═══ 1. Copyright ═══ Galleria Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Bitware, Software & Services P.O. Box 3097 Manuka A.C.T. 2603 Australia Fax: +61-6-2810175 CompuServe: 100033,340 All rights reserved ═══ 2. Description ═══ Galleria is a general purpose tool for the management of bitmapped images. It provides a window for the display of bitmaps at varying resolutions. Bitmaps can be read from the OS/2 clipboard or from disk in numerous formats. Once loaded, the displayed image can be edited (cropped, resized, rotated etc.) and converted to monochrome or grayscale. The result can be transferred to other applications via the clipboard or saved on disk in a different format. High quality printed output can also be generated. Galleria supports a file search function to list all bitmaps available. Also, a multi-level undo capability is provided to reverse previous edits. Concurrent operation of most tasks (such as display, conversion, file save and printing) is possible due to OS/2's multi-threading capability. Galleria supports all common bitmap file formats including BMP, PCX, TIFF and GIF. Kodak Photo-CD and JPEG (JFIF) formats are also supported for import. Refer to Supported file formats for a complete list of supported file formats (for import and export). A number of the most commonly asked questions on use of Galleria and answers to these can be found in Q & A below. Refer to Galleria/CM support for instructions on integrating this program with Galleria/CM for immediate post-processing of images captured from the desktop. Refer to How to register for license and registration information. ═══ 3. Instructions on use ═══ Galleria is designed to perform edits and conversions on existing bitmapped images. These bitmaps are sourced from disk files or the clipboard. If you are using Galleria/CM, a snapshot of the desktop can also be used. A normal session involves the following three stages: o First, load the original bitmap. If not pre-loaded by Galleria/CM, open a disk file (with File open or File search) or Paste in the current image from the clipboard. Refer to Supported file formats for a list of bitmap file formats currently supported for import. o Once loaded, the image can be edited and/or converted as required. Use the Image pull-down menu to select the desired edit operation. Alternatively, click the right mouse button anywhere on the image to popup a list of the most common edit operations. The displayed image will be updated to reflect the cumulative result of all edits. Use Undo to revert to the state prior to the last edit (conditional on the Undo levels setting). The image can also be converted to monochrome (black and white), grayscale (evenly spaced shades of gray) or color (with a standard or reduced palette). Selecting a conversion from the Convert pull-down menu will result in the current image being converted. All conversions are applied to the original image palette. o When all edits and/or conversions are completed, the displayed image can be saved to disk (with the File save or File save as) or placed in the clipboard (with Copy) for transfer to another application. Galleria can process images with up to 256 colors (8-bit color) but display of these colors will be governed by the display/driver capability. In cases where the image palette differs from the default palette set by Presentation Manager, image colors will be translated to the closest displayable. Check with the supplier of your video display adapter/driver for Palette Management support. To view images with more (or different) colors than supported, dithering can be applied to use only those colors from the standard VGA palette. For best results, enlarge the image to 2 or 3 times the original size, then apply the error diffusion color conversion. Note that Galleria optimizes the image palette by discarding unused or duplicate entries. The actual number of colors used in the image is displayed in the information area at the bottom of the window. Files saved by Galleria may be smaller as a result of this palette optimization. Refer to the online help for detailed descriptions on use of all aspects of Galleria. Remember that pressing F1 while pull-down menus are active will display help for entries in that menu. ═══ 4. File menu ═══ Use the File menu to transfer images to/from disk, search for images on disk or print the current image. o New will replace the current image. A dialog box is displayed prompting for the new image size and fill color. These are normally used as a base for subsequent Merge operations. o Open is used to load a new image from disk. A dialog box is displayed prompting for the name of the file to be read from disk. o Search is used to search a number of disks for files matching the specified name or partial name. A dialog box is displayed prompting for disks to be searched and the file name to be found. o Save will save the current image to disk. The image will be written to a file with the original file name and format or those used for the last save operation. The current conversion options will be applied prior to the save. The undo stack will also be cleared. Note that not all read files can be saved in the same format. If no output is possible for the format, this option will be disabled. Use Save as to save with a supported format. o Save as will display a dialog box prompting for a new file name and/or format prior to saving to disk as in