Work Status (Version 2.2) Introduction The Work Status program facilitates interoffice communications and optimizes everyone's time by eliminating needless walking about the office in an attempt to contact an associate, deliver phone messages (or picking them up), and using sticky notes for messages. Some of the features and benefits of Work Status are: * Allows people on the network to indicate their current availability status to all other users of the network (Available, Out of Office, In Meeting, In Car, etc.). * A complete eMail system so users may send messages to each other. They can send the same message to multiple users or groups, forward messages, or reply to messages from others. * A public bulletin board allows users to post global messages for everyone else to see. * Certain users (referred to as "Receptionist") can send other network users electronic phone messages or alert them that they have a new fax. * The receptionist may also change a person's status if the person forgot to change it themselves. * The user list can also be used as a network user directory and phone number or extension list. * Indicates which network users are currently using Work Status on their work stations. * Multimedia event driven sound built in (licensed version only) Updating from a Previous Work Status Version If you are updating from a previous version of Work Status please see the section "Updating Work Status" for special instructions. Also refer to the section Update History for details on what changes have been made to the system. Freeware vs. License The Work Status program is provided as a preview for up to 5 users. If you don't need more than 5 users then you may use Work Status with our compliments. If you have additional people who need to use the program you will need to license all users. Users are licensed in sets of 10, priced at only $5.00 per user. Quantity discounts are available above 30 users. The preview version (the version not licensed for more than 5 users) is different from the licensed version (10 or more users) in two ways. First, no multimedia support is provided. Second, a reminder windows will display on the screen every 45 minutes while Work Status is loaded. We strongly recommend that if you want to use Work Status that you license it for at least 10 users. Licensing users is a simple process. During the installation process the program is serialized for your installation. If you only need 5 users you don't need to do anything. Just follow the install instructions as listed. If you need more users, just complete the order form (see below) and provide your serial number, the number of users you want, and payment for the license fee and mail it to TARDIS DP Consultants. We will respond via CompuServe or US Mail with your Activation key. This key increases your user count to the number of users licensed. In addition to getting more users, the system is made multimedia aware and the reminder window no longer displays. Multimedia means that Windows .WAV files will be played in response to specified Work Status events. OPTIONAL: If you choose to include an additional $7.00 you will be sent a diskette containing all necessary .WAV files along with the latest version of Work Status, the Work Status documentation in Ami Pro format (with captured screens), and additional shareware programs developed by TARDIS DP Consultants. (If you choose to use the additional programs you must license them separately). If you do not want this diskette you may still create your own .WAV files. Details are included in this documentation. Details of the order process can be found in the section "Licensing Users for the First Time". You can, of course, try out the program on either a network or single user system before deciding to license additional users. If you try out the system on a single user computer you will be prompted for your network ID each time you start Work Status. This is because Windows can not provide a network ID to the program. Contacting TARDIS DP Consultants You can reach us as CompuServe ID 73337,2472. Mail Address: TARDIS DP Consultants Department 45 6 Sedley Ct. Greensboro, NC 27455 Hardware and Software Tested The program has been tested and operates normally in the following environment:: 386 PC Windows 3.1 in Enhanced Mode Novell 3.11 4, 8, or 16MB of total memory DOS 5.0 VGA (16 colors) and VGA (256 colors) and VGA (32,000 colors) Serial and Bus Mouse (a mouse is strongly recommended) Windows loaded on local hard drive Work Status should operate normally in any Window 3.1 environment as long as Windows is operating in Standard or Enhanced mode. Enhanced mode and VGA (or better) recommended. Your hardware and network must of course be 100% windows compatible. This version of Work Status should run with Windows 3.0 but no multi-media support is provided. Initial Installation The program is provided as a self-extracting executable file. Just follow the instructions below to install the program on your network. Note: With Window's Multitasking ability you can try out the program on your local hard drive and simulate a network environment. Since you are not on a network the program will prompt you for your "network" user ID every time you start it. 1.Choose a network drive/volume on which you want to install the product. 2.Create a directory on that network drive. You may name it anything you like. It may be a subdirectory of another directory. We recommend you name it \WSTATUS. 3.If required by your network set up security so that all users (who will use Work Status) have significant rights to search, read, write, and create files in this directory and all it's subdirectories (created later). 4.Copy the Work Status self extracting executable (WSTAT.EXE) into the \WSTATUS directory. 5.Make a backup of this file to floppy diskette for safe keeping. You will delete this file from the hard drive later. 6.Change to the \WSTATUS directory. 7.Type the command WSTAT. This uncompresses the files into the current directory. 8.Delete the file WSTAT.EXE. It is no longer used. Make sure you make a backup per step 5 above. 9.If you have not already, start windows on the station belonging to the Work Status Administrator. The administrator is responsible for maintaining the user and group list and increasing the user count.. 10.From the Program Manager select File and Run. Type the network drive letter, path, and the file name WSTATUSA and press enter. For example, if the \WSTATUS directory was created on G: drive, you would type G:\WSTATUS\WSTATUSA. 11.A windows displays prompting you for information about your company. Please enter the information accurately. Once saved it can not be changed. 12.Since this is the first time you are running Work Status you will receive some error messages that files do not exist or are in use by another. The files will be created automatically. You should not see these messages again. 13.The adminestrator's program displays. You should click on the "Setup Admin" button to set up your computer as an adminestrator. The program will now configure your system for Work Status as follows: A new group is created namedTARDIS Work Status and Work Status Admin are added to this new group Work Status is added added to the Startup group 14.Installation for a maximum of 5 users is complete. 15.Backup at least the WSTATUS.REG file. This file contains your encoded serial number and user count. If you damage or erase this file after you have ordered your user count, the activation key you receive will not work. This is VERY important! You should now define at least one user to the Work Status program before continuing. Please refer to the section "Work Status Administrator's Guide" . Once the users have been defined you need to configure each user's work station to access Work Status. Please see the section "Configuring a User's Work Station". Work Status Administrator's Guide The administrator is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date list of all network users and groups who can access Work Status. No user may log into Work Status without first being defined by the administrator. Each time Work Status (WSTATUS.EXE) is executed it gets the user's network ID from Windows. If Window's does not know the user's network ID, Work Status prompts the user for it. NOTE: Network ID's in Work Status must be 8 characters or less. If you have defined network users with longer ID's you may want to change their network ID. WARNING: Never access Work Status Admin (WSTATUSA.EXE) if ANY users are currently running the Work Status program. Data corruption may result. You can see who is logged in by running Work Status (WSTATUS.EXE) and checking the user list for a plus sign in the right column. The plus sign indicates the user is currently running Work Status. Instructions for maintaining the Work Status user list: 1.Start the Work Status Admin program (WSTATUSA.EXE) by double clicking on the icon in the Work Status group. 2.If this is your first time using the program a blank list of user displays. We suggest you add your name first. 3.Type a user's Network ID in the text box at the top of the screen. Notice that the Add button becomes available when anything is typed in the text box. Some characters are not permitted as network ID's. These characters will not be entered into the text box. 4.Click Add (or press Enter). A directory on the hard drive under the Work Status directory (ex. WSTATUS\MSG\) is created. This directory is used to store phone and mail messages. If you remove the user the directory and all files contained in it are also removed. 5.The User Addition window displays. Enter the information requested. The Full Name is required and defaults to the network ID. 6.It this person is to be considered the "Receptionist", click the Receptionist check box.. A receptionist is a user who can change other user's status and alert them to new phone messages, and faxes. More than one user can be a receptionist. 7.The Refresh Interval is the number of minutes (approximately) between checks for new phone messages, fax, and mail. This also controls how often the user status list is updated. This value defaults to 2 but may be changed to any positive value between 1 and 9999. 8.Click OK when done. 9.Proceed with the next network ID. If you attempt to add more users than your user count permits, you will receive an error message. You can check your maximum user count by clicking on the Note icon. 10.Once you have defined your User ID's you can optionally create groups and assign users to one or more groups. This makes it much easier to send mail messages to groups of users. Please see the section below. 11.When you have completed adding/changing users, click Save and Quit to save the new user list to the network drive. Any changes you make can not be reversed. Please be careful. Once you setup each user's work station they may begin using Work Status. Please see the section "Configuring a User's Work Station". The Reset Button The reset button is a quick way to reset the Phone Message, Fax, and Mail alerts for all users. It also sets each users on-line status to "Off Line". This should not normally be used but is included for those instances when you want to reset these flags. The ReDir Button The ReDir button re-creates the directory tree of subdirectories. This can be extremely helpful if you had to restore from backup and empty directories were not re-created. Just click the button to create directories for all users. Setup User This option should be run once on each user's work station. It creates the necessary files, Program Manager groups, and icons so that a user can access Work Status more easily. Setup Admin This option should be run once on the Adminestrators work station to set up Program Manager to access not only Work Status but also the Work Status Admin. program. User Groups The User Groups option allows you to assign a user to one or more groups. These groups appear on the Copy mail list and can be selected just like a user. This allows you to quickly and easily send mail messages to all the members of one or more groups. The system even allows you to selectively "remove" users from a group (for a given message) which gives you absolute control over who in a group receives a given message. Click on the User Groups button to display the User Group entry window. The left column list all defined groups. The right column list all users in the system. Users who are highlighted in the right column are members of the group which is currently highlighted in the left column. You simply click on the group you want to display/change and then click on the users to highlight (member of group) or un-highlight (not a member of group). This gives you a quick and easy method of adding and removing users from a selected group. To add a new group , enter the group ID (7 characters or less) in the box under the group list. You then click Add. You can then add users to the group. You can delete a group by selecting it and clicking Delete. Note: The same user can belong to any number of groups. As you delete users form the primary administration window, the groups are automatically updated to reflect your changes. Don't forget that when you add a new user you should also assign them to any groups as necessary. Deleting Users You may delete a user at any time. When you delete a user all phone and mail messages sent TO that user are automatically deleted. Any bulletins posted BY that user are not deleted. The receptionist has the ability to delete any bulletin as easily as they would delete their own. Please ask the receptionist to delete any bulletins desired. Configuring a User's Work Station If windows is loaded on the network and all users share the same copy of Windows, you can skip this section. The initial installation made all the changes necessary (assuming that the System Administrator also shares the same copy of networked Windows). If users have Window's loaded on their local hard drive you should follow the instructions below to configure the work station. 1.If you have not already, start windows on the user's work station. 2.From the Program Manager select File and Run. Type the network drive letter, path, and file name WSTATUSA and press enter. For example, if the \WSTATUS directory was created on G: drive, you would type G:\WSTATUS\WSTATUSA. 3.The Work Status Admin. window displays. 4.Click on the "Setup User" button. The program will now configure your system for Work Status as follows: A new group is created named TARDIS The Work Status program is added to this new group Work Status is added to the Startup group 5.The work station setup is complete. The user may start Work Status by double clicking the Work Status icon in the WSTATUS group. If you selected automatic startup, the Work Status program will start every time Windows is started. This is the recommended configuration. User's Guide to Work Status The Work Status program is very easy to use. If your computer was configured to automatically start Work Status when you start Windows, the program loads automatically. If not, just double click the Work Status icon in the program manager. By default it is located in the WSTATUS group (although the icon may have been moved). If Windows does not know your Network User ID you will be prompted for it. Enter the same ID you used to log onto the network. If Windows knows your ID this step is skipped. The Work Status window displays. Note: If this is a licensed version, the .multimedia WAV files are loaded on the network, and you have sound support, you will receive a verbal greeting. You may not resize the window but you may use the Minimize button in the upper right hand corner of the window to make it an icon while you are not using it. It is STRONGLY recommended that you leave the program running as an icon all day. Only if the program is running will it check for new messages, fax, or mail about every 2 minutes. Note: A pull down menu system is provided for those who do not want to use a mouse. You can use this menu to accomplish all functions which would otherwise be done with the mouse. These instructions assume you are using a mouse. If you are not using a mouse please refer to the pull down menu options as necessary. Viewing the Status and Details of Other Users The left side of the window contains the user list. This is the list of all users who are able to use the Work Status program. If you need to know the status, phone, return time, brief message, etc. of a specific user, you simply find their name in the list, click on the name, and click on the Detail button (or just double click on the name). The detail window displays. You can view (but not change) this information. You can use this information as a real-time phone book, network directory, etc. The brief message can give details about the user's status. Changing your own Status and Details You are responsible for maintaining your own status information. This information will be available to all other Work Status users on the network. The right side of the screen contains your current information. You can change your status, phone, return time, and brief message. After you make any changes you must click the "Update" button to update the network and allow other users to see your changes. The status field is a free form text box. You may type your status directly in the box. You may also click on the down arrow directly to the right of the box to display a list of common status types. You can then select from the list. This can save you same typing. The Work Status Administrator can change this list of status types. Please contact the administrator if you have some suggestions for new status types. Sending Mail Messages You may quickly send a mail message to any user. In the user list, click on the user you want to send the message to and click on the Mail icon at the top center of the window. A message window appears prompting you for the subject and message text. You may also indicate additional items about the message by clicking on the options on the right side of the window. To send this message to only one user (the user you selected on the Work Status window) click Send. If you want to send this message to other users (or change the addressee) click Copy. A list of all users and groups displays in the left column. The right column list all users who will receive this message. Click on each user in the left column to add them to the distribution list. Click on the user in the right column to remove them from the list. If you click on a group (ID's which begin with an asterisk) all members of that group are added to the right column. Click OK when done and then click send. If the recipients are currently running Work Status they will be notified of the new message in about 2 minutes. Posting Bulletins You may quickly post a global bulletin for other users to see. Unlike eMail messages you don't send a bulletin to a specific user. All users who have access to Work Status can see the bulletin. Think of these bulletins as items you would post on your company's cork board. Anyone can post but a user can only delete their own bulletins. Note: The receptionist can delete any bulletin. Also, bulletins (once posted) can not be changed. You can, however, use Copy (Ctrl-C) and Paste (Ctrl-V) functions to create a new bulletin from the text of an old one and optionally delete the old bulletin. To post a bulletin clock on the paper icon at