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 Get default File Server Information
       fn_GetFSI() -> aFS_Info



      An array of 17 elements containing the information about
      the default File Server.

        aFS_Info[1]   contains the File Server Name.
        aFS_Info[2]   contains the Netware Major version number.
        aFS_Info[3]   contains the Netware Minor version number.
        aFS_Info[4]   contains the Max connections supported by server.
        aFS_Info[5]   contains the connections currently in use.
        aFS_Info[6]   contains the Max connected volumes.
        aFS_Info[7]   contains the OS Revision Number.
        aFS_Info[8]   contains the SFT Level.
        aFS_Info[9]   contains the TTS Level.
        aFS_Info[10]  contains the Peak connections used.
        aFS_Info[11]  contains the Accounting Version.
        aFS_Info[12]  contains the VAP Version.
        aFS_Info[13]  contains the Queuing Version.
        aFS_Info[14]  contains the Print Server Version.
        aFS_Info[15]  contains the Virtual Console Version.
        aFS_Info[16]  contains the Security Restrictions Level.
        aFS_Info[17]  contains the Internetwork Bridge Version.

      Returns an empty array if not logged in.


      This function implements the File Server API call GET FILE SERVER
      INFORMATION.  Returns an array of 17 items of information.


      qout( "File Server Name is: " + fn_GetFSI()[1] )


 Author: Rodgers Moore

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