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 Get Status of Specified File Server Printer
      aFlags := fn_gPtrSta(nPtrNum)

     <nPtrNum> is the File Server Printer Number you are requesting the
               status of.


      <aFlags> is an array containing four elements as follows:

         aFlags[1] : Printer Halted flag (logical)
         aFlags[2] : Printer Offline flag (logical)
         aFlags[3] : Form Type (0-255)
         aFlags[4] : Target Printer Number (0-4)

     If the call was successful (printer number exists) the flags will be
     set accordingly, otherwise an empty array is returned.


  This function returns the status of the specified file server printer.
  The information returned in the reply packet holds the following

    Printer Halted:   indicates that the printer was stopped from the
                      print console (logical)
    Printer Offline:  indicates whether the specified printer off- or
                      on- line (logical)
    Form Type:        indicates which of the 256 forms is in use
    Target Printer:   indicates the printer number. This will only
                      be different from the specified printer if the
                      printer has been re-routed by the network.

   Author's note:  This documentation was written by Chris Shortt.


      function main()

         local   aResult:={}
         aResult := fn_gPtrSta(0)
      return NIL


 Author: Glenn Scott

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