the Save operation above. o The List options are available when multiple files are selected with the File open and File search dialogs. These enable positioning within the list of files selected. The buttons in the information line can also be used to scroll up/down the list. An Auto show option exists to automatically show each image in the list in turn for the time set in the Preferences dialog. When using Auto show, images unable to be loaded for any reason will be skipped. If the Wrap to beginning option is selected, display will wrap around to the beginning of the list when the end is reached. To start Auto show of the listed files with a full screen display, type Ctrl-F-W. Pressing any key or clicking the left mouse button will abort both full screen display and the Auto show facility. o Print will print the current image to a specified printer. A dialog box will be displayed prompting for destination and print options. o Preferences is used to display or change preferences. A dialog box is displayed permitting a number of operational settings to be changed. ═══ 4.1. File new ═══ The File new dialog is displayed to prompt for dimensions and fill color for a new image. Overtype the horizontal and vertical dimensions to set the new image size. Select the fill color for the new image. New images of the size and color specified can be used as a base or border for images merged from the clipboard. Press OK to create a new image with the specified dimensions and color or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the current image unchanged. ═══ 4.2. File open ═══ The File open dialog prompts for the names of bitmap files on disk to be read and displayed. The path to a file is represented by a Disk, Directory and File name. Select the desired disk and/or directory and all files matching the current mask will be listed. Edit the file name and press Open. Alternatively, double click on a name from the list. To select multiple files, click on the desired file names from the list and press Open. Press All to select all listed files in the designated directory or None to select none. The number of files currently selected is shown. The files listed for the current disk and directory can be restricted by entering a mask. The "*" and "?" wild values can be specified. Normal search rules apply with the exception of file extension: when no extension is specified (eg. *, b* or boat), only those files with extensions predefined in the File extensions dialog will be listed. To list files with a specific extension, include this extension in the name (eg. *.bmp). To list all files, regardless of extension, enter *.*. A history of previous file names or masks specified can be accessed by selecting the drop-down arrow at the right of the file name/mask field. Press Extensions to display or update the list of file extensions to be included in the file list when none is specified. Press Open to list all files matching the current mask, or open the file when fully specified. Press Cancel to exit the dialog with the current image unchanged. ═══ 4.3. File search ═══ Use the File search dialog to search a number of disks for files matching a full or partial file name. All directories on the selected disk(s) will be searched. When the required file is found, the remainder of the search operation can be aborted. Select the Disks to be searched from the list box. Multiple disks can be targeted for the search. Enter a full or partial file name in the Name/mask field. Wild characters "*" or "?" can be specified. When no extension is provided, only those files with extensions matching those in the File extensions dialog will be listed. Press Start/Stop to initiate/terminate the search. Press Open to terminate the search and open the file selected from the list. Alternatively, double-click on the desired file name. To select multiple files, click on the desired file names from the list and press Open. To select all files listed under a directory name, click on the directory name in the list. Press All to select all listed files regardless of directory or None to select none. The number of files currently selected is shown. Press Extensions to invoke the File extensions dialog to select file extensions for the search. Press Cancel to terminate the search and leave the current image unchanged. ═══ 4.4. File save ═══ The File save dialog prompts for the name to be used for the image when saved to disk. The path to a file is represented by a Disk, Directory and File name. Select the desired disk and/or directory and all files matching the current mask will be listed. Edit the file name and press Save. Alternatively, double click a a name from the list to overwrite an existing file. The files listed for the current disk and directory can be restricted by entering a mask. The "*" and "?" wild values can be specified. Normal search rules apply with the exception of file extension: when no extension is specified (eg. *, b* or boat), only those files with extensions predefined in the File extensions dialog will be listed. To list files with a specific extension, include this extension in the name (eg. *.bmp). To list all files, regardless of extension, enter *.*. Press Extensions to display or update the list of file extensions to be included in the file list when none is specified. Press Save to list all files matching the current mask, or save the file when fully specified. Press Cancel to exit the dialog without saving the file. ═══ 4.5. File save as ═══ Use the File save as dialog to save the current image to disk with the file name and format specified. Select the desired file format from the list displayed. The file name extension will be changed to the default for that format. Specify the file name of the output file. When not specified, the current directory will be assumed. Press Save to save the file on disk with the specified name and format. Press List to browse files in the current directory or change the output disk and/or directory. Ensure that the desired file format is correct before proceeding. Press Cancel to terminate the dialog without saving the file. ═══ 4.6. File extensions ═══ Use the File extensions dialog to display or update the relevant file name extensions to be listed when none is specified in the File open, File search and File save dialogs. (Note that file list/search times can be reduced by eliminating extensions not required.) The list of file name extensions together with an optional short description is displayed. Press Add to add a new entry. Fill in the file name extension (maximum of three characters) and an optional description and press OK. Press Change to change the currently selected entry. Overtype the file name extension and/or description and press OK. Press Delete to delete the currently selected entry. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore any changes and exit with the original entries. ═══ 4.7. Metafile options ═══ The Metafile options dialog is displayed when a file with extension .MET is opened. OS/2 metafiles (as vector files) are scalable and importing these files requires conversion to bitmap format. Specify the Background color and Size for the resulting bitmap. To change the size of the image, better resolution will result by re-opening the metafile with a different size than subsequent use of the Enlarge/reduce edit option. Press OK to open the file or Cancel to abort the open. ═══ 4.8. File print ═══ The File print dialog is displayed prior to a print operation to enable options for the current print to be changed. Specify the Queue for the print. The default printer, form etc for this queue will be used. A choice of low, medium and high resolution can be set to control output print quality, with high resolution offering maximum quality. Select a Border percentage to leave a blank edge along all sides of the page. The value specified is a percentage of the page width and height. Select the Area percentage to limit the output size. The value specified is a percentage of the total page area. Note that the image printed may be smaller in area than that specified if it would otherwise overlap the border above. For fine tuning the output, the relative Color bias percentages can be changed to lighten/darken areas of the image depending on the red/green/blue intensity of the original. A higher bias will result in a lighter tone for areas of that color. Additionally, the overall intensity can be changed by setting the desired Brightness. Position the slider arm at the desired position. Select Sharpen to print more clearly defined lines and edges at lower resolutions. The Color option will generate color output for printers (with appropriate drivers) supporting this capability. This option can also be selected for monochrome printers and may generate more acceptable output for some driver/printer combinations. Press OK to start printing with the options selected or Cancel to ignore changes and abort the current print operation. Note that the current conversion setting is ignored when printing. The image will be printed using the original (or edited) palette if the Color option is selected, otherwise automatically converted to monochrome. ═══ 4.9. Preferences ═══ Use the Preferences dialog to display or change personal preferences for use of Galleria. Choose between Standard or Alternative file dialogs. See Alternative file dialogs for a discussion on why you may wish to choose these non-standard dialogs. Set the desired level of information to be displayed in the window title. Either No name, Full path name or Path name only can be selected. Set the Window size option to determine whether or not the window size should be changed to fit the loaded image. This option applies when the bitmap is first loaded only. Note that the window will not be resized if currently maximized. The RGB translation setting applies to imported bitmaps with greater than 256 colors (eg. 16 and 24-bit color). When first loaded, such images can be reduced to either 16 or 256 colors using dithering. No translation (ie. retention of the full color spectrum) is not yet supported. Note that translation will cause bitmaps with greater than 256 colors to take longer to load. Set the Auto show interval to determine the (approximate) minimum time each image is to be displayed when using the Auto show facility. Press OK to apply the selected preferences or Cancel to ignore changes. ═══ 5. Photo menu ═══ Use the Photo menu to control display of the Photo CD overview window or set Photo CD import options. Select Open/refresh to display a window containing thumbnail views of all images on the Photo CD. If already displayed, the overview contents will be refreshed. To load a Photo CD image, double click on the thumbnail view in the window displayed. An image can be selected prior to all thumbnail views being displayed. Select