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 Read queue current status
      fn_rdQSta( nQueueID ) -> aStatStruct

    <nQueueID> is the bindery object ID for the queue


    <aStatStruct>, an array structured as follows:

       Index                        Contents
       -----     ---------------------------------------------

         1         Queue ID  (numeric) - the bindery object ID
                   of the Queue
         2         Job Add? (logical) - If false, the operator
                   has indicated no new jobs should be added to
                   the queue
         3         Server attach? (logical) - If false, the
                   operator has indicated no additional job
                   servers should attach to the queue
         4         Service jobs? (logical) - If false, the
                   operator has indicated no jobs should be
                   serviced in the queue (like a hold).
         5         NumJobs (numeric) - the number of jobs
                   currently in the queue
         6         NumServers (numeric) - the number of servers
                   currently attached that can service the queue
         7         Server ID List (array) - an array of
                   bindery object IDs (numerics) of the servers
                   currently attached that can service the queue
         8         Sever Station List (array) - an array of
                   station IDs (numerics) of the servers currently
                   attached that can service the queue
         9         MaxServers (numeric) -




 Author: Glenn Scott

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