the top center of the window. A message window appears prompting you for the subject and message text. To post this bulletin to all users click Send. Note: Posting of a new bulletin does not send an alert to users. It is the users responsibility to check the bulletin board (just like they would check the cork board in the office). Receiving Alerts Alerts tell you that you have a new phone message, mail message, or fax. The Work Status system checks for alerts every 2 minutes. If any alerts are detected, a Work Status Alert window displays and the computer beeps. The icon(s) for the alerts display in the window. You have several options at this time. You can click on OK to remove the alert window. Two minutes from now the window re-displays. You can click Clear Alerts to clear all alerts and remove the window. You will not get alerted again unless someone send you new alert. You can click Work Status which displays the Work Status window. You can then check your messages or change your status. Up to three icons will also display indicating the type of alerts you have. You may click on the icon to immediately display the messages (or in the case of a Fax alert, clear the alert). This can save you some time. Instead of going to Work Status and clicking on the message icon, you can click on it here. IMPORTANT :If Windows is not the primary application (i.e. you are running DOS full screen exclusively), the Work Status program is not running even though it may be loaded. You won't receive alerts until you are in Windows for about 2 minutes or click the Work Status Update button. Reading and Processing Mail Messages To view your mail messages click on the mailbox icon at the bottom of the Work Status window. A list of all current messages displays. You may highlight the desired message and click View (or just double click on the message) to see the detail. When you are done you should click Cancel to return to the mail list. In addition to viewing messages you may make changes and then send the changed message to any number of users. Click Copy and highlight the users you want to send the message to. Click OK and then click Send to send the message. You may also quickly reply to a message. Display the message in the detail window and click Reply. The Replying flag is checked and the address of the message is automatically set to the network ID that posted the message. You can change the message any way you want. If necessary you may also add additional users to the distribution list by clicking Copy. Click Send when you are ready to send the message. You can delete a mail message by clicking the Delete button on the detail window or by returning to the message list, highlighting the desired message, and clicking Delete. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Reading and Deleting Phone Messages To view your phone messages click on the phone icon at the bottom of the Work Status window. A list of all current messages displays. You may highlight the desired message and click View (or just double click on the message) to see the detail. When you are done you should click Cancel to return to the mail list. You can delete a phone message by returning to the message list, highlighting the desired message, and clicking Delete. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Processing Fax Alerts Fax alerts do not have details. If the receptionist notifies you about a new fax, you will receive the alert just like messages and the Fax icon will appear at the bottom of your window. This is a reminder that you have a fax waiting. When you pick up your fax you should click on the icon to remove it from the window. This stops the system from repeatedly alerting you about the same fax. Reading Bulletins To view all bulletins click on the paper icon at the bottom of the Work Status window. A list of all current bulletins displays. You may highlight the desired bulletin and click View (or just double click on the bulletin) to see the detail. When you are done you should click Cancel to return to the bulletin list. You can only delete a bulletin message that you originally posted. Click the Delete button while viewing the detail of the bulletin you want to delete. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Setting your own Automatic Update Refresh Interval You may change your automatic update refresh interval from 1-9999 minutes. This interval controls how often Work Status will check for new alerts and update the status information in the user list. Exiting Work Status You may exit the work status program at any time. It is recommended that you leave it running as an icon so that you are promptly alerted to new messages, fax, and mail. When you exit the program a message box displays asking if you want to tell others that you are "Out". If you click Yes, your status is changed to "Out". If you click No, your status is not changed. If you click Cancel, the program does not exit. It is recommended that at the end of the business day you indicate you are Out. Don't forget to change your status to "Available" when you next return to work. Note: If Work Status is running and you exit Windows, you will also receive this message box. The cancel button, however, will not stop Windows for exiting. Receptionist's Guide to Work Status The standard Work Status program works the same for all users. You should review the instructions "User's Guide to Work Status" before reading these instructions. Those Work Status users designated as "Receptionist" have addition features. These features include: * Ability to notify a user of a new Phone Message or Fax * Ability to change the status, phone number, return time, and brief message of any user * Ability to delete any user's posted bulletin Like all other Work Status users, the receptionist can see the status of anyone. This can help the receptionist know when to take messages, what extension to transfer calls to, or what outside phone number (car, home, hotel, etc.) to give the caller. The receptionist's Work Status window looks very similar to those of non-receptionist. The only difference is the two additional icons at the top of the screen, one for sending phone messages and the other for sending Fax alerts. Notifying a User To send a user a phone message, select the user from the list by clicking on the user name, and then click on the phone icon. You are prompted for additional information about the phone message. For example, if you want to send Judy a phone message, you