Show to restore the Photo CD overview window after it has been minimized/hidden. Close will close the Photo CD overview window. Use Disk to select the id of the disk representing the desired Photo CD to be used for the Open/refresh action above. Select Options to display the Photo CD options dialog to preset import options. Display of this dialog when a Photo CD image is loaded can be controlled with the Prompt for options setting. ═══ 5.1. Photo CD options ═══ The Photo CD options dialog is displayed when a file with extension .PCD is opened. Photo CD files are stored in a number of resolutions (sizes). To display such images more quickly, only the grayscale component may be read. Select the desired Resolution and Grayscale option and press OK to open the file. Press Cancel to abort the open. ═══ 6. Edit menu ═══ Use the Edit menu to transfer images to/from the clipboard or reverse Image and/or Palette edits. The following operations apply to clipboard operations: o Copy places the current image in the clipboard. The clipboard can be used as either a temporary storage area or to facilitate transfer to another application. The clipboard copy will be converted as per the current conversion settings. o Paste copies the bitmap from the clipboard and replaces the current image. o Merge merges the bitmap in the clipboard with the current image. A size/position rectangle will be displayed to control placement of the image from the clipboard. Position the top left corner of the size/position rectangle and press the left mouse button, then stretch the rectangle to the desired size and press the left mouse button again. The Merge operation can be aborted by pressing the Esc key. o Peek displays the current clipboard contents prior to a Paste or Merge operation. o Empty clipboard will clear the current clipboard contents. The following options apply to the undo (or reversal) of edits made to the current image: o Undo will restore the image to that displayed prior to the last Image or Palette edit operation. o Undo all will restore the image to the original as loaded from the clipboard or read from disk. o Undo levels permits setting of the number of undo levels to be retained. Each edit operation will require one level. When the number of edit operations exceeds the number set, earlier states will be discarded. Avoid setting too high a value when editing large images or virtual storage may be exhausted. When set to 0, no previous states will be retained. ═══ 6.1. Edit peek ═══ Use the Edit peek dialog to display the current clipboard contents. Press Paste or Merge to paste or merge the displayed image into Galleria. Press Cancel to exit with the current image unchanged. ═══ 7. Image menu ═══ The following operations permit changes or edits to be made to the current image: o Crop is used to cut a rectangular portion from the current image. A size/position rectangle will be displayed to control the area of the image to be cut out. Position the top left corner of the size/position rectangle and press the left mouse button, then stretch the rectangle to the desired size and press the left mouse button again. The Crop operation can be aborted by pressing the Esc key. o Enlarge/reduce is used to enlarge or reduce the image size. A dialog box will be displayed prompting for new horizontal and vertical dimensions. o Mirror will flip the image around the vertical axis for a mirror image of that currently displayed. o Invert will flip the image around the horizontal axis to invert the current image. o Rotate left and Rotate right will turn the image 90 degrees anti-clockwise and clockwise respectively. Repeating this operation four times will restore the image to its original orientation. o Border can be used to add a colored border to the image. A dialog is displayed prompting for the border color and width. o Trim is used to crop the image edges. A dialog is displayed prompting for the edges to be trimmed and the trim width. As an alternative to selecting options from the pull-down menu, click (and keep depressed) the right mouse button anywhere on the displayed image. The action will be performed when the mouse button is released over the desired option. If no action is to be performed, move the pointer away from the popup menu and then release the mouse button. ═══ 7.1. Image enlarge/reduce ═══ Use the Image enlarge/reduce dialog to change the size of the image. The current horizontal and vertical dimensions are shown when the dialog is invoked. Overtype these values with the new dimensions desired. Alternatively, move the Proportional scaling slider to the left/right to decrease/increase the size while retaining the original image proportions. The horizontal and vertical dimensions may not exceed a value of 4096. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 7.2. Image border ═══ Use the Image border dialog to add a colored border to the image. Select the desired border color and width. Note that if the image currently has 256 colors, the selected color will be remapped to the closest in the image palette. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 7.3. Image trim ═══ Use the Image trim dialog to trim the image edges. This permits finer adjustment in a cropping operation than may be possible with Image crop. Select one or more edges to be trimmed. A strip of the set width (below) will be cut from each of the edges selected. Set the width to be trimmed from the above edges. