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   PLAYVOC ( cVocName ) -> lError

   This is the actual playing function for .VOC-Files. The file is
   being opened, the card is initialized and the sound data is
   transferred via DMA-channel.

   After calling PlaVoc() you can still use your application freely,
   the music is played in 'background' mode...

   SbInit() must be called before you can use PlayVoc()

   Make sure to call PlayStop() before leaving your application,
   otherwise the next interrupt will hang your computer.


        cVocName   name of the .VOC-File ( Path and drive allowed )


        TRUE  is returned when everything's fine...
        FALSE is returned for example, when you don't have a
              SoundBlaster or the .VOC-File does not exist

              DOS FileErrors (like File not found) will be
              displayed in an AlertBox !


             PlayVoc ('hal.voc')

See Also: PlayStop
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson