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 Close file and start queue job
      fn_stQJob( nQueueID, nJob, nHandle ) ->lSuccess

     <nQueueID> is the bindery object ID of the queue
                You can get this from fn_gbndoid().
     <nJob>     is the job number.  This can be found in the
                job structure array returned from fn_crqjbfi().
                (Create queue job and file).  If you're using
                netto.ch, you can refer to this as QJ_JOB_NUMBER,
                e.g., aJobStruct[ QJ_JOB_NUMBER ]
     <nHandle>  is the file handle returned from fn_crQJbFi()


     <lSuccess>, .t. if the call is successful.  If it isn't, check
     fn_error() for:

          150    =  Server out of memory
          208    =  Queue error
          209    =  No queue
          211    =  No queue rights
          213    =  No queue job
          214    =  No job rights
          254    =  Server bindery locked
          255    =  Bindery failure


     When a station is finished with the queue job, it should
     issue this call to let QMS know the job is ready to be
     serviced by a queue server.  The station that created the
     job is the only station that can close and start it.



 Author: Glenn Scott

See Also: fn_gbndoid() fn_crqjbfi()
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