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 8. Palette menu ═══ The following operations permit changes or edits to be made to the current image palette: o Edit is used to change the color of entries in the image palette. A dialog box will be displayed. o Brightness/contrast is used to change the overall brightness and/or contrast of the image. Only the luminance component of the image will be changed. A dialog box will be displayed. o Negative will invert all the colors in the image palette. This option would normally be used on monochrome images to reverse the black and white areas. ═══ 8.1. Palette edit ═══ Use the Palette edit dialog to change the values of individual colors in the image palette. A list of colors is displayed in decreasing order of frequency in the image. The relative frequencies for each entry is displayed with the currently selected entry indicated by a marker of the graph. The RGB component values of the selected entry are represented by the sliders at the right. To change a color, select that entry from the list and move each slider until the desired new color is displayed. Any number of colors may be changed. Note that the palette entries listed are those from the original image and changes made with this dialog will be applied before any conversions. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 8.2. Palette brightness/contrast ═══ Use the Palette brightness/contrast dialog to change the overall overall brightness and/or contrast of the image. Only the luminance component of the image will be changed. The distribution graph shows the range of luminance values in the image. To darken/lighten the image, move the Brightness slider to the left/right. The graph will be updated to show the new luminance range. To decrease/increase image contrast, move the Contrast slider to the left/right. The graph will be updated to show the new luminance range. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 9. Convert menu ═══ Use the Convert menu to convert the image to monochrome or grayscale or reduce the number of distinct colors. o Original will display the image using the original palette. o Monochrome will convert the image using black and white colors only. The mapping of original colors to either black or white will be governed by the settings in the Convert monochrome options dialog. Select 2 colors to initiate the conversion. o Grayscale will convert the image using shades of gray only. The mapping of original colors to the respective shade of gray will be governed by the settings in the Convert grayscale options dialog. Select 16 colors or 256 colors to initiate the conversion. o Color will map the original colors in the image to either a fixed palette or a palette with less colors than the original. This can result in smaller file sizes and/or better display with some monitor/adapter combinations. The mapping of the original colors will be governed by the settings in the Convert color options dialog. Select 16 colors or 256 colors to initiate the conversion. Conversions make take some time to process. To abort the current conversion, select Original from the Convert menu. Alternatively, select another conversion type. Changing conversion options will automatically initiate another conversion if they apply to the current type. Note that conversions are applied after any edits and prior to the image being displayed, saved to disk or copied to the clipboard. Unlike Image and Palette edit operations which are cumulative, each conversion will override the last selected. This permits fine tuning of the results without having to revert to the previous state. ═══ 9.1. Convert monochrome options ═══ Use the Convert monochrome options dialog to fine-tune image conversion to monochrome (black & white). Select the Conversion technique. Options are Threshold for a simple re-map of each color to either black or white, or Random dither, Ordered dither or Error diffusion to dither or digitally halftone the image using dots of black or white. Choosing Threshold will give a sharper image but with the loss of the tonal range of the original. Error diffusion will more accurately preserve the overall tone. Random dither or Ordered dither may be more suitable for some applications. To fine tune the output, change the relative Color bias percentages to lighten/darken areas of the image depending on the red/green/blue intensity of the original. A higher bias will result in a lighter tone for areas of that color. Additionally, the overall intensity can be changed by setting the desired Brightness. Position the slider arm at the desired position. Select Enhance contrast to increase the contrast of the image or Sharpen for more clearly defined edges. Sharpen is recommended for Random dither but not for Ordered dither. Press Defaults to restore the default values for all settings. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 9.2. Convert grayscale options ═══ Use the Convert grayscale options dialog to fine-tune image conversion to shades of gray. Select the Conversion technique. Options are Threshold for a simple re-map of each color to the closest shade of gray, or Error diffusion to dither or digitally halftone the image using grays from the new palette. The former method will result in a sharper image while the latter will more accurately preserve the overall tone. To fine tune the output, change the relative Color bias percentages to lighten/darken areas of the image depending on the red/green/blue intensity of the original. A higher bias will result in a lighter tone for areas of that color. Additionally, the overall intensity can be changed by setting the desired Brightness. Position the slider arm at the desired position. Select Enhance contrast to increase the contrast of the image or Sharpen for more clearly defined edges. Press Defaults to restore the default values for all settings. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 9.3. Convert color options ═══ Use the Convert color options dialog to fine-tune image conversion to a different or reduced color palette. Select the Conversion technique. Options are Closest color for a simple re-map of each color to the nearest color in the new palette, or Error diffusion (fast or normal) to dither or digitally halftone the image using colors from the new palette. The latter method will more accurately preserve the overall color of the original. The Compute optimum palette option is not yet supported. Press Defaults to restore the default values for all settings. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 10. Window menu ═══ Use the Window menu to control the image display. o Size to fit will resize the window to fit the displayed image. o The Scale to window setting determines the current image magnification. When set, the image will be scaled to fit within the window. When not set, the image will be displayed full-size and scroll bars can be used to move the non-displayed portions of the image into view. This option can be toggled on or off. The current display magnification is shown as a percentage in the information area. o The Information area setting will toggle on or off display of the information area at the bottom of the window. o Background permits the window background color and pattern to be changed. A dialog box will be displayed prompting for color and pattern. ═══ 10.1. Window background ═══ Use the Window background dialog to change the color and pattern of the window. Select the desired color and/or pattern from the set displayed. The currently selected values are shown with a boxed border. Press OK to accept these changes or Cancel to ignore changes and exit with the original settings. ═══ 11. Help menu ═══ Use the Help menu for display of help information and product information. o Help index will display and index of the help topics available. o General help will display a general description of the program. o Using help will display instructions on use of the help facility. o Product information will display copyright and version information for the program. o License information will display licensing information. ═══ 12. Alternative file dialogs ═══ Galleria supports two sets of file dialogs, Standard and Alternative The Alternative dialogs offer the following: o Multi-threaded operation, thus retaining the ability to interact with the dialog or other applications while the file list is being built. o Emphasis on display of file names. This permits more files to be visible at one time and better display of the long names possible with HPFS disks. When multiple directory changes are necessitated, the File search dialog may prove more efficient in locating the desired file. o Specification of a set of file extensions to restrict the display of files when no extension is specified. This permits all relevant files (with differing extensions) to be easily isolated from the remainder in large directories. Select Preferences from the File pull-down menu to select Standard or Alternative file dialogs. ═══ 13. Supported file formats ═══ The following file formats are supported by this version. These file formats are supported for import (open): o BMP - IBM OS/2 1.x bitmap Standards: Bitmap or Bitmap Array (first image only) Bits: 1, 4, 8 or 24 Planes: 1 o BMP - IBM OS/2 2.x bitmap Standards: Bitmap or Bitmap Array (first image only) Bits: 1, 4, 8 or 24 Planes: 1 Compression: None, RLE4, RLE8 or RLE24 o BMP - Microsoft Windows 3.x bitmap Standards: Bitmap or Bitmap Array (first image only) Bits: 1, 4, 8 or 24 Planes: 1 Compression: None, RLE4 or RLE8 o EPS - Encapsulated Postscript (TIFF preview) Standards: As per Tagged Image File Format o GIF - CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format Standards: GIF87a or GIF89a, single or multi-image, interleaved or non-interleaved Bits: 1 to 8 o IFF - Amiga Interchange Format Files Standards: Non-masked Bits: 1 to 8 Compression: None, RLE o IMG - Digital Research GEM Standards: Monochrome o JPG - JPEG (JFIF) Standards: Baseline o MAC - Apple MacPaint Standards: Monochrome, with or without header o MET - OS/2 metafile o MSP - Microsoft Paint Standards: Monochrome o PCD - Kodak Photo CD Standards: Base/16, Base/4, Base Bits: 8 (grayscale), 24 o PCX - ZSoft Paintbrush Standards: Version 2.8, 3.0 Bits: 1 to 8 Planes: 1, 4 (with 1 bit per pixel) or 3 (RGB) o TGA - AT&T Targa-16/24/32 Standards: Type 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11, non-interleaved Bits: 1 to 8 (color-mapped) or 16, 24, 32 (RGB) Compression: None, RLE o TIF - Tagged Image File Format Standards: Version 4.0, 5.0 (TIFF B, G or P), Intel or Motorola byte ordering, first image only Bits: 1 to 8 Planes: 1 Compression: None, Huffman (CCITT 1D), Packbits or LZW o WPG - WordPerfect graphic Standards: Version 5.0, 5.1, bitmap only Bits: 1 to 8 These file formats are supported for export (save): o BMP - IBM OS/2 1.x bitmap Bits: 1, 4 or 8 Planes: 1 o BMP - IBM OS/2 2.x bitmap Bits: 1, 4 or 8 Planes: 1 Compression: None, RLE4, RLE8 o BMP - Microsoft Windows 3.x bitmap Bits: 1, 4 or 8 Planes: 1 Compression: None, RLE4, RLE8 o GIF - CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format Standards: GIF87a Bits: 1 to 8 o PCX - ZSoft Paintbrush Standards: Version 2.8, 3.0 Bits: 1 or 8 Planes: 1, 4 (with 1 bit per pixel) o TGA - AT&T Targa-24 Standards: Type 1, 9 Bits: 8 Compression: None, RLE o TIF - Tagged Image File Format Standards: Version 4.0, 5.0 (TIFF B or P), Intel byte ordering Bits: 1, 4 or 8 Planes: 1 Compression: None, Packbits o WPG - WordPerfect graphic Standards: Version 5.0 Bits: 1, 4 or 8 Note that (for all formats other than OS/2 metafiles and Photo CD) Galleria ignores the file name extension when importing or exporting files. When a file is read, the format is determined by examining header information contained within the file. ═══ 14. Q & A ═══ The following are answers to commonly asked questions about Galleria: Q. When I display my 256 color image with Galleria the colors are displayed incorrectly. The image displays correctly in a full-screen session but not with Galleria. Why? A. As Galleria is a Presentation Manager application all writes to the screen must be done via the installed display driver. Not all display drivers currently support the palette management required to enable the hardware palette to be changed. Ask the supplier of your video adapter to provide you with a display driver which supports 'OS/2 palette management'. Note that the 32-bit graphics engine (introduced in the 2.0 Service Pack) is a prerequisite for palette management support in OS/2 2.0. Q. When a dialog box is removed, the image contains a grayed area where the dialog box was displayed. This area is finally restored to its original colors or remains grayed. Is this a bug? A. Yes, this is a bug in OS/2 and should be fixed in the GA version of OS/2 2.1 Q. When an image is loaded the display flashes and the desktop colors are changed. Why does this happen? A. On systems with 256 color (8-bit) display subsystems Galleria uses OS/2 palette management functions to load the image palette into the display hardware. This can cause other in-use color entries to be displaced, resulting in a mapping to the closest color in the modified palette. The desktop colors will be restored shortly after Galleria is minimized or closed. Q. If I save a 256 color image with Galleria and set this as the desktop background, the colors displayed are not correct. Why? A. Unfortunately, the OS/2 desktop does not use palette management functions to load the display hardware with the image palette. Reasonable images for use as the desktop background can be generated by using Galleria to convert the image to a 'standard' 16 or 256 color palette. Q. The images displayed by Galleria seem to be more vivid and have more accurate colors than with other applications. Why is this? A. When 256 color images are displayed on the desktop, typically only 240 colors are used by any application. The remaining 16 colors are used for the desktop and other applications which do not use palette management functions. Galleria optimizes the image palette (when first loaded and after each edit) to ensure that the highest frequency colors will always be displayed. Q. Why are the files Galleria writes different in size to those written by other applications? A. The files written by Galleria are often smaller due to a number of reasons: Firstly, Galleria optimizes the palette to discard unused or duplicate entries. For file formats which permit variable palette sizes, a small saving in size is often possible. Galleria will also write files with the smallest bit size possible. For example, if the image uses up to 16 colors the file may be written in 4-bit format even if the original was 8-bit. The palette optimization above and edit operations can contribute to lesser colors being required. Also, Galleria uses its own compression algorithms which are optimized for file size. Q. Why won't Galleria load some GIF files? Other applications seem to have no problem in loading them. A. A fair percentage of GIF files do not meet the specification for this format. Common deviations are data underruns and overruns. Galleria will often permit the file to be loaded despite these errors. However, Galleria also supports multi-image (or composite) GIF files and is thus more sensitive to some errors than other applications. Q. Why won't Galleria read my WordPerfect graphic (WPG) file? A. The WPG format supports both raster (bitmap) and vector data. The latter files (usually quite small) contain eg. line drawings. Galleria supports only the bitmap format for import and export. Q. Printing images generates a lot of disk activity and can take a very long time. Why? A. Galleria has two modes of printing. The default (for monochrome output) uses internal processing for high quality output. At the highest resolution setting, Galleria will output every single dot on the page. For large printed images and/or on printers with high resolution (eg. 600 dpi) the memory requirements can be considerable. Select the lowest Resolution setting with acceptable output. The Color option can also be used for monochrome output. This will transfer control to the printer driver to render the image. Galleria