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 Class TIniFile                   Introduction
 Object Creation

 TIniFile()                       Object not inicialized
 Exported Instance Variables

 aLines                           Text lines of the INI File            ASSIG
 cSection                         [cSection]      from last Set or Get
 cEntry, cValue                   cEntry = cValue   "   "    "      "
 nFoundAt                         cEntry is located at nFoundAt line
 nSections                        Number of sections in a INI File
 Exported Methods

 Use( cIniFileName )                     Uses a INI File          CONSTRUCTOR
 Set( cSection, cEntry, cValue )         Set  a INI value
 cGet( cSection, cEntry [, cDefault ] )  Get  a INI value
 Save()                                  Save the INI file to disk
 Use()                                   End using the INI file

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