------------------------------------------------------------ RYRYRY - GB2ATG - RYRYRYRYRY - BARTG - RYRYRYRYRY - GB2ATG - RYRYRY This is the - British Amateur Radio Teledata Group - news broadcast service for all amateurs and short wave listeners interested in RTTY and AMTOR. This news is broadcast during the first full week commencing Monday each month, to the following schedule.. Evening transmissions at 1930 GMT. on 3.584 MHz. mark. RTTY on Monday-afsk, Wednesday-afsk, Friday-fsk, and Saturday-afsk. AMTOR/FEC on Tuesday and Thursday. Morning transmission at 1000 GMT. on 7.041 MHz. mark. RTTY on Sunday-afsk. Stated frequencies could be plus or minus for QRM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- News for July 1993. Bulletin no. 007. (all times are GMT). BARTG Information. ------------------ An additional volunteer member is required as a news transmit station located in Scotland or northern England and able to transmit RTTY or AMTOR FEC on 3.5 MHz at 1930 GMT. one weekday or Saturday evening during the first full week each month. Bulletins are supplied in several formats i.e. disk or tape. Offers to GB2ATG editor please. DX. Activity RTTY. ------------------ 14 MHz. OH0/SM0AJV 0900, Z32GX 1100, FP/NM7N 1430, 4S7EA 1600, BT2000BJ, ET3SID and TL8NG 1800, 3C1TR and PJ2MI 1830. 4N5JA 2100, 7Q7LA, CU2GP and YN1ZDE 2130, PJ2HB, KP2BH and TI2CBJ 2230, 9Y4VU 2300, 21 MHz. YI1HS and 4S7EA 1230. 9K2ZZ 1300, FR5AB 1330, YB5QZ 1400, VP8CIL 2000. SV9AKD 2030. QSL Information. ---------------- OH0/SM0AJV via SM0HJZ. Z32GX via YU5GBC. FP/NM7N via VE7YL or N4DDK. BT2000BJ via BY1QH. CU2GP via CU2YA. T91ENS (4N4ENS) via DJ0JV. 5Z4FM to Box 34168, Nairobi. 5X1C to Box 9276, Kampala. UG6GG via 4X6XK. POB 10589, 17000 Nazareth, Israel. S92ZM to Glen Britt, CP522 Sao Tome, DRSTP via PORTUGAL. There is a new qsl bureau address for the Russian Republic (UA) prefix... P.O.BOX 59, 105122 MOSCOW. Notes of Interest. ------------------ Z3A-Z3Z is the new prefix series for Macedonia (YU5 4N5). 4N4ENS is now using the new call T91ENS. Wake Island. (KH9). This rare island will be activated by the California Polytechnic State University ARC. Organised and funded by the students. Expect all band all mode operations to commence August 31 to September 10. St.Pierre and Miquelon (FP) will again be activated by a large group from July 9 to 13 all bands and modes using own calls/FP. Look for K8AQM, N8CC, KA8POW, KB8OPT, KD0PF, KB8ECG and N8TIB. QSL all contacts via NU8Z. Tromelin (FR/T) is expected to be activated by Jackie FR5ZU sometime in September or October. He is currently QRV from Glorioso (FR/G). Guinea Bissau (J5). Mark J5AUI has been active on RTTY but is now QRT until he is able to take loan of another computer during the remainder of his time there which ends in July 1995. For the next 5 weeks he will be active from Senegal (6W) and then return to (J5). Belau (KC6) West Caroline Island is the planned destination for a multi-op dxpedition by the Kyoto radio club of Japan between August 8 and 13 with RTTY included. QSL via JA3ION. St.Paul Isl. (CY9) it is reported that CY9CWI will be active from August 14 to 18 with 7-8 ops running all modes. DXCC backlog at the end of May was reported to be down to 278 applications. (48,803 cards). Turnaround time is currently 6 weeks or less. A year ago it was 6 months. Seems like a good time to submit or update your claim. Contests. --------- The SARTG HF RTTY contest starts Saturday August 14. First period 0000 till 0800. Second period 1600 till 2400. Third period Sunday 15 0800 till 1600. On 10 - 15 - 20 - 40 - 80 metre bands. Classifications.. a) single operator, all band. b) single operator, single band. c) multi operator, single tx, all band. d) short wave listener, all band. NOTE..an all band single operator may also enter a single band class of own choice. Exchange message is.. RST plus serial number commencing 001 Logs must be received by October 16. Addressed to... SARTG Contest Manager. Bo Ohlsson SM4CMG, Skulsta 1258, S-710 41 Fellingsbro, Sweden. Thanks this month to.. G3ZYP. opdx and dxns. BARTG caters for all data interests with information-components-kits -ready built units and software from experts. Members receive a 120 page quarterly journal devoted to data modes. Beginners guides for most data modes are available. The group sponsors HF and VHF RTTY contests, administers it's own DX and members award scheme and runs an annual rally. This copy of BARTG News is posted by Iain Kendall (G6ARO) who can be contacted via Internet e-mail at.. iain@humber.ac.uk Items for inclusion in the broadcast may also be mailed to this address, as well as any queries regarding membership or services offered by BARTG.