If you would like an index of all names in the primary data area, plus any names you marked in the remarks area, answer the question with a "YES". If you want just the index portion of the report, answer this question "YES". The index will show the same page numbers that would be printed if you had indeed printed the whole report. If you would like the cemeteries printed in alphabetical order rather than in id number sequence, answer the question with a "YES" If you would like each cemetery to start at the top of a new page, answer the question with a "YES". If you want all graves to be listed in the exact sequence they were intitally entered, answer the question with a "NOW. If you want them grouped by the plot location data and then in the exact sequence entered within that plot answer the question with a "YES". If you want the source data printed, answer with a "YES". If you would like the cemeteries listed in alphabetical order rather than in id number sequence, answer this question with a "YES". If you would like an index of all names in the main data area and of marked names in the remarks area, answer the question with 'YES". Select where you want the report to go. If you select 'DISK', you will need to enter the file name (NO Extension), and if required you can enter any path information needed. The report will print out as 'filename.txt' and the index (if any) will print out as 'filename.inx'. Note: these files are actual print files. All you have to do is copy them to your printer for the same results as sending them straight to the printer. SELECT THE DATA FILE YOU WISH TO WORK WITH BY MOVING THE CURSOR WITH THE ARROW KEYS. WHEN THE CURSOR IS ON THE DESIRED FILE LISTING, YOU CAN PRESS ENTER TO OPEN THAT FILE. IF YOU WANT TO ADD A NEW FILE, JUST PRESS THE 'INS' KEY AND THE UPDATE SCREEN WILL APPEAR FOR YOU TO ENTER THE NEW FILE DATA. TO DELETE THE SELECTED FILE, JUST PRESS THE 'DEL' KEY. **CAUTION** THIS WILL ERASE ANY AND ALL DATA IN THE SELECTED FILE! On this screen you enter your basic data. The screen will allow you to enter as many records as you want. When you are done entering records, just press the 'ESC"' key to exit this screen and return to the menu. If you leave the cemetery id blank or enter an unknown id a selector screen will appear allowing you to select one from the current listing you have available. The remarks section can be from 0 - 5 lines long. Leaving blank lines will have no effect as the print programs will not print them! You can save the data on the screen and start a new entry by pressing the 'F10' key. This can be done from anywhere on the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to move the selector bar to the desired action and then press "ENTER". Your choices are: "Enter Graves Information" This is your data entry &screen for graves data. "View/Update Graves Information" This is where you can &select a record to &view/edit or delete. "Print a Report" This brings up the &Reports Menu. "Enter Cemetery Location Data" This is your data entry &screen for cemetery &location information. "View/Edit Cemetery Location Data" This is where you can 'select a record to 'view/edit or delete. Move the selector bar using the arrow keys and then press 'ENTER' to print you desired report. Your choices are as follows: Print By Name - All Print all records in "last name, first name "sequence. Print One Cemetery Print all records for "a selected cemetery in "last name, first name "sequence. The location "data for the cemetery "will also be printed. Print One - Prior To Date Print a selected cemetery "but exclude any date "later than desired date. Print Location Data Print location data for "all cemeteries in the "data base. Detailed or "Summary - your choice. You will also be given choices, where applicable, as to whether you want an index, in what sequence to print the records, and if you want page breaks between cemeteries. The Soundex Search requires that you enter the full last name that you wish to search for. When you have entered the name and pressed the "ENTER" key, those records which have a last name that sounds the same will be shown. To try another name, delete the old search name entry and enter the new name. Note: the Soundex Search WILL NOT work on partial last names! Also, due to the current limitations of the search function, the search name MUST exist in the data base for the search to take place. Enter the latest date died that you wish to have selected for printing. If you wish to have an index of all names in the main data area and of all names you marked in the remarks area answer this question with a "YES". If you want all graves to be listed in the exact sequence in which they were entered, answer this question with a "NO". If you wnat the graves grouped by the plot location data, and then printed in the sequence they were entered within a given plot, answer this question with a "YES". On this screen you can find a record either by moving the selector bar with the up and down arrow keys (or use the 'PgUp' and 'PgDn' keys to move one screen full at a time) Or by entering selection information on the top line you will automatically move the selector bar to the closest match for as much of the selection information as you have entered at that time. Please note