How can I open the creaking door

Hint 1 of 13:
You must get though the door.

Hint 2 of 13:
You need to do something about that noise.

Hint 3 of 13:
How do you stop squeaking?

Hint 4 of 13:
You'll need grease.

Hint 5 of 13:
There's some in the bottom of the ship.

Hint 6 of 13:
You'll need the keys to get through that grate, though.

Hint 7 of 13:
Have you gotten keys from LeChuck's cabin?

Hint 8 of 13:
Unlock the grate and go down.

Hint 9 of 13:
Now you need to get past the rats.  What could hurt rats?

Hint 10 of 13:
Maybe something like acid would work.

Hint 11 of 13:
Or would grog do?

Hint 12 of 13:
You have to get it from the sleeping ghost.

Hint 13 of 13:
Now feed the rats the grog.