x ÚÄ¿ ÀÄÙ Deluxe Triple Yahtzee 2.1 for MS-DOS ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÀÄÙ ÚÄ¿ Written by Stefano Antonio De Caro ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ÚÄ¿ ÀÄÙ What's New for 2.1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The "playing another game" scenario has been modified. In previous versions, a player could start a second (third, fourth, etc.) game by clicking on the ROLL button after the current game had ended. The player was first brought back to the setup screen so he or she could sign their name for the next game. Now, DTY just assumes that the same person will be playing another game, and the scorecard signing procedure is completely bypassed. Therefore, if someone else wants to play after you're finished, you'll need to quit to DOS and start DTY from scratch. This version also reflects a "bug fix." The undo feature, which was introduced in 2.0, turned out to be faulty. It was a limited problem that only affected the playing of Yahtzees. It's fixed! Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you like Yahtzee, especially Triple Yahtzee, you're going to love Deluxe Triple Yahtzee (henceforth DTY). I've always enjoyed playing Yahtzee, but I've been disappointed with the various computer versions that are out. The ones written for DOS have never included mouse support - at least the versions I've seen. Trying to select, roll and score dice without a mouse is a son of a bitch. I've played two Windows renditions, and even though the mouse provided quick and simple play, both games were rather bland. So here it is: a computer version of Triple Yahtzee with a host of effects, dialogues, melodies and pretty colors. The "point and click" style of play eliminates the need for keystrokes - not to mention dice, dice tumblers, scoresheets and pencils. System Requirements ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ o MS-DOS v3.3 or higher o 256 KB of available memory o 140 KB of available disk space (see note below) o Microsoft-compatible mouse and mouse driver o EGA or VGA color graphics (CGA is not recommended) Note: The 140 KB disk requirement does not cover saved game files. You'll need additional disk space when saving games. Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DTY may be installed in any directory on your hard drive or floppy disk. Just be certain that all of the following DTY files are together: DTY EXE ... DTY executable program. DTY ICO ... DTY Windows icon. DTY PIF ... DTY Windows Program Information File. HELP PG1 ... Online help screens. HELP PG2 HELP PG3 HELP PG4 HELP PG5 HELP PG6 HELP PG7 HELP PG8 HELP PG9 MAIN IMG ... Game board graphic file. MASTERS IMG ... Masters board graphic file. PLAYER CFG ... Default player name configuration file. README TXT ... This! SCORES DAT ... Top five scores. SETUP IMG ... Pre-game setup graphic file. Once installed, the command to start DTY is simply, "DTY". The Basics ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DTY is an easy-to-play dice game involving both luck and strategy. Because there is no highest possible score in DTY, each game promises to be a unique challenge. If you've never played either of the Yahtzee games, or if you need to brush up on the rules, don't worry. An online reference book summarizing the rules, procedures and scoring is available at any time during a game. Actually playing the game will sharpen your skills quicker than will reading a lengthy discussion of how to play. Just play it and have fun; your skill will improve each time you play. Correcting Play Mistakes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Should you attempt to make a play that would result in zero points, DTY will first seek a confirmation before allowing the play to stand. Other times, you might unwittingly click on the wrong category yet still earn points, even though you had intended to play the dice in a different category (perhaps to earn even more points). In either case, you can "undo" your action by clicking on the [UNDO] button BEFORE you roll the dice for the next turn. Once you roll the dice, your last play is "in the books," so to speak. Saving/Resuming Games ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A game may be saved at any point after the opening roll and before the last available die category has been played. To save a game, click on the [QUIT] button and then click on [YES]. To resume the game, simply start up DTY and enter your name EXACTLY as you did for the game that was saved. Only one game may be saved for each unique player name. Please note that the 140 KB disk requirement does not cover saved game files. You'll need additional disk space when saving games. Miscellaneous ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DTY is not copyrighted or shareware. If it was, I would probably be sued by the original publishers of Yahtzee and Triple Yahtzee. DTY is released as a FREE, complete program to the public domain. All I ask is that when YOU share it, you distribute ALL of the files so that the next person who receives it isn't disappointed. DTY was written in QuickBASIC 4.50. I would like to thank Terry Venn for his "Mouse Library for QuickBASIC and Visual Basic for MS-DOS" (MLIB v2.2). It was because of his shareware mouse library that I was able to include mouse support in DTY. Thanks for your programming work, Terry! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄEnd of DocumentÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