SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD024 ARLD024 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 24 ARLD024 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 13, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to Tedd, KB8NW; the Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network; Pete, KB1HY; and Steve, WB8IMY, for the items in this week's bulletin. SPRATLY AND BOUVET ISLANDS. Russian explorer Fedor Koniukhov continues on his way to Bouvet Island, possibly by way of Spratly. R0L/MM passes traffic everyday on 14275 kHz at 0800z. Daily communication support is provided by UA0NL and other amateurs in the Far East. A second yacht has joined the expedition with Tony, BV2AH, among the members of the team. The radio station on this yacht is signing BV0MM. Plans are for both yachts to travel to Singapore, possibly landing at Spratly Islands to operate as 1S/R0L. From there it is on to Bouvet. For more info, contact Yuri V. Zaruba, UA9OBA, PO Box 1, Novosibirsk-92, 630092, Russia, CIS. 9D, IRAN. A station signing 9D2CW was active on 21335 kHz around 1435z and 21028 kHz at 1230z. CAMBODIA. XU1AD, XU5DX and XU7VK were all active this week. XU5DX was on 18085 kHz around 1445z. XU7VK was on 14197 kHz around 1245z. QSLs for XU7VK via HA0HW. And XU1AD was on 14169 kHz at 1500z. GHANA. Sewell, 9G1SB, showed up on the 21335 DX net on May 5 and reported having problems with his TR4C and needed some help. QSL via CBA. EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 3C1TR has been on 20 meters SSB with his new QSL Manager Joe, K8JP. Check around 14196 or 14226 kHz between 2130 and 2230z. LIECHTENSTEIN. Andy, HB9EAS, will be signing HB0/HB9EAS May 14, 15 and 16 from Triesenberg. QSL via the bureau or direct. Direct QSLing will require both SAE and sufficient return postage. CORSICA. Look for TK/DF4RD, operated by Deiter, from May 24 through June 2. Most activity will be CW. QSL via CBA. MACEDONIA. Venco, 4N5JA, has been on 20 meter CW and SSB. Check 14247 kHz around 2300z, where Alan, WA4JTK, operates a DX net and is the only QSL manager for 4N5JA when Venco is on frequency. All others QSLs go to 4N5JA direct via the YU5XTC CBA. CH8MNP, CAMERON ISLAND, CANADA, IOTA NA-009. This summer the Calgary Amateur Radio Association will be sponsoring a DXpedition to Cameron Island. The island is 30 miles south of the north magnetic pole. Ops VE6EHX, VE6TZY, VE6KC, VE6CGY and VE6NAO will run two HF stations and 6 meters from August 18 through 24. This will be the first time grid square DQ76wi has been activated. QSL via VE6AO. HA5BUS ON THE ROAD AGAIN. Imi/HA6HO, Gabor/HG5BKG and Steven/HG5CHI are now active as VE3/HA5BUS on 14025 kHz CW and 14088 kHz RTTY. Plans are for a return to the USA for a visit to Philadelphia and then onto Jacksonville, FL, where the bus will be put on a ship bound for the U.K. DX-CARIBE CRUISE INFO. This Carribean junket has the following stops scheduled. Sunday 5/16 Aruba P4, Monday 5/17 Bonaire PJ, Tuesday 5/18 Grenada J3, Wednesday 5/19 Barbados 8P9, Thursday 5/20 Martinique FM, Friday 5/21 in transit MM, Saturday 5/22 Curacao PJ, Sunday 5/23 Aruba P4. Suggested frequencies for CW are 3505, 7005, 14025, 18070, 21025, 24895 and 28025 kHz. For SSB, check 3795, 7070/7195, 14195, 18135, 21295, 24935 and 28495 kHz. Some AO13 operations are planned as well. SSB downlinks will be 145.890 MHz mode B and 435.960 MHz mode J. CW downlinks will be 145.870 MHz mode B and 435.940 MHz mode J. MORE SATELLITE DX/NEWS. The ''satellite saints'', specifically J8OI on St. Vincent and V47I on St. Kitts, were both very active on AO13 this past week. QSL both via W0DQY. ARSENE. As reported in SPACE CW28/ARLS028, the recently launced French ARSENE packet-radio satellite has apparently suffered a serious failure. According to Jean Gruau, president of the Radio Amateur Club de l'Espace, their group and space officials were attempting to determine the cause of the problem. Monitor W1AW and PBBSs for further update bulletins. /EX