Christmas Midnight Stout by Erik A. Henchal For 12 gallons 19.5 lbs Munton & Fison Pale Malt 2.5 lbs Munton & Fison Dark Crystal Malt 2.0 lbs Belgium Munich Malt 2.0 lbs Belgium Wheat Malt 1.0 lbs Flaked Barley Malt 2.5 lbs Crushed Roasted Malt (not mashed) 2.0 oz Bullion pellets (9% alpha; 180 minutes in kettle) 2.0 oz Goldings pellets (5% alpha; 90 minutes in boil) 1.0 oz Goldings plugs (5% alpha; 15 minutes in boil) 0.5 oz Goldings plugs (5% alpha; finish) 1.0 oz Goldings pellets (dry hop in secondary) Adjunct Mash. Wheat, munich, and crystal malts and flaked barley mashed in at 124 degrees F. Temperature equilibrated to 114 degrees F in 5 minutes. Temperature raised to 128 degrees F. Hold temperature for 35 minutes. Temperature boosted to 145 degrees F; held for 30 minutes. Temperature boosted to 153 degrees F; held for 40 minutes. Mash out to 170 degrees F for 20 minutes. Mixed with Main Mash. Main mash. Pale malt mashed in at 175 degrees F. Temperature equilibrated to 152 degrees F in ten minutes. Combine with adjunct mash after 90 minutes. Temperature equilibrated to 160 degrees F; held for 20 minutes. Run off clear after 2 gallons. Sparge. Run off temperature raised to 168 degrees F and added to crushed roasted malt. Hold for 30 minutes. Drain. Boil for 2 hours. Cool to 70 degrees F and pitch 2 quarts of Wyeast London Ale yeast. Primary in stainless steel for 7 days at 63 degrees F. Secondary in glass for 2 weeks. Bottled 1/11/93 with 3/4 cup of corn sugar. OG = 1076 FG = 1027Christmas Midnight Stout by Erik A. Henchal For 12 gallons 19.5 lbs Munton & Fison Pale Malt 2.5 lbs Munton & Fison Dark Crystal Malt 2.0 lbs Belgium Munich Malt 2.0 lbs Belgium Wheat Malt 1.0 lbs Flaked Barley Malt 2.5 lbs Crushed Roasted Malt (not mashed) 2.0 oz Bullion pellets (9% alpha; 180 minutes in kettle) 2.0 oz Goldings pellets (5% alpha; 90 minutes in boil) 1.0 oz Goldings plugs (5% alpha; 15 minutes in boil) 0.5 oz Goldings plugs (5% alpha; finish) 1.0 oz Goldings pellets (dry hop in secondary) Adjunct Mash. Wheat, munich, and crystal malts and flaked barley mashed in at 124 degrees F. Temperature equilibrated to 114 degrees F in 5 minutes. Temperature raised to 128 degrees F. Hold temperature for 35 minutes. Temperature boosted to 145 degrees F; held for 30 minutes. Temperature boosted to 153 degrees F; held for 40 minutes. Mash out to 170 degrees F for 20 minutes. Mixed with Main Mash. Main mash. Pale malt mashed in at 175 degrees F. Temperature equilibrated to 152 degrees F in ten minutes. Combine with adjunct mash after 90 minutes. Temperature equilibrated to 160 degrees F; held for 20 minutes. Run off clear after 2 gallons. Sparge. Run off temperature raised to 168 degrees F and added to crushed roasted malt. Hold for 30 minutes. Drain. Boil for 2 hours. Cool to 70 degrees F and pitch 2 quarts of Wyeast London Ale yeast. Primary in stainless steel for 7 days at 63 degrees F. Secondary in glass for 2 weeks. Bottled 1/11/93 with 3/4 cup of corn sugar. OG = 1076 FG = 1027