About this UHS File

What should I know about this file?
Hints are included for all three paths of this game.  After you have
selected a path (hit the "I" key to see which path you are on), you
should watch the questions to make sure that you are getting the hints
you need for your path.
To save space, hints referring to the WITS path are followed by [W].
TEAM hints are marked by [T] and FISTS by [F].  If there are no marks,
the puzzle applies to all three paths.  The locations or puzzles may be
seen in different orders in each path.  For example, Crete is before
the sub in the TEAM path but after the sub in WITS.  Don't worry if the
choices in this file seem to be out of order.

How do I write my own UHS file?
Contact Jason Strautman (see the second question for electronic mail
addresses) for more information.  You will also need the most recent
compiler for your computer, and should check to make sure that no one
else is working on a similar file.