About this UHS File

How do I write my own UHS file?
Contact Jason Strautman (see the first question for electronic mail
addresses) for more information.  You will also need the most recent
compiler for your computer, and should check to make sure that no one
else is working on a similar file.

What's so special about this file?
I've broken this file into areas of the map.  There is a map of the area
attached to the file; it is in the next section of this file.  Use this map
for figuring out which section your troubles are in.  The Quests section only
provides sketchy information on solving the main quests; you will have to
look in the other sections for more detail.
There may be several ways of solving each puzzle.  I have tried to include
all of the ones that I know about, but there may be more.  If you play a
thief, and give your hero all of the possible skills, you'll have the best
chance of succeeding using this UHS file.
This file does not include information on getting every last point.