PCF:dB;120,Donation letter for wealthy members MAPLE HILLS ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1071 Davis Avenue Seattle, WA 98123 (206) 654-LION . .GROUP . . . . ., . . .EGROUP Dear . . .REFORMAT Since you became a member of the Maple Hills Zoological Society in ., we have seen tremendous improvements in the zoo habitats. Over the last five years, in particular, we have constructed a large natural habitat for our four elephants and improved the design and layout of the pheasant aviary. .ENDREFORMAT .REFORMAT We deeply appreciate your contributions over the years. Your recent contribution of $.<(@Member_no,Donation,Member_num,Amount)> was a needed boost to last year's construction budget. It has helped make the zoo one of the country's best. .ENDREFORMAT .REFORMAT However, your help is needed once again. We are currently planning a five-acre .BOLDRocky Mountain.NORMAL habitat for mountain lions and black bears. The estimated cost of this new zoo area is $3 million. .ENDREFORMAT .REFORMAT Your contribution of $. would greatly help us get a start on our campaign to raise this money. And you can have your bank wire the money to our Rocky Mountain habitat account directly. Details are enclosed. .ENDREFORMAT Yours truly, Phelis Concolor, Membership Chair