simply locate Judy's name in the list, click on her name, and click on the Phone icon at the top of the screen. You can enter the phone message in the detail window and click OK. Less than 2 minutes later Judy's computer will beep and she will be told she has a new phone message. Faxes are handled a little differently. You are not prompted for Fax details. The user will be alerted, but must pick up the fax themselves. Changing a User's Status As the receptionist you have the additional responsibility to maintain a user 's status if they forget to (or can not) update it themselves. It is always preferable for the user to maintain their own list, but this may not always be possible. By clicking on the user's name and then clicking the detail button (or just double clicking on the name) the detail window displays. This window contains additional details about the user's status. Unlike the detail window for non-receptionist , you may change the user's status, phone, return time , and brief message. Similar to changing your own status you may type in the status or select from the list provided. For example, a group of people are heading out to lunch. As each one leaves, you can check their status. If they forgot to change their status to "At Lunch" you can change it for them. The same is true when they return. Remember, you are not only updating your own list, but the list of every computer in the office. This service can be invaluable. Deleting a User's Bulletin You have the ability to delete any user's bulletin as easily as your own. Please see the section "User's Guide to Work Status" for instructions. Customizing Work Status Changing the Status Type List The Work Status system defaults to a list of status ID's which include: "Available" "Not Available" "Out of Office" "See Message" "In Car" "Do Not Disturb" "In Conference" "Back in 5 min" "Back in 10 Min" "Back in 30 Min" "Back in 1 Hour" If this list does not suit your needs you may make your own list which replaces the hard coded list above. To design your own list create an ASCII file in the network \WSTATUS directory named WSTATUS.MSG. Place one status type on each line. Status types are limited to 15 characters. Make sure there are no blank lines (especially one or more blank lines at the end of the file). Save the file. The next time Work Status is started you list will display when the user clicks on the List Box button. Keep in mind that any user may either select from the list or manually type their status. This may save you from having to account for every possible status. Some users may even want to indicate where in the building they are (instead of using the Brief Message). This way, their location appears in the User List without users having to view the detail window. Specifying the User's Network ID If windows does not know the current user's network ID when they start Work Status, the user is prompted for it. If you would prefer not to be prompted, you can add the user's network ID directly after the program name in the program manager (separated by a space). Fox example, if Work Status is installed on G: in the directory WSTATUS, the program manager command is G:\WSTATUS\WSTATUS.EXE. You simply add the user's name after this. It would now read G:\WSTATUS\WSTATUS.EXE JUDY. The system would read this name if Windows does not know the network ID. If you do not want to customize each user's windows system, you may set the DOS environment variable WSTATUS to the user's network ID. This environment variable will be checked if Windows does not know the ID and the ID is not specified on the Work Status command line. Multimedia Sound Control When you license any users (and pay the license fee) the system is automatically made multimedia aware. In response to certain Work Status events the system will play an associated .WAV sound file which is located in the network Work Status directory. Your computer must have sound support for the files to be played. You may optionally include an additional $7.00 with your license fee (see section below) and receive a diskette with all the .WAV files pre-made for you. This diskette also includes the latest version of Work Status, the documentation in Ami Pro format (with captured screens), and additional programs developed by TARDIS DP Consultants. If you don't want the diskette you may make your own .WAV files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Below are all the .WAV file names and a brief description of each. File Name Sound File Description START.WAV Program Startup ("Welcome to Work Status") END.WAV Program Shutdown ("Thank you for using Work Status") ALERT.WAV Alert Dialog Box Display ("You have an alert") ABOUT.WAV About Dialog Box Display ("TARDIS DP Consultants...") SHOWFAX.WAV Clear Fax Alert ("Fax alert is cleared") SHOWMAIL.WAV Show List of your Mail ("Here is your Mail") SHOWPHON.WAV Show List of your Phone Messages ("Here are your phone messages") SHOWBULL.WAV Show List of all Bulletins ("Here are the bulletins") USERDETL.WAV Display user Detail Information ("User Detail Information") UPDATE.WAV Manual update of the User Status List ("Updating user list") SENDFAX.WAV Send a Fax Alert ("Fax alert has been sent") SENDPHON.WAV Send a Phone Message ("Phone message") SENDMAIL.WAV Send Mail ("Mail Message") SENDBULL.WAV Post a Bulletin ("Post Bulletin") ISSAVE.WAV Any Mail, Phone, or Bulletin is Saved ("Item is begin saved") OUT.WAV Are you out Dialog Box Display when Exiting Work Status ("Are you out?") DELETE.WAV Delete this item when the user request to delete a bulletin, mail or phone message. PRINT.WAV Print this item when the user Increasing the User Count The Work Status system ships with a maximum of 5 users. If you only need 5 users you may use Work Status with our compliments (the registration reminded screens will continue to appear and multi-media support is not available). If you need more than 5 users you need license them. This simple process increases your user count to the value specified in the chart below. Note: With only 5 users multimedia sound is not supported. You must license additional users to gain this support. Total Number Total License of Users Cost (Including Discount) 10 $50 20 $100 30 $150 40 $180 50 $225 60 $270 70 $280 80 $330 90 $360 100 $400 >100 Write for For example, if you have 8 people in your organization and want them all to use Work Status, you just need to purchase a 10 user license for $50.00. If you need to purchase a 20 user license the cost is only $100.00. Discount prices are available above 30 users. The chart gives pricing for the different user platforms (which include any discounts). The number of users is always the TOTAL number, not the increase. Ordering Users for the First Time If you have already ordered users and need to order some more, please see the section "Ordering Additional Users". 1.Decide how many users you want to track with Work Status. Round this value up to the next available user count on the chart at the beginning of this manual. 2.Decide if you want the multimedia .WAV files, the latest version of Work Status, the Work Status documentation in Ami Pro format (with captured screens), and other shareware programs developed by TARDIS DP Consultants. If you do, include an additional $7.00. 3.Write a bank check, personal check, or money order for this amount. Make the check out to Charles Cranford. Sorry, no credit cards or COD orders. Personal checks require 5 days to clear. 4.Run the INSTALL.EXE program and write your serial number on the order form (see below) and on the front of the check. Be careful. This number must be accurate or your activation key will not work. 5.Write on the front of your check your CompuServe account number (not your password!). We will send you the activation key via CompuServe eMail. If you ordered the multimedia diskette it will be sent to you via US Mail. If you don't have a CompuServe account we will mail your activation key to the name and address on the order form. 6.Complete the Order Form (See below). 7.Make the check out to Charles Cranford and mail the check and any product suggestions to: TARDIS DP Consultants Department 45 6 Sedley Ct. Greensboro, NC 27455 8.We maintain a database of all Work Status clients, their serial number, and the number of users each has licensed. We are able to verify the user count if you need to purchase additional users in the future. 9.We will issue an activation key and return it to you via CompuServe eMail or US Mail ASAP. This activation key will set the number of users to the quantity you ordered. 10.When you receive your activation key refer to the section "Installing the Activation Key". Ordering Additional Users If this is the first time you are ordering users please see the section "Ordering Users for the First Time". 1.Decide how many TOTAL users you want to track with Work Status. Round this value up to the next available user count on the chart at the beginning of this manual. 2.Decide if you want the multimedia .WAV files, the latest version of Work Status, the Work Status documentation in Ami Pro format (with captured screens), and other shareware programs developed by TARDIS DP Consultants. If you do, include an additional $7.00. 3.Start the INSTALL.EXE program and click on the "Note" icon. This displays the number of users you have now. If this number is 5 you should refer to the section "Ordering Users for the First Time". 4.Using the chart at the beginning of this manual determine the total cost for the new number of user you need, and subtract from that the cost for the number of users you already have. This is the cost of the additional user licenses. You are basically getting a credit for previously purchased users. Note, the 5 users in the shareware version are not counter as users you have already licensed. 5.Write on the front of your check your CompuServe account number (not your password!). We will send you the activation key via CompuServe eMail. If you ordered the multimedia diskette it will be sent to you via US Mail. If you don't have a CompuServe account we will mail your activation key to the name and address on the order form. 6.Complete the Order Form (See below). 7.Make the check out to Charles Cranford and mail the check and any product suggestions to: TARDIS DP Consultants Department 45 6 Sedley Ct. Greensboro, NC 27455 8.We maintain a database of all Work Status clients, their serial number, and the number of users each has licensed. We are able to verify the user count if you need to purchase additional users in the future. 9.We will issue an activation key and return it to you via CompuServe eMail or US Mail ASAP. This activation key will set the number of users to the quantity you ordered. 10.When you receive your activation key refer to the section "Installing the Activation Key".Installing the Activation Key Installing the Activation Key When you receive your activation key you must install in on the network so that the user count is updated. The user count and other encoded information is stored in the file WSTATUS.REG in the network \WSTATUS directory. You should always have a backup of this file in case you have network problems. Note: Future updates will not touch this file so you can install software updates without affecting your user count. 1.Start Windows on the Administrator's work station originally used to install the Work Status programs. 2.Start the Work Status Admin. program (WSTATUSA.EXE ) by double clicking on the Work Status Admin. icon in the program manager. 3.Click on the "Note" icon to display the About box. 4.Click on the "Register" button. This displays your registration information and prompts for your activation key. 5.Enter the supplied key and double check it. If the key is correct the system will increase your user count and immediately exit back to window. 6.You may now use multi-media support, define more users. The system is registered. If you have any problems with the procedure you can contact TARDIS DP Consultants via CompuServe ID 73337,2472 or by the address at the beginning of this manual. Installing the Multimedia Diskette If you purchased the optional multimedia diskette it is sent to you via US Mail. Once you have the diskette follow the contained in the "README.TXT" file located on the diskette. Simply install the entire Work Status program. This insures that you are using the most recient version and also installs the multi-media files. Advanced Topics Sending Mail from Other Programs Work Status allows you to create ASCII files from any program and then "Send" the ASCII file as a message to any Work Status user. This allows Windows and DOS programs to indicate their progress or status by sending a mail message via Work Status. An example might by the nightly backup process sending a message to the network supervisor that the backup completed. This feature can prove invaluable! The ASCII file must have the following format to be processed correctly by Work Status. * Line 1 - The