Hong Kong

Hint: I've killed the sea gull and now I feel guilty. What should I do next?

Hint: How do I get Lomax to talk with me?

Hint: Why doesn't Wu listen to anything I have to say?

Hint: How do I get to see Chi?

Hint: There's this goon who wants to kill me. How do I escape?

Hint: Now that I've found Chi, how do I convince him to join me?

Hint: What should I do when Chi sends me away?

Hint: Should I take what Wu offers me?

Hint: How can I get the locals to sell me opium?

Hint: How do I get Wu to sell me healing herbs?

Hint: How do I escape this boat in the South Pacific?

Hint: How do I stop people from stealing my map?

Hint: How do I get past the immigration official?