SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD029 ARLD029 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 29 ARLD029 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 3, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to Pete, KB1HY; Tedd, KB8NW; the Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network; and N2PLE for the items in this week's bulletin. ERITREA. The Norwegian DXpedition is on the air signing E35X using equipment from their Bouvet Island trip. Look for them on all the HF bands with CW and SSB. This operation is similar to the recent return to the ether of Albania. Team members are conducting amateur radio seminars and help in setting up a club station. Engineers, technicians and students selected by the Telecommunications Authority of Eritrea are involved. QSL via Ruth Tollefsen, LA6ZH, POB 17, N-0617 Oslo, Norway. IRAN. Nagib, PY2CWW, has been on the 21335 net around 1330z as 9D2CW. He was also operating some CW on 21023 kHz at 1045z. His stay in Iran will be for two years. LUXEMBOURG. Wolf, DL3ZBJ, will be active as LX/DL3ZBJ/P, mainly on CW, during the Region 1 Field Day, June 5 and 6. LIBYA. At last word, Romeo, 3W3RR/AH0M only awaits delivery of some key equipment. Keep an eye on the PacketCluster screen, as this one is slated to start during the first week of June. CUBA. Although not rare on the HF bands, this island is real DX on VHF. Arnie, CO2KK reports the Havana VHF Club will do up a multiop effort in the ARRL VHF QSO Party held June 12, 13 and 14. Plans call for 6 and 2 meters, and 70 cm from a hilltop location on the north coast. Special prefixes may be secured, including possibly CO0, which has never been used. There is even a chance of some 1.2 GHz activity if the rig gets finished and tested by contest time. SATELLITE DX. The OSCAR 13 bird has provided some nice island-based DX this past week. Huge antennas and kilowatts are NOT needed for these modes. Recent loggings include 9M0S from the Spratly group, V73BQ from the Marshall Islands and ZK1AJJ from the Southern Cook Islands. Mike, N6MZ, will be sailing the Aegean Sea soon and plans to visit Panos, SV5QR, on the island of Kos, about 150 km northwest of Rhodes and only 5 km off the Turkish coast. Although operating time will be limited, he plans to give out some contacts on OSCAR 13. Proposed dates will be June 19 and 20, and July 4. QSL to N6MZ. ITU SECRETARIAT, GENEVA. I1YRL will often operate 4U8ITU and 4U1ITU through December. WAKE ISLAND. The Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club, W6BHZ, has announced that their KH9 DXpedition/Research will be from August 31 until September 10. Activity will be on 160 through 6 meters, WARC bands, and modes B and J on OSCAR satellites. QSL via OKDXA, PO Box 88, Wellston, OK 74881. MELLISH REEF. The dates for this major DXpedition will be September 19 through 28. TUNISIA. The DXpedition being arranged by 3W3RR/AH0M has been postponed until August at the earliest to allow for better planning. This is shaping up to be a 16 operator, 3 position, all mode, all band, Yagi equipped show. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The RSGB CW Field Day, a 24 hour event, starts at 1500z June 5. This operation coincides with the IARU Region 1 Field Day, a predominantly European event. /EX