------------------------------------------------------------ [ The following suddenly re-appeared on packet radio, from VK2XY, after an absence of several weeks. ] ---------- DICK SMITH'S TRANS-CONTINENTAL BALLOON ATTEMPT:LIFT OFF IMMINENT As this week's divisional news was prepared, Dick Smith and co-pilot John Wallington were making ready for an expected launch from Carnarvon this Sunday evening. Stations seeking contact with the special event station supporting and publicising the balloon crossing - VI2AUS should stand by on the bands. This could be it. VI2AUS will be operating from the Sydney Headquarters of Australian Geographic Magazine in Terrey Hills. Look out for the callsign on 20 metres in particular, but operation is also scheduled for 80 metres, 40 metres, 30 metres and 15 metres. The VI2AUS operation has been organised by the N.S.W. Division advertising and publicity section; the team of volunteer operators is co-ordinated by the division's special projects officer, Steve Pall, VK2PS. Dick Smith Electronics has provided two Yaesu transceivers and other equipment for the Terrey Hills station. For an update on Dick Smith's attempt, you can get recorded information from 0055 29 060 calls cost 25 cents for 42 seconds. The message is generally updated each evening. [ NOTE: It is my understanding that the callsign actually used to communicate with Dick will be VK2AWI; the last thing we need is hordes of prefix-hunters descending upon us if things go wrong. DH ] ---------- VI2AUS AND WICEN While the NSW Division fully appreciates the role WICEN plays in the community and within the amateur radio fraternity, the VI2AUS special event operation in support of the Australian Geographic/Dick Smith Trans-continental Balloon Attempt has been mounted at the personal invitation of Dick Smith to the Division, with the express view of publicising the hobby to the public at large and secondarily providing a publicity vehicle for the NSW Division of the WIA. As such the VI2AUS operation is not an "emergency exercise", either officially or unofficially. It is not intended to be, even though there is to be certain scheduled communications between the balloon and the Terrey Hills station. The involvement of volunteers, who may also be members of WICEN, to operate the special event station is welcomed. However, in order that there be no confusion in the minds of the public, or anyone else, the Divisional Council advises that such volunteers are NOT to wear WICEN uniforms, even though it has been broadcast that they are requested to wear them, with leave from the State Co-ordinator for WICEN. To make matters perfectly clear, NO official or unofficial approach has been made to the Divisional Council by anyone from WICEN and the broadcasting of the request was not sanctioned by Council. Council will no longer tolerate unwarranted interference with the conduct of the Division's broadcasts, or any official Divisional activities, by persons who have no official standing within the Institute. Bob Lloyd-Jones VK2YEL Divisional Secretary [ This WICEN message was not authorised by anyone from WICEN (NSW) Inc; furthermore at no time had WIA (NSW Division) indicated their intention to not cooperate with WICEN, nor had they replied to correspondence. DH ] ---------- WARNING OVER DUMPING OF LOW-STANDARD ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Australia is in danger of becoming a dumping ground for electrical and electronic equipment of European origin which will not meet stringent new standards requirements of the European Electrotechnical Commission - The E.E.C. - which come into force on the First of January 1996. The Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association warned of this possibility in their June newsletter. The E.E.C. set the date of 1 January 1996 for the new maximum emission requirements to apply to electromagnetic interference - E.M.I. - from electrical and electronic products manufactured or sold in Europe after that date. Here, the local standard authority - Standards Australia - had made no decision as of June on the question of E.M.I. requirements for such products and the Federal Government's Department of Industry Technology and Regional Development "...has yet to formulate a position," according to the newsletter report. "There is a risk that if the matter is allowed to drift, an unreasonable timetable for compliance with requirements similar to that imposed by the E.E.C. might be introduced if Australia adopts the same introduction date," says the newsletter. "Alternatively, if Australia is out of step with the E.E.C. process, the Australian market could become the dumping ground for products that no longer comply with the European requirements." said the report. The Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association believes that Australia should adopt the same date for E.M.I. compliance for electrical and electronic products manufactured or sold here - that is, 1st January 1996. They are to take up the matter with the relevant Government departments. ---------- AUSTRALIA TOPS 35TH J.O.T.A. PARTICIPATION With 18.8% of scouts in the country taking part in the 35th Jamboree of the Air last October, Australia scored the highest participation rate among the 23 countries who submitted reports to the world organization of the scout movement. The Netherlands were close behind Australia, with 14.2% of their scouts participating. However, 17.9% of the guides in the Netherlands took part in last year's J.O.T.A., while 9.9% of Australia's guides participated. A total of over 400,000 scouts and guides from around the world took part. - From the International Jota Report 1992, from Peter VK6HU ---------- WIA TO PARTICIPATE IN RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS STANDARDS PREPARATION Four committees to prepare standards on rediocommunications equipment are being established by the national standards body, Standards Australia, under recent arrangements with the Department of Transport & Communications. As a member of Standards Australia, the W.I.A. is seeking to participate in the committee processes. A committee to be called R.C.1. will look at general radiocommunications equipment standards. Committee R.C.2 will look at standards in the field of satellite and telecommunications networks; R.C.3. will cover low power radiocommunications equipment, and R.C.4. will cover maritime and safety of life equipment. The committees will be making recommendations on the legislative application of the standards they prepare. ---------- THE LAST LAUGH It seems that a humorous item on the Broadcast of 11th April has been taken seriously by some amateurs and clubs around the country. The item concerned discussed how amateurs were able to "GET BACK" the 11 Metre band - 27 MHz. Despite the fact that the advice was - basically - go and buy a CB Licence, the humorous furphy has been taken as fact and even printed as a "known truth" in a VK3 club newsletter. No - the much-touted "New Regulations" will not hand back 27 MHz to the amateur radio service. But, then again, stranger things have happened in the recent past...... - The N.S.W. Division brings you this news as a public nonsense! ---------- CONTEST NEWS VK NOVICE CONTEST - NEXT WEEKEND O.K. all you novices and combined-call licensees - time to polish up the vocal chords and the morse key contacts - for next weekend's W.I.A. VK Novice Contest. The fun begins at 0800 U.T.C. Saturday, 19th June and continues furiously until 0800 U.T.C. Sunday, the 20th. Rules for the contest can be found in the May issue of Amateur Radio Magazine. - From information supplied by Rob Milliken VK2SRM, Novice Contest Manager ---------- WICEN NEWS [ This is all there was; it is not clear whether this is one of VK2XY's little jokes. DH ] ---------- CLUB NEWS Firstly, we have a call to all club education or examination officers, and individuals who conduct license exams. To assist candidates wishing to sit for examinations, the Division wishes to compile a register of examination dates. If you could please contact the Divisional office by letter of fax, giving details of scheduled exam dates and times, and deadlines for applications, plus your contact names, addresses and phone numbers. write to: P.O. Box 1066, Parramatta NSW 2124 or fax: (02) 633 1525 and while we're on the subject of education and examinations, we have a reminder that the St. George Amateur Radio Society is hosting a seminar on the subject at the St. George Masonic Club 86 Roberts Road, Mortdale on July the 4th. It will open at 1400 hours and conclude no later than 1700 hours. The purpose is to meet others who are interested in this part of our hobby and discuss how we each approach the task. We may be able to assist one another in either exams or education. If you are part of a team, or teach at home, you are most welcome. Contact: Peter Corkeron, VK2AGB, on: Home Phone Number (02) 521 6482 Work Phone Number (02) 529 6778, Mon-Wed-Fri or Mobile 018 412 629 ---------- HORNSBY AND DISTRICT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB The club meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, at the Mt Colah Community Hall, Mt Colah, commencing at 8 pm. The business side of meetings are kept short to get on with what everyone is there for - amateur radio. A new program of events is currently being planned, so if you have a topic you would like to see presented as a lecture, please let anyone on the committee know. New members welcome. Contact the club via P.O. Box 362, Hornsby 2077. - From Colin, VK2JCC ---------- PARRAMATTA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB The club's last meeting on the 4th of June was a huge success, with many new enthusiasts discovering the links between the worlds of electronics, computers and amateur radio. Members and visitors alike shared with each other the practical methods used for electronic construction, ranging from professional methods to the simplest and cheapest suitable for home use. Next meeting, on Friday the 18th, will be a kit building night. Bring your project - working or not - see what help you can get. There will be experienced people available to either fix your project or offer some assistance to solve your problems. Bring some hand tools and test gear, if you can. An interesting night is assured. That's Friday, 18th June, 7.00 pm at Amateur Radio House, 109 Wigram st, Parramatta. Coffee provided. - from Garry Carter, Program Co-ordinator, Parramatta Amateur Radio Club ---------- COMING EVENTS Saturday, June 19th: VK novice contest commences 0800 U.T.C., concluding 0800 U.T.C. on Sunday, 20th. Sunday, June 20th: Wicen supports the Lake Macquarie Half Marathon. Alan VK2KVF is the contact. Sunday, June 27th: Wicen exercise - The Eloura Fun Run; contact Kevin VK2CKD; and the St Albans Horse Enduro - Contact unknown. The next Divisional Council meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 18th. It well be held in-camera. Councillors only. It gets awfully stuffy in there with any more people in that camera! Sunday, July 25th: Divisional Trash & Treasure Sale. Saturday, August 7th: Tamworth Amateur Radio Club examinations; note that applications close on July 15. The August quarterly divisional examinations will be held on Sunday, the 29th of August. Applications close on Thursday, 12th August. Finally, Steve VK2QZ advises that the July-September broadcast roster will be drawn up shortly and asks that all broadcast team members notify him of any dates you're unavailable. -- Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU) VK2KFU @ VK2RWI.NSW.AUS.OC PGP 2.2 dave@esi.COM.AU ...munnari!esi.COM.AU!dave available