Welcome to the Game of Intergalactic Traders. In this game, you are a big-time businessperson, just looking to make a buck. Unfortunately, so is your competition. You compete by starting companies along the intergalactic trade route (The Screen Map) and buying stock in said companies. Yoou have a limited number of turns to achieve your objective. Good luck. To start a company, you must either occupy a space around a star, or occupy space around a previous move (discussed later). You MUST choose where to move next from the ten moves selected for you at random by the computer. If you choose to move to a solo spot (one not around a star or existing company), no company will form, but the space will be available to build on for future turns. Once a company is started, you invest in it (them) by purchasing shares of stock. The value of the stock is controlled by A) how many stars it touches, and B) how much you build on to it. Invest in other players' companies as well. Once the price of a stock reaches maximum, the stock "splits" 2 for 1. That means the price drops in half, but your shares in it double (assuming you have shares in it.) You also make megabucks by "merging" companies. (In the real world, this is known as a "corporate buyout".) Company 1 "merges" with Company 2. The survivor is determined by stock worth of each company + length of its existance. If you play long enough, your money will "scroll" into scientific notation, but don't let that stop you. Attempt to rule the universe at any cost! Your pocketbook depends on it! * * * This version of TRADERS is Freeware, i.e. no charge. If you wish to customize the 10 companies, send a SASE to me with a list of companies to use, a disk preferance (3.5 or 5.25) and $5.00 (U.S.) to cover handling charges, and I will update your copy (Complete with your name, etc.). Let me hear comments on this program. As a software author, I'm very interested in ANY comments/suggestions you may have. You can write to me at: Scott Bourgeois 571 East Wisconsin Avenue, Apartment 8 Pewaukee, WI 53072 U.S.A.