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                           SOUND & VISION




 Please support Shareware and register for SOUND & VISION for CLIPPER
 if you like what you've seen and tested. This gives us the chance to
 enhance the Library with more functions.

 Fill out the following order form and send/fax it to SOFTSOL in Germany.
 You have different choices to pay:

 1. use your credit card (VISA and MasterCard accepted)

 2. make a bank-wire to our bank in Germany (money order)

 3. send us an EuroCheque (no other cheques accepted, sorry)

 4. If you happen to live in Germany, contact us for other methods

 5. If you happen to live in Hamburg, drop in for a coffee and pay cash <g>

 As soon as we receive the registration fee, you'll be able to download
 a BRAND.COM, which registers the Library. We can send you this BRAND.COM
 via CompuServe, Fido or you can download it from our BBS.

 If you want to receive the latest version on disk, you'll have to pay
 an extra US $ 20 for shipping & handling.

 The registration of course removes the 'annoying screen' that appears,
 when you start your programm and it will also include the SetPref()-
 Function. Afterwards you can use and link functions of SOUND & VISION
 freely in your Clipper Applications, no runtime fees.

 This is our full adress:

 SOFTSOL GmbH      Tel.:+49-40-7661290
 Neue Str.35a      Fax :+49-40-7665664
 21073 Hamburg     BBS :+49-40-7665527  (3 Ports ring down 19200 Baud)
 Germany           BBS :+49-40-76611121 (ISDN Port)
                   CIS : 100112,3401

 We hope you'll find SOUND & VISION a valuable Tool to speed up
 and enhance your programms. Please do not hesitate to call us
 if you got any questions or comments. Your input does count and
 will influence coming versions of the Library !

 Happy Clippin',

                    .max bressel


 Neue Str.35a
 21073 Hamburg

 I hereby order:

 ___Version(s) SOUND & VISION for CLIPPER . US $ 99   US $        ___

 shipping & handling (Disk will be send)    US $ 20   US $        ___
                                                      US $        ___

 company   :___________________________________________

 name      :___________________________________________

 street    :___________________________________________

 state/ZIP :___________________________________________

 country   :___________________________________________

 phone     :___________________________________________

 fax       :___________________________________________

 CIS       :___________________________________________

            ---------------      ----------------------
             date                 signature

 Credit Card

 +---+            +---+
 |   | VISA       |   | MasterCard
 +---+            +---+

 card number      :_______________________

 expiry           :__/__

 name on the card :_______________________

 You did not discover the benefits of a credit card yet ? :

 Please make a bank wire of the above amount
 ( should be at least US $ 99 ) to our bank in Germany:


 bank            : Deutsche Bank AG

 bank routing no.: 200 700 00

 our account no. : 9311226

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson