How do I get Queen Elizabeth and Drake to meet?

Hint 1 of 18:
Elizabeth will have to meet Drake in the left bedroom, since
Vettenmyer told Drake to go there.

Hint 2 of 18:
You'll have to know something about history to get through this one.

Hint 3 of 18:
Read your briefing papers to learn as much as you can about Elizabeth.

Hint 4 of 18:
The important thing here is to know why she's at war with Spain.

Hint 5 of 18:
She hates the Catholic Church, doesn't she?

Hint 6 of 18:
You have to visit Rome, 1519 AD, to finish this puzzle.

Hint 7 of 18:
You'll need the plaque from that timeplace.

Hint 8 of 18:
Read what the plaque says.

Hint 9 of 18:
You wouldn't expect Elizabeth to stay in a room blessed by the
Catholic Church, would you?

Hint 10 of 18:
Try showing her the plaque.

Hint 11 of 18:
Notice she says something like "if it were here before I was..."

Hint 12 of 18:
So why not go back in time and leave it for her?

Hint 13 of 18:
You should go to Dover, 1519 AD.

Hint 14 of 18:
You can't leave the plaque out in plain sight.

Hint 15 of 18:
Look!  A warped floorboard!

Hint 16 of 18:
And a place to put things underneath!

Hint 17 of 18:
Why not remove the floorboard and put the plaque in the cache?
