SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.115 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 115 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 115 BID: $OPDX.115 June 14, 1993 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DXMB, DF4RD, DF8WS, 9Y4DG, NA2M, W2JGR, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, N8AC, W8BE, K8KJN, NW8F, N8HTT, KF8VW, WG9B and K0IR for the following DX information. 3V, DJERBA ISLAND (NEW IOTA). John, WG9B, talked to Paul, ID1X (a.k.a I1RBJ) and Paul has stated he will activate a new IOTA by going to Djerba Island (this will count for Tunisia). He said that his tentative callsign will be 3V/I1RBJ, however, he has applied for a regular 3V callsign. Paul states that this will be the first time that the island has been active and that he is still waiting for an IOTA number. He plans to arrive on the island on July 1st or 2nd and stay until the 8th. Paul will be using a TS-50 into a vertical antenna. QSL via I1RBJ. 3Y, PETER I ISLAND (Update). The following update is an excerpt from Ralph, K0IR, team leader of the 1994 DXpedition to Peter I Island: The Peter I DXpedition team will sail from Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands on Jan. 23, 1994. Their vessel will be an icebreaker that can steam through pack ice 8 feet thick. There will be two helicopters aboard, and it is fully equipped with satellite navigation and satellite derived ice chart recorders. Helicopter landing on Peter I is still scheduled for Feb. 1, 1994. The four HF transceivers and amplifiers will be augmented by the following Cushcaft antennas: two A3S tribanders, one A3WS WARC beam, one 15-3CD monobander, one 20-3CD monobander, and one 40-2CD monobander. Vertical antennas for 160, 80, and 40 meters will also be in use. The operation is still scheduled for 16 days to allow everyone an opportunity for a QSO despite conditions. SSB, CW, and RTTY will be utilized. There is a full complement of operators, however, two are still working out their personal schedules. Alternates are available and more will be considered. The full team will be announced when everyone's schedule is a 100% go. Contributions for this expensive endeavor can be sent to AA6BB. 5A, LIBYA. It has been reported that Romeo has been in Sofia this week to pick up some items that INDEXA has provided. His expected route to 5A-land is from Sofia to Turkey, to Egypt, and then to Libya. It was reported Saturday (12/Jun) that Murphy, W4WMQ, talked to Romeo by phone in Sofia. Romeo told him that the 5A operation will take place in 3 to 5 days and that everything has been worked out. There is still no mention at this point of any other operators, or their involvement. 6W1, SENEGAL and J5, GUINEA-BISSAU. Mark, J5UAI, who is now active from J5-land will be active from 6W1-land for 5 weeks starting July 2nd and then return to J5 August 10th. Meanwhile, Mark has gone QRT from RTTY as of June 9th because he had to return a borrowed lap-top from a fellow embassy worker. Is there a club that will loan Mark a lap-top computer until he QRTs in July 1995? QSL via NW8F. BV, PRATAS. A dxpedition is being planned to Pratas Island from June 25 to July 5. Flights to and from the island take place on the 5th, 15th and 25th of each month. Tom, BV4OB, was mentioned to be one of the 12 operators and it was also reported that there are three position still open to participate in the DXpedition. Martti Laine, OH2BH, has been invited along with several other stateside hams. The call sign that will be used is BV9P. They will be active on 10-40 meters. The modes to be used will be CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and OSCAR 13 Mode B. Currently there is an application pending for new country status for consideration by the DXAC. C5, The GAMBIA. Remember to look for Falk, DL7UTA (a new NODXA member), and Roy, DL7UBA, from here starting June 16 for two full weeks. C56/DL7UTA will be used on SSB and C56/DL7UBA will be used on CW. CY9, ST. PAUL ISLAND (UPDATE & MORE!). Art, WA2UJH, will be joining Duane, WV2B, on St. Paul as reported last week (OPDX.114). Art will be active on CW and RTTY on all bands, including the WARCs bands. QSL only CY9/WA2UJH to NW8F. It was reported on the W2MIG net that CY9CWI will be active August 14 thru 18 on CW, SSB, and RTTY. There will 7-8 ops. E35X, ERITREA. The operators shut down E35X on June 9th at 2353z. It was reported that part of the equipment that was used during the operation, was moved to a government building (actually a technical college). This will be the site of Eritrea's first club station. The removal of the Mosley TA33M beam (which was part of the promised club station) during the final days of E35X, left the operaqtion with only a dipole and a vertical antenna. LA6VM has reported that INDEXA shirts and flag were presented at a dinner and gala affair as part of a "THANKS" for the station. As of yet we do not know the call sign of the club station. It was mentioned on one of the DX nets that you can put all QSLs in one envelope as long as there is sufficient postage for the return postage. There will be another Norwegian team active from here towards the end of the month. No call sign was given. ZS1, PENGUIN ISLAND. Gunter/DK2WH, Peter/DJ2ZS, Roland/DJ4LK and James/ DJ0WQ will be active July 28 thru August 24. Activity will be 10-160 meters. They will be taking with them 2 complete stations, with beams, ground planes and amplifiers. All QSOs will automaticlly be sent to the bureau, but if you wish to QSL direct, PLEASE enclose sufficient postage for return mail. Also, Peter and James may operate from ZS9. ZS8, MARION ISLAND. K8KJN reports that ZS9A, Ian, talks to Christy, ZS8MI regularly and that ZS8MI is not using normal U.S. SSB frequencies. ZS8MI typically operates around 14115 with the Canadians. ZS9A has been encouraging ZS8MI to set up schedules for U.S. QSOs. It seems that the encouragement has paid off. Paul, W8GIO, announced Saturday (12/Jun) the following operating schedule: 14277 at 0500z and 21393 or 28480 kHz at 1600z (Time could actually be 0300z and 1400z.). Christy is scheduled to be there for 18 months. QSL via ZS1CDK, not ZS5UND. It was requested that 2 green stamps and SAE be sent due to the recent postage increase in South Africa. QSL Route: Christy de Kock, 10 Mark Ottor Ave, Unipark, Stellenbosch, 7600 RSA. DX TIDBITS: Marko, OH6DO, reports that 9M0S made about 37K to 38K QSOs. It was also mentioned on one of the DX nets that they will be using a computer label on the 9M0S cards. The labels will be good for up to 3 contacts. The 1993 Amateur Radio Awareness Week in 9Y4 will be held from June 13 to June 20. The Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society (TTARS) will be having an AMATEUR RADIO AWARENESS WEEK so as to sensitize the public about amateur radio. This celebrates the sixtieth aniversary of the Society. From 0000z on Saturday, June 19, to 2200z Sunday, June 20, there will be a special event station, 9Z4LX on all bands and on all modes. 9Z4LX will be QRV on all DX portions of the bands. Dev, 9Y4DG, will be operating on AO-13 (attitude and magnetorqueing permitting). All QSLs for 9Z4LX and 9Y4DG go to WA2NHA. The second annual New Orleans International DX Convention will be held on Friday, August 27th through Sunday, August 29th, in the heart of the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana. It will be DX and only DX with presentations by participants in several recent major DXepiditions. No dealers and no flea tables. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and operates Group 3 FAX Service Class 2 (EIA/TIA 592) only. Use only the dates and times specified. FAX Service Class 1 (EIA/TIA 578) is availble upon request by leaving a message to the Sysop on BARF-80 BBS. The FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EX