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Some print functions return an array of capture flags.  By including
NETTO.CH in your applications, you can use some pre-defined constants
that correspond to various array elements, which are as follows:

  Name             Type  Element (number and define)
                         CAPTURE Syntax

  Status Flag         N   1   CF_STATUSFLAG 

    Indicates if a capture is enabled (a value of 0) or disabled (any
    other value). Used internally and should always be set to 0.
  Print Flags         A   2   CF_PRINTFLAGS

    An array of four Logical values controlling different aspects of the
    print job.
  Print Release        L   1   CF_PRINTRELEASE
                          JOBRELEASE / NOJOBRELEASE 

    Set to TRUE (.t.) to tell the print service to release the print job
    for printing if the capture is interrupted by a loss of connection
    time to the server. This allows a partially finished job to still be
    printed if there is a problem with the workstation.

    Suppress Form Feed  L    2  CF_SUPPRESSFORMFEED
                            FORMFEED / NOFORMFEED

      Set to TRUE (.t.) to suppress the automatic form feed after the
      print job has been printed.

    Convert Control     L    3  CF_INTERPRETCTRLSEQ
                            TABS / NOTABS
      Converts all TABS and other control characters before printing.
      TABS are converted to Spaces. Tab size is controlled by CF_TABSIZE

    Print Banner        L    4  CF_PRINTBANNER     
                            BANNER / NOBANNER
     Set to TRUE (.t.) to print a banner before the print job.

  Tab Size            N   3  CF_TABSIZE
                         SETTABS <nTabs>
    Determines how many spaces for each tab place. Valid range is 1-18.
    Default is 8. Tab conversion to spaces is only performed if

  Server Printer      N   4  CF_SERVERPRINTER      
                         SERVERPRINTER <nPrinter>
    The number of the printer to which the print job will be sent. Valid
    range is 0-4. Default is 0. Under Netware 2.0a, this is the physical
    printer number. Under Netware 2.1x and above, this value controls
    which spooler controls the print job.

  Number of Copies    N   5  CF_NUMBERCOPIES       
                         COPIES <nCopies>

    Controls the number of copies of the job printed. Range is 0-255.
    Default is 1. To print to a file, set this value to 0 (eg don't print
    anything to a printer).

  Form Type           N   6  CF_FORMTYPE           
                         FORMTYPE <nCopies>

    Controls which form type to use for the job. Range is 0-255. Default is
    0. If the form type requested is not in the requested printer,
    Netware will wait for a "MOUNT FORM x" instruction from the console.
    Remember to instruct Supervisors and Users on how to change forms if
    you implement this flag.

  Reserved                7  CF_RESERVEDFLAG1
    This flag is reserved for future Netware versions.

  Banner Text         C   8  CF_BANNERTEXT         
                         BANNERTEXT <cBanner>
    A 14 byte string indicating the name appearing on the bottom half of a
    banner page. All letters should be uppercase. If all characters are
    nuls the capture file name appears on banner page. This is the

  Reserved                9  CF_RESERVEDFLAG2      
    This flag is reserved for future Netware versions.

  Local LPT Device    N  10  CF_LOCALLPTDEVICE     
    Specifies the LPT device to print to. 1=Lpt1, 2=Lpt2, 3=Lpt3

  Flush Capture T/out N  11  CF_FLUSHCAPTIMEOUT    
                         TIMEOUT <nTime>
    The Flush Capture Timeout flag determines the number of ticks (1/18
    second) should pass before the print job is automatically closed and
    flushed. If this occurs, another print job is opened awaiting more
    data. Range is 0 to 65535

  Flush/Device Close  L  12  CF_FLUSHCAPONDEVCLOSE 
                         FLUSHDEVICE / NOFLUSHDEVICE
    Set the Flush on Device Close flag to TRUE (.t.) to automatically flush
    and close the print job when an application closes the LPT device it is
    printing to. Default is FALSE (.f.)
  Maximum Lines       N  13  CF_MAXLINES           
                         MAXLINES <nLines>

    Determines the maximum lines per page. Range is 0-65535. Default is 66.
  Maximum Characters  N  14  CF_MAXCHARS
                         MAXCHARS <nChars>

    Maximum Characters per Line. Range is 0-65535. Default is 132.
  Form Name           C  15  CF_FORMNAME           
                         FORMNAME <cForm>

    Contains the name of the form to be mounted on the printer. It is not
    used by the server (which only uses the Form Type, CF_FORMTYPE), and is
    provided for reference.

The following flags cannot be changed.

  LPT Capture         L  16  CF_LPTCAPTUREFLAG     
    Indicates if capture to a specified LPT is active. Contains TRUE (.t.)
    if the capture is active.
  File Capture        L  17  CF_FILECAPTUREFLAG    
    TRUE (.t.) when a capture filename has been specified. Printing will
    be redirected to a file instead of a printer.

  Timing Out          L  18  CF_TIMINGOUTFLAG      
    TRUE (.t.) if a timeout has been specified with the Flush Capture
    Timeout flag (CF_FLUSHCAPTIMEOUT). FALSE (.f.) when no timeout count is
  Printer Buffer Adrs N  19  CF_PRTRSETBUFFERADD   
    The Printer Setup Buffer Address. This flag contains a long pointer to
    a buffer that contains the printer setup string. This string is written
    to the printer (or capture file) at the start of the job. The size of
    the buffer can be modified in the SHELL.CFG file, and is stored as the
    first word of the buffer. The buffer (not the flag) can be modified.
  Printer Reset Adrs  N  20  CF_PRTRESETBUFFADD    
    The Printer Reset Buffer Address. This flag contains a long pointer to
    a buffer that contains the printer reset string. This string is written
    to the printer (or capture file) at the end of the job. The size of
    the buffer can be modified in the SHELL.CFG file, and is stored as the
    first word of the buffer. The buffer (not the flag) can be modified.
  Conn ID Queue       N  21  CF_CONIDQUEPRTJOB     
    Contains the Connection ID of the Server receiving the print job.
    Values range from 1 to 8.

  Capture In Progress L  22  CF_CAPTUREINPROG        

    The Capture in Progress Flag is set (TRUE, .t.) when the first
    character is sent to the specified LPT device. The flag is cleared
    (FALSE, .f.) when the capture is ended, cancelled or flushed.

  Print Queue         L  23  CF_PRINTQUEUEFLAG       

    The Print Queue Flag is set (.t.) when the print queue job entry is
    placed into the print queue. It is cleared when the job is ended or

  Print Job Valid     L  24  CF_PRINTJOBVALID        

    The Print Job Valid Flag is set (.t.) when the capture file is open
    to receive characters. It is cleared (.f.) when the capture is ended,
    cancelled or flushed.

  Print Queue ID      N  25  CF_PRINTQUEUEID         

    This flag contains the Bindery object ID of the print queue on the
    target server. Only valid when CF_PRINTQUEUEFLAG is set.

  Print Job Number    N  26  CF_PRINTJOBNUMBER       

    Contains a Print Job Number that the Queue Management System assigns to
    print job entries. This value may be modified (by console operators)
    through the QMS functions.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson