QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 72 ARLB072 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT July 9, 1993 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB072 ARLB072 902 mHz study sought 902 mhz study sought ''Adopt no rules without further study,'' the ARRL has recommended to the FCC, in a Commission proposal to expand the use of Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) systems in the 902-928 MHz band. The proposal, in PR Docket 93-61, would allow the expansion of AVM systems through the creation of a new location and monitoring service (LMS) in the 902-928 MHz band. Amateurs already share this band with government radiolocation, fixed, and mobile services, in addition to industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment and various non-licensed, low-power ''Part 15'' devices. The FCC said in its Notice of Proposed Rule Making that such an expansion of AVM in this frequency range ''could lead to rapid congestion of available spectrum'' and asked current users of the band if they could handle any increased congestion. ''If not,'' the FCC said, ''commenters should offer potential solutions, short of removing Part 15 users and amateur operations from the band, restricting where such users could operate in the band, or placing stricter limitations on the operations in this band.'' The League said that no action should be taken until the FCC has studied the potential for interaction between AVM and wind profiler radar systems, the suitabliity of AVM operations for highway safety sytems in a crowded RF environment, and the alternative technologies available for the same purpose served by AVM and Location and Monitoring Services. More information is in qst for may 1993, page 88. NNNN /EX