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 FN_CLFISET()     Clear file set
 FN_CLLRSET()     Clear logical record set
 FN_CLRFILE()     Clear file (ASCIIZ)
 FN_CLRLR()       Clear logical record
 FN_GETLMOD()     Get lock mode
 FN_LKFISET()     Lock file set
 FN_LKLRSET()     Lock logical record set
 FN_LOGFILE()     Log file (ASCIIZ)
 FN_LOGLR()       Log logical record
 FN_RELFILE()     Release file (ASCIIZ)
 FN_RELFISE()     Release file set
 FN_RELLR()       Release logical record
 FN_RELLRSE()     Release logical record set
 FN_SEMCLOS()     Close a semaphore
 FN_SEMEX()       Examine a semaphore's value and open count
 FN_SEMOPEN()     Open or create a semaphore
 FN_SEMSIG()      Signal a semaphore (increment)
 FN_SEMWAIT()     Wait on a semaphore (decrement)
 FN_SETLMOD()     Set lock mode

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson