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 Set Capture Print Queue
      fn_sCapPQ(<nDevice>,<nPserver>,<nQueue>) -> NIL

     <nDevice> 1, 2, 3 for LPT1,LPT2,LPT3

     <nPserver> the connection ID for the file server that will be
               handling the print request

     <nQueue>  the Print Queue ID from the bindery




     This function targets the next print capture to a specified
     print queue.


     This function requires the follwing steps to be done in sequence.
     1. any current capture must be ended so that the
            LPTCAPTUREFLAG is set to FALSE,
     2. the preferred server must be set to the server that
            will be handling the printing
     3. the Queue name must be converted to a bindery ID
     4. call this function to set the Queue
     5. Start the capture

     See the following example function:

  LOCAL nPort := 1                             && LPT1
  LOCAL nServerID := FN_DefCid()               && Get server number
  LOCAL nQueue
  LOCAL cQueue := "PRINTQ_0"

  FN_Esplptc(nPort)                            && End Lpt Capture
  FN_SPFCID(nServerID)                         && Set preferred server
  nQueue := FN_gBndOID(cQueue, OT_PRINT_QUEUE) && Get Queue ID number
  FN_ScapPQ( nPort, nServerID, nQueue)         && Go Set the Queue
  FN_sspLPTC(nPort)                                 && Start the capture


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

See Also: FN_PrintQ()
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