BID: $SPC0712 ========= SpaceNews ========= MONDAY JULY 12, 1993 SpaceNews originates at KD2BD in Wall Township, New Jersey, USA. It is published every week and is made available for unlimited distribution. * SPECTRUM ON WWCR * ==================== "Spectrum", a new international communications and technology radio program airs Sundays at 0335 UTC on WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee on 7435 KHz shortwave, and the Let's Talk Radio Network on Spacenet 3, transponder 21, 5.8 MHz subcarrier wideband audio. The program is hosted by Dave Marthouse, N2AAM, a long time radio enthusiast, OSCAR satellite user and professional broadcaster, and Mark Emanuele, N2CBO, a professional communications consultant, and features produced segments on all aspects of communications ranging from DC through light. In addition, there is a live call in segment with guests from the field of radio communications. * REQUEST FOR FO-20 USERS * =========================== ANTIGUA GUATEMALA, 29 JUN 1993 DEAR JOHN, LET ME TELL YOU THAT IT IS ALWAYS A PLEASURE FOR US FEW HAMS HERE IN GUATEMALA TO READ YOUR SPACENEWS. AT PRESENT YOUR BULLETIN COMES TO US VIA THE APLINK NETWORK, AND THE APLINK SYSOPS IN THE US, CHILE AND HERE IN GUATEMALA ARE DOING A GREAT JOB FOR US. HOWEVER, SINCE I WORK SATELLITES MODE JD I FEEL THE JOB TO DISTRIBUTE YOUR BULLETIN COULD BE DONE SOMEWHAT BETTER. AMATEUR SATELLITE FO-20 FOR INSTANCE HAS VERY FEW USERS, EVEN WHEN PASSING OVER THE U.S. IN ONE PASS I CAN EASILY DOWNLOAD ABOUT 15K BYTES OF DATA, SO WHY NOT SEND YOUR BULLETIN AROUND THE WORLD VIA FO-20? IF ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS OR FELLOW HAMS IN YOUR AREA HAS THE CAPABILITY TO WORK SATELLITE MODE JD, PLEASE ASK IF HE COULD UPLOAD YOUR BULLETIN TO FO-20 WHENEVER IT IS AVAILABLE. I WOULD DOWNLOAD IT HERE IN GUATEMALA AND FEED IT INTO THE LATNET (LATIN AMERICAN PACKETNETWORK), WITH LINKS ON VHF TO ALL CENTRAL AMERICA, AND ON HF TO SOUTH AMERICA AND POLYNESIA. WHEN I UPLOADED YOUR BULLETIN TO FO-20, I COULD SEE IT WAS DOWNLOADED SEVERAL TIMES FROM US HAMS, AND THEY HAVE FAR BETTER ACCESS TO A TERRESTRIAL PACKET BBS THAN WE HAVE DOWN HERE. BEST WISHES, MNY TNX AND VY 73 DE MANFRED, TG9IKE AT TG9SO.GTM.NA At the present time I am unable to access FO-20 with my limited antenna system. If anyone with Mode JD capability would like to upload SpaceNews to FO-20 on a regular basis they are certainly welcomed to do so. If any individual who is willing to do this also has Internet mail capability, I can add your e-mail address to my SpaceNews distribution list in an effort to bring you these bulletins in the shortest time possible. Feel free to contact me via any of the paths listed below. Thanks! * MIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS * ============================= Questions from the BROAD STREET SCHOOL NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE GRADE 3 MRS. PORTER'S CLASS Sent to the Russin Space Station MIR on June 3, 1993 by Amateur Radio. The answers were received June 9. Jessica Bushell 8: Q: Can you see other planets? ALEX: A: Yes, we observe Venus, Mars, Jupiter and once we have seen Saturn with it's rings using binoculars. Through the binoculars we could see 4 of Jupiter's satellites, Io, Europe, Callisto and Ganimed. Lauren Oscilowski 9: Q:What is it like to be in space for 6 months? Do you ever feel sick? ALEX: A: We are living in space with Gennady for 4.5 months now. Gennady has spent approximately the same amount of time in his first mission. But we are not bored up here - one can work in different roles: as a pilot, doctor, cook, actor, mechanic and so on - it is very interesting. On the first days of the mission, a cosmonaut may have the motion sickness - dizziness, nausea. But we got lucky - we didn't have it. Emily Comeau 10: Q: Do you ever miss your family? ALEX: A: Sure, we reminisce about our families sometimes. Phone conversations, video and audio records, letters, arriving with "loadtrucks" (that is how we name transport spaceships carrying cargoes for us) help us to bear with the long time apart. With the last "loadtruck" my daughter set me her sewing application - lilac bouquet. I have pinned up in my room next to the "illuminator" (round window - translator's remark). [Info via Miles, WF1F] * THANKS! * =========== Thanks to all those who sent messages of appreciation regarding SpaceNews, especially: G1FMU GX1XIC NW2L VK2FBI NW3V VE4SET HB9PCX TG9IKE * FEEDBACK/INPUT WELCOMED * =========================== Mail to SpaceNews should be directed to the editor (John, KD2BD) via any of the following paths: FAX : 1-908-747-7107 UUCP :!ka2qhd!kd2bd PACKET : KD2BD @ NN2Z.NJ.USA.NA INTERNET : -or- MAIL : John A. Magliacane, KD2BD Department of Engineering and Technology Advanced Technology Center Brookdale Community College Lincroft, New Jersey 07738 U.S.A. <<=- SpaceNews: The first amateur newsletter read in space! -=>> /EX