Work Status Network ID of the person SENDING this message. Although this value is not checked against defined Work Status users, it MUST be correct. Proper message functioning will be impaired if it is not a valid user. * Line 2 - The Subject (any length) * Line 3+ - The message text. The text will automatically word wrap in the Work Status message window, so you should not include CRLF (ASCII 13 & 10) unless you specifically want to start a new line. The file must match the above specification (although Line 2 may be blank, there must be at least 3 lines in the file!). The file size is limited to about 64K (the maximum size windows can store in a text box). To send the message to a user, you must save the ASCII file in the desired user's message directory. For example, if you installed the Work Status program on the network drive G: in the \WSTATUS directory, and you want to send the message to Judy, you must store the ASCII file in the directory G:\WSTATUS\MSG\JUDY. The name of the ASCII file is important also. Only files which have the first letter of "N" (for new) and the extension ".MAI" will be converted to mail messages. Although you can send a file named simply N.MAI, it is STRONGLY recommended that you include in the file name a random number and that you check for the existence of a same named file before saving the new one. This will prevent you from accidentally writing over an ASCII message file sent earlier. Every time a user starts Work Status or the user list is updated, their message directory (see above) is scanned for all files matching N*.MAI. If any are found, they are saved as a new file (M???????.MAI) in internal message format , the original ASCII file deleted, and the user alerted to new mail. Work Status Order Form Your Name: _____________________________________________ Company Name: _____________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: _______________ Phone: (____________) ____________-__________________ CompuServe ID: ___________________________________ (optional) Where did you here about Work Status: __________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Computer Hardware: ______________________________________________ Windows Version: __________ DOS Version: ___________ Network: _____________________________________________ Work Status Ordering Have you licensed Work Status users previously? ______________ How many users do you have now? ______________ TOTAL USERS you need? ______________ Cost of these users (see instructions) ______________ Do you want the multimedia Diskette? ______________ This diskette contains the latest version of Work Status, all multimedia .WAV files, documentation in Ami Pro format, Add $7.00 and other TARDIS DP Consultants shareware programs for you to preview. Diskette Size [] 3" HD [] 5" HD TOTAL (users and diskette) $_____________ Amount of Payment $_____________ Payment Method []Personal Check []Money Order []Bank Check Please make payment out to Charles Cranford and mail to: TARDIS DP Consultants Department 45 6 Sedley Ct. Greensboro, NC 27455 Updating Work Status Simply copy the files included in the self extracting file into the network Work Status directory. You DO want to overwrite any existing files. If the update was sent to you on diskette you should use the install program to install the files automatically. See the README.TXT file that comes on the diskette. When updating to version 2.2 * Work Status 2.2 switched from Visual Basic 2.0 to version 3.0. This requires a change from using VBRUN200.DLL to using VBRUN300.DLL. If you received the update on diskette this new DLL is located in the RUNTIME.EXE file. Please see the README.TXT file that comes on the diskette for instructions on installing the runtime files. The runtime files must be installed on each work station which will run Work Status. * Since VBRUN200.DLL is no longer required you can delete it from the network Work Status directory. Do NOT delete this file from the Windows System directory (if they exist there) as other programs on the computer may depend on them. * Work Status 2.2 changed security and the structure of the WSTATUS.REG file. If you get the message "Invalid Registration File" when you start Work Status simply delete the WSTATUS.REG file. IMPORTANT: If you have registered and increased your user count this will reverse that process. Please contact TARDIS DP Consultants immediately and a new registration file will be modemed to you ASAP. We are doing everything we can to avoid this situation. We should not need to modify the security file in the future. * Before you run Work Status again you should run the administration program (WSTATUSA.EXE) so that the new Group file can be created. Failure to perform this step will cause error messages when Work Status starts. * You should manually delete the WSTATUS.INI file from the Windows directory of all work stations. It is no longer used. The WSTATUS.EXE and WSTATUSA.EXE programs MUST exist and be run from the same network directory that contains the data files. Update History: Version 1.5 (Initial Release) on 4/8/93 Version 2.0 released on 4/12/93 * Corrected bug which would cause the same alert box to display repeatedly on the screen if the computer was left unattended and you are notified of one or more alerts. * Corrected bug which would erase changes you were currently making to your own status if the user list was refreshed. Now, the timer counter is reset each time you change any of your own status information. * Corrected bug which could corrupt the database if the receptionist was making changes to a user and a refresh occurred. Now, refresh is disabled for the receptionist if they are currently changing another user's status information. * Changed the Alert message box to include three option buttons (OK, Clear Alerts, and Go To Work Status). The message box is now automatically removed from the screen after 30 seconds. * The user has the option of clicking on one of the alert icons in the alert window to immediately access the desired area (phone, mail, or fax). * Added ability to accept ASCII files from other programs (Windows or DOS) and send them as mail messages to Work Status users. * Added ability to initially send the same mail message to any number of people * Added ability to forward a mail message to any number or people * Added ability to reply to a mail message and to send the reply to any number or people * Added ability to delete a phone or mail message at the detail window * Added ability to print phone and mail messages to the current Windows default printer * Added pull down menu system to allow users to access the program without a mouse * Phone and Mail messages are now sorted by the date they were sent * Gave the user the ability to change their own refresh interval for automatic updates Version 2.1 released 06/06/93 * Added User Groups so that you can send mail to members of a group. * Changed window background colors to make windows easier to read on standard VGA systems * Added support for Global Bulletins * The Receptionist can now delete any bulletin. * Correct problem using 8 character network ID's * Added return phone numbers to all Phone Messages. * Allow network ID to be included on the command line after the program name * Allow the network ID to be specified in the DOS environment variable WSTATUS * The program no longer depends on the WSTATUS.INI file in the Windows directory to locate the network files. As long as the Work Status program is run from the network drive and data directory the system can locate the data files. * Changed location of buttons in the Mail and Phone detail windows to make system more consistent. * Replaced the opening Network ID Query with a smaller window. * Added multimedia sound support (licensed version only) * The Install and Setup programs will no longer duplicate program manager icons Version 2.2 Released 6/27/93 * Multimedia extensions will now not attempt to output sound to Windows version 3.0 or earlier Windows versions. This should allow Work Status to operate under Windows 3.0 (although it has not been tested). * Multimedia extensions will now not attempt to output sound if you do not have sound drivers installed. * Increased Security awareness. This may require existing users to get a new activation key. This should not be required with future updates. * Added additional multimedia sound file support (Delete and Print). * Removed need for WSTATUS.INI file in the Windows directory. This file should be manually deleted from all work stations. * Made the initial installation easier. Did away with the INSTALL.EXE and SETUP.EXE programs. Their functionality is now a part of WSTATUSA.EXE. * If provided on diskette the diskette INSTALL.EXE file will automatically set up the current work station as the administrator by creating the group and icons in Program Manager. * All Program Manager icons are now created in a new group named TARDIS. You may want to move the icons to other groups. Notice Software License Agreement Work Status is not and never has been public domain software, nor is it free software. You are, however, granted 15 day evaluation period to try out the system. The software product and user's manual are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by TARDIS DP Consultants and Charles L. Cranford IV. Evaluation users are granted a limited license to use Work Status for no more than 15 days for the purpose of determining whether Work Status is suitable for their needs. The use of Work Status for more than 15 days requires licensing and the payment of a license fee. The use of the product for more than 15 days by any person, business, corporation, government agency, or any other entity without licensing it from TARDIS DP Consultants is strictly prohibited. A license permits a user to use Work Status on one file server. The software may not be installed on more than one file server without additional licenses. No one may modify or patch the Work Status files in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering the program. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute Work Status for the trial use of others, subject to the above limitations, and to those below: (1) Work Status must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this license information and all documentation. (2) Work Status may not be distributed in licensed form to any person. It MUST be distributed as an unlicensed copy. (3) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or accepted for distributing Work Status, except as follows: (a) operators of electronic bulletin board systems may make Work Status available for downloading. A time-dependent charge for the use of the bulletin board is permitted so long as there is no specific charge for the download of any Work Status files. (b) vendors of Shareware may distribute Work Status, subject to the above conditions, and may charge a disk duplication and handling fee, not to exceed ten dollars. Limited Warranty TARDIS DP Consultants guarantees your satisfaction with this product for a period of thirty days from the date of original license. If you are dissatisfied with Work Status within that time period, return the package in salable condition to TARDIS DP Consultants for a full refund. TARDIS DP Consultants warrants that all disks provided are free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of thirty days from the date of purchase. TARDIS DP Consultants warrants that Work Status will perform in substantial compliance with the documentation supplied with the software product. If a significant defect in the product is found, the Purchaser may return the product for a refund. In no event will such a refund exceed the license price of the product. The product and all updates are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied, except as stated above including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the selection, quality, results, and performance of the product is with the Licensee. Should the product prove defective, then the Licensee (and not TARDIS DP Consultants or its dealers) assumes all liability and expense incurred as a result thereof. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain implied warranties so in such jurisdictions, the above exclusion of implied warranties may not apply to you. The limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. TARDIS DP Consultants shall have no liability or responsibility to you or to any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the product or your use, misuse or inability to use the product, including but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business, anticipatory or actual profits or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse or inability to use the product. TARDIS DP Consultants does not warrant that the functions contained in the product or updates will meet your requirements. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. [End of Documentation]