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   CDPlay ( nTrackNr ) -> NIL

   Yeah, it's Party time ... with this function you can start playing
   Audio-CDs with your Soundblaster CD-Drive. You don't have one ?
   Hurry up, it's big fun ( and surely the future's media )

   This is a very BETA-Routine, just finished the first part before
   the Deadline. At the moment you can only play Tracks from Audio-CDs,
   no other features. You need a Soundblaster CD-ROM-Kit (SB-PRO)
   and MSCDEX Version 2.21 or higher ( get yourself 2.22, LoadHigh and
   XMS support [ MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 /E /V /M:15 /l:E ] that will
   give you a lot of valuable memory !)

   The CD-Stuff will be enhanced in the the very near future, so :

              Register now for a free update !


       nTrackNr   Number of Audio Track to play (from 0-99)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson