SB DX @ ALLBBS $RTDX0716 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 16 July VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 16 July 1993 (BID RTDX0716) There was bad news this week for all those who aspire to a RTTY DXCC Honor Roll. According to ARRL DX Bulletin 36, the ARRL DX Advisory Committee voted down a proposal, 10 to 6, to add band or mode-specific Honor Rolls to the DXCC program, citing concern about a proliferation of awards. Why this should be a problem, now that the DXCC records are computerized, is not at all clear. Our thanks this week for the input go to 4X6UO, CE3GDN, DJ3IW and the Central Europe DX-Cluster node DB0SPC, I5FLN, VK2SG, WB2CJL, ZS5S and the NJ0M node of the Twin-Cities DX-Packet cluster network. In spite of somewhat spotty propagation, we can report the following. Bandpass: Friday 09 0059-14087 4X6UO 0103-14086 UL7P 0125-14075 FY5FJ FEC 0230-14086 FY5FJ QSL via IK2HTW 0310-14072 9Q5TTV AMTOR 0320-14089 TI2KSR 0323-14091 PY1TTO 2149-14087 WP4Q 2227-14087 TA7M 2241-14085 KP2BH 2247-14088 PY7AJI 2310-14083 FY5FJ Saturday 10 0036-14088 KG4HG 0138-14081 PZ1BS 0200-14083 FY5FJ 0520-14084 XE2KAF 0608-14084 LU7KAT 0708-14083 3C1TR 1140-14083 V73C QSL via AH9C 1226-14084 WA2UJH/CY9 QSL via NW8F 1406-14078 HI8BG PACTOR 1407-14086 9V1JY 2030-14084 GW4WWK 2208-14082 WV2B/CY9 2211-14081 FP/KB8ECG 2228-14082 KP4BJD 2245-14082 WA2UJH/CY9 2320-14085 CO2RA 2330-14080 KG4CW PACTOR Sunday 11 0120-14086 CX5BW 0140-14057 4X6UO 0310-14072 9Q5TV PACTOR 0645-14068 FK8BJ AMTOR 0911-21090 TR8MD 1032-14072 T3ONJ 1241-14088 YJ0ARW QSL via ZL1AMO 1243-14089 WA2UJH/CY9 1450-14088 OA4CN 1455-14074 V31AR FEC 1653-21088 V51GB 2036-14088 FP4EK St. Pierre 2050-14087 IS0HMB 2056-14082 VP2EL 2200-14088 IS0UGR 2207-14092 FG4BG 2210-14090 SP5AA 2235-14087 9Y4NED Monday 12 0015-21077 FO5LQ AMTOR 0037-14087 UL9P 0048-14085 KL7KI 0325-14086 LU6FEM 2040-14083 FY5FJ 2234-14086 GJ0SVZ 2235-14088 UO5OC 2250-14083 9K2IC 2256-14090 UN8PFE 2312-14087 HK0DPA 2327-14089 EI3GZ Tuesday 13 0107-14088 FY5FJ 0530-14080 VK2BAT PACTOR 1304-21085 YI1AL 1834-14084 3C1TR 2100-14086 IS0HFE 2126-14090 UA6BPJ 2134-14086 CT1ALX 2147-14088 UT5UQN 2151-14090 EA6ABL 2320-14081 IS/I0ER 2321-14083 EI3GZ Wednesday 14 0228-14086 FM5DN 0230-14089 UT5RP 1638-14088 ES7QF 2115-14089 FP4EK 2133-14089 Z32GX Thursday 15 0105-14087 VU2RAK 0126-14086 4X6UO 0554-14085 KL7IWC 1416-14085 ES7QF Notes of Interest: Franz, DJ9ZB ET AL will operate from Eritera, E3, for at least 12 days starting the first or second week of August. RTTY is definite. The BV9P operation from Pratas Island has again been moved, to some time in August. A group of Japanese hams will operate from KC6, Belau, from August 8-13 using all modes, 160-10 meters including the WARC bands. Calls include KC6IG, KC6IJ, KC6IL, KC6IM, KC6KY, KC6LI, KC6OG, KC6TZ, and KC6UP. QSL all to JA3OIN. (Tnx DX Magazine) For next week's Bulletin, send your Notes and Bandpass to Luciano, I5FLN @ ZS5S.ZAF.AF or I5FLN @ 9X5LJ.#KGL.RWA.AF 73 es Good Hunting, de Jules W2JGR @ CE3GDN.#STGO.CHL.SA /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.WA.USA.NA