SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.116 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 116 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 116 BID: $OPDX.116 June 21, 1993 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DXMB, DF4RD, AD1C, JR1CTA, 4X6ZK, NA2M, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, AA7UT, W8GMH, KQ8M, W8XD, K8YVI and K9MK/5 for the following DX information. 3V, TUNISIA. There was a report from 4X6ZK stating a 3V0CW was active on 15 meters CW, June 7th. Operator stated to QSL via JI1STK. WFWL. 5A, LIBYA. By the time you read this, Romeo's operation may be over. The word is that 5A0RR will be QRT on June 21st. DX spots began appearing on the Ohio/Penn Network on June 15th around 2300z by RW3AH on 20 meter CW. By 0030z June 16th, Romeo had a very strong signal on 20 meter SSB and operated until about 0200z before moving to 80 meters. He operated on 80 meters, both SSB and CW, until about 0330z before returning to 20 meters SSB. Romeo QRTed about 0430z on 20 meters SSB and this is the last time stateside has heard him on SSB. Since then, sporadic CW operations with very weak signals have been reported along with mixed reports of possible slims operating (WFWL!). Europeans and Russians state Romeo continues to operate but with a very weak signal. Now for the RUMORS floating around (remember only RUMORS!). One rumor, from UZ9OWI on the W2MIG net says that Romeo and company are traveling within Libya "on business". Speculation says that his operation may be from a small portable or mobile type setup. A second rumor indicates that he is working a good bit of Europe, but no USA and speculation is that the 5A government may have restricted his operation to exclude the U.S. These two rumors can not be verified until after Romeo's operation. There is a W1AW message being passed along on many of the packet BBS's stating, "Due to the outrageous operating pratices Romeo is utilizing, running 100 kc on 20m, the ARRL DXCC has no choice but to rescind acceptance of these cards for DXCC credit." THIS IS A HOAX! According to Paul, KB1BE, someone unknown to ARRL Headquarters has gotten into their system and set up that statement to forward out. To REPEAT: THIS IS A HOAX!! E3, ERITREA. JR1CTA reports that JH1AJT, DJ9ZB, K5VT and possibily others will be active June 28 thru July 7. They will be active on 160-6 meters, including the WARCs bands on CW/SSB/RTTY. The call sign is unsure, but it may be something like E31A??. QSL via JH1AJT. OX, GREENLAND. Mike, N7PQO, will operate this summer from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) camp. This summer encampment of about 40 scientists and technicians are working at the apex of Greenland's ice sheet, some 3,150 meter high. There is in an excess of 3,000 meters of ice thickness, and the primary scientific mission is to obtain an ice core down to bedrock to allow detailed studies of climate conditions over the past 200,000 years. Mike, an atmospheric scientist and middle school teacher from Reno, Nevada, has been assigned the callsign OX/N7PQO. He will be operating SSB daily (as schedule permits) on 14340 kHz at 0100z for general contacts world-wide. Operation dates are approximately June 27 thru August 1. QSL manager is AA7UT, Arthur Johnson, 11060 Fir Drive, Reno, Nv 89506. American ops should enclose, at minimum, an SASE; and overseas hams, at minimum, an SAE and IRC. PY0S, ST. PETER & ST. PAUL ROCKS. The NATAL DX Group (Brazilian Amateur Radio Group) is planning a DXpedition in January/February of 1994. Four operators will activate PY0SK and PY0SP running two station full time on CW/SSB, all bands (including the WARCs), RTTY, 6 meters (CW/SSB), packet and satellite operations. This will be the first time that packet radio and satellite operations has ever been used on PY0S. Operations will last for three weeks. QSL via PS7KM for SSB, RTTY, 6 meters, packet and satellite contacts. QSL via PT7WA for CW and HF contacts. TT8, CHAD. Steve, TT8OBO, is active from here. Check around 14256 kHz between 2000 to 2300z. QSL via WA4OBO. Z3, MACEDONIA. Well, it is time to change your database program again. As of June 17th, the Macedonians have changed their prefixes to Z3. ZK1, NORTH COOK ISLANDS. ZK1AJJ/ZK1 is very active from here, but mainly on CW. Check between 0200 to 0400z and 1045 to 1230z on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters. His length of stay is unknown at this time. QSL via JR2KDN. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and operates Group 3 FAX Service Class 2 (EIA/TIA 592) only. Use only the dates and times specified. FAX Service Class 1 (EIA/TIA 578) is availble upon request by leaving a message to the Sysop on BARF-80 BBS. The FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EX