Where is the Baron's son?

Hint 1 of 10:
Wait until you hear about the counter-curse (from Erasmus among others).

Hint 2 of 10:
You should find out that the Baron has been transformed into a beast.

Hint 3 of 10:
What beast would be appropriate for a Baron's son?

Hint 4 of 10:
Think about the word "baron".  See any animals that might fit?

Hint 5 of 10:
How about the bear (just past screen B)?

Hint 6 of 10:
You need to free him first.

Hint 7 of 10:
Those chains are holding him back.

Hint 8 of 10:
You need to unlock them.  Have you been to the next screen?

Hint 9 of 10:
Then you should have picked up the kobald's key.

Hint 10 of 10:
Use it to free the bear-onet.