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 Attach to file server
       fn_attchFS( <cFileServerName> ) -> lSuccess

      <cFileServerName> is the file server to attach to


      A logical indicating whether this workstation successfully attached
      to the designated file server.


      This function allows the workstation to attach to a designated file
      server.  A workstation may be attached to up to 8 file servers.  To
      use this function, the workstation must already be attached to at
      least one file server.

      Check fn_Error() upon return for any information regarding why
      an attempt to attach failed.  Also, if you attempted to attach to
      a server to which you were already attached, fn_attchFS() will return
      TRUE, indicating that you are still attached, however will set the
      error value returned by fn_Error() to EALREADY_ATTACHED.

      Please note that fn_attchFS() simply attaches you to a file server.
      To log in to that server, you must make it the preferred server,
      then login with a name and password.


      IF !fn_attchFS( "SALES" )          // attach to server
         <... unable to attach ...>

         aFSNameTable := fn_FSName()     // get list of attached servers
                                         //  to find ConnectionID

         nConnID := ASCAN( aFSNameTable, {|e| e == "SALES" })

         fn_SPFCID( nConnID )            // set preferred server
                                         //  and log in to it

         fn_loginFS( "SLARSEN", OT_USER, "dork" )



 Author: Steve Larsen

See Also: fn_detchFS() fn_connID() fn_connINF() fn_loginFS() fn_SPFCID() fn_FSName()
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