F3COOLIE for FALCON 3.0 version 3.01.1 By: Ken "Stinger" Richardson UID: [70761,301] F3COOLIE is a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program that will work with the ThrustMaster FCS allowing you to program the "Coolie Hat" and Buttons 3 and 4 to any keystroke on the keyboard, (including SHFT/CTRL/ALT keys). You can also program "double-click" funtions to any button or hat position. For example: By default the Hat is programmed to switch between forward, back, right and left views depending on what direction you push it. If you push the Hat up twice, it will switch to Padlock view. To program your FCS, I supplied a small program called COOLKEY.COM. This program will ask you to press which keystroke you want for each Hat position and Button. After you make your keystroke selections, it will write a file named F3COOLIE.CFG. This file must be in the same directory as F3COOLIE.COM when you load it. If F3COOLIE can't find the F3COOLIE.CFG file, it assumes you want to use the defaults. No modification is required to the Falcon program. Simply run the F3COOLIE program, or use LOADHIGH to load it into high memory. The first step is to calibrate your Coolie Hat. Just follow the on-screen instructions, this only takes a few seconds. Next F3COOLIE will check to see if the F3COOLIE.CFG file is available, if so it will program the Hat and Buttons. After F3COOLIE is loaded it will automatically check to see if Falcon is running. If Falcon is running it will automatically "attach" itself. If Falcon is not running, it will simply lay dormant in memory until it senses Falcon. To Uninstall F3COOLIE, just execute the F3COOLIE.COM program a second time. This will remove the TSR from memory. F3COOLIE also has a feature that will allow you to remap your COM3 and COM4 ports to COM1 and COM2 respectively. This will allow people to connect with Falcon, in one of the communications modes, using COM3 or COM4. To enable the COM port remap feature, add the /3 or /4 switch after typing F3COOLIE. For example: Type F3COOLIE /3 to remap COM3 to COM1 or F3COOLIE /4 to remap COM4 to COM2 This utility is not supported by Spectrum Holobyte in any way so if you experience any problems contact me via Compuserve EMail or the MODEMGAMES forum on Compuserve (GO MODEMGAMES). -Enjoy! Stinger File list: F3COOLIE.COM - Padlock TSR itself. This file must be loaded before running Falcon. F3COOLIE.TXT - This file. COOLKEY.COM - The "programming" program.