SB DX @ ALLBBS $RTDX0806 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 6 August VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 6 August 1993 (BID RTDX0806) We record, with deep regret, the passing of RTTY Mentor and DXer, Sid Kitrell, W0LYM, who became a Silent Key on 2 August 1993. Our information this week came from CE3GDN, DJ3IW and the DB0SPC node of The Central Europe Cluster, I5FLN, KA3DBN, WB2CJL, W0HAH, ZS5S, 4X6UO, 9X5LJ, and the NJ0M node of the Twin-Cities DX Packet Cluster Network. Bandpass: Friday 30 0358-14087 XE2KAF 1357-14088 BT2000BJ 1929-14082 9H1ET 2145-14085 FM4GN 2152-14088 PJ2MI 2252-14083 PY1FO 2255-14090 GM0PGD 2302-14085 VK6HB Saturday 31 0048-14092 5X1C 0148-14088 4X6UO 0413-14082 5R8DG 0428-14086 HK3CAA 1144-14086 KN4DG/KH2 1246-14078 VU2YK 1503-14085 JT1CS 1544-21077 ZS9A 1558-14084 9J2HN 1627-21082 ZD8SA 1751-14081 IS0YPS 2107-14087 IS0UGA 2112-14085 4X6ZK 2127-1408 RC2AZ 2346-14089 UN8PFE Sunday 01 0200-14085 4X6UO 0215-14083 UZ9CWA 0427-14088 RW3PF 0543-14084 ES7QK 1639-21089 UM8MU 2053-14087 OE1MBB QSL to Markus. PB 22, 1101 Vienna 2104-14083 CN8NP 2137-14084 9M2MW 2146-14086 IS0UGR 2204-14083 UO5OC QSL via I8YG 2328-14088 KG4CW 2340-14085 NP2EG Monday 02 0029-14080 NP2EG 0046-14082 UO5OC 0113-14087 UN8PFE 0115-14090 HK1YKR 0322-14082 SU1AH 0334-14085 4X6UO 1226-14087 7M2KXI 1456-21085 EA8ATE 1742-14082 9H1ET 1746-14085 ZS0PI QSL via DJ0WQ 1820-14087 UB5CFD 1929-14082 UL7AAV 2058-14084 FG4FI 2103-14085 CT3BD 2112-14087 CN8NP 2346-14085-FM4GM Tuesday 03 0154-14084 FM4GN 0349-14086 SU1AH 1616-14088 LX7OM 1626-14083 EI3GZ 1832-14086 LU5FHA 2054-14082 CT3EE 2125-14088 ZD8SA 2325-14088 UO5OC Wednesday 04 0705-14084 NH6XM 0737-14086 UT5UII 1620-14087 UZ9CWA 1651-14085 9H1ET 1712-14087 UA6XDL 1718-14095 4N7N 1824-1408? 7X2DS 2025-14088 Z32GX 2046-14085 CN8NP 2205-14086 PY7AJI Thursday 05 0219-14086 VP5JM QSL via W3HNK 1817-14085 OZ1GML 2054-14088 CN8NP 2059-14085 LU2HNZ 2133-14082 Z23GX 2201-14089 GM0HNP 2241-14086 PY7AJI 2242-14088 YV3EOH Notes of Interest: BELAU, KC6 - A group from Japan will be active 8-13 August. Watch for KC6IG, KC6IJ, KC6IL, KC6IM, KC6KY, KC6LI, KC6OG, KC6TZ, and KC6UP. QSL to JA3OIN. ERITREA, E3 - The team of DJ9ZB, K5VT, and JH1AJT is now operating CW and SSB, as E31A, until 9 August. Computer problems have delayed their promised appearance on RTTY. QSL to JH1AJT. ETHIOPIA, ET - This same team will operate 9E2A 10-12 August. QSL to JH1AJT. ST. PAUL ISLAND, CY9 - CY9CWI will be active August 14-18. QSL to P.O. Box 884, Pointe-Claire/Dorval, QC H9R 4Z6, Canada. ANGUILLA, VP2E - John, KA3DBN, will operate VP2EBN 10-22 August. He will follow with a short trip to PJ, St. Maarten, for a couple of days. QSL to his home CBA. SOUTHERN SUDAN, ST0 - Be aleart for the possible imminent appearance on RTTY of John, PA3CXC. Send your Bandpass and Notes of Interest for next week's Bulletin to Luciano, I5FLN @ ZS5S.NTL.ZAF.AF, or I5FLN @ 9X5LJ.#KGL.RWA.AF, or I5FLN @ CE3GDN.#STGO.CHL.SA. 73 es Good Hunting, de Jules W2JGR at CE3GDN.#STGO.CHL.SA /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.WA.USA.NA