also places printing requests on a lower priority background thread so printing times may be elongated if there is concurrent activity in Galleria or other applications. Q. Why does the loading of 24-bit color files (eg. Photo-CD and JPEG) take much longer than other images? A. At present, Galleria is optimized for support of 8-bit (256 color) images. All loaded images must be translated to 16 or 256 colors (with the highest quality display possible) and this is the major contribution to the delay in displaying the image. Q. Why doesn't Galleria present a display showing 'percent complete' on such things as loading a file? A. Galleria is fully multi-threading and there may be a number of activities occurring in parallel. For example, file opens, saves, prints, directory searches may all be active concurrently. In addition, Galleria may use read-ahead logic to preload files. Presentation of current status (and for each activity) is not as trivial as in applications which initiate a single task in response to input and wait for completion of that task. ═══ 15. Galleria/CM support ═══ Galleria can be integrated with Galleria/CM for immediate post-processing of images captured from the desktop. Simply select the Editor destination in the main Options dialog. Subsequent captures will result in Galleria being invoked with the captured image displayed. A new Galleria window will appear for each capture. Note that GALLERIA.EXE must reside in the same directory as GALLERCM.EXE and the LIBPATH statement in CONFIG.SYS must contain an explicit entry for the directory in which the Galleria and Galleria/CM DLLs reside. ═══ 16. Problems and diagnostics ═══ If the Galleria process detects an internal or external processing error, the program will terminate. To determine the cause of the error, restart Galleria with the -d switch parameter (on the command line or as a parameter in the session settings) and reproduce the sequence of events up to the failure. This will log error information to a file GALLERIA.LOG in the same directory as the executable. This file contains information which can be used to resolve problems. Please record the program version number and symptoms (what action was being performed at the time of the error) and return this information together with the contents of GALLERIA.LOG so that the problem can be resolved. Note that this log file will be over-written each time Galleria is started with the -d switch. There is no performance penalty incurred in use of this error logging facility. Also, if Galleria should fail to read and/or display a file specifically documented as being supported, please send this file to the address below on a 3.5 inch floppy disk (together with information on program version number, hardware configuration etc). An updated version of Galleria will be returned. Please send error reports or unsupported files to: Bitware, Software & Services P.O. Box 3097 Manuka A.C.T. 2603 Australia ═══ 17. How to register ═══ This copy of Galleria is provided with a limited evaluation license not exceeding 21 days in duration from first use. Unregistered use beyond this evaluation period is in violation of this license, as is use for any commercial purpose prior to registration. If you find Galleria useful and would like to register this software, a license fee is payable. Registration of this software will entitle you (or your corporation) to unlimited use of current and subsequent releases of the product(s) plus best-effort support via CompuServe. Two license types are available: individual and corporate. An individual license is for the sole use of the named individual. A single corporate license entitles use by all employees/members of the named corporation/institution. A software key made out in the name of an individual or corporation is returned when the software is registered. Please indicate the license type required. How to register Galleria: o Send a mail message to CompuServe 100033,340 with your credit card details (card number, full name on card and expiry date). The following cards are accepted: Mastercard, Visa and Amex. A software key for enablement of unlimited use will be returned to your CompuServe id. o Send a fax to +61-6-2810175 with credit card particulars. The current version plus software key will be sent on 3.5 inch floppy to the address you specify. Delivery (by airmail) is normally 2 weeks from receipt of order. A shipping & handling charge will apply. o Post either credit card particulars or a cheque/check for the appropriate registration fee (in Australian currency or converted equivalent) to: Bitware, Software & Services P.O. Box 3097 Manuka A.C.T. 2603 Australia The current version plus software key will be sent on 3.5 inch floppy to the address you specify. Delivery (by airmail) is normally 2 weeks from receipt of order. A shipping & handling charge will apply. o Purchase orders (on company letterhead) will be accepted for corporate license ONLY. Please include a contact name and fax number for queries. Fax your order to +61-6-2810175, or post to: Bitware, Software & Services P.O. Box 3097 Manuka A.C.T. 2603 Australia The current version plus software key will be sent on 3.5 inch floppy to the address you specify. Delivery (by airmail) is normally 2 weeks from receipt of order. A shipping & handling charge will apply. See the README.DOC file for further information. Current pricing is detailed in the ORDER.DOC file.