The Roman Catacombs

Hint: How do I get here?

Hint: This Nazi soldier keeps on following me. What should I do?

Hint: How can I get past the pool of water?

Hint: Why can't I get the torch?

Hint: How do I open the grating by the sewage pipe?

Hint: How can I pick up that slab?

Hint: How do I open the door by the three statues?

Hint: How do I work the machine?

Hint: Why can't I swim across the rapids?

Hint: How do I get past the stone bridge?

Hint: Why can't I open the door by the skulls?

Hint: The manhole cover keeps on hitting me in the head! How do I avoid this?

Hint: How do I get out of here?

Hint: I've been through the catacombs. What was the point?