From : ZL1AMW To : NEWS @NZ Type/status : BF Date/time : 11-Jul 17:38 BID (MID) : NWS9307113 Message # : 2935 Title : ZL Data News 11 July Page 1 Path: !ZL2WA!ZL1UX! DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA .................................. DATA DATA DATA DATA . . DATA DATA --------- . THE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF . --------- NEWS NEWS . THE ZL DATA GROUP . NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS .................................. NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS ----------------- TRANSMITTED BY ZL1AMW -------------- -------------------- H A M I L T O N ----------------- 11 July 1993 This is a weekly unofficial bulletin of news and views from ZL amateurs. It does not represent any official viewpoint, and all opinions are those of the contributor. Baycom Manual Assistance ------------------------ from ZL3CS. 'A Little Baycom Software Guide' appeared on the PBBS recently. You cannot really believe the title. It is not a ''little'' guide. It is a large one with over 20 pages of most useful assistance to those who have found the literal english translation of the original text, a trifle difficult to follow in places. This guide to baycom explains the operational parameters clearly, and in simple terms, easy to follow and understand. It was most pleasing to see the files appear on the local BBS, timed to perfection, coinciding with the July Break-In articles. Ulrich, ZL1DDL is to be congratulated for producing this beautifully prepared group of files of information about Baycom, in response to many requests. In addition to the operational parameters, there are sections on standard texts, file transfers, remote control and password access, and monitor functions. In a note to all the PBBS sysops, ulrich indicates that he would appreciate their putting these information files into their baycom file directories. Ulrich intends to update them, when necessary. In no way, does the writer intend, or imply, any criticism whatsoever of the original baycom manual translation. 73 de Guthrie. Mouse Fuzz Balls ---------------- from ZL1ACS It is said that your mouse maybe suffering from fuzz balls, if it is behaving erratically. The operation called for requires flipping him upside down and removing the retaining ring that holds the ball in place. The surgery is to remove the ball and clean it with soap and water, then let it dry thoroughly. Check inside the mouse for fuzz balls or other foreign matter and clean it out, but don't use water or other liquids on his insides, or the poor thing will turn his toes up. 73 De Ken ZL1ACS ZL1AMW Travels -------------- From ZL1AMW Last week's news was prepared in some what of a rush, and my apologies to those who read this on the Packet BBS, as I managed to slip up with the upload to the BBS, until Thursday. I guess my excuse must be lack of practice, as I have again been out of the country for a few weeks, working in California. Thanks once again to Douglas, ZL1AVY and Guthrie, ZL3CS for once more jumping willingly into the breach while I was struggling in the more temperate climates (around 38 degrees most days!), thinking of all those in the ZL winter, thank goodness for the standard air conditioning in factories and hotels in that area, although the --- End of message #2935 to NEWS from ZL1AMW --- From : ZL1AMW To : NEWS @NZ Type/status : BF Date/time : 11-Jul 17:38 BID (MID) : NWS9307112 Message # : 2934 Title : ZL Data News 11 July Page 2 Path: !ZL2WA!ZL1UX! effect on the body while moving from one building to another are extreme. Unfortunately I was away for NZART Conference, but was pleased to hear news of how successful it was, once again a great forum for the continued advancement of our hobby. My 40 metre RTTY Selcal was left on-air again, with some attention from local supporters, but managed to knot itself up for about a week, all back again on 27 June. Anyone interested in this device can call it up on 7045KHz (mark tone frequency, dial 7047.13 for most modems), and call ZL1AMW in baudot at 75 baud. That concludes the Data News for this week, this sheet is Prepared at the shack of ZL1AMW from contributions sent by post, RTTY and packet. Text is also obtained from packet BBS stations, and Selcals on 7045/3545khz. This news is transmitted weekly on Sunday mornings at 0930hrs (local) and repeated at 1900hrs. Both transmissions are on 7045khz. It is first sent in Baudot at 75 baud, then repeated in AMTOR mode B (FEC) on both occasions. 73 to all from Alan, ZL1AMW, 20 Lorne St., Hamilton. --- End of message #2934 to NEWS from ZL1AMW --- ...and that was the ZLDATA NEWS for 11JULY1993 as received by Carl ZL1UWV @ ZL1AB...