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   FM_INSTR( nVoice, aInstrument ) -> lError

   FM_Instr() defines one of 9 Voices, that's what SB/Adlib has..

   The typical sound of an instrument is being created by the
   SoundBlaster-Card from 11 Bytes. 5 for the Carrier, 5 for the
   Modulator and 1 for the co-operation of both.


        // Now, this is the piano-array :
        aPiano  := { 1, 17, 77, 0, 241, 210, 96, 123, 00, 00, 08 }

        // We set Voice 1 to 3, and then
        FM_Instr (1, aPiano)
        FM_Instr (2, aPiano )
        FM_Instr (3, aPiano )

        // push some keys
        FM_KeyOn (1, 2, 2)
        FM_KeyOn (2, 6, 2)
        FM_KeyOn (3, 5, 2)

        // now listen to it
        FM_Delay (18)

        // turn it off
        FM_KeyOff ( 1 )
        FM_KeyOff ( 2 )
        FM_KeyOff ( 3 )

   Great, hu ?   Well, I guess some <g> of you are not quite familiar with
   this and don't know what's going on at all, but some thing's gotta be
   kept secret until you register, right ?

See Also: Programming the FM-Operators
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