNNNN TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER HIDE FIELD "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITIONS IS 1-900-420-3710 ext. 101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSS THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. YOU CAN SKIP OVER IT IF YOU WANT.. LIKE ALL MAGAZINES WE HAVE TO HAVE OUR REVENUES TO CONTINUE PUBLISHING. TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "900#" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION HOW ABOUT A REAL DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA? by Michael Mathiesen Santa Cruz, California Feb. 15, 1993 WHERE'S THAT TAX CUT THEY PROMISED? Well, they've done it to you again. They promised they would cut your taxes so that you would vote for them. Every four years, they promise something so that we'll vote them in office and then they do whatever the hell they intended to do in the first place. Twenty years ago, they said they had a secret plan to end the war. Actually, they expanded it. Then they said they'd end the corruption and waste, instead they expanded it. Then, they said they'd balance the budget, actually, they increased the debt a hundred times over. Then, they said they'd create more jobs, instead, they lost over 1 million jobs. Then, they said they'd balance the budget, but not by raising taxes on the middle class. Now in office, President Clinton proves he's really no different from all the other bureaucrats and politicians. He told us tonight, Feb 15, 1993, " When will we wake up? Are we sheep or are we men? Are we going to let the American Dream of Freedom and Democracy slip out of our hands and erode our beloved rights and privileges in this country until they are no more? Or will we take up the great cause of defending our country from the misguided and myopic policies of the past? Do we let the American species devolve into couch potatoes with mashed potato brains? These and many other questions will be answered once and for all when the results of this First American Petition effort is revealed to all. We can only be the catalyst. The rest is up to you. We think a real democracy in America would go a long way to remedy this long-standing abuse of power. How? By using the Constitutional right to petition our government to do what we want them to do. And by doing it over and over again, whenever there's an issue that requires the participation of all the people. This is such a time! It's never been tried before, but it's about time we did it. They keep making speeches that this is a democracy. Let's put the speech-makers to the test. Let's now begin the actual process of Real Democracy in America. Enough of this elitist, party rule. Let's let the voice of the average American voter/taxpayer take control for the first time in our history! If you're mad about the way things are going and you want to do something about it, you need to do three things. First, subscribe to this magazine. It's the only one of its kind anywhere. Second, print out our first Petition. It's a tax cut that will save us all millions and billions of dollars. Let's tell them who's in charge. There are so many more creative ways to balance the budget. This Petition, if successful, would force the politicians to think of more and better ways to balance their budget and not by BUSTING THE BUDGETS of the average middle-class American household. We will be presenting you with many creative ideas in the future. This is only the first one. It's like a test run. If enough people get behind this new kind of democracy in America, guaranteed by our Constitution and now feasible because of the technological wonder you are using right now, we can expand the American Dream of Freedom, Liberty, True Democracy to the entire world. But first we have to do all those things here in America. If you're a true believer in Truth, Freedom, Liberty, the Power of the People to control their government and not vice versa, then you must listen to this appeal. Read the rest of our proposal regarding the Twin Petition Process. By giving ourselves a Tax Cut and taking away the credit cards of our government, we can begin to build a better nation. But as long as they have the right to charge all their cock-a-mamie ideas, we will never have anything but a debtor nation always trying to rob Peter to pay Paul! This is reality, folks. We giving it to you and no one else has this message. Think about it. Think about your own personal finances and you'll realize we're absolutely correct. If you ever got your financial house in disarray and you wanted to get control of it again, you knew that the first thing you had to do was put the credit cards away or tear them up. This is what we have to do now. But taking away their unlimited power to tax us to pay the President's Bills and their power to borrow money to pay the Congress's bills, we force them to find more creative ways to solve economic problems. After giving us this tax cut, they could vote a National Sales Tax into effect. This is creative and it would work better than taxing income because now the biggest taxpayer's would be the biggest spenders. Each of us would have thousands more per year to spend, too. A little sales tax wouldn't hurt any of us. This is an example of what we're talking about. Now, if you take away their ability to borrow money, the other half of our solution, you force them to cut spending BIG TIME. They would have to cut defense to the bone. Armies are used to Spartan conditions. Sparta became famous by making their soldiers march all day on a bowl of soup. This is where the word comes from. We need all government agencies to take on the Spartan ethic. We don't need them taking four hour lunches and being chauffered around to their personal errands. This is what goes on now, folks. And it's your money! WE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU A FEW EXAMPLES OF HOW REAL DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA WOULD BENEFIT ALL OF US. There is an infinite number of examples that we will all discover after we decide to begin it. Let's begin it now. uccessful attempts to bring Real Democracy in America, we now feel we're ready to begin it here and now! Become part of the solution and not part of the problem. ACT NOW. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION RELATED ARTICLE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW GROUP "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP POPUP buttonDOWN "POPUP" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN POPUP 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset THE ONLY WAY TO CONTROL THEM!: Notes #k# The only way to control them is to control the purse. Your government currently spends billions of your dollars to study the rate at which ketchup runs, the number of holes in spaghetti strainers, the mating habits of gnewts, and lots more really important things like this. President Clinton's attempt to balance the budget by raising taxes is improper and immoral when you know the facts. The facts are that the budget could be balanced by merely cutting the waste, the fraud, the abuse. As an example, there are hundreds of thousands of government bureaucrats who are unnecessary. The Energy department, for instance, has produced only an annual payroll of $10 Billion dollars. They have discovered no new energy sources. They have not encouraged electric vehicle production. They have done nothing about the problem of nuclear waste. They have, in effect, done absolutely nothing for the 200 billion dollars we've wasted on this elite group of bureaucrats, hundreds of them driving around in limo's. The department of transportation hasn't built any new roads nor solved any traffic jams. In fact, traffic has just gotten worse in the last twenty years in all major cities while we have squandered another 200 billion dollars on this bureaucracy. President Clinton now says that we are supposed to all make sacrifices to solve the problems that government has caused us. LET'S LET THEM MAKE SACRIFICES FIRST. Let's cut out the limousines for nearly 400,000 federal employees. Only the President should get a taxpayer-paid limousine. Who else is that important? Let's cut out the gold-plated bathtubs in the Pentagon, the Championship golf courses for Generals, the 10,000 coffee pots. There are grants to friends of Congressmen to study the mating habits of knewts. There are billions of dollars wasted on travel all over the world, in First Class and in private jets. There are more billions wasted on drug enforcement when the Congressmen themselves who use illegal drugs all the time. If we just gave up the war on drugs and taxed it instead, the budget would be balanced immediately. They tried to prevent people from drinking booze in the 30's and then they realized that people were going to drink no matter what, so they taxed it and raised billions in revenues. Why not do the same with Marijuana? By keeping it illegal, they are just causing a bigger crime problem because the drug pushers are arming themselves to the teeth. If we made it more difficult for these people to get guns and then decriminalized marijuana, placed a tax on each pack of cigarettes, people would soon be trying to quit just like they are with tobacco. And they quit smoking without government programs. There are so many ways the government wastes money, we can't enumerate them all here. The department of Human Services, the Welfare department, is the biggest waste of all. This department has cost us over 1 trillion dollars since its inception and they have not solved the aids crisis. They haven't solved the homeless crisis. The victims of hurricanes, earthquakes and floods have received nothing but promises. And worst of all, this department has perpetrated the greatest fraud of all on the American people. They have expanded the number of people dependent on the rest of us for their food and shelter to more than TEN TIMES what it was 20 years ago! What is the purpose of all these government agencies if they don't solve problems, but only make them worse? This is a concept of government and bureaucratic fraud that we can do without! And of course, there's the Department of Defense. It can be argued that the Defense spending we've been doing has resulted in the fall of the Soviet Union and this is the cost of our freedom. This is a good argument, and even though we don't subscribe to it, we'll let the arguers of this rationale have their point, because it's all water under the bridge. The money's gone. We can't turn the clock back, so it's a moot point anyway. We would argue that the Soviet Union would have fallen of its own corruption and weight anyway, but no one knows for sure and Freedom is nothing to take a chance on. So, we give Reagan the credit for the arms build-up. However, the Soviet Union is now defunct. There is no longer any reason to be spending for new weapons at the rate we are currently spending. The Defense Dept. could be cut by two thirds and we would still be the most powerful nation on Earth. The savings to the American people? Over Fifteen trillion dollars over the next ten years. Let's forget about the past and look to the future. Let's take control of the purse strings of the Congress. Let's show them that we who pay the bills are tired of being soaked for programs that are doomed to failure before they begin. Let's approve all of Congress's proposed bills after the cost is brought out in full, and in the light of reason. Let's discuss the direction we want to take in the future. Let's force them to come up with more creative ways to solve problems. The government has never solved problems. Let's force them to let us solve our own problems by using our economic know-how. This is the only way to eliminate problems for all time. It's been known for a long time that you cannot legislate morality and nothing can be more true. However, Congress keeps trying to teach us the right way to live, but they exempt themselves from all their laws. The Congress is exempt from labor laws, from ethical laws, from minimum wage laws, from social security laws, all the laws, in fact, that they pass for us to obey, they have exempted themselves. Meanwhile, the problems in America worsen and they take a very few minutes to pass their salary hikes. Bills that might solve problems are compromised away into ineffective oblivion, or they are just killed by the lobbyists who pay for these services. By cutting the taxes on the Middle Class, a promise made to the voters by the Campaigning President Clinton, we are giving them notice that we are not going to put up with all this nonsense any more! Send them a message. Send them two messages. Get them talking about the Ban on Borrowing, because as long as the Feds continue to borrow money to pay their bills, no plan other than constantly increasing taxes can balance the budget. It's the same for every American household. At some point in time, you have to tear up the credit cards. This is what we must do as a nation. When the politicians finally realize this fact of life, we can begin to get back on the right track. But as long as they are allowed an open credit limit, our children and our children's children will be faced with worsening economic conditions, poorer and poorer quality of life. There's no getting around it. No amount of pretty speeches can make it any different. It's time to take a real Reality Check, not the one President Bill gives us. (I call him President Bill, because he's the one telling you, you have to pay the Bills of his solutions.) Force them to cut the waste, the fraud, the abuse. Force them to destroy the bureaucracy in favor of private solutions via the greatest, most resilient, the strongest economy in the world. Get this petition out amongst your friends, tell them all about our movement for Real Democracy. Get their signatures on the Petition. Set a goal of 100 of your friends and associates and enlist some of these to do the same for our country. Make as many copies of the Petition and signature form as you can afford. Then, when they're signed, send them to our Non-Profit Organization. Charge 50 cents per signature, and send us a check so that we can raise the funds to get this message to the media and to the rest of the American people. Hold fund-raising dinner parties. Be creative. Get active for Real Democracy in America. If you're unsure about how to raise funds. Drop us a line and we'll send you our fund-raising kit. The cost is only $10.00 and you will be able to use it to raise hundreds more for this cause. Don't be shy. Don't be lazy. The American Dream could become a nightmare if we don't do something to keep it alive. Make copies of this program and give to others you know with a computer. In short, do everything you can to help this cause become the Number One Issue in America today. Real Democracy is the only real issue. We need to make some of the laws ourselves and not rely on their neglect and deceit in Washington D.C. They know that this is supposed to be a Democracy, but you'll never hear them talk about letting you work it to our advantage. No matter how fancy the speeches, they never mention the fact that there is no Real Democracy in America. They love to use the word, but they use it falsely to deceive you. Don't accept these lies any longer! Make a Real Democracy in America come alive, starting today. THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 (408) 423-8580 All donations are tax deductible. %&'z):. 649F; HOW TO PUBLISH... 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THIS IS THE MOST AUTHORITATIVE WORK ON THIS SINCE IT IS WRITTEN BY THE LARGEST PUBLISHER OF ELECTRONIC BOOKS AND MAGAZINES IN THE WORLD! ONLY $12.500000000000000000000000000000000000000 STOCK900 NOW, YOU CAN USE AN STOCDK ADVISORY SERVICE TO MAKE LOTS OF MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET. HOW? JUST CALL OUR 'STOCK OF THE WEEK' HOTLINE ... IF YOUR AN EXPERIENCED INVESTOR, OR A NOVICE, 'STRIKE IT RICH' THE STRATEGIES THAT WE GIVE IN THIS NEW FORM OF ELECTRONIC PUBISHING ARE NOT KNOWN OR USED BY THE AVERAGE STOCK BROKER. THIS ADVISORY HAS AVERAGED APROXIMATELY 45% PER YEAR FOR THEIR CLIENTS AND NOW YOU CAN EARN THE SAME KIND OF RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT DOLLAR. AND START WITH AS LITTLE AS $100.00 CALL 1-900-XXX-XXXX UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WHY NOT A REAL DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA? In New England towns, they have been holding Town Hall Meetings for hundreds of years. Once a year, the townspeople gather together in a church or public meeting hall to discuss AND THEN VOTE ON, the issues effecting them as taxpayers. Whether or not to repair a road, whether or not to hire another teacher, whether or not to increase the police budget, even the salaries of their judges, mayors, etc. All these things are decided each year AND A BUDGET IS APPROVED, BY THOSE WHO WILL BE FORCED TO PAY FOR THEIR PUBLIC SERVICES. Now, recently, the New Hampshire legislature is considering expanding this best and most effective form of democracy so that even townspeople who cannot attend this yearly meeting can learn about the issues and VOTE ON THEM FROM THE COMFORT OF THEIR HOMES. Little do they know the implications for this concept for the nation as a whole. Let's shed a little more light on this concept and the American people will be amazed to learn that we have the power to do all this now on a national basis and have had for decades, but their own government has kept this idea from them. Why? Because they love the little power fiefdoms they have built over the years. Once a Congressperson gets in office, it's extremely difficult to get them out of there and they just fester in their like a cancer, gaining more power and wealth until they become like the Rich & Famous, instead of living like the public servants that we need. We can greatly reduce this negative impact on our lives thanks to Ross Perot. He first proposed using National Town Hall Meetings to involve the people in their own government in his ill-fated Presidential campaign last year. Most of what Perot said and did was irrelevant compared to the power of the concept he inadvertently introduced to the American people. With the power of our technology we can soon build a National Town Hall Meeting held over the computer networks now available in every city and town in America. We must begin to make it apparent to the nation, however, through the Petition Process we are advocating here. By increasing public awareness of the problems and potential solutions, the National Town Hall Meeting will evolve in a natural manner. n our history! If you're mad about the way things are going and you want to do something about it, you need to do three things. First, subscribe to this magazine. It's the only one of its kind anywhere. Second, print out our first Petition. It's a tax cut that will save us all millions and billions of dollars. Let's tell them who's in charge. There are so many more creative ways to balance the budget. This Petition, if successful, would force the politicians to think of more and better ways to balance their budget and not by BUSTING THE BUDGETS of the average middle-class American household. We will be presenting you with many creative ideas in the future. This is only the first one. It's like a test run. If enough people get behind this new kind of democracy in America, guaranteed by our Constitution and now feasible because of the technological wonder you are using right now, we can expand the American Dream of Freedom, Liberty, True Democracy to the entire world. But first we have to do all those things here in America. If you're a true believer in Truth, Freedom, Liberty, the Power of the People to control their government and not vice versa, then you must listen to this appeal. Read the rest of our proposal regarding the Twin Petition Process. By giving ourselves a Tax Cut and taking away the credit cards of our government, we can begin to build a better nation. But as long as they have the right to charge all their cock-a-mamie ideas, we will never have anything but a debtor nation always trying to rob Peter to pay Paul! This is reality, folks. We giving it to you and no one else has this message. Think about it. Think about your own personal finances and you'll realize we're absolutely correct. If you ever got your financial house in disarray and you wanted to get control of it again, you knew that the first thing you had to do was put the credit cards away or tear them up. This is what we have to do now. But taking away their unlimited power to tax us to pay the President's Bills and their power to borrow money to pay the Congress's bills, we force them to find more creative ways to solve economic problems. After giving us this tax cut, they could vote a National Sales Tax into effect. This is creative and it would work better than taxing income because now the biggest taxpayer's would be the biggest spenders. Each of us would have thousands more per year to spend, too. A little sales tax wouldn't hurt any of us. This is an example of what we're talking about. Now, if you take away their ability to borrow money, the other half of our solution, you force them to cut spending BIG TIME. They would have to cut defense to the bone. Armies are used to Spartan conditions. Sparta became famous by making their soldiers march all day on a bowl of soup. This is where the word comes from. We need all government agencies to take on the Spartan ethic. We don't need them taking four hour lunches and being chauffered around to their personal errands. This is what goes on now, folks. And it's your money! WE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU A FEW EXAMPLES OF HOW REAL DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA WOULD BENEFIT ALL OF US. There is an infinite number of examples that we will all discover after we decide to begin it. Let's begin it now. After much research and several unsuccessful attempts to bring Real Democracy in America, we now feel we're ready to begin it here and now! Become part of the solution and not part of the problem. ACT NOW. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION RELATED ARTICLE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW GROUP "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP POPUP buttonDOWN "POPUP" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN POPUP 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset THE ONLY WAY TO CONTROL THEM!: Notes The only way to control them is to actually take the power of the ballot box into our homes. Then we must add to the ballot, some NATIONAL BALLOT ISSUES. We are not getting anywhere by replacing one set of scoundrels with another set every four years! A National Petition Process, leading to a National True Democracy, would fix that for all time! There is no argument against more democracy. There is only filibuster and obfuscation. The Powers-At-Be, specifically, the Democratic and Republican Parties, will try to confuse you with lies and exaggerations about why they should keep things the way they are. But we are all tired of the Status Quo and are waiting for change. This is the change we need to our government. It can be done because we have a Constitution, thank God, that allows us to change it whenever "We the People" choose to do so. Force them to do the right thing. Don't get swayed by fancy speeches. They are expert at deceiving you. They spend millions on fancy speeches but not a dime on giving the American people what they deserve the most... Real Democracy. Get involved with this Magazine. Promote it any way you can. Make copies of this disk. Help your friends install it on their computers. Show them how to use it. Use the Petition form in this magazine to make our majority will known to Congress and the rest will be history. Set a goal of 100 of your friends and associates and enlist some of these to do the same for our country. Make as many copies of the Petition and signature form as you can afford. Then, when they're signed, send them to our Non-Profit Organization. Charge 50 cents per signature, and send us a check so that we can raise the funds to get this message to the media and to the rest of the American people. Hold fund-raising dinner parties. Be creative. Get active for Real Democracy in America. If you're unsure about how to raise funds. Drop us a line and we'll send you our fund-raising kit. The cost is only $10.00 and you will be able to use it to raise hundreds more for this cause. Don't be shy. Don't be lazy. The American Dream could become a nightmare if we don't do something to keep it alive. Make copies of this program and give to others you know with a computer. In short, do everything you can to help this cause become the Number One Issue in America today. Real Democracy is the only real issue. We need to make some of the laws ourselves and not rely on their neglect and deceit in Washington D.C. They know that this is supposed to be a Democracy, but you'll never hear them talk about letting you work it to our advantage. No matter how fancy the speeches, they never mention the fact that there is no Real Democracy in America. They love to use the word, but they use it falsely to deceive you. Don't accept these lies any longer! Make a Real Democracy in America come alive, starting today. THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 (408) 423-8580 All donations are tax deductible. ARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 (408) 423-8580 All donations are tax deductible. eping it illegal, they are just causing a bigger crime problem because the drug pushers are arming themselves to the teeth. If we made it more difficult for these people to get guns and then decriminalized marijuana, placed a tax on each pack of cigarettes, people would soon be trying to quit just like they are with tobacco. And they quit smoking without government programs. There are so many ways the government wastes money, we can't enumerate them all here. The department of Human Services, the Welfare department, is the biggest waste of all. This department has cost us over 1 trillion dollars since its inception and they have not solved the aids crisis. They haven't solved the homeless crisis. The victims of hurricanes, earthquakes and floods have received nothing but promises. And worst of all, this department has perpetrated the greatest fraud of all on the American people. They have expanded the number of people dependent on the rest of us for their food and shelter to more than TEN TIMES what it was 20 years ago! What is the purpose of all these government agencies if they don't solve problems, but only make them worse? This is a concept of government and bureaucratic fraud that we can do without! And of course, there's the Department of Defense. It can be argued that the Defense spending we've been doing has resulted in the fall of the Soviet Union and this is the cost of our freedom. This is a good argument, and even though we don't subscribe to it, we'll let the arguers of this rationale have their point, because it's all water under the bridge. The money's gone. We can't turn the clock back, so it's a moot point anyway. We would argue that the Soviet Union would have fallen of its own corruption and weight anyway, but no one knows for sure and Freedom is nothing to take a chance on. So, we give Reagan the credit for the arms build-up. However, the Soviet Union is now defunct. There is no longer any reason to be spending for new weapons at the rate we are currently spending. The Defense Dept. could be cut by two thirds and we would still be the most powerful nation on Earth. The savings to the American people? Over Fifteen trillion dollars over the next ten years. Let's forget about the past and look to the future. Let's take control of the purse strings of the Congress. Let's show them that we who pay the bills are tired of being soaked for programs that are doomed to failure before they begin. Let's approve all of Congress's proposed bills after the cost is brought out in full, and in the light of reason. Let's discuss the direction we want to take in the future. Let's force them to come up with more creative ways to solve problems. The government has never solved problems. Let's force them to let us solve our own problems by using our economic know-how. This is the only way to eliminate problems for all time. It's been known for a long time that you cannot legislate morality and nothing can be more true. However, Congress keeps trying to teach us the right way to live, but they exempt themselves from all their laws. The Congress is exempt from labor laws, from ethical laws, from minimum wage laws, from social security laws, all the laws, in fact, that they pass for us to obey, they have exempted themselves. Meanwhile, the problems in America worsen and they take a very few minutes to pass their salary hikes. Bills that might solve problems are compromised away into ineffective oblivion, or they are just killed by the lobbyists who pay for these services. By cutting the taxes on the Middle Class, a promise made to the voters by the Campaigning President Clinton, we are giving them notice that we are not going to put up with all this nonsense any more! Send them a message. Send them two messages. Get them talking about the Ban on Borrowing, because as long as the Feds continue to borrow money to pay their bills, no plan other than constantly increasing taxes can balance the budget. It's the same for every American household. At some point in time, you have to tear up the credit cards. This is what we must do as a nation. When the politicians finally realize this fact of life, we can begin to get back on the right track. But as long as they are allowed an open credit limit, our children and our children's children will be faced with worsening economic conditions, poorer and poorer quality of life. There's no getting around it. No amount of pretty speeches can make it any different. It's time to take a real Reality Check, not the one President Bill gives us. (I call him President Bill, because he's the one telling you, you have to pay the Bills of his solutions.) Force them to cut the waste, the fraud, the abuse. Force them to destroy the bureaucracy in favor of private solutions via the greatest, most resilient, the strongest economy in the world. Get this petition out amongst your friends, tell them all about our movement for Real Democracy. Get their signatures on the Petition. Set a goal of 100 of your friends and associates and enlist some of these to do the same for our country. Make as many copies of the Petition and signature form as you can afford. Then, when they're signed, send them to our Non-Profit Organization. Charge 50 cents per signature, and send us a check so that we can raise the funds to get this message to the media and to the rest of the American people. Hold fund-raising dinner parties. Be creative. Get active for Real Democracy in America. If you're unsure about how to raise funds. Drop us a line and we'll send you our fund-raising kit. The cost is only $10.00 and you will be able to use it to raise hundreds more for this cause. Don't be shy. Don't be lazy. The American Dream could become a nightmare if we don't do something to keep it alive. Make copies of this program and give to others you know with a computer. In short, do everything you can to help this cause become the Number One Issue in America today. Real Democracy is the only real issue. We need to make some of the laws ourselves and not rely on their neglect and deceit in Washington D.C. They know that this is supposed to be a Democracy, but you'll never hear them talk about letting you work it to our advantage. No matter how fancy the speeches, they never mention the fact that there is no Real Democracy in America. They love to use the word, but they use it falsely to deceive you. Don't accept these lies any longer! Make a Real Democracy in America come alive, starting today. THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 (408) 423-8580 All donations are tax deductible. TS)M buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous READ THE LATEST REVIEWS ON ANY SECTION BELOW BY CLICKING ON THAT SECTION. TO COME BACK HERE CLICK UPPER LEFT CORNER OF THAT SECTION TO MAKE IT DISAPPEAR. buttonDOWN "MISC" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset MISCELLANEOUS:: Notes THIS IS A PLACE FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED AD. ANY CATEGORY IS OPEN. ONLY $5.00 PER AD OF THREE LINES OR LESS PER ISSUE TO SUBSCRIBERS. FOR NON-SUBSCRIBERS THE FEE IS $20.00 FOR A 3 LINE AD FOR EACH ISSUE. YOUR AD COULD EVENTUALLY BE SEEN BY MILLIONS OF READERS SINCE OUR MAGAZINES GET COPIES AND PASSED AROUND AT A RATE OF ABOUT TEN TIMES GREATER THAN ANY PRINTED MAGAZINE. TO PLACE AN AD CALL (408) 423-8580 TODAY....SIVE PACKAGE. A MUST FOR ANY BUSINESS USING WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT $450.00 OBO (408) 423-85800 TO HANDLE BUTTONUP SHOW GROUP "HARDWARE" OF THIS PAGE BUTTONUP BUTTONUP HARDWARE HARDWARE TO HANDLE BUTTONUP SHOW GROUP "SOFTWARE" OF THIS PAGE BUTTONUP BUTTONUP SOFTWARE SOFTWARE TO HANDLE BUTTONUP SHOW GROUP "MISC" OF THIS PAGE BUTTONUP BUTTONUP MISC. SOFTWARE buttonDOWN "SOFTWARE" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN SOFTWARE 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset SOFTWARE: Notes MICROSOFT OFFICE - A PERFECT PACKAGE OF SOFTWARE FOR THE NEW BUSINESS AFTER THE FIRST THREE PACKAGES ANY BUSINESS MUST HAVE. THE BEST WORD PROCESSOR, THE BEST SPREADSHEET, THE BEST PRESENTATION PROGRAM, ALL IN ONE INEXPENSIVE PACKAGE. A MUST FOR ANY BUSINESS USING WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT $450.00 OBO (408) 423-8580 DATABASE CONSULTING. ANY BUSINESS, ANY KIND OF PROBLEM, NONE TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL. WE CAN MAKE YOUR RETAIL, WHOLESALE, PROFESSIONAL, OR ANY OTHER KIND OF BUSINESS STREAMLINED BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS. (408) 423-8580 If you're looking for the best Database program under Windows and you're not a programmer and don't want to be one, then APPROACH IS THE ONE FOR YOU. Easy to learn. Has built-in templates you can use right away. Great Tech Support to help you plan that project. Connects to all other XBase programs. Easiest to use. and takes up only 3MB. Only about $150.00 (408) 423-8580 MICROSOFT ACCESS is the one to use if you're a programmer or a power user because it can take any kind of programming that you're familiar with and the rest is fairly intuitive. It has a great feature called the wizard that comes up and asks you questions at key times in your design that lets you plan your design better. However, it