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   (c) 1.993 RUNsoft
   Written by Antonio Linares & Juan Miguel Sosso

   Specially thanks to Mr. Octopus -Francisco Pulp.n-

   Soon, more Classes coming...

         TGraph()   Object Oriented Bussines graphics for Clipper
         TText()    Full featured Word processing with color sintax
                    highlighting, functions review 'a la Visual Objects',
                    no limit size, and more...

   !!! HOT !!! HOT !!! HOT !!! HOT !!!

   We have just discovered how to use the UNDOCUMENTED CLIPPER WINDOWING
   SYSTEM, the one wich is used at the debugger. We are just working on
   TWindow Class wich automatically controls Clipper Windowing System.

   Everybody has access to this espectacular Windowing system, but nobody
   knows how... in a few days. Stay tuned!

   It is absolutelly incredible, and it is 100 % Clipper compatible.

   !!! HOT !!! HOT !!! HOT !!! HOT !!!

   No external OOPS libraries, just pure OOPS/C/Clipper code!

   Button.obj has been coded using Borland C++ 3.1
   __Button.obj has been coded using CA-Clipper 5.1

   Electronic adresses:

   Antonio Linares, 2:345/201.20@fidonet.org
   Juan Miguel Sosso, 2:345/201.8@fidonet.org

   and CIS 100114,1776

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