SOME NOTES ON Course Name: Carnoustie Golf Club Location: Tayside, Scotland (Northern shore of the Firth of Tay) Length/Par: 3541-3566-7107/36-36-72 Designer: Sir Robert Maule (?) in 1842 Difficulty: Moderate Source: Golfplan course book for Carnoustie Thanks to: Scott Chesney for the use of some of his bushes which I modified and for the changes he made. It does look better. Dedicated to: Scott Chesney (what, him again?) for his inspiration to finish this course. Scott believes that the cure for burn-out is to light a fire. He was right. JNUG Design: Jay Johnson (aka "Jaybird") THE YARDAGE CARD OUT IN Hole Par Yrds Hole Par Yrds ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ 1 4 408 10 4 453 2 4 458 11 4 381 3 4 362 12 5 490 4 4 381 13 3 170 5 4 397 14 5 481 6 5 536 15 4 461 7 4 397 16 3 248 8 3 176 17 4 434 9 4 426 18 4 448 ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ 36 3541 36 3566 Now that the essentials are out of the way, I would like to give out a little info about the tradition of the course. The Scots have been at the business of golf since we have been at business of screwing the Indians out of their land (maybe longer) and they are big on tradition. Witness the fact that each and every bunker at St. Andrews has a name. Not even Augusta does that and Augusta is known for its tradition. I guess that's the difference between 140+ years and 60+. So, here's some of the tradition of Carnoustie (note how much of it is due to American players). Hole 2: Braird's bunker is the one in the fairway about 250 yards out. I have no idea who Braird was, but he must have spent an inordinate amount of time in the sand. Hole 4: The name of this hole comes from those 2 large mounds on the right about 50 yards out. Hole 5: That bunker just to the left of the green is named Hogan's Bunker after guess who? Seriously, in 1953 Ben Hogan won The Open at Carnoustie after "destroying" the course. Mr. Hogan is still held in very high esteem by the locals. Hole 6: The fairway is called "Hogan's Alley". Guess why. Hole 9: That fairway bunker on the right at about 160 yards from the pin is named Jack Nicklaus' Bunker. The next time you play with Jack, ask him why. Š Hole 10: There's a story behind the name of this hole and it goes like this: it seems as if one of the members of the club decided that his road to fortune was in Argentina as a golf pro. The other members threw a going-away party and our hero quaffed one (or more) too many. He wandered out to seek his fortune and the tenth hole was as far as he got. Hole 14: The name of this hole, "Spectacles" comes from the pair of bunkers in the fairway about 70 yards in front of the green. I suppose they look like spectacles to the Scots. To me they look like two fairway bunkers. Hole 18: The last bunker on the right is named Johnny Miller's Bunker and I don't think it's because of anything good. That's all of the trivia for now. Have fun and hit 'em straight. I welcome feedback of any kind on this or any of the courses I've put out there. I do ask that you be specific - telling me that a hole (or even an entire course) sucks doesn't help much unless you specify how it sucks. But hey, you've got the JNUG Designer, so feel free to make the changes you feel are needed. I also welcome suggestions as to courses that you want to see done and this applies to types of trees that will be appearing in future TREESn files. I can be reached via the BBS at Accolade or at home: Jay Johnson 449 Blumont St. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 494-2477