About this UHS File

How do I write my own UHS file?
Contact Jason Strautman (see the first question for electronic mail
addresses) for more information.  You will also need the most recent
compiler for your computer, and should check to make sure that no one
else is working on a similar file.

What's so special about this file?
THE LOST FILES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES is an unusual game, since there aren't the
same precise boundaries as in other games (either a single event that starts
a chain of events or geographical areas that separate the puzzles).  There
are a few relative bottlenecks in the plot to help me to arrange the hints,
and each topic covers the events before such a bottleneck.  If you are not
sure which hints to read, start in the first topic and continue to the next
if that one's no help.  A list of the locations and their corresponding
topics are listed in a question on the main menu.