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 Send MHS Message to multiple recipients with attachments
      FN_MhsSndM( <aTo>, <cFrom>, <cSubject>, <cMessage> ;
                  [,<aFiles>] [,<aCC>] [,<nSMFVer>] )    ;
                => nErrorCode
     <aTo>      is the list of addressees containing complete
                addresses User[.App] @ Host|Workgroup|Gateway .
                Max Length = 64 elements

     <cFrom>    Sender of the message. Complete address necessary.

     <cSubject> Short subject of the message.
                Maximum Length 64 Bytes.

     <cMessage> Long message to be sent. Max Length = 64 KB

     <aFiles>   List of files to be sent as attachments to the
                message. Give complete path. Max Length 64 ele-
                ments. If nSMFVer is set to 64, only one attach-
                ment is possible.

     <aCC>      List of addressees to get a copy of the message.
                Complete address necessary. Max Length = 63 ele-
                ments. The sum of elements of aTo and aCC may
                not exceed 64.

     <nSMFVer>  is the SMF-Version of the message format.
                Allowed are 64 (MHS 1.1), 70 (MHS 1.5) and
                71 (MHS 2.0, NGM).
                Default is 70, normally there is no need to change this.
                ESUCCESS        0   ok
                EMHS_PARAM     -1   parameter error
                EMHS_MV        -2   MV variable not found
                EMHS_MAILSND   -3   directory mhs\mail\snd not found
                EMHS_CREATE    -4   file creating error
                EMHS_SEND      -5   error sending message
                EMHS_LIST      -6   list too long

     Sends a message to multiple recipients using Novell MHS,
     which must be installed. Files can be attached.

     // This will send a message from user NSommer to
        UZyka in the Hannover office, 2 files are attached:

     nErrorCode:= FN_MHSSndM({"UZyka@dcs-ha"}, "NSommer@dcs-sg",  ;
                        "Reports Oct and Nov", "MessageBody",     ;
                          {"c:\rep\oct92.dbf", "c:\pict\nov92.pcx"} )

     // if a mhs-fax gateway is installed with extended addressing:

     nErrorcode:= FN_MHSSndM({"fax@fax {fax:299-399-499}"},       ;
                         "NSommer@dcs-sg", "TestFax", cLongMessage )

 Header File: netto.CH


 Author: Norbert Sommer

See Also: fn_MhsHost() fn_MhsUser()
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