that the soundex search is accomplished by entering a normal name. No special codes required. The program will have displayed the names sorted in soundex sequence on the screen. After you have selected the record you want, you can press "ENTER" to view or edit that record, or you can press "DEL" to delete the record. To exit from this screen, just press the "ESC" key. Use the up and down arrow keys to move the selector bar to your choice and then press the 'ENTER' key. You can select the record you want to work with either by the last name or by the cemetery id number. NOTE: If there is no information for the type of search you have selected, you will be returned to this menu immediately. An example would be if you do not have any names marked in the remarks section, the program will return you to this screen immediately. This screen will allow you to select which printer you are using. The first choice should be fine for most people. It assumes that you are using a printer that is EPSON or compatible as most printers are. If your printer is not one of the listed choices please contact me and I will advise you of what items I need so I can add your printer to the list. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the printer you are using and then press "ENTER". You can change the selection at any time by just selecting another printer and pressing "ENTER". You can enter source data for this record here. The program will "remember" the previous entry (if any) if you are entering a new record. If you are here as part of the update process for an existing record, the screen will show the existing source data. If you want to clear the existing data to either change the source data or to leave the fields blank, you can press the F5 key. In the case of adding a new record, selecting "NO" will not write the existing source data to the record being added. ENTER A UNIQUE 6 CHARACTER FILE NAME. USE ONLY A-Z AND 0-9 FOR THE CHARACTERS. THIS NAME WILL BE USED TO NAME THE FILES ON YOUR DISK. THE PROGRAM WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO ENTER A DUPLICATE FILE NAME. FOR THE DESCRIPTION, ENTER A DESCRIPTIVE NAME THAT YOU WANT TO USE WHEN SELECTING THIS FILE FOR DATA ENTRY AND PRINTING PURPOSES. UPD_HLP1 Enter the grave information. Note that the dates are in day/month/year sequence! The remarks section may have from 0 to 5 lines of data. The remarks section has full word wrapping so you can type on without worrying about the end of the line. (The month can be entered as 1 - 12 or as the standard 3 letter month name) When you have changed the last item you want to change you can either keep hitting 'ENTER' until you reach the bottom of the form, or you can press the 'F10' key' to exit from wherever you might be on the form. Pressing the 'ESC' key will, if you are on the first line of the form, take you back to the selector screen with no changes being made. At any other time it will either 1. return the field to its initial state if you have started entering data but have not pressed the 'ENTER' key. 2. if you have not started entering data, it will back you up one field. (in the case of deleting a record it will cancel the delete action). PRESS "ENTER" FOR MORE OR "ESC" TO EXIT HELP UPD_HLP2 If you are on the "Insert A New Record" screen, you will only be able to enter a single grave. When you are done you will be returned to the menu. If you are here via a selector screen, you will have the choices of editing the existing data or of deleting the displayed record. If you are here to delete the record, you will be asked to press the "ENTER" key to delete the record. If you press any other key, the record will NOT be deleted and you will be returned to the selector screen. Press "ENTER" for more Help or "ESC" to Exit Help To index a name in the Remarks section, you must do the folling things: 1. Put an * at both ends of the name. 2. If the last name is more than one word, or if it includes a suffix (Jr., Sr., , etc) you must replace any spaces with the underscore character i.e. Smith_Jr., Van_de_Camp. 3. If there are any prefixes to the name, they should be left outside of the first *. Press "ESC" to exit Help Enter your cemetery location data here. The ID number must be unique for each cemetery (the program will not allow you to use the same number twice within a database). The location data can be from 1 to 10 lines long. The data section has full word wrapping so you can just keep on typing without worrying about you line length. When you are done entering data for a given cemetery, just press 'CTRL' + 'ENTER' to save the record and continue on with the next one. When you are done entering records, just press the 'ESC' key to return to the menu. The 'ESC' key will also return a field to its origional state if you have started entering data but have not pressed the 'ENTER" key. If you have not started data entry, it will back you up one field. CAUTION IF YOU HAVE STARTED ENTERING DATA FOR A PARTICULAR CEMETERY DO NOT CHANGE THE CEMETERY NAME. If you want to change the cemetery name, use the CRDUTIL utility program. (Registered users only) CHK_ALL CHK_ALPH2 CHK_INX DEV_HLP FILE_HLP GRV_ENTR MAIN_MNU REPT_MEN SDX a SEL_DTE SEL_HELP SEL_MENU SEL_PRN SRC_DATAt UPD_FILE UPD_HELP UPD_HLP10) UPD_HLP2 UPD_LOC