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 MHS Send Mail Services

      These MHS Services provide functions for _sending_ email
      messages with attached files from within your Clipper
      application. For example, mails can be maintenance infos or automatic
      report files.
      Mails can be sent to multiple recipients and with multiple
      attached files with one function call.
      MHS tables can be read to find known users and hosts.

      To use these functions "NetWare MHS" version 1.5 or higher or
      "NetWare Global Messaging" (NGM) must be installed in your network
      The reciever may use every version of MHS or NGM and needs an
      email application such as daVinci EMail, daVinci Coordinator or
      Pegasus Mail.

      The DOS variable MV points to the MHS directory structure and has
      been set properly if one of the above products is installed.
      Personal or network versions of NetWare MHS are detected.

      All the modem and routing stuff will be done by MHS! The only
      thing we are really doing is writing our files with the right
      structure into the MHS directories under %MV%\MHS.

      Please inform your email administator that you are testing because
      he will receive all undelivarable mail and error messages.

      Receiving MHS mail in an application is a much more complicated
      problem because the application
      needs!!! tto be registration with MHS and a lot
      of error checking is necessary.
      Program to program communcation can be done with semaphores,
      IPX/SPX sockets or broadcasting.


 Author: Norbert Sommer

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