takes up about 14 MB of disk space. Get approach if you don't have a real high-end need for a database manager. Access is about $300.00 (408) 423-8580 FOR MAKING BOOKS LIKE THIS ONE OR ANY OTHER MULTI-MEDIA PROJECT ESPECIALLY SLIDE PRESENTATIONS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF PRESENTATION, MULTI-MEDIA TOOLBOOK FROM ASYMETRIX $450.00 (408) 423-8580 THE FINEST DESKTOP PROGRAM FOR WINDOWS IS NORTON DESKTOP FOR WINDOWS. ORGANIZES YOUR DESKTOP IN A FAR BETTER WAY THAN WINDOWS ITSELF. PROVIDES EASY BACKUPS AND ANTI-VIRUS THAT WORKS THE BEST. MUCH MORE... (408) 423-8580 THE BEST FAXING SOFTWARE IS 'FAXIT' FROM SOFTNET. ONLY $99.00. JUST SEND YOUR DOCUMENT TO A FAX MACHINE INSTEAD OF THE PRINTER. READY TO RECIEVE IN BACKGROUND AS WELL. (408) 423-8580 NORTON DESKTOP FOR DOS OR FOR WINDOWS WILL MAKE YOUR COMPUTER EASIER TO USE AND LESS HASSLE - COMES WITH AUTOMATIC BACKUP PROGRAM, ANTI-VIRUS, A BETTER PROGRAM MANAGER, MUCH MORE ONLY $129.00 (408) 423-8580 MICROSOFT WORD for WINDOWS is our favorite word processing program. Why? Because you can do simple newsletters on it as well as douments and you can even bring up spreadsheets from Excel right on the same doc. Most fun of all you can now even place MOVIES as objects on the page of a document and the reader just clicks a CAMERA ICON to run your little videos. It's great fun and also has everything else any other Word Processor has & more. only about $300.00 (408) 423-8580 MICROSOFT EXCEL is still the best spreadsheet. It's the easiest to learn and even novices can learn how to make a graph out of their data in minutes. only about $250.00 (408) 423-8580 ANIMATION WORKS. If you are into Multi-Media like we are, you'll want a program that lets you create animated movies right on your computer. Works great. Easiest of all animation programs to learn, has it all - from cel creator to movie maker. just takes things frame by frame. Easy to install and learn, makes Windows and all other Windows applications more fun because now with Windows 3.1 you can put your own animated creation into any document, spreadsheet or whatever. only about $400.00 (408) 423-8580 MICROSOFT WORKGROUPS FOR WINDOWS is the best Networking program on the market today for several reasons. It allows all users on the Network to have the ease and fun of Windows. It allows anyone in the company to set up and even maintain the network. It is fast. It requires less hardware and software than any other Network. It takes advantage of all the modern graphics interfaces of Windows and is much easier to learn, maintain and use on a consistent basis. We have found many companies have to spend thousands of dollars per year maintaining their Novell Network because of the complexity and user -unfriendliness. Workgroups for Windows can be operated by anyone who can use Windows which is just about anyone. Share files, Share directories, Share printers and other resources. Electronic mail and much more. Best of all ... Only about $150.00 vs Novell average price of about $2500.00 (408) 423-8580 Plan your Network with us and we can maintain it over the phone for free. Simple bookkeeping for the average homeowner and even some small businesses is done with Intuit's QUICKEN FOR EITHER WINDOWS OR DOS. It's the best program for bookkeeping if you like to run your affairs out of your checkbook as we do. No need to hire an accountant with this program. It looks and feels just like a regular checkbook, yet you can get Profit and Loss statements, Balance Sheets, Credit Card reports, even Tax Reports with it in just seconds. Best in its class. Greatly simplifies bookkeeping for the small business. Only about $50.00 (408) 423-8580 IF YOU HAVE ANY SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE NEED OTHER THAN WHAT WE DISCUSSED ABOVE, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL WE'LL BE GLAD TO CONSULT WITH YOU FOR FREE. NO OTHER SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE COMPANY CAN GIVE YOU THIS KIND OF EXPERTISE. WE TEST EVERYTHING FOR RELIABILITY, EASE OF USE, PRICE/PERFORMANCE, LONGEVITY, TECH SUPPORT, COMPATIBILITY ETC. CALL (408) 423-8580 HARDWARE buttonDOWN "HARDWARE" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN HARDWARE 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset HARDWARE: Notes &U~;#U A 486/33 or 50 or even 66Mhz MOTHERBOARD. EXCELLENT CONDITION. UPGRADE DIRECTIONS INCLUDED. PERFECT FOR AN OLD '286 OR '386 SYSTEM. THE BEST UPGRADE WE KNOW OF IS TO A VESA BOARD. THIS IS TRUE 32 BIT BOARD AND WILL DOUBLE THE SPEED OF ORDINARY ISA BUS BOARDS STARTING AT ONLY $200.00 VESA BUS BOARDS ARE ABOUT 50% MORE EXPENSIVE BUT WELL WORTHI IT. {They run at 32 Bit Bus while allowing all your older peripheral devices to work too in 16 bit slots. For the next few years this will be the standard.} (408) 423-8580 A GREAT UPGRADE THAT EVERYONE IS GOING TO DO SOONER OR LATER IS THE MULTI-MEDIA UPGRADE. MEDIA-VISION MAKES THE BEST KIT WE HAVE FOUND. YOU GET THE BEST SOUND CARD, THEIR AUDIO PRO 16. THIS MEANS YOU GET TRUE CD QUALITY SOUND OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM, NOT 8 BIT WHICH SOUNDS 'TINNY'. YOU GET TWO EXTERNAL SPEAKERS, YOU GET A SONY CD-ROM DRIVE, THE FASTEST ONE OUT NOW, AT ABOUT 360 MS ACCESS AND YOU GET COMPTON'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, AND SEVERAL GAMES. ALL FOR ONLY $499.00 CALL NOW THEY'RE GOING FAST. THIS SAME KIT WAS GOING FOR ABOUT $1200 EARLIER IN THE YEAR. (408) 423-8580 WHEN YOU THINK OF UP-GRADING YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM, PROBABLY THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND IS THE MONITOR RESOLUTION. The best card available today is a brand new accelorator card fromPARADISE. It gives you 1024 X 768 & 16000 colors for as low as $150.00. EVEN BETTER, IT WILL ALSO ACCELORATE WINDOWS UP TO 31 TIMES FASTER THAN VGA CARDS IN ITS PRICE RANGE OR HIGHER. It's new. IT'S THE BEST BUY OF ALL THE NEW ACCELORATOR CARDS. To give you an idea, we found it faster than the ATI ULTRA GRAPHICS PLUS card that sells for nearly $500.00! Enough said? CALL (408) 423-8580 THE NEXT BEST VIDEO UPGRADE IS FROM CARDINAL TECHNOLOGIES. YOU GET A VIDEO BOARD COMPARABLE IN BENEFITS TO THE ORCHID CARD ABOVE BUT YOU ALSO GET A CARD THAT TAKES A SIGNAL FROM YOUR VCR, TV, OR CAMCORDER AND PUTS IT IN A LITTLE WINDOW FOR YOU TO WATCH WHILE YOU DO OTHER WORK. CREATIVE LABS HAS ONE OF THESE ALSO FOR LESS MONEY, HOWEVER, THE CARDINAL, 'SNAP PLUS' BOARD ALSO GIVES YOU ONE MORE ADDED BENEFIT, YOU CAN EDIT YOUR VIDEO CLIPS AND THEN COPY THEM BACK TO VIDEO TAPE. SO IN EFFECT YOU HAVE A VIDEO EDITING STUDIO RIGHT IN YOUR PC. IT'S THE GREATEST UPGRADE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INTO VIDEO AND COMPUTERS LIKE WE ARE... ONLY $999.00 A 20 MB FLOPTICAL DRIVE. GREAT FOR BACKUPS OF LARGER HARD DRIVES OR FOR MULTI-MEDIA PROGRAMS. ALSO READS & WRITES 720KB OR 1.44 KB 3.5" MEDIA. ONLY $300.00 OBO (408) 423-8580 A PANASONIC PRINTER 2123 - QUIETER THAN A LASER AND JUST AS GOOD RESOLUTION 3 TRACTOR FEEDS. THE BEST IN CLASS ONLY $350 OBO EVEN HAS COLOR OPTION (408) 423-8580 LOGITECH TRACKMAN. THE BEST INPUT DEVICE FOR USE WITH WINDOWS TODAY. FITS THE HAND PERFECTLY. PLENTY OF SIMPE COMMANDS TO ADD IN SOFTWARE. LIFETIME WARRANTY. ONLY $95 OBO (408) 423-8580 QUANTUM HARD DRIVES. 50, 120, 240, 525MB OR 1 GIG, 1.25 GIG. FASTEST AND MOST RELIABLE HARD DRIVES IN CLASS, FREE NORTON UTILITIES, COMBINED AND YOU CANNOT LOSE DATA OR SPEED. STARTING FROM $250.00 QUANTUM 1 GIGABYTE DRIVE UNDER $1,000.00. IF YOU ARE GOING TO UPGRADE YOUR HARD DRIVE, YOU SHOULD GET A GIG BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST PRICE/MEGABYTE ON THE MARKET IN ANY MEDIUM. ONLY $1.00 PER MEGABYTE. ALSO ONLY 10 ms ACCESS TIME. THE FASTEST AND BEST DRIVE TODAY. 486 MINI-TOWER SYSTEM 4 MB OF RAM, 120 MB QUANTUM HARD DRIVE, VGA MONITOR, LOGITECH TRACKBALL, WINDOWS & WORD PROCESSOR, DATABASE MANAGER, SPREADSHEET, 1 YR WARRANTY ON PARTS & LABOR ONLY $1,500 OBO (408) 423-8580 PANASONIC OR VIEWSONIC VGA & SUPER VGA MONITORS, FROM ONLY $269.00 OBO (408) 423-8580 VIDEO BLASTER VIDEO BOARD. CAPTURE TELEVISION FROM VCR, TV, VIDEOCAM TO YOUR WINDOWS. FREEZE, CUT AND PASTE ANY FRAME OF TV ACTION FOR USE IN MULTI-MEDIA OR EVEN A LETTER. PERFECT FOR THE NEW MICROSOFT VIDEO FOR WINDOWS THAT LETS YOU SHOW VIDEO IN ANY APPLICATION WITH A SIMPLE CLICK OF A SYMBOL. ONLY $350.00 OBO (408) 423-8580 UPGRADE YOUR OLD COMPUTER WITH A NEW MOTHERBOARD OR A BIGGER HARD DRIVE, OR A BETTER MONITOR. UPGRADING CAN SPEED UP YOUR COMPUTER TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE NEW SOFTWARE. WE SPECIALIZE IN UPGRADING IBM COMPATIBLES. FOR AS LITTLE AS $300 YOU COULD HAVE A NEW 486 SYSTEM USING YOUR MONITOR, FLOPPIES, HARD DRIVE ETC., BUT WITH A SYSTEM THAT OPERATES TEN TO 20 TIMES FASTER THAN YOUR ACCUSTOMED. (408) 423-8580 FOR UPGRADE INFORMATION LOGITECH PHOTOMAN ONLY $450.00 OBO. THE BEST WAY TO TAKE PICTURES AND DUMP THEM RIGHT INTO YOUR WINDOWS APPLICATIONS SUCH AS NEWSLETTERS, DOCUMENTS, ETC. (408) 423-8580 ZENITH PORTABLE COMPUTERS, THE BEST BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEWER BATTERY TECHNOLOGY AND POWER SAVING TRICKS THAT MAKE YOUR BATTERY LAST TWICE AS LONG AS ANY OTHERS, PLUS THEIR SCREENS ARE MUCH BETTER TO LOOK AT. FROM $799.00 (408) 423-8580 FAX MODEMS, FROM $50.00, FAX AND COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, WHY BUY A FAX MACHINE? NOWADAYS, YOU CAN EVEN GET OCR SOFTWARE BUILT IN TO THE FAX MODEM SO THAT YOU CAN THEN POP THE FAX INTO YOUR WORD PROCESSOR AND EDIT AND FAX IT BACK. (408) 423-8580 9600 BAUD MODEMS HAVE FALLEN IN PRICE AND YOU CAN GET ONE NOW FOR ABOUT $100.00 (408) 423-8580 OF YOU DO FAXING FROM YOUR COMPUTER AND YOU ONLY HAVE ONE PHONE LINE, YOU NEED A BOX THAT CAN DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN INCOMING FAX AND VOICE CALLS. ONLY $125.00 FROM TECHNOLOGY CONCEPTS (408) 423-8580 NETWORKING CARDS INTEL ETHERNET EXPRESS 16 BOARDS. THESE ARE THE BEST ONES FOR NETWORKING BECAUSE IT COMES FROM INTEL WHO MAKES YOUR COMPUTER'S MAIN COMPONENT - THE CPU, THEREFORE, TECHNICAL SUPPORT IS BETTER THAN ANY OTHER VENDOR. PLUS THESE BOARDS HAVE A SOFTWARE PROGRAM THAT MAKES INSTALLATION A BREEZE AND THEY EVEN AUTO-CONFIGURE FOR YOUR MACHINE TYPE AND TAKES CARE OF INTERRUPTS AND IRQ'S AND ADDRESSES. FROM $700.00 FOR FIVE COMPUTERS. (408) 423-8580 IF YOU HAVE ANY SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE NEED OTHER THAN WHAT WE DISCUSSED ABOVE, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL WE'LL BE GLAD TO CONSULT WITH YOU FOR FREE. NO OTHER SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE COMPANY CAN GIVE YOU THIS KIND OF EXPERTISE. WE TEST EVERYTHING FOR RELIABILITY, EASE OF USE, PRICE/PERFORMANCE, LONGEVITY, TECH SUPPORT, COMPATIBILITY ETC. CALL (408) 423-8580 E'LL BE GLAD TO CONSULT WITH YOU FOR FREE. NO OTHER SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE COMPANY CAN GIVE YOU THIS KIND OF EXPERTISE. WE TEST EVERYTHING FOR RELIABILITY, EASE OF USE, PRICE/PERFORMANCE, LONGEVITY, TECH SUPPORT, COMPATIBILITY ETC. CALL (408) 423-8580 FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT YOUR GOVERNMENT'S TAX RESOURCES...SSSEEEEEEEEEEE Previous FRONT OPEN DISCUSSIONNNNNNNN TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP CLOSE DISCUSSIONNNNNNNNN TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER HIDE FIELD "POPUP" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER POPUP popup THIS CHART COMES FROM THE BACK COVER OF THE IRS BOOKLET YOU RECEIVED WITH YOUR TAX RETURN. AS YOU CAN SEE, THE GREEN PIECE OF THE PIE IS THE INCOME TAX THEY GET FROM YOU AND ME, BABY! THE TINY YELLOW SLICE OF THE PIE IS THE TAXES THEY GET FROM U.S. CORPORATIONS. THE BIG GREEN SLICE IS THE TAXES THEY GET FROM ORDINARY WORKING PEOPLE. IF THIS DOESN'T MAKE YOU WANNA VOMIT, YOU'RE NOT A READ-BLOODED AMERICAN INTERESTED IN JUSTICE, FAIRNESS, EQUITY, DEMOCRACY! PRESIDENT CLINTON HAS ALREADY BROKEN HIS PROMISE FOR A MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUT. POLITICIANS ALWAYS BREAK THEIR PROMISES. WHEN ARE WE GONNA LEARN THAT? AND ANYWAY, .. AREN'T YOU SICK AND TIRED OF THE GOVERNMENT TELLING YOU HOW MUCH TAXES YOU'RE GOING TO PAY THEM SO THAT THEY CAN MAINTAIN THEIR SUPERIOR STANDARD OF LIVING? IT'S TIME TO JOIN - S.T.O.P.I.T. 'STAND UP TO OUTLAW PERSONAL INCOME TAX.' >>>> You'll find more information about our group elsewhere in this magazine. buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Previous buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. YOU CAN SKIP OVER IT IF YOU WANT.. LIKE ALL MAGAZINES WE HAVE TO HAVE OUR REVENUES TO CONTINUE PUBLISHING. TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "900#" OF THIS PAGE 5LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE THE NUMBER TO CALL FOR THE LATEST BILLS IN CONGRESS UPDATED WEEKLY FOR THE LATEST PETITIONS IS 1-900-420-3710 ext. 101 UNDER 18 YRS, GET PARENTS PERMISSION, COSTS $2./MIN, AVG CALL IS 3 MIN. TOUCH TONE PHONESSSSSSSS GO TO PAGE ID 95 buttonup buttonup GOTO PETITION buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown previous buttonstilldown previous Lucida Bright c"help" firstUse 4distribution linkDLL "kernel" WritePrivateProfileString( -- parameters: section, entry, .INI filename WriteProfileString( C (writes "mci","animation1","mciaap.drv"," 4.ini") , extensions","fli"," X"user" gsetactivewindow ( showwindow ( "tbkmm.sbk" --other lines here --*very important* revious previous enterBook previous enterBook firstUse kernel WritePrivateProfileString WriteProfileString animation1 mciaap.drv system.ini WritePrivateProfileString mci extensions animation1 WriteProfileString mci extensions animation1 WriteProfileString firstUse setactivewindow showwindow tbkmm.sbk System :PRINTLAYOUT firstUse false Lucida Fax Lucida Sans Lucida Bright Book Antiqua cida Blackletter Lucida Handwriting System Arial Book Antiqua idNumber of this background = 32 Small Fonts System Small Fonts Arial Book Antiqua Arial E DAILY PLANET okman Old Style Book Antiqua Arial ok Antiqua ok Antiqua cida Handwriting Lucida Fax ok Antiqua Lucida Fax idNumber of this background = 32 System Lucida Bright ntury Schoolbook Lucida Calligraphy Lucida Fax Small Fonts cida Bright cida Fax G.A.P.P. ETITION PROGRAM Lucida Fax Lucida Sans System Lucida Handwriting Lucida Handwriting Book Antiqua ntury Schoolbook :CONDITIONDATA Book Antiqua :REPORTDATA background id 34 Lucida Calligraphy System all Fonts Small Fonts Small Fonts Lucida Sans cida Bright T T T T T T T T T $ $ D Small Fonts Small Fonts all Fonts NOTES buttonDOWN "Notes" buttonDOWN buttonDOWN Notes 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset 4sysMoveObj, sysTracking, sysXOffset, sysYOffset lOrigin loc - uttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonstilldown lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset buttonup lOrigin sysMoveObj sysTracking sysXOffset sysYOffset Notes: Notes THIS MAGAZINE IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND. You may have heard about the fact that there is a Democratic form of government in America. Well, actually, that's incorrect. A Democracy is a form of government in which the citizens participate in the decisions made by the government regulating themselves. Since the day that our elected representative took their first bribe, any semblance of democracy ceased in America and instead, we are now ruled by the almighty dollar. If you have any doubt of that ask why there is such a huge deficit in the federal budget. The budget deficit is due to the fact that Congress voted for anything and everything in the last 30 years where there was a payoff by some group, company, business association or even a foreign interest like Arabian Oil or Japanese automakers. Nothing, or very little is ever considered in Congress, completely as a help or hindrance to the American people. There is always the interest of those who pay Congress people to vote their way on upcomping legislation. Well, as of today, this evil and most dangerous threat to our Freedom is going to have to do battle with the Supermen and Superwomen who read this electronic magazine. It's electronic because this is the only medium which is not controlled by Big Business. It's the only way to stop this frightening trend toward dictatorship because this magazine will make public all major bills being considered in Congress from now on. WIth this program and your interest in your country we can turn this nation around and deliver it back to the pure ..... of democracy because this program will help you to get your friends motivated to participate in their country's democracy. When you find an issue that interests you, remember this program. You can get the correct Petition from calling our 800# which we will give you at the end of this article. You then print up the Peititon using this program. Then you get as many of your friends to sign it as you can. You then mail these signed Petitions by registered voters in your state to us. We then count the signatures and forward copies of your Petition to Congress. When the Congress votes on these major bills we will get their votes and report them to you and make their votes public in other ways, especially when they directly countra-dict the majority will of the voters. YOUR PARTICIPATION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ... Because armed with only a few Petitions or even a few dozen Petitions, or even a few hundred, we can have very little influence on Congress. When we present them with thousands and sometimes MILLIONS OF PETITIONS, they will not be able to ignore the will of the majority of American voters, or if they do, they will have to suffer the consequences. Those who make a career of ignoring the will of the people or who regularly contradict our Petitions, we will instigate RECALL CAMPAIGNS TO GET RID OF THEM. Congress men and women will eventually learn to obey the will of the people as presented to them by our Petitions. The good news is that this right is guaranteed to us in the FIRST AMENDMENT. This is the same amendment to our Constitution that guarantees us the right to free speech. So, unless, they want to take away our most important right or Freedom, they will never be able to thwart this important new campaign for Freedom, clean, responsible government and True Democracy in America. The Supermen and Superwomen reading this magazine can make the difference. YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU NOW. Don't be apathetic. Show some willingness to do something for a better America. Participate in this bold new adventure, this new American Revolution. Like the first one in 1776, this one can have the same positive global effects for centuries to come. But it starts with you. We cannot do it alone. We appeal for your help in this noble cause. We need each and every reader to fill out a Petition, get as many of your friends as possible to sign it, and then to mail it to us. Then we need you to do it again and again. We need you to tell your friends about this amazing new magazine. We need you to make copies of it and circulate it around in all circles. We need you to make as big an effort as you can, because this is much too important to be left to others. Call our 900# phone number to be informed about emergency legislation or proposals that we feel is takes priority over any others you may be working on. Then you can also call our 800# to download to this program the appropriate wording for Petitions that we want to keep uniform throughout the country. Don't try to become a one-man band. The only way to make this work is on a NATIONAL LEVEL and only with the kind of organization and co-ordination that this magazine and the electronic medium by which it is distributed. We don't have time to waste. We need you to become an active member of this organization. The membership fee is only $49.00 per year. This is very little in order to save your country. You could spend thousands, or even millions on your own and get nothing accomplished. Case in point - Ross Perot. He ended up spending over 60 million dollars trying to make a difference in this country. But, when the dust settled, America is still the same after all these dollars and all the talking of making BIG CHANGE. BIG CHANGE IS ONLY POSSIBLE IF YOU DEDICATE YOURSELF TO THE CONCEPT OF CONSISTENT, PERSISTENT, UNSWERVING PRESSURE ON CONGRESS TO DO THE RIGHT THING. We will be your best guide in the matter of doing just this and nothing more. CALL 1-900-XXX-XXXX TO HEAR THE MOST URGENT ISSUES AND ARGUMENTS. CALL 1-408-423-8580 TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST PETITIONS. THIS IS A MODEM CALL ON YOUR COMPUTER TO OUR BBS. SET YOUR MODEM TO 2400, N, 8, 1. If computer communications are new to you, you can purchase a custom program from us that will dial our BBS and download the information to your computer automatically. TO ORDER THIS COMMUNICATION PROGRAM OR ANY OTHER CALL 408-423-8580 THANK YOU ... THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown buttonstilldown FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT SHOWINGANDHIDING g < 16 (g + 1) stack x, y x, y, x + 723, y + 100 setback 5200, 300, 5923, 1023 default stack setback stack setback default L :PHYSSIZE Button Button FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp FEATURES FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp COMPUTER REVIEWS FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp MORE MAGS FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp READER RESPONSE FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp TRAVEL FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp AD SPACE FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp CONGRESS WATCH FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp CLASSIFIEDS FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp SPORTS FXZOOM TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SET MY FILLCOLOR TO 0LEAVE MOUSELEAVE tonUp MOUSEENTER buttonUp MOUSELEAVE buttonUp MOUSEENTER 240,50,100 MOUSELEAVE 0,50,100 CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN FXZOOM TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SET MY FILLCOLOR TO 0LEAVE MOUSELEAVE tonUp MOUSEENTER buttonUp MOUSELEAVE buttonUp MOUSEENTER 0,50,100 MOUSELEAVE 240,50,100 CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONSNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN CLICK ON ANY BUTTON BELOW TO BEGIN ... NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "call" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter mouseleave THE GREAT AMERICAN PETITION PROGRAM! Real Democracy in America begins here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TITLE TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "FOO" OF THIS PAGE 2" OF ?LEAVE HIDE 5 OF @2" OF MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE VOL. 1 VER 1.000 COPYRIGHT 1992 TO HANDLE BUTTONDOWN GO TO PAGE ID 143 BUTTONDOWN BUTTONDOWN MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCE FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp HINGS FXZOOM buttonUp buttonUp UPDATES FIRST TO HANDLE ENTERPAGE SYSTEM G SET G TO 1 g < 16 (g + 1) stack x, y x, y, x + 723, y + 100 setback 5200, 300, 5923, 1023 default ENTERPAGE stack setback ENTERPAGE stack setback default Xr\&` Button buttonUp buttonUp v3` 7 TO HANDLE BUTTONDOUBLECLICK HIDE SELF BUTTONDOUBLECLICK BUTTONDOUBLECLICK CALL OUR 900# ON A DAILY BASIS TO KEEP UP TO DATE WITH THE NEWS YOU CANNOT GET FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE...CALL 900-420-3710 Ext. 101 {MUST BE 18 YRS OLD, TOUCH TONE PHONE, CALL COSTS $2./MIN, AVG. CALL 2 MIN.} YOU WILL FIND ACTION ACTIVITIES YOU CAN DO IN THIS NEW AND VERY DIFFERENT KIND OF NEWSGRAM WHICH OPENLY ADVOCATES THE PARTICIPATION OF EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN IN THEIR BRAVE NEW DEMOCRACY.... {{MUST BE 18 YRS OLD, TOUCH TONE PHONE, CALL COSTS $2./MIN, AVG. CALL 2 MIN.}} FOR MORE INFORMATION. THE INSTRUCTION PAGE IS THE PLACE TO START. TO HANDLE BUTTONDOUBLECLICK HIDE SELF BUTTONDOUBLECLICK BUTTONDOUBLECLICK ALL IMPORTANT NEWS ITEMS ARE UPDATED WEEKLY. YOU WILL FIND ACTION ACTIVITIES YOU CAN DO IN THIS NEW AND VERY DIFFERENT KIND OF DEMOCRACY WHICH REQUIRES THE PARTICIPATION OF EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN TO PETITION THEIR GOVERNMENT.... THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 ALL 2 MIN.}} CALL OUR 900# ON A DAILY BASIS TO KEEP UP TO DATE WITH THE NEWS AND VIEWS THAT SUPERMEN AND WOMEN REQUIRE BUT CANNOT GET FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE CALL 900-XXX-XXXX... ALL IMPORTANT NEWS ITEMS ARE UPDATED WEEKLY. YOU WILL FIND ACTION ACTIVITIES YOU CAN DO IN THIS NEW AND VERY DIFFERENT KIND OF NEWSGRAM WHICH OPENLY ADVOCATES THE PARTICIPATION OF EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN IN THEIR BRAVE NEW DEMOCRACY.... {{MUST BE 18 YRS OLD, TOUCH TONE PHONE, CALL COSTS $2./MIN, AVG. CALL 2 MIN.}} fj>hcj You can begin by clicking on any of the buttons of this first page. If you are unfamiliar with Electronic magazines, try the "Instruction" page first. Once you become a subscriber, you'll be getting much larger and even more inter-active versions of this magazine. This is only the first version of a truly Revolutionary Magazine........................................................................................................................................................................................... FIRST SHOWINGANDHIDING SHOWINGANDHIDING intro ave no mouse or trackbal r!$" MOVE YOUR MOUSE AROUND... CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER HIDE FIELD "INSTRUCT" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER INSTRUCT OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "INSTRUCT" OF THIS PAGE MOUSEENTER MOUSEENTER INSTRUCT FWD ONE PAGE BAK ONE PAGE RETURN TO FRONT PAGE FIRST MOVE CURSOR HERE. CLICK ON THE BUTTONS ON THIS PAGE TO SEE HOW OUR BOOK WORKS. TRY TO FIND THEM ALL... TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "FOREWORD" OF THIS PAGE 9LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER FOREWORD MOUSELEAVE FOREWORD TO HANDLE BUTTONDOWN HIDE FIELD "INSTRUCT" OF THIS PAGE SHOW BUTTONDOWN BUTTONUP BUTTONDOWN INSTRUCT BUTTONUP INSTRUCT CLICK HERE CURSOR HERE! TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "INSTRUCT" OF THIS PAGE 9LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER INSTRUCT MOUSELEAVE INSTRUCT BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP first INSTRUCTIONS TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "BUTTONS" OF THIS PAGE 8LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER BUTTONS MOUSELEAVE BUTTONS THE AUTHOR TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW PAINTOBJECT "AUTHOR" 0LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER AUTHOR MOUSELEAVE AUTHOR AUTHOR :PHYSSIZE FOREWORD IF YOU ENJOY USING THIS PROGRAM, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE COPIES OF THE DISKETTES AND PASS IT AROUND TO FRIENDS. THE MORE READERSHIP WE GAIN, THE MORE SERVICES WE CAN OFFER OUR MEMBERS. IF YOU BECOME A SUBSCRIBER, WE SEND YOU A QUARTERLY UPGRADE TO THIS MAGAZINE WITH NEW ARTICLES AND FUN ACTIVITIES THAT YOU CAN DO AT HOME TO HELP IMPROVE YOUR DEMOCRACY. NOW MOVE MOUSE OVER "INSTRUCTIONS"M TO THE NEW MULTIMEDIA STANDARD. WITH THIS NEW KIND OF APPLIANCE, YOU START TO ENJOY AN ENTIRELY NEW KIND OF HOME ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM CONNECTING YOUR VCR, TELEVISION, STEREO SYSTEM, SPEAKERS, COMPUTER, ETC. ABOUT MULTI-MEDIA IS BASICALLY THE PUBLISHING OF INFORMATION UTILIZING THE NEW COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY .... AND IT OFFERS SO MUCH MORE. WE HOPE THAT YOU WILL SUPPORT THIS NEW INFORMATION REVOLUTION BECAUSE THE SURVIVAL OF OUR PLANET MAY DEPEND ON MORE AND MORE OF US COMMUNICATING WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THIS MANNER. A SINGLE SUBSCRIBTION TO THE NEW YORK TIMES REQUIRES THAT 5,000 ACRES OF TREES BE CUT DOWN TO PRODUCE THE PAPER FOR THIS COSTLY READING HABIT. BUT IT'S NOT ONLY THE ECOLOGY THAT WILL BENEFIT FROM YOUR SUPPORT OF THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY. WE CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE THE POLITICAL, SOCIAL & ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF THIS COUNTRY BY GETTING AWAY FROM THE POLLUTION-CAUSING HEAVY INDUSTRY AND INTO THE ALMOST POLLUTION FREE HI-TECH SOLUTIONS. ALL OF US HAVE TO USE THE TECHNOLOGY TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND WE MUST ALL CONTRIBUTE TO THE SOLUTIONS. THIS MAGAZINE IS THE FIRST IN A SERIES OF PUBLICATIONS WHICH WILL CONTINUE THE GREAT NEW INFORMATION REVOLUTION. JOIN US FOR MUCH MORE THAN WHAT YOU SEE HERE. ABOUT MULTI-MEDIA TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "ABOUT" OF THIS PAGE 6LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER ABOUT MOUSELEAVE ABOUT FIRST PAGE buttonup buttonup FIRST FRONT PAGE BUTTONS v#n"s# THE BUTTONS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE TAKE YOU FORWARD AND BACK AND BACK TO THE FRONT PAGE AT ANY TIME. TRY THEM NOW TO SEE WHERE THEY WILL TAKE YOU BUT TRY TO GET BACK TO THE INSTRUCTION PAGE TO FINISH READING ABOUT THE REST OF OUR BOOK! INSTRUCT THIS SCREEN WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO GET STARTED ON THIS GREAT NEW MULTIMEDIA BOOK! FIRST - NOTICE THE SCROLL BAR IN THE RIGHT MARGIN ON THIS COLUMN. TO READ THE REST OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS - MERELY CLICK ON THE DOWN ARROW AND THE TEXT IN THIS COLUMN WILL SCROLL FOR YOU. P.S. TO CLOSE THIS - JUST CLICK ON THE RED 'CLOSE' BUTTON TO THE RIGHT. THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF MULTI-MEDIA PUBLICATIONS FROM THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION. MULTIMEDIA MAGAZINES CAN BE VERY DIFFERENT THINGS TO DIFFERENT PUBLISHERS. TO US - IT MEANS THAT YOU ARE NOW VIEWING A TOTALLY NEW KIND OF INFORMATION GATHERER THAT IS INTERACTIVE WITH THE READER. THIS MEANS THAT YOU CAN SCROLL THROUGH THE REST OF THIS MESSAGE BY USING THE UP AND DOWN ARROWS IN THE SCROLL BAR IN THE RIGHT MARGIN OF THIS COLUMN. TRY IT NOW. YOU WILL SEE THAT THIS TEXT CAN SCROLL WELL BEYOND THE BOTTOM BOUNDARY OF THE PAGE. IN OTHER SECTION OF THIS MAGAZINE WE WILL HAVE MORE AND MORE INTERACTIVE THINGS FOR THE READER TO DO. ON THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE YOU CAN USE THE FRONT, BAK AND FWD BUTTONS TO PAGE THROUGH EACH PAGE OF THE MAGAZINE OR TO GET BACK TO THE FRONT PAGE. ON THE FRONT PAGE THERE ARE A SERIES OF BUTTONS THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE BOOK. DON'T LET THE COLORS FOOL YOU. TRY PRESSING THE BUTTON OF A SECTION THAT INTERESTS YOU AND BEGIN EXPERIMENTING WITH THE BOOK, OR CONTINUE READING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. THE BUTTON JUST BELOW THIS COLUMN POINTING TO THE LEFT AND THAT ALSO POINTS TO THE WORD 'FRONT' IS THE BUTTON THAT WILL TAKE YOU BACK TO THE FRONT PAGE NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE IN THE BOOK. THE ARROWN-BUTTONG NEXT TO IT WILL TAKE YOU BACK A PAGE AND THE ARROWN POINTING TO THE RIGHT WILL TAKE YOU FORWARD A PAGE. TRY EXPERIMENTING WITH THESE BUTTONS NOW IF YOU LIKE. ONE OF THE BEST THINGS ABOUT MULTI-MEDIA DEVICES IS THAT WE CAN USE A 'HOTWORD' TO ILLUSTRATE MORE THAN WHAT'S VISIBLE ON THE PAGE. THIS FOLLOWING WORD IS A 'HOTWORD'. HOTWORD! NOW YOU HAVE THE BASICS. THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT. PRESS ON THE BUTTON THAT TAKES YOU BACK TO THE FRONT PAGE. IT'S LABELED 'FRONT'. AND THEN GO TO WHATEVER SECTION INTERESTS YOU TODAY. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS NEW EXPERIENCE. TO HANDLE MOUSEENTER SHOW FIELD "HOT" OF THIS PAGE 4LEAVE HIDE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE MOUSEENTER MOUSELEAVE You've already experienced some Hotwords if you've moved your cursor around. This is one example of Hypertext just one example of the uses of Multi-Media. You'll see more as you read this magazine including video, sound, {if you have a sound board}, animation and much more. "intro" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter intro mouseleave intro If you have an older computer system that is slow in reading our Multi-Media Magazine, you may need to upgrade to a faster Motherboard or Video card or to add a sound card. We also carry upgrade parts and even completely new systems. We have the best prices and highest qualtiy because we want our readers to enjoy this exciting new medium. There's so much more to come in the future! SUBSCRIBE TO HANDLE ENTERPAGE SET SYSSUSPEND TO TRUE +KEYUP IS KEYENTER SEND KEYDOWN KEYTAB ELSE FORWARD ENTERPAGE KEYUP ENTERPAGE KEYUP KKEYDOWN ENCLOSED, YOU WILL FIND A CHECK FOR $29.00. I understand that if I subscribe before June 30, 1993, I will receive my second year's subscription free and that I will receive a DISCOUNT CLUB CARD entitling me to hundreds of dollars, even thousands in savings in travel, air fares, hotels, even products purchased via the Best "National Computer Catalog." a copy of which I will also receive AND that I am entered in the SWEEPSTAKES FOR A NEW HOME ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM OR GIFT CERTIFICATES WORTH $500. OR MORE.... YOUR SIGNATURE ABOVE THIS LINE, OPTIONAL IF PAYING BY CHECK BUT MANDATORY IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD! SEND THIS FORM FILLED OUT TO: THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 OR CALL IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT (408) 423-8580 &MORE THE SUBSCRIPTION RATE FOR THIS NEW MULTI-MEDIA MAGAZINE IS ONLY $29.00 PER YEAR. THIS IS AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER AND WILL GO UP LATER, SO SUBSCRIBE NOW TO BECOME A CHARTER MEMBER. WE ALSO HAVE MANY OTHER BENEFITS TO NEW MEMBERS, SUCH AS A CONTEST IN WHICH YOU CAN WIN A NEW HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER OR A GIFT CERTIFICATE WORTH OVER $500.00 AS OUTLINED IN 'MORE INFORMATION' GOTTEN' TO FROM THE FRONT PAGE. BUT YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE BEFORE JUNE 30, 1993 TO GET ALL THESE GOODIES! SO DO IT TODAY. U CAN'T ALWAYS LEAVE IT TO THE OTHER GUY. LL GET THE 2ND YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION FREE. We publish quarterly, but have much more information provided to you on a weekly basis via our 900#. We are the only magazine of its kind in the world and the only organization dedicated to bringing TRUE DEMOCRACY TO AMERICA. Don't hesitate to join, because if you do, that means others will also hesitate and that means that nothing will ever improve in this country. Believe it or not, it takes YOUR PARTICIPATION TO MAKE THINGS BETTER. YOU CAN'T ALWAYS LEAVE IT TO THE OTHER GUY. 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