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                     Sound & Vision for Clipper

              Version  1.2   Release / July 20th, 1993

                    Copyright (c) Tom Groeger

                       Exclusive Distribution

                          SOFTSOL GmbH
                         Neue Stra.e 35a
                         D-21073 HAMBURG

                 Tel:+49-40-7661290  Ordering
                 Tel:+49-40-7665764  Support
                 Fax:+49-40-7665664  Telefax
                 BBS:+49-40-7665527  ring down 3 lines

                     CompuServe : 100112,3401

              | Registration v1.2: US $  99 + shipping |
           Support and 3 free Updates also via SOFTSOL's BBS:

           Line 1:+49-40-7665527  USRobotics DS 16.8
           Line 2:+49-40-7665528  Zyxel 1496E+  19.2
           Line 3:+49-40-7665529  Zyxel 1496E+  19.2
           Line 4:+49-40-76611121 ISDN          64k


  This Library was written to be linked into Clipper-Applications
  and to give them a special touch.

  Besides BarMen() and PopMenu() all functions are completely
  written in assembly language. GetSys.prg and ErrorSys.prg are
  written in Clipper also, as you might know <g>.

  Why assembly ?

  Well, in first place you gain speed!
  All Video-Ouputs are 'time-critical'...because the user watches...
  The Crc32 function for example, would, if written in pure Clipper
  take several minutes (hours ?).

  A graphical mouse cursor, the VGA-routines, Fonts and the SoundBlaster-
  functions can't be done with Clipper alone at all.

  And who wants to read a screen and pack it with Clipper ?

  Clipper programms always blow up, the smallest .EXE you can
  create is a 150K big. So, why not use small and fast assembly
  written functions ?

  'Side-effects' are no longer a problem with assembly.
  The ASM-Function is a real 'black-box' which is not harmed by
  Clipper's VMM, SymbolTable, Overlay-Managers or anything else !
  This is why AlertBox, for example, can easily be implemented
  in ErrorSys.

  The Minimum-CPU you/your clients need to have is an 80286.
  Please make sure to call IsCpu() at startup time of your
  programm and quit if it's running on an XT !

  If you are still working with an 8088/8086 CPU I advise you to buy
  at least an 80386, they're real cheap these days, you can get
  one for just a few bucks <g>.

  Get your ass into the 90's, buddy ! <bg>

  I've written Demo.prg to show you most of SOUND&VISION's functions
  as well as 'how to do it'.
  Please have a close look at the source, it shows more than a good
  manual with over 100 pages !
  VgaMen() for example shows you, how to get Clipper going with a
  mouse easily...

  Demo.prg will be enhanced continuously, up to now, you may find
  one or the other function only as a 'dummy'.

  If you've written some nice source using SOUND&VISION,
  I'll be happy to include it in the demo.

  If, in any case, you need to contact us, please call Max Bressel
  at SOFTSOL in Germany (see numbers above). Max will have an open
  ear for your needs <g>.

  I am releasing all functions in Demo.prg to the public, please use
  them freely.

  Happy Clippin' and thanks for taking the time to have a look at

                   SOUND & VISION for CLIPPER

                   Tom Groeger  (author)
                   Max Bressel  (publisher, translator)

                   Thanks to
                   Ralph Brilla for real good beta testing and
                   a whole bunch of new ideas!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson